• Title/Summary/Keyword: landuse prediction

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A Study on the Prediction Land Use Change by Using the Interpolation of GIS -Focusing on the Scene of HAKONE National Park in Japan- (GIS의 補間(Interpolation)을 이용한 토지이용변동예측에 관한 연구 - 일본 箱根국립공원을 중심으로)

  • 서주환;이시영;김상범;윤재남
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.70-81
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    • 1999
  • The methods of landuse change detection have been used with the algorithm of GIS (Geographic Information System). It is used for the Environmental Planning. Ultimately, it is useful to establish environment management system in landscape architecture. As one of environmental elements, the landuse is repeatedly being changed by the interaction of natural and social environments. In addition, the landuse change shows a tendency to certain characteristic. However, the data of analysis environment system are too broad to access the practical use. Therefore, the possibility of using the method of GIS has been increasing. This study is to make the prediction model by using the interpolation of GRASS version 4.1.5 and to consider about a tendency for each element in landuse change of HAKONE national park. The results of study explain as below : 1. The natural forest and the meadow have a larger tendency of decrease. 2. The area of golf club and facility land has not been changed and the some other areas have been changed to the commercial forest. 3. However, because of the natural forest preservation plan since 1970, the destruction shows comprehensively a tendency of decrease.

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A Prediction of Forest Vegetation based on Land Cover Change in 2090 (토지피복 변화를 반영한 미래의 산림식생 분포 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Kun;Kim, Jae-Uk;Park, Chan
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2010
  • Korea's researchers have recently studied the prediction of forest change, but they have not considered landuse/cover change compared to distribution of forest vegetation. The purpose of our study is to predict forest vegetation based on landuse/cover change on the Korean Peninsula in the 2090's. The methods of this study were Multi-layer perceptrom neural network for Landuse/cover (water, urban, barren, wetland, grass, forest, agriculture) change and Multinomial Logit Model for distribution prediction for forest vegetation (Pinus densiflora, Quercus Spp., Alpine Plants, Evergreen Broad-Leaved Plants). The classification accuracy of landuse/cover change on the Korean Peninsula was 71.3%. Urban areas expanded with large cities as the central, but forest and agriculture area contracted by 6%. The distribution model of forest vegetation has 63.6% prediction accuracy. Pinus densiflora and evergreen broad-leaved plants increased but Quercus Spp. and alpine plants decreased from the model. Finally, the results of forest vegetation based on landuse/cover change increased Pinus densiflora to 38.9% and evergreen broad-leaved plants to 70% when it is compared to the current climate. But Quercus Spp. decreased 10.2% and alpine plants disappeared almost completely for most of the Korean Peninsula. These results were difficult to make a distinction between the increase of Pinus densiflora and the decrease of Quercus Spp. because of they both inhabit a similar environment on the Korean Peninsula.

Development of lumped model to analyze the hydrological effects landuse change (토지이용 변화에 따른 수문 특성의 변화를 추적하기 위한 Lumped모형의 개발)

  • Son, Ill
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.233-252
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    • 1994
  • One of major advantages of Lumped model is its ability to simulate extended flows. A further advantage is that it requires only conventional, readily available hydrological data (rainfall, evaporation and runoff). These two advantages commend the use of this type of model for the analysis of the hydrological effects of landuse change. Experimental Catchment(K11) of Kimakia site in Kenga experienced three phases of landuse change for sixteen and half years. The Institute of Hydrology offered the hydrological data from the catchment for this research. On basis of Blackie's(l972) 9-parameter model, a new model(R1131) was reorganized in consideration of the following aspects to reflect the hydrological characteristics of the catchment: 1) The evapotranspiration necessary for the landuse hydrology, 2) high permeable soils, 3) small catchment, 4) input option for initial soil moisture deficit, and 5) othel modules for water budget analysis. The new model is constructed as a 11-parameter, 3-storage, 1-input option model. Using a number of initial conditions, the model was optimized to the data of three landuse phases. The model efficiencies were 96.78%, 97.20%, 94.62% and the errors of total flow were -1.78%, -3.36%, -5.32%. The bias of the optimized models were tested by several techniques, The extended flows were simulated in the prediction mode using the optimized model and the data set of the whole series of experimental periods. They are used to analyse the change of daily high and low-flow caused by landuse change. The relative water use ratio of the clearing and seedling phase was 60.21%, but that of the next two phases were 81.23% and 83.78% respectively. The annual peak flows of second and third phase at a 1.5-year return period were decreased by 31.3% and 31.2% compared to that of the first phase. The annual peak flow at a 50-year return period in the second phase was an increase of only 4.8%, and that in the third phase was an increase of 12.9%. The annual minimum flow at a 1.5-year return period was decreased by 34.2% in the second phase, and 34.3% in the third phase. The changes in the annual minimum flows were decreased for the larger return periods; a 20.2% decrease in the second phase and 20.9% decrease in the third phase at a 50-year return period. From the results above, two aspects could be concluded. Firstly, the flow regime in Catchment K11 was changed due to the landuse conversion from the clearing and seedling phade to the intermediate stage of pine plantation. But, The flow regime was little affected after the pine trees reached a certain height. Secondly, the effects of the pine plantation on the daily high- and low-flow were reduced with the increase in flood size and the severity of drought.

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Atmospheric Environment Prediction to Consider SST and Vegetation Effect in Coastal Urban Region (해수면온도와 식생효과를 고려한 연안도시지역의 대기환경예측)

  • Ji, Hyo-Eun;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Won, Gyeong-Mee
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.375-388
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    • 2009
  • Numerical simulation is essential to indicate the flow of the atmosphere in the region with a complicated topography which consists of many mountains in the inland while it is neighboring the seashore. Such complicated topography produces land and sea breeze as the mesoscale phenomenon of meteorology which results from the effect of the sea and inland. In the mesoscale simulation examines, the change of the temperature in relation to the one of the sea surface for the boundary condition and, in the inland, the interaction between the atmosphere and land surface reflecting the characteristic of the land surface. This research developed and simulated PNULSM to reflect both the SST and vegetation effect as a bottom boundary for detailed meteorological numerical simulation in coastal urban area. The result from four experiments performed according to this protocol revealed the change of temperature field and wind field depending on each effect. Therefore, the lower level of establishment of bottom boundary suitable for the characteristic of the region is necessary to figure out the atmospheric flow more precisely, and if the characteristic of the surface is improved to more realistic conditions, it will facilitate the simulation of regional environment.

Estimation of Surface Wind Speed on the Strong Wind Damage by Typhoon (태풍으로 인한 강풍 피해 추정을 위한 지상풍 산정 연구(Ⅰ))

  • Park, Jong-Kil;Jung, Woo-Sik;Choi, Hyo-Jin
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02a
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    • pp.85-88
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    • 2008
  • Damage from typhoon disaster can be mitigated by grasping and dealing with the damage promptly for the regions in typhoon track. What is this work, a technique to analyzed dangerousness of typhoon should be presupposed. This study estimated 10m level wind speed using 700hPa wind by typhoon, referring to GPS dropwindsonde study of Franklin(2003). For 700hPa wind, 30km resolution data of Regional Data Assimilation Prediction System(RDAPS) were used. For roughness length in estimating wind of 10m level, landuse data of USGS are employed. For 10m level wind speed of Typhoon Rusa in 2002, we sampled AWS point of $7.4\sim30km$ distant from typhoon center and compare them with observational data. The results show that the 10m level wind speed is the estimation of maximum wind speed which can appear in surface by typhoon and it cannot be compared with general hourly observational data. Wind load on domestic buildings relies on probability distributions of extreme wind speed. Hence, calculated 10m level wind speed is useful for estimating the damage structure from typhoon.

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Estimation of Soil Loss into Sap-Gyo Reservoir Watershed using GIS and RUSLE (GIS와 RUSLE 기법을 이용한 삽교호유역의 토사 유실량 산정)

  • Kim, Man-Sik;Jung, Seung-Kwon
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2002
  • Prediction of exact soil loss yield has as important engineering meaning as prediction of exact flow measurement in a stream. The quantity of soil loss in a stream should be considered in planning and management of water resources and water quality such as design and maintenace of hydraulic structures : dams, weirs and seawalls, channel improvement, channel stabilization, flood control, design and operation of reservoirs and design of harbors. In this study, the soil loss of Sap-gyo reservoir watershed is simulated and estimated by RUSLE model which is generally used in the estimation of soil loss. The parameters of RUSLE model are selected and estimated using slope map, landuse map and soil map by GIS. These parameters are applied to RUSLE's estimating program. And soil loss under probability rainfall in different frequencies are estimated by recent 30 years of rainfall data of Sap-gyo reservoir watershed.

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The Study on the Strong Wind Damage Prediction for Estimation Surface Wind Speed of Typhoon Season(I) (태풍시기의 강풍피해 예측을 위한 지상풍 산정에 관한 연구(I))

  • Park, Jong-Kil;Jung, Woo-Sik;Choi, Hyo-Jin
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.195-201
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    • 2008
  • Damage from typhoon disaster can be mitigated by grasping and dealing with the damage promptly for the regions in typhoon track. What is this work, a technique to analyzed dangerousness of typhoon should be presupposed. This study estimated 10 m level wind speed using 700 hPa wind by typhoon, referring to GPS dropwindsonde study of Franklin(2003). For 700 hPa wind, 30 km resolution data of Regional Data Assimilation Prediction System(RDAPS) were used. For roughness length in estimating wind of 10 m level, landuse data of USGS are employed. For 10 m level wind speed of Typhoon Rusa in 2002, we sampled AWS site of $7.4{\sim}30km$ distant from typhoon center and compare them with observational data. The results show that the 10 m level wind speed is the estimation of maximum wind speed which can appear in surface by typhoon and it cannot be compared with general hourly observational data. Wind load on domestic buildings relies on probability distributions of extreme wind speed. Hence, calculated 10 m level wind speed is useful for estimating the damage structure from typhoon.

Mapping Landslide Susceptibility Based on Spatial Prediction Modeling Approach and Quality Assessment (공간예측모형에 기반한 산사태 취약성 지도 작성과 품질 평가)

  • Al, Mamun;Park, Hyun-Su;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the quality of landslide susceptibility in a landslide-prone area (Jinbu-myeon, Gangwon-do, South Korea) by spatial prediction modeling approach and compare the results obtained. For this goal, a landslide inventory map was prepared mainly based on past historical information and aerial photographs analysis (Daum Map, 2008), as well as some field observation. Altogether, 550 landslides were counted at the whole study area. Among them, 182 landslides are debris flow and each group of landslides was constructed in the inventory map separately. Then, the landslide inventory was randomly selected through Excel; 50% landslide was used for model analysis and the remaining 50% was used for validation purpose. Total 12 contributing factors, such as slope, aspect, curvature, topographic wetness index (TWI), elevation, forest type, forest timber diameter, forest crown density, geology, landuse, soil depth, and soil drainage were used in the analysis. Moreover, to find out the co-relation between landslide causative factors and incidents landslide, pixels were divided into several classes and frequency ratio for individual class was extracted. Eventually, six landslide susceptibility maps were constructed using the Bayesian Predictive Discriminant (BPD), Empirical Likelihood Ratio (ELR), and Linear Regression Method (LRM) models based on different category dada. Finally, in the cross validation process, landslide susceptibility map was plotted with a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and calculated the area under the curve (AUC) and tried to extract success rate curve. The result showed that Bayesian, likelihood and linear models were of 85.52%, 85.23%, and 83.49% accuracy respectively for total data. Subsequently, in the category of debris flow landslide, results are little better compare with total data and its contained 86.33%, 85.53% and 84.17% accuracy. It means all three models were reasonable methods for landslide susceptibility analysis. The models have proved to produce reliable predictions for regional spatial planning or land-use planning.


  • Shim, Kyu-Cheoul;Shim, Soon-Bo;Lee, Yo-Sang
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2002
  • There has been continuous efforts to manage water resources for the required water quality criterion at river channel in Korea. However, we could obtain the partial improvement only for the point sources such as, waste waters from urban and factory site through the water quality management. Therefore, it is strongly needed that the best management practice throughout the river basin fur water quality management including non-point sources pollutant loads. This problem should be resolved by recognizing the non-point sources pollutant loads from the upstream river basin to the outlet of the basin depends on the landuse and soil type characteristics of the river basin using the computer simulation by a distributed model based on the detailed investigation and application of Geographic Information System (GIS). The purpose of this study is consisted of the three major distributions, which are the investigation of spread non-point sources pollutants throughout the river basin, development of the base maps to represent and interpret the input and outputs of the distributed simulation model, and prediction of non-point sources pollutant loads at the outlet of a up-stream river basin using Agricultural Non-Point Sources Model (AGNPS). For the validation purpose, the Seom-Jin River basin was selected with two flood events in 1998. The results of this application showed that the use of combined a distributed model and an application of GIS was very effective fur the best water resources and quality management practice throughout the river basin

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  • HoWoongShon
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.267-285
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    • 2001
  • This study has tried to develop the modified DRASTIC Model by supplying the parameters,such as structural lineament density and landuse, into conventional DRASTIC medal, and to predict the potential of groundwater contamination using GIS in Whanam 2 Area, Gyeonggi Province, Korea. Since the aquifers in Korea is generally through the joints of rock-mass in hydrogeological environment, lineament denisity affects to the behavior of goundwater and contaminated plumes directly, and land-use reflect the effect of point or non-point source of contamination indirectly. For the statistical analysis, lattice layers of each parameter were generated, and then level of confidence was assessed by analyzing each correlation coefficient. Composite contamination map was achieved as a final result by comparing modified DRASTIC potential and the amount of generation load of several contaminant sources logically. The result could suggest the predictability of the area of contamination potrntial in the respects of hydrogeological aspect and water quality.

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