• Title/Summary/Keyword: land classification

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Analysis on the Changes in Abandoned Paddy Wetlands as a Carbon Absorption Sources and Topographic Hydrological Environment (탄소흡수원으로서의 묵논습지 변화와 지형수문 환경 분석)

  • Miok, Park;Sungwon, Hong;Bonhak, Koo
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 2023
  • The study aims to provide an academic basis for the preservation and restoration of abandoned paddy wetland and the enhancement of its carbon accumulation function. First, the temporal change of the wetlands was analysed, and a typological classification system for wetlands was attempted with the goal of carbon reduction. The types of wetland were classified based on three variables: hydrological environment, vegetation, and carbon accumulation, with a special attention on the function of carbon accumulation. The types of abandoned paddy wetlands were classified into 12 categories based on hydrologic variables- either high or low levels of water inflow potential-, vegetation variables with either dominance of aquatic plants or terrestrial plants, and three carbon accumulation variables including organic matter production, soil organic carbon accumulation, and decomposition. It was found that the development period of abandoned paddy analyzed with aerial photographs provided by the National Geographic Information Institute happened between 2010 and 2015. In the case of the wetland in Daejeon 1 (DJMN01) farming stopped by 1990 and it appeared to be a similar structure to natural wetlands after 2010 . Over the past 40 years the abandoned paddy wetland changed to a high proportion of forests and agricultural lands. As time went by, such forests and agricultural lands tended to decrease rapidly and the lands were covered by artificial grass and other types of forests.

A Study on Analysis of Defect Types and Measures for Reduction of Tile Construction for Apartment Houses (공동주택 타일공사의 하자 유형 분석 및 저감 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun Jung;Eom, Yong Been;Jeong, U Jin;Kim, Dae Young
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Building Construction
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.701-712
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    • 2021
  • As the domestic housing supply problem has been resolved, the apartment construction market has shifted to a consumer-oriented market that wants high quality, and in particular, expectations in the area of finishing quality have increased. Looking at the status of complaints regarding apartment housing defects supplied by Korea Land and Housing Corporation, tile-related complaints are the type occurring the most frequently. While the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport(MOLIT) is making an ongoing effort to reduce complaints related to defects, through approaches such as drafting amendments to 「Investigation of defects in apartment houses, calculation of repair costs, and standards for determining defects」, the provision of preventive measures has been insufficient. In addition, by reviewing studies, there has been insufficient research to construct a classification system after deriving the characteristics of each type using the qualitative knowledge of experts, various quantitative indicators, and suggesting measures for reduction according to the causes of each type. Therefore, this study will reflect qualitative indicators to use the AHP analysis that makes it easy to identify the relationship between defects by surveying construction experts. Then, by visualizing the weight of 'Possibility of recurrence after repair,' 'Degree of difficulty in repairing defects' and 'Fault frequency' using a radial graph, we will analyze the characteristics of each type of tile construction defect and establish measures for reduction according to the cause. This will improve the quality of the living environment and contribute to the establishment of a system for smooth defect management and reduction of defects in apartment tile construction.

The Holocene tidal sedimentary changes in Mosan Bay Estuary, Korea (홀로세 충남 모산만 하구역내 간석지의 퇴적과정)

  • Shin, Young Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2011
  • Geomorphic changes and sedimentary changes are investigated by sediment analysis from estuarine tidal flat, Mosan Bay Estuary, which is a tide-dominated and rias estuary. Sediments separatedly deposited during the early Holocene and the late Holocene. There are unconformities between the early Holocene sediment unit and the late Holocene sediment unit. Developments of these unconformities were related with fluctuated sea level change during the mid Holocene. Three deposit zones are spatially classified, which are named "intermittent tide channel deposit zone"(A1, B1, D3), "flood-dominated deposit zone"(A3, B3, C1, C3), and "fluvial sediment deposit zone"(A2, B2). This classification is explained by three main effects; laterally restricted migration of a tidal channel, diffract flood effect and settling lag effect, and fluvial induced reworking. These effects are deserved as main factors which have formed estuarine geomorphology in tidedominated and rias estuary. This study suggests research directions in reconstructing estuarine geomorphic and sedimentary change in west coast of Korea. Furthermore, it gives useful data for making a "land-ocean interaction" model for west coast of Korea.

CaO Optimal Classification Conditions for the Use of Waste Concrete Fine Powder as a Substitute for Limestone in Clinker Raw Materials (폐콘크리트 미분말을 클링커 원료의 석회석 대체재로 사용하기 위한 CaO 최적 분급 조건)

  • Ha-Seog Kim;Sang-Chul Shin
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to reduce CO2 generated during the manufacturing process by using limestone (CaCO3), a carbonate mineral used in the production of cement clinker, as a decarbonated raw material that does not contain CO2. Among various industrial by-products, we attempted to use cement paste attached to waste concrete. In general, limestone for cement must have a CaCO3 content of at least 80% (CaO, 44% or more) to ensure the quality of cement clinker. However, the CaO content of waste concrete fine powder is about 20% on average, so in order to use it as a cement clinker raw material, the CaO content must be increased to more than 35%. Therefore, by using the difference in hardness of the mineral composition of waste concrete fine powder to selectively crush CaO type minerals with relatively low hardness, classify and sieve, the CaO content can be increased by more than 35%. Accordingly, in this study, we experimentally and statistically reviewed and analyzed the optimal conditions for efficiently separating CaO and SiO2 and other components by selectively pulverizing minerals containing relatively low CaO through a grinding process. As a result of the optimal grinding conditions experiment, it was found that the optimal conditions were a grinding time of less than 5 minutes, a type of material to be crushed of 30 mm, and an amount of material to be crushed of 1.0 or more. However, it is judged that it is necessary to review pulverized materials of mixed particle sizes rather than pulverized products of single particle size.

A study on automated soil moisture monitoring methods for the Korean peninsula based on Google Earth Engine (Google Earth Engine 기반의 한반도 토양수분 모니터링 자동화 기법 연구)

  • Jang, Wonjin;Chung, Jeehun;Lee, Yonggwan;Kim, Jinuk;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.57 no.9
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    • pp.615-626
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    • 2024
  • To accurately and efficiently monitor soil moisture (SM) across South Korea, this study developed a SM estimation model that integrates the cloud computing platform Google Earth Engine (GEE) and Automated Machine Learning (AutoML). Various spatial information was utilized based on Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) and the global precipitation observation satellite GPM (Global Precipitation Measurement) to test optimal input data combinations. The results indicated that GPM-based accumulated dry-days, 5-day antecedent average precipitation, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), the sum of LST (Land Surface Temperature) acquired during nighttime and daytime, soil properties (sand and clay content, bulk density), terrain data (elevation and slope), and seasonal classification had high feature importance. After setting the objective function (Determination of coefficient, R2 ; Root Mean Square Error, RMSE; Mean Absolute Percent Error, MAPE) using AutoML for the combination of the aforementioned data, a comparative evaluation of machine learning techniques was conducted. The results revealed that tree-based models exhibited high performance, with Random Forest demonstrating the best performance (R2 : 0.72, RMSE: 2.70 vol%, MAPE: 0.14).

Thre Traditional Perception and Viewpoint to Natural Environment in the Orient (동양의 전통적 환경인식과 환경관)

  • 오홍석
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 1992
  • In the orient, ancestor's perception to natural environment was related on the change of climate. Man had been a essence of the warm blood animal, which had suited in mild climate for living and acting. The weather of hot or cold was not only comfort in human life but influences negatively on human behavior. The most people of oriental was particularly interrelated to seasonal change of climate in earlier time. Because, there are elements such as temperature, humidity and wind in the category of climate, these elements differentiated seasonal change. The main methods of perception of natural environment were observed and classified. Although these methods were in the primitive stage, these coincided the tendency of modern science. For example, confucian was recognized the law of vertical air current that warm air rised and cold air sinked. And they could classify all elements nature based on the principles of 'Yin and Yang(陰陽論)' such as male and female, the sun and moon. shade and light etc. Thus results of the observation and the classification concerned with physical environment can be utilize a wisdom for progressive life of inhabitants. It was a origin of the education in natural environment. Commonness in the viewpoint of environment in the orient if recognized the law of circulation. Buddhism, originated in india, realized that all of phenomena in the world was changed slowly through the principles of cycle(輪廻說) such as male and female, the sun and moon, shade and light etc. Thus results of the observation and the classification concerned with physical environment can be utilized a wisdom for progressive life of inhabitants. It was a origin of the education in natural environment. Commonness in the viewpoint of environment in the orient if recognized the law of circulation. Buddhism, originated in India, realized that all of phenomena in the world was changed slowly through the principles of cycle(輪廻說). For example, whole of land is shifted from young stage to old stage as the life cycle of humanbeing. The theory of karma effects(葉報設) is so signify with the good result that good one's action is reap a sweet fruit. The most environmental problem in today must realized as a consequence of men's act. Then Taoism emphasized the pure nature without the artificiality. Because complexual environment was composed of several elements, It was maintained through the artificiality. Because complexual environment was composed of several elements, It was maintained through the interaction of cause and effects. The solution of environmental problem is maintenanced the harmony between cause and effects by a philosophical concept.

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Use Impact Assessment and Management System on the Forest Recreation Site from an Ecological Perspective - Recreation Opportunity Spectrum as a Tool of Forest Recreation Site Planning and Management - (생태학적(生態學的) 접근(接近)을 통한 삼림휴양지(森林休養地)의 이용영향평가(利用影響評價) 및 관리체계(管理體系) -삼림휴양지(森林休養地) 계획(計劃) 및 관리도구(管理道具)로서의 레크리에이션 기회분포역분석(機會分布域分析) 기법(技法))

  • Park, Bong Woo;Haas, Glenn E.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.81 no.4
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    • pp.372-382
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    • 1992
  • Recreation planning is essential activity to meet changing demands and to protect the resources. The recreation opportunity specturm(ROS) system is a principal part of a recreational management planning. In this study, the basic concepts and tenets of the ROS system described and reviewed the feasibility of applying to forest recreation planning to the Korean national forest. In Korea, the forest land as a major recreation place has used without the rational planning process. The control for the laissez-faire use on the forest area, the classification of recreational opportunity settings is the most important process and then it make a useful tool for providing proper recreational opportunity and site development guidance. Opportunity settings classification can help maintain diversity and enhance protection of forest resources. It can also improve the quality of recreational experiences and the management action guidances. GIS technology using the ARC/INFO could be useful in current attempts to identify analysis areas for predictive modeling of forest recreation site planning.

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Interministerial GHS Activities and Implementation in Korea

  • Yu, Il-Je
    • Proceedings of the Korean Environmental Health Society Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.240-248
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    • 2005
  • To implement a globally harmonized system of classification and labeling of chemicals (GHS) in Korea, an interminsterial GHS working group involving 6 ministries established an expert working group composed of 7 experts from relevant organizations and one private consultant to prepare an officialKorean GHS version by March, 2005. As such, the translation and review of the official Korean GHS version, including annexes, started in October, 2004 and was completed on March 15, 2005. The official Korean GHS version has now been posted on the websites of the relevant ministries and organizations to solicit public opinions. The official Korean GHS version will be finalized after a public hearing scheduled forMay, 2005. Collaborative efforts as regards implementing and disseminating the GHS in Korea will be continued to avoid any confusion or duplication and for effective use of resources. The globally harmonized system of classifying and labeling chemicals (GHS) was originally adopted in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), as subsequently reflected in Agenda 21 chapter 19. The work was coordinated and managed under the auspices of the Interorganization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals(IOMC) Coordinating Group for the Harmonization of Chemical Classification Systems (UNCEGHS). The technical focal points for completing the work were the International Labour Organization (ILO); Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); and United Nations Economic and Social Council's Subcommittee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (UNSCETDG). The work was finalized in October 2002, and the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg on 4 September 2002 encouraged countries to implement the new GHS as soon as possible with a view to having the system fully operational by 2008 (UN, 2003). Implementation has already started with pilot countries introducing the system to their national practices in different regions of the world. The GHS text, called the purple book, becameavailable as a W publication in early 2003. The GHS text, called the purple book, becameavailable as a UN publication in early 2003. The GHS system will be kept dynamic, and regularly revised and made more efficient as experience is gained in its implementation. While national or regional governments are the primary audiences for this document, it also contains sufficient context and guidance for those in industry who will ultimately be implementing the national requirements that will be introduced (UN, 2003). The Japanese government published their official Japanese GHS version, the first in Asia, in April 2004 after starting work in January 2003 based on an interministerial chemical coordination committee involving 7 ministries, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, and Ministry of Environment (MOE, 2004). Accordingly, similar to the Japanese GHS efforts, this paper presents the interministerial efforts involved in publishing the official Korean GHS version.

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A Study on the Development of the System for the Road Occupation Permit Information Management (도로점용허가 정보관리를 위한 도로점용시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Jin;Kim, Byung-Kon;Jeong, Seong-Yun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.6495-6503
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    • 2013
  • This paper presents a study on the development of a web-based system for the road occupation permit information management. For the development of this system, the survey of information system related to a road occupation permit, an analysis of road occupation business process, the definition of the road occupation permit data, the development of the system, and the application of the system to the work-related to road occupation permit were conducted consecutively. In an analysis of the road occupation business process, the statutes, such as the road act were investigated, work examples of the road management agent were reviewed, and a survey targeting staff and citizens was carried out. The information classification code to represent the attributes of the data was developed to manage the information in each road occupation permit process, and the metadata was defined considering the hierarchy relationship of the information. The road occupation and access system was developed based on the information classification code and metadata to reflect the user requirements. The System was applied to the Regional Construction and Management Administration and Branch Office belonging to the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Affairs. By replacing the business process based on paper documents to the business process based on the information system, it is expected that the service of the civil petition be upgraded and the business process of the road occupation permit be reformed.


  • Siripong, Absornsuda
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.2
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    • pp.827-830
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    • 2006
  • The tsunami from the megathrust earthquake magnitude 9.3 on 26 December 2004 is the largest tsunami the world has known in over forty years. This tsunami destructively attacked 13 countries around Indian Ocean with at least 230,000 fatalities, displaced people 2,089,883 and 1.5 million people who lost their livelihoods. The ratio of women and children killed to men is 3 to 1. The total damage costs US$ 10.73 billion and rebuilding costs US$ 10.375 billion. The tsunami's death toll could have been drastically reduced, if the warning was disseminated quickly and effectively to the coastal dwellers along the Indian Ocean rim. With a warning system in Indian Ocean similar to that operating in the Pacific Ocean since 1965, it would have been possible to warn, evacuate and save countless lives. The best tribute we can pay to all who perished or suffered in this disaster is to heed its powerful lessons. UNESCO/IOC have put their tremendous effort on better disaster preparedness, functional early warning systems and realistic arrangements to cope with tsunami disaster. They organized ICG/IOTWS (Indian Ocean Tsunami Warning System) and the third of this meeting is held in Bali, Indonesia during $31^{st}$ July to $4^{th}$ August 2006. A US$ 53 million interim warning system using tidal gauges and undersea sensors is nearing completion in the Indian Ocean with the assistance from IOC. The tsunami warning depends strictly on an early detection of a tsunami (wave) perturbation in the ocean itself. It does not and cannot depend on seismological information alone. In the case of 26 December 2004 tsunami when the NOAA/PMEL DART (Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunami) system has not been deployed, the initialized input of sea surface perturbation for the MOST (Method Of Splitting Tsunami) model was from the tsunamigenic-earthquake source model. It is the first time that the satellite altimeters can detect the signal of tsunami wave in the Bay of Bengal and was used to validate the output from the MOST model in the deep ocean. In the case of Thailand, the inundation part of the MOST model was run from Sumatra 2004 for inundation mapping purposes. The medium and high resolution satellite data were used to assess the degree of the damage from Indian Ocean tsunami of 2004 with NDVI classification at 6 provinces on the Andaman seacoast of Thailand. With the tide-gauge station data, run-up surveys, bathymetry and coastal topography data and land-use classification from satellite imageries, we can use these information for coastal zone management on evacuation plan and construction code.

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