• Title/Summary/Keyword: korean national highway

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Identification of Free-Living Amoebas in Tap Water of Buildings with Storage Tanks in Korea

  • Lee, Da-In;Park, Sung Hee;Baek, Jong Hwan;Yoon, Jee Won;Jin, Soo Im;Han, Kwang Eon;Yu, Hak Sun
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.191-194
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    • 2020
  • Free-living amoebas (FLAs) can cause severe disease in humans and animals when they become infected. However, there are no accurate survey reports on the prevalence of FLAs in Korea. In this study, we collected 163 tap water samples from buildings, apartments, and restrooms of highway service areas in 7 Korean provinces with high population density. All these buildings and facilities have water storage tanks in common. The survey was separated into categories of buildings, apartments, and highway service areas. Five hundred milliliters of tap water from each building was collected and filtered with 0.2 ㎛ pore filter paper. The filters were incubated in agar plates with heated E. coli at 25℃. After axenization, genomic DNA was collected from each FLA, and species classification was performed using partial 18S-rDNA PCR-sequencing analysis. We found that 12.9% of tap water from buildings with storage tanks in Korea was contaminated with FLAs. The highway service areas had the highest contamination rate at 33.3%. All of the FLAs, except one, were genetically similar to Vermamoeba vermiformis (Hartmannella vermiformis). The remaining FLA (KFA21) was very similar to Acanthamoeba lugdunensis (KA/E26). Although cases of human infection by V. vermiformis are very rare, we must pay attention to the fact that one-third of tap water supplies in highway service areas have been contaminated.

Predicting Dynamic Behaviors of Highway Runoff using A One-dimensional Kinematic Wave Model (일차원 kinematic wave 모형을 이용한 고속도로 강우 유출수의 동적 거동 예측)

  • Kang, Joo-Hyon;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.38-45
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    • 2007
  • A one-dimensional kinematic wave model was used to calculate temporal and spatial changes of the highway runoff. Infiltration into pavement was considered using Darcy's law, as a function of flow depth and pavement hydraulic conductivity ($K_p$). The model equation was calculated using the method of characteristics (MOC), which provided stable solutions for the model equation. 22 storm events monitored in a highway runoff monitoring site in west Los Angeles in the U.S. were used for the model calculation and evaluation. Using three different values of $K_p$ ($5{\times}10^{-6}$, $10^{-5}$, and $2{\times}10^{-5}cm/sec$), total runoff volume and peak flow rate were calculated and then compared with the measured data for each storm event. According to the calculation results, $10^{-5}cm/sec$ was considered a site representative value of $K_p$. The study suggested a one-dimensional method to predict hydrodynamic behavior of highway runoff, which is required for the water quality prediction.

Distribution and Characteristics of Native and Exotic Plants on Cut Slopes and Rest Areas along Korean Highway Lines

  • Kim, Kee-Dae
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.549-559
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    • 2007
  • Vegetation surveys were performed at 45 plots along 10 highways cut slopes in South Korea. Total floral inventory, species richness and exotic plant percentage were obtained within each plot. Life history and life form of each species appeared were analyzed. Community types were classified using hierarchical cluster analysis and detrended correspondence analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling were conducted from vegetation matrix. 292 species of vascular plants were discovered and the number of natives and exotics were 226 and 66, respectively. There were no significant differences of species richness and exotic plant percentage between cut slopes and rest areas. Hierarchical cluster analysis indicated five clear vegetation associations in cut slopes and rest areas. Detrended correspondence analysis indicated that species composition of total and native plants were similar along the highway cut slopes whereas exotic plants were distributed differentially along the highway cut slopes. in non-metric multidimensional scaling, the studied sites were more separated from each other on the basis of their species composition than the results of detrended correspondence analysis with respect to total, native and exotic plants. The both ordination represented that exotic plants have not been made uniform yet on cut slopes and rest areas by highway corridor in spite of diverse chronosequences after highway construction termination (1 to 22 years). This study showed that the distribution of species composition in exotic plants was different and localized on cut slopes and rest areas of highway in this representative peninsula area of North East Asia and the invasion of exotic plants can retard the process of plant species homogenization.

Impact of Highway Construction on the Regional Economy: Gangil-Chuncheon Highway (고속도로 건설이 지역경제에 미치는 기여도 분석연구: 강일~춘천 고속도로)

  • Na, Sung-Yong;Lee, Du-Heon;Kim, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.25 no.6_3
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    • pp.1183-1190
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    • 2022
  • Recently, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance announced a plan to reduce the proportion of economic evaluation in non-metropolitan areas and strengthen balanced development evaluation through the reorganization of the preliminary feasibility study system. In addition, the social value of the quality of life, such as job, environment, and safety, which may be affected by the implementation of transportation facility investment projects, was reflected as the main item of policy evaluation. In this study, the ripple effect of the project in terms of social value was reviewed for the Gangil-Chuncheon. The effect of highway opening was investigated by reviewing the feasibility report, post-evaluation report, and statistical indicators. Recently, the Gangil-Chuncheon highway is getting used by around 110,000 people per day. The number of tourists in Chuncheon rapidly has increased from 5 million a year to more than 11 million now. In addition, it was confirmed to produce effects such as population migration, net inflow and land price increase, improvement of living convenience, and expansion of emergency medical care. Although this ripple effect was influenced by various socio-economic factors as well as the opening of the highway, it is clear that it is difficult to occur without the opening of the highway. It is judged that the evaluation of indirect benefits and social values due to the opening of the highway can be quantified through continuous research and data construction. Post-evaluation of construction works, including project efficiency evaluation and ripple effect evaluation, is performed for construction works with a construction cost of more than 50 billion won. In the future, we will continuously improve the evaluation system in order to evaluate the indirect benefits and social values of public investment projects.

Comparison of Vehicle Carbon Emissions in Expressway and National Highway (고속도로와 국도에서 차량 당 탄소가스 배출량 비교 - 경부 고속도로와 1번국도의 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Yoon-Seok;Oh, Heung-Un
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.177-184
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    • 2011
  • There are several differences between freeways and general national roads in terms of structures, conditions and limited speeds. Likewise, the characteristics of $CO_2$ emission in these roads differ depending on the road types. For these reasons, it is necessary to compare the two types of roads in terms of $CO_2$ emissions. The study was performed targeting Gyeongbu Expressway and National Highway 1. Firstly, the amount of $CO_2$ emission each car was compared in the whole sections of the both. Secondly, top 10 sections were picked out, and then $CO_2$ emission each section were compared. Lastly, two sections which were with the highest and lowest amount of $CO_2$ emission per car, were compared. As results, it were found that there were less amount of $CO_2$ emission on freeways. because cars are running on uniform velocity at relatively high speed, and that there were more amount of $CO_2$ emission on the national highway. because of frequent intersections and associated congestion. It may be concluded that the amount of $CO_2$ emission at the national highway could be reduced if signal coordination and intersection intervals are improved there.

Quantification of Turbulence Characteristics on the Concentration Distributions of Traffic-related Pollutants Near Roadways (도로변 난류특성과 교통량에 따른 차량유발 난류강도 정량화: 도로변 풍상/풍하 측에서의 3차원 풍속 동시 측정에 기반)

  • Yongmi Park;Subin Han;HanGyeol Song;Seung-Bok Lee;Kyung-Hwan Kwak;Changhyuk Kim;Wonsik Choi
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.343-354
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    • 2023
  • Turbulence produced on roadways is one of the major factors determining the dilution rates at the initial stage of traffic emissions of air pollutants and, thus, the distribution of air pollutants near the roadways. Field experiments were conducted on Gyeongbu Highway, one of the busiest highways in Korea, for 4~7 days in winter, spring, and summer. Two three-dimensional ultrasonic anemometers were installed on both sides of the highway to estimate turbulence intensities (vertical wind fluctuation and kinetic turbulence energy) induced by the roadway. Roadway-induced turbulence consists of three components: structural road-induced turbulence (S-RIT), thermal road-induced turbulence (T-RIT), and vehicle-induced turbulence (VIT). The contribution of T-RIT to the total RIT was insignificant (less than 10%), and the majority of RIT was S-RIT (by the highway embankment) and VIT. In this study, we propose the empirical relationships of VIT as a function of traffic density and wind speed under free-flow traffic conditions. Although this empirical relationship appears to underestimate the VIT, it can be applied to the air quality models easily because the relationship is simple and only needs readily obtainable input variables (wind speed and traffic information).

The Study on an Automated Generation Method of Road Drawings using Road Survey Vehicle (도로교통안전점검차량을 이용한 도로의 자동도면화 생성 연구)

  • Lee, Jun Seok;Yun, Duk Geun;Park, Jae Hong
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2014
  • PURPOSES : This study is to develop a automate road mapping system using ARASEO(Automated Road Analysis and Safety Evaluation TOol) for road management. METHODS : The road survey van named ARASEO(Automated Road Analysis and Safety Evaluation TOol) was used to generate highway drawings for Korea National Road number 37 automatically. In order to generate the highway drawings for purpose of road management, it is required to acquired the information for highway alignment, road width and road facilities such as safety barrier and road sign. Therefore the survey van acquired and analyzed the road width, median and guardrail data using rear side laser sensor of ARASEO and recognized the traffic control sign and chevron sign using foreside camera images. Also the highway alignment which is the basic information for highway drawing can be analyzed by acquisition the every 1m positional and attitude data using GPU and IMU sensor and developed algorithm. Finally, in this research the CAD based drawing software was developed to draw highway drawing using the analysis result from ARASEO. RESULTS : This study showed the comparison result of the surveyed road width and drawing data. To make the drawing of the road, we made the Autocad ARX program witch run in CAD menu interface. CONCLUSIONS : Using this program we can create the road center line, every 500m horizontal and vertical ground plan drawing automatically.

A Comparative Study on Statistical Clustering Methods and Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps for Highway Characteristic Classification of National Highway (일반국도 도로특성분류를 위한 통계적 군집분석과 Kohonen Self-Organizing Maps의 비교연구)

  • Cho, Jun Han;Kim, Seong Ho
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.3D
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    • pp.347-356
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    • 2009
  • This paper is described clustering analysis of traffic characteristics-based highway classification in order to deviate from methodologies of existing highway functional classification. This research focuses on comparing the clustering techniques performance based on the total within-group errors and deriving the optimal number of cluster. This research analyzed statistical clustering method (Hierarchical Ward's minimum-variance method, Nonhierarchical K-means method) and Kohonen self-organizing maps clustering method for highway characteristic classification. The outcomes of cluster techniques compared for the number of samples and traffic characteristics from subsets derived by the optimal number of cluster. As a comprehensive result, the k-means method is superior result to other methods less than 12. For a cluster of more than 20, Kohonen self-organizing maps is the best result in the cluster method. The main contribution of this research is expected to use important the basic road attribution information that produced the highway characteristic classification.

Impact Conditions of Performance Evaluation, and Development of High-Performance Roadside Barrier for Longitudinal Barriers in Smart Highway (스마트하이웨이 종방향 베리어 성능평가 충돌조건과 고성능 노측용 베리어 개발)

  • Kim, Dong-Seong;Kim, Kee-Dong;Ko, Man-Gi;Jang, Dae-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.59-67
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    • 2011
  • To minimize the degree of damage in the SMART highway's punctuality and safety occurred from the car-barrier collisions, the impact conditions for longitudinal barriers in SMART highway was determined to be significantly larger than the existing maximum impact conditions. Results from computer simulation runs show that the existing domestic highest-performance roadside barrier did not satisfy the suggested impact conditions. The newly developed N-class barrier designed with computer simulation model and verified by full-scale crash tests has satisfied the SMART highway impact conditions in terms of occupant safety indexes and structural adequacy.

Determination of EMCs and Comparison with Sampled Concentrations in Paved Areas (포장지역에서의 강우사상별 EMC 산정 및 단순 샘플농도와의 비교)

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Ko, Seok-Oh;Kang, Hee-Man;Lee, Joo-Kwang;Lee, Byung-Sik;Lim, Kyeong-Ho;Kim, Lee-Hyung
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.104-109
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    • 2006
  • TPLMS programs in four large rivers have been developed to improve the water quality from possible pollutants originated from watershed areas. The success of TPLMS program is depended on nonpoint source control. Currently, the pollutant loading from nonpoint pollution sources is gradually increasing as developing the nearby watershed. However, there are not enough data concerning on nonpoint pollution in Korea because of lacking of monitoring activities. It is the main reason of uncertainty. Therefore, this manuscript will summarize the EMCs in various landuses based on monitoring program. Also the EMC in each paved area will be compared and discussed to find the differences. When the EMC is compared by average monitored sample concentrations, the EMC values are 2-4 times higher than sample concentrations. It means the monitoring program is very important in the field of nonpoint pollution. The pollutant loadings from bridge landuse is higher than loadings from parking lot and highway because of more traffic activities.