• Title/Summary/Keyword: isoparametric function

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The Orthotropic Plate Analysis of Stiffened Plataes with Open Ribs (개단면 리브를 갖는 보강판의 직교이방성 판 해석)

  • Chu, Seok Beom;Kim, Chang Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.701-710
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    • 2002
  • An analysis program using orthotropic plate elements was developed to simplify the analysis of plates stiffened with open ribs and the orthotropic behavior of stiffened plates and the application of this program were evaluated using the sensitivity analysis and the parametric study. The inertial moment ratio, i.e., the ratio of the inertial moment of the rib to that of the plate was defined and the orthotropic behavior of stiffened plates corresponding to the inertial moment ratio was proved by the sensitivity analysis. To evaluate the application of this program, the parametric study for various types of stiffened plates was performed and then the maximum displacement of this study was compared to that of ABAQUS using isoparametric plate elements. The Results of this study agreed well with that of ABAQUS at the particular inertial moment ratio, that is proposed to the limit ratio of the orthotropic plate analysis and the correlative function between the error ratio and the inertial moment ratio was obtained. Therefore, the orthotropic plate analysis of stiffened plates with open ribs could have safe results over the limit ratio and also have good results simply by using the correlative function of this study.

Geometrically nonlinear analysis of FG doubly-curved and hyperbolical shells via laminated by new element

  • Rezaiee-Pajand, M.;Masoodi, Amir R.;Arabi, E.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.389-401
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    • 2018
  • An isoparametric six-node triangular element is utilized for geometrically nonlinear analysis of functionally graded (FG) shells. To overcome the shear and membrane locking, the element is improved by using strain interpolation functions. The Total Lagrangian formulation is employed to include the large displacements and rotations. Finding the nonlinear behavior of FG shells via laminated modeling is also the goal. A power function is employed to formulate the variation of elastic modulus through the thickness of shells. The results are presented in two ways, including the general FGM formulation and the laminated modeling. The equilibrium path is obtained by using the Generalized Displacement Control Method. Some popular benchmarks, including hyperbolical shell structures are solved to declare the correctness and accuracy of proposed formulations.

Evaluation of J-integrals by Finite Element Model Based on EDI Method (EDI방법에 의한 유한요소모델의 J-적분값 산정)

  • 신성진;홍종현;우광성
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.62-69
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    • 1996
  • In this study, an equivalent domain integral (EDI) method is presented to estimate the track-till integral parameter, J-value, for two dimensional cracked elastic bodies which may quantify the severity of the crack-tit) stress fields. The conventional J-integral method based on line integral has been converted to equivalent area or domain integrals by using the divergence theorem. It is noted that the EDI method is very attractive because all the quantities necessary for computation of the domain integrals are readily available in a finite element analysis. The details and its implementation are extened to both h-version finite element model with 8-node isoparametric element and p-version finite element model with high order hierarchic element using Legendre type shape fuctions. The variations with respect to the different path of domain integrals from the crack-tip front and the choice of 5-function have been tested by several examples.

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Derivation of Exact Dynamic Stiffness Matrix for Non-Symmetric Thin-walled Straight Beams (비대칭 박벽보에 대한 엄밀한 동적 강도행렬의 유도)

  • 김문영;윤희택
    • Proceedings of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.369-376
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    • 2000
  • For the general loading condition and boundary condition, it is very difficult to obtain closed-form solutions for buckling loads and natural frequencies of thin-walled structures because its behaviour is very complex due to the coupling effect of bending and torsional behaviour. Consequently most of previous finite element formulations introduced approximate displacement fields using shape functions as Hermitian polynomials, isoparametric interpoation function, and so on. The purpose of this study is to calculate the exact displacement field of a thin-walled straight beam element with the non-symmetric cross section and present a consistent derivation of the exact dynamic stiffness matrix. An exact dynamic element stiffness matrix is established from Vlasov's coupled differential equations for a uniform beam element of non-symmetric thin-walled cross section. This numerical technique is accomplished via a generalized linear eigenvalue problem by introducing 14 displacement parameters and a system of linear algebraic equations with complex matrices. The natural frequencies are evaluated for the non-symmetric thin-walled straight beam structure, and the results are compared with available solutions in order to verify validity and accuracy of the proposed procedures.

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Analysis on the three-dimensional unstationary heat conduciton on the welding of thick plate by F. E. M. (有限要素法에 依한 厚板熔接時의 3次元 非定常熱傳導解析)

  • 방한서;김유철
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.37-43
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    • 1991
  • In order to analyze the mechanical phenomena of three dimensional elato-plastic behavior caused by welding of thick plate, it is necessary to solve exactly the three dimensional unstationary heat conduction problem considering the moving effect of heat source and the temperature-dependence of material properties. In this paper, the three-dimensional unstationary heat conduction problem is formulated by using an isoparametric finite element method. Thereafter, the transient temperature distributions, according to time, of thick plate during welding are defined from the results calculated by the developed computer program.

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Analysis of linear viscoelastic problems using boundary element method (경계요소법을 사용한 선형 점탄성문제의 해석)

  • 심우진;곽병만
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.322-330
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    • 1987
  • Isotropic linear viscoelasticity problems are analyzed numerically in time domain by Boundary Element Method with quadratic isoparametric boundary elements. Viscoelastic fundamental solutions are newly derived by using the elastic-viscoelastic correspondence principle and corresponding boundary integral equations are also presented. Numerical results of two examples are compared with the derived exact solutions to verify the accuracy and validity of the method. A detailed study on the accuracy of displacement and stress in terms of time integration step is given.

Study on The Stiffness Locking Phenomenon and Eigen Problem in Mindlin Plate (Mindlin 판의 강성 과잉 현상과 고유치에 관한 연구)

  • 김용우;박춘수;민옥기
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.445-454
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    • 1991
  • In this thesis, Mindlin plate element with nine nodes and three degrees-of-freedom at each node is formulated and is employed in eigen-analysis of a rectangular plates in order to alleviate locking phenomenon of eigenvalues. Eigenvalues and their modes may be locked if conventional $C_{0}$-isoparametric element is used. In order to reduce stiffness locking phenomenon, two methods (1, the general reduced and selective integration, 2, the new element that use of modified shape function) are studied. Additionally in order to reduce the error due to mass matrix, two mass matrixes (1, Gauss-Legendre mass matrix, 2, Gauss-Lobatto mass matrix) are considered. The results of eigen-analysis for two models (the square plate with all edges simply-supported and all edges built-in), computed by two methods for stiffness matrix and by two mass matrixes are compared with theoretical solutions and conventional numerical solutions. These comparisons show that the performance of the two methods with Gauss-Lobatto mass matrix is better than that of the conventional plate element. But, by considering the spurious rigid body motions, the element which employs modified shape function with full integration and Gauss-Lobatto mass matrix can elevate the accuracy and convergence of numerical solutions.

Boundary Element Analysis of a Crack Normal at the Bondline of Two Dissimilar Materials (서로 다른 두 재료의 접합면에 수직인 균열의 경계요소 해석)

  • 임원균;이현규
    • Computational Structural Engineering
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 1996
  • In the particular situations where the crack is terminated at an interface of two materials, the order of stress singularity depends on the elastic constants which specify the properties of two materials. A multidomain boundary element technique is used to solve a crack normal to bimaterial interface. A correct order of shape function is used for displacement by using the isoparametric elements by shifting adequately the side nodes adjacent to this crack tip. A shape function containing the same order of singularity as that in the interface crack is also used for the interpolation of traction. Numerical testing of a binaterial with a crack normal to the interface is carried out with three-node elements. The results obtained are compared with the previous solutions.

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A function space approach to study rank deficiency and spurious modes in finite elements

  • Sangeeta, K.;Mukherjee, Somenath;Prathap, Gangan
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.539-551
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    • 2005
  • Finite elements based on isoparametric formulation are known to suffer spurious stiffness properties and corresponding stress oscillations, even when care is taken to ensure that completeness and continuity requirements are enforced. This occurs frequently when the physics of the problem requires multiple strain components to be defined. This kind of error, commonly known as locking, can be circumvented by using reduced integration techniques to evaluate the element stiffness matrices instead of the full integration that is mathematically prescribed. However, the reduced integration technique itself can have a further drawback - rank deficiency, which physically implies that spurious energy modes (e.g., hourglass modes) are introduced because of reduced integration. Such instability in an existing stiffness matrix is generally detected by means of an eigenvalue test. In this paper we show that a knowledge of the dimension of the solution space spanned by the column vectors of the strain-displacement matrix can be used to identify the instabilities arising in an element due to reduced/selective integration techniques a priori, without having to complete the element stiffness matrix formulation and then test for zero eigenvalues.

An improved parametric formulation for the variationally correct distortion immune three-noded bar element

  • Mukherjee, Somenath;Manju, S.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.261-281
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    • 2011
  • A new method of formulation of a class of elements that are immune to mesh distortion effects is proposed here. The simple three-noded bar element with an offset of the internal node from the element center is employed here to demonstrate the method and the principles on which it is founded upon. Using the function space approach, the modified formulation is shown here to be superior to the conventional isoparametric version of the element since it satisfies the completeness requirement as the metric formulation, and yet it is in agreement with the best-fit paradigm in both the metric and the parametric domains. Furthermore, the element error is limited to only those that are permissible by the classical projection theorem of strains and stresses. Unlike its conventional counterpart, the modified element is thus not prone to any errors from mesh distortion. The element formulation is symmetric and thus satisfies the requirement of the conservative nature of problems associated with all self-adjoint differential operators. The present paper indicates that a proper mapping set for distortion immune elements constitutes geometric and displacement interpolations through parametric and metric shape functions respectively, with the metric components in the displacement/strain replaced by the equivalent geometric interpolation in parametric co-ordinates.