• Title/Summary/Keyword: intestinal metaplasia

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Relationship between Intestinal Metaplasia and Neutrophilic Infiltration of Stomach Caused by Helicobacter pylori Infection (위 Helicobacter pylori 감염 및 중성구침윤과 장상피화생의 연관성)

  • Park, Kang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2005
  • Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is uncommon in developed countries, yet is common in underdeveloped and developing countries. Infection rate of H. pylori is minimally influenced by economic, environmental, and public health status and genetic factors. Korea is a developing country with a high incidence of H. pylori infection and gastric carcinoma, which is one of the leading causes of death. For this reason, accurate clinical and pathologic data on H. pylori-associated disease are very important. Intestinal metaplasia accompanies chronic gastritis and increases the risk of gastric carcinoma. For this reason, the relationship between H. pylori infection and intestinal metaplasia is very closely linked. Because of this, as the antecedent condition is guessed, it examines the relationship of the H. pylori and the intestinal metaplasia. Intestinal metaplasia is thought to be the basis in the development of intestinal type gastric carcinomas. Recent investigations showed that inflammatory reaction in the gastric fundus affect the development of gastric carcinogenesis. To verify neutrophilic activity in the gastric fundus and development of intestinal metaplasia in both gastric fundus and antral mucosa, their relationship was studied using 159 healthy patients who had undergone gastric endoscopic biopsies without any identifiable pathologic disesaes. When neutrophilic activity accompanied, incidence of intestinal metaplasia was significantly increased (p<0.05). H. pylori infection was statistically and significantly associated with the presence of intestinal metaplasia (p<0.05). These results suggest that H. pylori infection affected the development of intestinal metaplasia in the stomach. These results will help our understanding of H. pylori infection in the pathogenesis of intestinal metaplasia, a preneoplastic condition of the stomach. To reduce the incidence of gastric adenocarcinoma, eradication treatment of H. pylori is recommended when there's a neutrophilic activity in the gastric fundus.

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A Case Study on the Use of Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) in Patients with Intestinal Metaplasia (세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 장상피화생 환자 사례 연구)

  • Neung Soo, Cheon
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.11.1-11.6
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    • 2023
  • Objective: A case report on intestinal metaplasia improvement using Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) Methods: A 68-year-old Korean female shows symptoms of atrophic gastritis, indigestion, abdominal distention, and gallbladder pain, causing inconvenience in her daily life. Results: Symptoms of intestinal metaplasia improved after nutritional therapy Conclusion: Nutrition therapy can help improve symptoms and alleviate dyspepsia in patients with symptoms of intestinal metaplasia.

A Case Study on Patients with Intestinal Metaplasia Receiving Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) (세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 장상피화생 환자 사례 연구)

  • Neung-soo Cheon
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.21.1-21.4
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    • 2023
  • Objective: A case report on the improvement of patients with intestinal metaplasia by Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT). Methods: A 55-year-old Korean male suffering from the symptoms of the reduced digestive function, bloating, and hypoacidity. Results: The severity of the symptoms improved after Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT), and the patient was finally cured of intestinal metaplasia. Conclusion: Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) is effective in relieving the symptoms of patients with intestinal metaplasia.

Case Study of an Atrophic Gastritis Patient Undergoing Ortho-Cellular Nutrition Therapy (OCNT) (세포교정영양요법(OCNT)을 이용한 장상피화생 환자 개선 사례 연구)

  • Neung su Cheon
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    • v.13 no.11
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    • pp.40.1-40.6
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    • 2023
  • Objective: Case report on the improvement of intestinal metaplasia through ortho-cellular nutrition therapy. Methods: A Korean woman in her 50s who is suffering from bloating, abdominal distension and frequent eructation after meals. Results: Symptoms improved one year after the introduction of nutrition therapy, and patient was diagnosed as fully recovered from reflux esophagitis, atrophic gastritis, and intestinal metaplasia through gastroscopy. Conclusion: In patients with complex gastrointestinal problems, the application of nutrition therapy may help improve and treat symptoms.

The Prevalence of Atrophic Gastritis and Intestinal Metaplasia according to Gender, Age and Helicobacter Pylori Infection in a Rural Population (한 농촌지역 주민에서 성, 연령 및 Helicobacter pylori 감염 여부에 따른 위축성 위염과 장상피화생 유병률)

  • Kim, Hyun-Ja;Choi, Bo-Youl;Byun, Tae-Joon;Eun, Chang-Soo;Song, Kyu-Sang;Kim, Yong-Sung;Han, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2008
  • Objectives ; The objective of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia according to gender, age and Helicobacter pylori infection in a rural population in Korea. Methods: Between April 2003 and January 2007, 713 subjects (298 men and 415 women, age range: 18-85) among the 2,161 adults who participated in a population-based survey received gastrointestinal endoscopy. All the subjects provided informed consent. Multiple biopsy specimens were evaluated for the presence of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia. The presence of Helicobacter Pylori was determined using CLO and histology testing. Results ; The age-adjusted prevalence of atrophic gastritis was 42.7% for men and 38.1% for women and the prevalence of intestinal metaplasia was 42.5% for men and 32.7% for women. The prevalence of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia increased significantly with age for both men and women (p for trend<0.001). The age-adjusted prevalence of Helicobacter pylori was similar for men (59.0%) and women (56.7%). The subjects with Helicobacter pylori infection showed a significantly higher prevalence of intestinal metaplasia (44.3%) compared with that (26.8%) of the noninfected subjects (p<0.001). However, the prevalence of atrophic gastritis was not statistically different between the Helicobacter pylori-infected subjects and the noninfected individuals. Conclusions : Our findings suggest that the prevalence of atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia is higher for a Korean rural population than that for a Western population; this may be related to the high incidence of gastric cancer in Koreans. Especially, the prevalence of intestinal metaplasia was high for the subjects with Helicobacter pylori infection. The multistep process of gastric carcinogenesis and the various factors contributing to each step of this process need to be determined by conducting future follow-up studies.

Methylene blue chromoendoscopy is more useful in detection of intestinal metaplasia in the stomach than mucosal pit pattern or vessel evaluation and predicts advanced Operative Link on Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia stages

  • Justyna Wasielica-Berger;Pawel Rogalski;Anna Pryczynicz;Agnieszka Swidnicka-Siergiejko;Andrzej Dabrowski
    • Clinical Endoscopy
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.203-213
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    • 2023
  • Background/Aims: Intestinal metaplasia (IM) of the stomach is a precancerous condition that is often not visible during conventional endoscopy. Hence, we evaluated the utility of magnification endoscopy and methylene blue (MB) chromoendoscopy to detect IM. Methods: We estimated the percentage of gastric mucosa surface staining with MB, mucosal pit pattern, and vessel visibility and correlated it with the presence of IM and the percentage of metaplastic cells in histology, similar to the Operative Link on Gastric Intestinal Metaplasia (OLGIM) stage. Results: IM was found in 25 of 33 (75.8%) patients and in 61 of 135 biopsies (45.2%). IM correlated with positive MB staining (p<0.001) and other than dot pit patterns (p=0.015). MB staining indicated IM with better accuracy than the pit pattern or vessel evaluation (71.7% vs. 60.5% and 49.6%, respectively). At a cut-off point of 16.5% for the MB-stained gastric surface, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of chromoendoscopy in the detection of advanced OLGIM stages were 88.9%, 91.7%, and 90.9%, respectively. The percentage of metaplastic cells detected on histology was the strongest predictor of positive MB staining. Conclusions: MB chromoendoscopy can serve as a screening method for detecting advanced OLGIM stages. MB mainly stains IM areas with a high concentration of metaplastic cells.

Risk of Gastric Cancer in Children with Helicobacter pylori Infection

  • Cam, Sebahat
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.15 no.22
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    • pp.9905-9908
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    • 2014
  • Background: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is the most common chronic infectious agent in the stomach. Most importantly, it may lead to atrophy, metaplasia and cancer. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of H. pylori infection and to detect early mucosal changes that may lead to malignant degeneration in children. Materials and Methods: Children who underwent upper gastrointestinal endoscopy were included. Familial history of gastric cancer was noted. Endoscopic examinations were performed by a single pediatric gastroenterologist. A minimum of three biopsy samples were collected during endoscopy. The patients were accepted as H. pylori infected if results of biopsies and rapid urease test were both positive. Biopsies were evaluated for the presence and degree of chronic inflammation, the activity and severity of gastritis, glandular atrophy and intestinal metaplasia. Results: A total of 750 children (388 boys, 362 girls) were evaluated in our study, with a mean age of 10.1 years. A total of 390 patients (52%) were found to be infected with H. pylori. Among the H. pylori infected patients, 289 (74%) were diagnosed to have chronic superficial gastritis, 24 (6.2%) had gastric atrophy. Most strikingly, intestinal metaplasia was observed in 11 children, all were in the H. pylori positive group. There was no difference in the mean of age, gender and socioeconomic class between H. pylori infected and non-infected groups. The frequency of gastric cancer in family members (4 in number) was higher in patients with H. pylori infection. No gastric cancer case was reported from the parents of non-infected children. The worst biopsy parameters (atropy and metaplasia) were improved after H. pylori eradication on control endoscopy. Conclusions: The current study shows a higher prevalence of familial history of gastric cancer in H. pylori infected children. Intestinal metaplasia was also higher in the infected children. Eradication of H. pylori infection for this risk group may prevent subsequent development of gastric cancer.

Outcome of Intestinal Metaplasia in Gastric Biopsy of Patients with Dyspepsia in Guilan Province, North Iran

  • Mansour-Ghanaei, Fariborz;Joukar, Farahnaz;Soati, Fatemeh;Mansour-Ghanaei, Alireza;Atrkar-Roushan, Zahra
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.3549-3554
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    • 2013
  • Background: It is generally accepted that gastric carcinomas are preceded by a sequential multistage process that includes chronic gastritis, gastric atrophy, usually with intestinal metaplasia (IM), and dysplasia. This series of changes in gastric carcinogenesis is often initiated by Helicobacter pylori (H pylori) infection. The aim of the present study was determination of gastric histopathologic changes in IM patients after at least one year in Guilan province, Iran. Materials and Methods: This case-series study was conducted in Guilan Gastrointestinal and Liver Disease Research Center (GLDRC) during 2010 to 2011. Gastric biopsy was performed for all 71 known cases of IM and precanceric lesions including gastric atrophy, IM, dysplasia and H pylori infection were determined after at least one year. Results: Of the total of 71 patients with established IM who were enrolled, 50 had complete-type IM and 21 had incomplete-type IM. Fifty two people had H pylori infection. H pylori eradication was achieved in 39 patients (75%). Secondary pathology findings of patients with IM were complete metaplasia (39.4%), incomplete metaplasia (32.4%), dysplasia (23.9%) and other precanceric lesions (4.2%). Dysplasia (20%vs 33%) occurred in patients who had complete and incomplete IM at baseline respectively (p>0.05). Age, gender, family history of gastric cancer(GC); smoking habits and NSAIDs use were not associated with gastric premalignant lesions in initial and secondary pathologies (p>0.05). The difference became statistically significant between H pylori infection in patients with more than 3 years diagnostic intervals (p<0.05). Statistical difference between eradicators and non-eradicators was not significant. Conclusions: We found that incomplete IM increased the risk of subsequent dysplasia in this study.

A Systemic Review of Studies for Traditional Chinese Treatment of Intestinal Metaplasia - Research using CNKI (장상피화생(腸上皮化生) 치료에 대한 최신 임상 연구 동향 - CNKI 검색을 중심으로)

  • Lee, Bo-ram;Kim, Won-ill
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.1085-1104
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this research is to investigate recent clinical studies of Intestinal Metaplasia (IM) based on a search of the China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI). Methods: We investigated recent clinical studies of Oriental medicine therapies in traditional Chinese medical journals for IM through a CNKI search. 20 clinical articles published from 2010 to 2016 were analyzed. This study examined the authors, publication years, types of studies, criteria for diagnosis and evaluation, periods, purposes of study and articles classified by methods of treatment. Results: Most of articles were classified as randomized controlled trial. IM was diagnosed using gastroscopy, pathological examination and clinical symptoms in a high proportion of articles. The criteria for evaluation most frequently used were the effective ratios of clinical symptoms, gastroscopy and pathological tests. The methods of treatment in all studies were Chinese herb medicine. Acupuncture, acupoint injection therapy, and embedding therapy were also used in several studies. Conclusion: In this study, the Chinese treatment for IM was markedly effective. To improve the treatment of IM in Korea, many clinical studies and case reports are required, based on Chinese medicine.

Metastatic intestinal adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia in two Domestic Korean Shorthair cats

  • Jae-Ha Jung;Na-Yon Kim;Yeseul Yang;Dansong Seo;Goeun Choi;Hyunki Hong;Taeseong Moon;Hyeong-Mok Kim;Jihee Han;Jihee Hong;Yongbaek Kim
    • Journal of Veterinary Science
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.64.1-64.6
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    • 2023
  • Two Domestic Korean Shorthair cats presented with dyschezia and vomiting. Computed tomography revealed a colonic mass with calcification and lymph node metastasis in case 1, and a small intestinal mass with disseminated mesenteric metastasis and calcification in case 2. Histopathology revealed intestinal adenocarcinoma with osseous metaplasia. Case 1 died two months after surgery from distant metastasis; and case 2 showed no metastasis for five months but presented with anorexia, euthanized seven months after diagnosis. Metastatic intestinal adenocarcinoma with bone formation should be considered as differential diagnosis for calcification on imaging, and lymph node metastasis at diagnosis may indicate poor prognosis.