• Title/Summary/Keyword: information-sharing

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Effect of Public Library-Mediated Information Sharing on the Construction of Social Capital (공공도서관 이용을 통한 정보공유가 사회자본 형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seungmin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.27-49
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    • 2018
  • This research empirically analyzed the effect of information sharing through the use of public libraries on the construction and consolidation of social capital of individuals. Through the survey targeting public library users, it was identified that the frequency of public library use and the participation of public library programs have positive effect on the recognition of information sharing and the reliability of information shared. In addition, information sharing among people became more active when public libraries mediate their information activities. This public library-mediated information sharing positively affects the construction of structural and relational social capital. In contrast, it does not have significant meaning on the construction of cognitive social capital, which means that information sharing and the use of public library relatively concentrate on satisfying personal information needs.

Library resource sharing through networks (도서관 네트워크를 통한 도서관 자원공유)

  • 강숙희
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.13
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    • pp.113-130
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    • 1986
  • The rapidly growing at which information is produced and used in our complex society has presented us with major problems in information transfer. Resource sharing is almost universally accepted by librarians as the only realistic means for meeting future demands and no doubt the future will see continued growth in computer-based library networks for resource sharing. The resort to networking by many library and information institutions may be symptomatic of the difficulties they face in dealing with their rapidly changing environment. In this article, the library network is examined in relationship to resource sharing. Included is a discussion of the definitions of library network and other related terms, the main factors in the emergence of library network concept, the history of the concept of library networks, resource sharing through the library networks, the problems by which the development of networks is confronted, and prospects.

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Spectrum Sharing SDMA with Limited Feedback: Throughput Analysis

  • Jo, Han-Shin
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.6 no.12
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    • pp.3237-3256
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    • 2012
  • In the context of effective usage of a scarce spectrum resource, emerging wireless communication standards will demand spectrum sharing with existing systems as well as multiple access with higher spectral efficiency. We mathematically analyze the sum throughput of a spectrum sharing space-division multiple access (SDMA) system, which forms a transmit null in the direction of other coexisting systems while satisfying orthogonal beamforming constraints. For a large number of users N, the SDMA throughput scales as log N at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) ((J-1) loglog N at normal SNR), where J is the number of transmit antennas. This indicates that multiplexing gain of the spectrum sharing SDMA is $\frac{J-1}{J}$ times less than that of the non-spectrum sharing SDMA only using orthogonal beamforming, whereas no loss in multiuser diversity gain. Although the spectrum sharing SDMA always has lower throughput compared to the non-spectrum sharing SDMA in the non-coexistence scenario, it offers an intriguing opportunity to reuse spectrum already allocated to other coexisting systems.

Analyzing the Dysfunction of Fully Shared Stock Information in a Supply Chain with Competiting Retailers (경쟁적 소매상으로 구성된 공급사슬에서 정보공유의 역효과에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Yong-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Operations Research and Management Science Society
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.95-116
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this paper is to show the effect of information sharing strategy on the supply chain performances. While traditional information sharing models assumed centralized stock information, recent supply chain practices often implement fully shared stock information, where real-time stock information is accessible on retailers. When retailers are competing with each other, this fully shared stock information may incur retailers' strategic order behaviors. Thus, this paper analyzes a simple two-level supply chain consisting of one warehouse and two identical competing retailers where the real time stock information is fully shared. The warehouse uses the traditional echelon stock policy. Under this environment the retailers' reorder decisions are derived using the order risk concept and the retailer competition mechanism is analyzed. Computational results show that the supply chain performace degradation in the fully shared stock information is quite significant, implying the importance of designing information sharing strategies in the supply chain design phase.

공급사슬내 협업환경과 기업의 직.간접 성과

  • O, Se-Gu
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 2010.06a
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    • pp.235-247
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    • 2010
  • Introduction of ICE(Integrated Collaboration Environment) has a great effect on corporate performance. In particular, it is expected that information sharing and collaboration among transaction partners will be an important factor which mediates ICE and its performance. Under such a background, this research intends to identify the influence of ICE by manufacturing industry on corporate performance through role of the parameter of information sharing and collaboration. The result of this research may be summed up as follows: ICE promotes information sharing and collaboration among enterprises, it accelerates integration of supply chain network among enterprises and cooperation. In particular, ICE has a great effect on information sharing. And information sharing has a direct effect on collaboration and performance. However, when we classify corporate performance into the "performance due to introduction", which is direct performance, and the "overall performance", which is indirect performance, the result of this research is as follows: information sharing has a great effect on the performance due to introduction, but does not have a meaningful effect on indirect performance. On the other hand, collaboration does not have any effect on the performance due to introduction, but has a meaningful effect on the overall performance, which is indirect performance. It is necessary to study and analyze additional this result in future.

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Role of Information Sharing on the Impact of Foreign Banks' Penetration on Banking Competition

  • ZOHREHVAND, Azadeh;IBRAHIM, Saifuzzaman;HABIBULLAH, Muzafar Shah;YUSOP, Zulkornain;MAZLAN, Nur Syazwani
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.7 no.11
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    • pp.707-715
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    • 2020
  • Globalization has led to an increase in foreign banks' penetration. It is argued that the presence of foreign banks may affect the banking sector of the host countries in several ways including their competition level. It is mentioned that the presence of the foreign banks could heightened the level of competition in the banking sector. Nonetheless, the impact of the foreign banks on competition could be influenced by the degree of information sharing in the banking industry. This study investigates the role of information sharing in moderating the impact of foreign bank penetration on host banking sector competition in selected developing countries. We employ panel data samples of 54 developing countries during the period from 1998 to 2016. The estimation is carried out using the two-step system of the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) regression technique. This technique is adopted due to its robustness to all forms of endogeneity. The findings of this study show that the presence of information sharing could affect the relationship between foreign banks' penetration and competition. They suggest that improvement in information sharing by a host country may help foreign banks to improve monitoring and reduce the moral hazard and adverse selection problem.

Data Sharing in a Smart Tourism Destination: Analyzing the Case of Sapporo Using the Concept of Coopetition

  • Tommi Tapanainen;Chaeyoung Lim;Taro Kamioka
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.26-48
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    • 2024
  • Data plays an ever greater part in the tourism industry. While the platform-based sharing of open public data, private-sector intermediary platforms, and the use of social media to understand consumer trends are already well recognized, more potential for innovation exists in sharing private data among organizations in Smart Tourism Destinations. Research into the factors enabling and hindering coopetition in this kind of data sharing platforms is still in the nascent stage of development. Our case study of Sapporo, a major Japanese city endeavouring to create itself as a Smart Tourism Destination, sheds light on the initial approaches to involve organizations to such a data sharing agreement. Founding on seven interviews with ten participants of Sapporo Smart City project organization (SARD), we derived enablers and impediments that promote coopetition in data sharing as part of Smart Tourism Destination development. We also present practical recommendations and future research opportunities for such initiatives.

Enhancing Information Sharing in the Public Sector: An Empirical Study (행정정보공동이용제도의 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Kwang Seok
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.83-104
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    • 2012
  • Information sharing is one of the key factors enhancing government efficiency and public convenience. However, critics argue that Korean government is now facing various kinds of barriers such as insufficient collaboration among agencies, inappropriate statutes, and technical problems. Thus, this study aims to develop policy alternatives that help resolve the existing problems suggested above. In order to achieve research objectives, this study employs both quantitative and qualitative methods as ways to investigate different dimensions of information sharing in government. Both survey and interview include six dimensions such as organization, technology, culture, management, policy and law. The results show that Korean government needs to implement following alternatives; developing its own database that helps support government decision making, changing organizational culture, continuous extension in terms of the number of object information and affiliated agency, and developing a statute dealing with government information sharing.

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The Effect of Organizational Characteristics on Knowledge Sharing in a Hospital Nurses (간호 조직특성이 간호사의 지식공유에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Myung-Ha;Bai, Jin-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.469-476
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This study is to identify the effect of organizational characteristics on knowledge sharing in a general hospital nurses. Method: The objects of this study were 358 nurses who had worked in a general Hospital. Data were collected from May, 3rd to May, 10th in 2004 through questionnaire. Five structured Instruments were used to collect the data. Result: The knowledge sharing of nurses was the positive correlation with openness of communication, learning orientation, the support of director of nursing department, and application of information technology(r=.431${\sim}$.611, p=.000). The degree of nurse's knowledge sharing showed a significant difference according to nurses' education level, duration of working, duty shift, working field, position in Hospital(p=.05). Openness of communication appeared into a most important predictor in knowledge sharing of Nurses, and then was learning orientation, the support of director of nursing department, application of information technology in order(p=.000). All of these variables explained 55.1% of knowledge sharing of nurses. Conclusion: To increase knowledge sharing of nurses, nursing organization will have to make up organization culture of opening communication and learning orientation of nurse, promote up the support of director of nursing department and application of information technology.

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Effect of Change Management Capability in Real-Time Environment: An Information Orientation Perspective in Supply Chain Management (실시간 환경에서 변화관리의 영향에 관한 연구: 공급사슬망상의 정보역량관점에서)

  • Park, Kwang-O
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2017
  • SCM system is a strategic cooperative that organically integrates all supply chains to improve the performance of a company. For effective SCM system, emphasis is placed on securing long-term, mutual relationships and change management. The implementation of an SCM system is likely to introduce a wide range of changes in and across member organizations and these changes are likely to be met with scepticism and resistance by individuals and organizations in the chain. Thus, the success of an SCM system cannot be guaranteed without effective change management. And we adopted the concept of information orientation (IO) as our method to measure the performance of an SCM system through information quality and information sharing. Therefore, this study examined the influence of mutual, reciprocal relationships among change management on information capability through information quality and information Sharing. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. First, change management had a significant influence on information quality, information Sharing and information capability. Second, information quality had a significant influence on information Sharing and information capability. Third, information sharing had a significant influence on information capability.

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