• Title/Summary/Keyword: information security system

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A Study on the System of Private Investigation

  • Park, Jong-Ryeol;Noe, Sang-Ouk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2022
  • Since the Promotion Committee was established on March 25, 2021, urging the enactment of the Detective Business Act, many opinions and attention from all walks of life have been gathered. The Detective Business system, which is also one of the presidential pledges of the current 19th President Moon Jae In, is expected to be significant in that it can promote the development of a welfare state as well as efficient parts such as meeting the demand for security reinforcement services, improving the judicial system, and enhancing internationalization. In accordance with the consensus of the nine judges of the Constitutional Court that the lower part of Article 40 of the "Act on the Use and Protection of Credit Information" which prohibits the use of similar names such as investigating the general life of certain people does not violate the Constitution, detective work became possible regardless of the general life investigation. In particular, the detective job officially appeared on August 5, 2020, and it will be able to provide effective work services to the public by competing with prosecutors, police, and lawyers who have occupied exclusive positions in the field of a criminal investigations. However, although the role of detectives is gradually expanding and society is rapidly changing, illegal activities are prevalent throughout society, and more than 1,600 companies are currently operating suspiciously using the only name of "detectives", but the police are virtually letting go of the situation saying that they are "unauthorized.", and the damage is only going to the people, so at this point, the most worrisome thing is the absence of the law. Meanwhile, amid concerns over institutions overseeing illegal activities caused by the emergence of the detective industry, private security and detectives are similar to each other as in the United States, and it is expected to be able to gain public trust by entrusting the police in charge of managing and supervising private security companies. Therefore, at this time when most OECD countries except Korea legislate the Detective Business Act, prematurely allowing only the detective industry without enacting industry-related laws and systems can further fuel social confusion and hinder the detective industry along with the new fourth industry.

3D Medical Image Data Watermarking Applied to Healthcare Information Management System (헬스케어 정보 관리 시스템의 3D 의료영상 데이터 다중 워터마킹 기법)

  • Lee, Suk-Hwan;Kwon, Ki-Ryong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.11A
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    • pp.870-881
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    • 2009
  • The rapid development of healthcare information management for 3D medical digital library, 3D PACS and 3D medical diagnosis has addressed security issues with medical IT technology. This paper presents multiple 3D medical image data for protection, authentication, indexing and diagnosis information hiding applied to healthcare information management. The proposed scheme based on POCS watermarking embeds the robust watermark for doctor's digital signature and information retrieval indexing key to the distribution of vertex curvedness and embeds the fragile watermark for diagnosis information and authentication reference message to the distance difference of vertex. The multiple embedding process designs three convex sets for robustness, fragileness and invisibility and projects 3D medical image data onto three convex sets alternatively and iteratively. Experimental results confirmed that the proposed scheme has the robustness and fragileness to various 3D geometric and mesh modifiers at once.

Development of High Speed Scalar Product Operation System for ECC Public Key (타원곡선 공개키 생성을 위한 고속 스칼라곱 연산 시스템 구현)

  • Kim, Kap-Yol;Lee, Chul-Soo;Park, Seok-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.394-402
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    • 2010
  • At a recent, enterprises based on online-service are established because of rapid growth of information network. These enterprises collect personal information and do customer management. If customers use a paid service, company send billing information to customer and customer pay it. Such circulation and management of information is big issue but most companies don't care of information security. Actually, personal information that was managed by largest internal open-market was exposed. For safe customer information management, this paper proposes the method that decrease load of RSA cryptography algorithm that is commonly used for preventing from illegal attack or hacking. The method for decreasing load was designed by Binary NAF Method and it can operates modular Exponentiation rapidly. We implemented modular Exponentiation algorithm using existing Binary Method and Windows Method and compared and evaluated it.

Key Technology for Food-Safety Traceability Based on a Combined Two-Dimensional Code

  • Zhonghua Li;Xinghua Sun;Ting Yan;Dong Yang;Guiliang Feng
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 2023
  • Current food-traceability platforms suffer from problems such as inconsistent traceability standards, a lack of public credibility, and slow access to data. In this work, a combined code and identification method was designed that can achieve more secure product traceability using the dual anti-counterfeiting technology of a QR code and a hidden code. When the QR code is blurry, the hidden code can still be used to effectively identify food information. Based on this combined code, a food-safety traceability platform was developed. The platform follows unified encoding standards and provides standardized interfaces. Based on this innovation, the platform not only can serve individual food-traceability systems development, but also connect existing traceability systems. These will help to solve the problems such as non-standard traceability content, inconsistent processes, and incompatible system software. The experimental results show that the combined code has higher accuracy. The food-safety traceability platform based on the combined code improves the safety of the traceability process and the integrity of the traceability information. The innovation of this paper is invoking the combined code united the QR code's rapidity and the hidden code's reliability, developing a platform that uses a unified coding standard and provides a standardized interface to resolve the differences between multi-food-traceability systems. Among similar systems, it is the only one that has been connected to the national QR code identification platform. The project has made profits and has significant economic and social benefits.

False Alarm Minimization Technology using SVM in Intrusion Prevention System (SVM을 이용한 침입방지시스템 오경보 최소화 기법)

  • Kim Gill-Han;Lee Hyung-Woo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.119-132
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    • 2006
  • The network based security techniques well-known until now have week points to be passive in attacks and susceptible to roundabout attacks so that the misuse detection based intrusion prevention system which enables positive correspondence to the attacks of inline mode are used widely. But because the Misuse detection based Intrusion prevention system is proportional to the detection rules, it causes excessive false alarm and is linked to wrong correspondence which prevents the regular network flow and is insufficient to detect transformed attacks, This study suggests an Intrusion prevention system which uses Support Vector machines(hereinafter referred to as SVM) as one of rule based Intrusion prevention system and Anomaly System in order to supplement these problems, When this compared with existing intrusion prevention system, show performance result that improve about 20% and could through intrusion prevention system that propose false positive minimize and know that can detect effectively about new variant attack.

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XA and Non-XA Interface Methodology of an X/Open DTP-based Trading System in Finance Industry (X/Open DTP 기반 증권사 트레이딩 시스템에서의 XA/Non-XA 인터페이스 방법)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Byun, Chang-Woo;Park, Seog
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.498-508
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    • 2003
  • In the field of finance, Trading System of Securities is a very vulnerable application when it faces any small problems just for one minute. Since Trading System changes its environment from mainframes to client/server, its safety becomes the most important factor. Even though most If systems are configured by general guidelines currently, Trading System is an exception that it is configured by specific and rather ad hoc guidelines in order to ensure its safe management. In this thesis, I will prove the validity of specific and ad hoc configuration in the environment of Trading Systems where I use both XA interface system and Non-XA interface to configure its system based on 3-Tier Client/server computing environment through middleware, TP-Monitor, in the X/Open DTP Model. In order to validate the Trading System, I will compare and analyze the error of data of an order and ability to restore using both XA and Non-XA interfaces while testing take-over scenario on the assumption of the system's failure.

Research Trend Analysis Using Bibliographic Information and Citations of Cloud Computing Articles: Application of Social Network Analysis (클라우드 컴퓨팅 관련 논문의 서지정보 및 인용정보를 활용한 연구 동향 분석: 사회 네트워크 분석의 활용)

  • Kim, Dongsung;Kim, Jongwoo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.195-211
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    • 2014
  • Cloud computing services provide IT resources as services on demand. This is considered a key concept, which will lead a shift from an ownership-based paradigm to a new pay-for-use paradigm, which can reduce the fixed cost for IT resources, and improve flexibility and scalability. As IT services, cloud services have evolved from early similar computing concepts such as network computing, utility computing, server-based computing, and grid computing. So research into cloud computing is highly related to and combined with various relevant computing research areas. To seek promising research issues and topics in cloud computing, it is necessary to understand the research trends in cloud computing more comprehensively. In this study, we collect bibliographic information and citation information for cloud computing related research papers published in major international journals from 1994 to 2012, and analyzes macroscopic trends and network changes to citation relationships among papers and the co-occurrence relationships of key words by utilizing social network analysis measures. Through the analysis, we can identify the relationships and connections among research topics in cloud computing related areas, and highlight new potential research topics. In addition, we visualize dynamic changes of research topics relating to cloud computing using a proposed cloud computing "research trend map." A research trend map visualizes positions of research topics in two-dimensional space. Frequencies of key words (X-axis) and the rates of increase in the degree centrality of key words (Y-axis) are used as the two dimensions of the research trend map. Based on the values of the two dimensions, the two dimensional space of a research map is divided into four areas: maturation, growth, promising, and decline. An area with high keyword frequency, but low rates of increase of degree centrality is defined as a mature technology area; the area where both keyword frequency and the increase rate of degree centrality are high is defined as a growth technology area; the area where the keyword frequency is low, but the rate of increase in the degree centrality is high is defined as a promising technology area; and the area where both keyword frequency and the rate of degree centrality are low is defined as a declining technology area. Based on this method, cloud computing research trend maps make it possible to easily grasp the main research trends in cloud computing, and to explain the evolution of research topics. According to the results of an analysis of citation relationships, research papers on security, distributed processing, and optical networking for cloud computing are on the top based on the page-rank measure. From the analysis of key words in research papers, cloud computing and grid computing showed high centrality in 2009, and key words dealing with main elemental technologies such as data outsourcing, error detection methods, and infrastructure construction showed high centrality in 2010~2011. In 2012, security, virtualization, and resource management showed high centrality. Moreover, it was found that the interest in the technical issues of cloud computing increases gradually. From annual cloud computing research trend maps, it was verified that security is located in the promising area, virtualization has moved from the promising area to the growth area, and grid computing and distributed system has moved to the declining area. The study results indicate that distributed systems and grid computing received a lot of attention as similar computing paradigms in the early stage of cloud computing research. The early stage of cloud computing was a period focused on understanding and investigating cloud computing as an emergent technology, linking to relevant established computing concepts. After the early stage, security and virtualization technologies became main issues in cloud computing, which is reflected in the movement of security and virtualization technologies from the promising area to the growth area in the cloud computing research trend maps. Moreover, this study revealed that current research in cloud computing has rapidly transferred from a focus on technical issues to for a focus on application issues, such as SLAs (Service Level Agreements).

A Study on the Large-Scale Power Blackout Management System in the Level of National Crisis Management (대규모 정전상태에 대비한 국가위기관리 방향에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Kwang-Rae;Joo, Il-Yeob
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.10
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    • pp.387-407
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    • 2005
  • Thanks to the developments of IT technologies, such critical infrastructures as fundamental structures of energies, material circulations, monetary circulations, and living necessaries are intertwined as well as mutually dependent. In this respect, the fact that national infrastructures are closely related to IT infrastructures implies not only expected benefits to provide diverse information-based services, but also anticipated costs to bring about new dangers. However, in spite of these threats, traditional researchers have not put enough interests in these indirect danger, which yield the damages in broad areas through paralyzing risk management systems, although they have investigated such direct threats as nuclear accidents, conflagrations, traffic troubles, and gasoline accidents. Considering that the tendency to depend on electricity, so-called electrification, which is caused by automation and informationalization, is intensified in all parts of society, the breakout problem as a factor to inhibit securities in information-oriented society is significant. Thus, the problems of large-scale power blackout should be treated as national crises. Also, preparation systems for large-scale power blackout have to be provided quickly. In this paper, with analyzing various cases of large-scale power blackout and investigation the causes of them, researches on the blackout management systems of Korea are to be present, on the basis of national crisis management states which are comprised of protection (mitigating and preparing), responding, and recovering(rewarding).

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Ciphering Scheme and Hardware Implementation for MPEG-based Image/Video Security (DCT-기반 영상/비디오 보안을 위한 암호화 기법 및 하드웨어 구현)

  • Park Sung-Ho;Choi Hyun-Jun;Seo Young-Ho;Kim Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.2 s.302
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2005
  • This thesis proposed an effective encryption method for the DCT-based image/video contents and made it possible to operate in a high speed by implementing it as an optimized hardware. By considering the increase in the amount of the calculation in the image/video compression, reconstruction and encryption, an partial encryption was performed, in which only the important information (DC and DPCM coefficients) were selected as the data to be encrypted. As the result, the encryption cost decreased when all the original image was encrypted. As the encryption algorithm one of the multi-mode AES, DES, or SEED can be used. The proposed encryption method was implemented in software to be experimented with TM-5 for about 1,000 test images. From the result, it was verified that to induce the original image from the encrypted one is not possible. At that situation, the decrease in compression ratio was only $1.6\%$. The hardware encryption system implemented in Verilog-HDL was synthesized to find the gate-level circuit in the SynopsysTM design compiler with the Hynix $0.25{\mu}m$ CMOS Phantom-cell library. Timing simulation was performed by Verilog-XL from CadenceTM, which resulted in the stable operation in the frequency above 100MHz. Accordingly, the proposed encryption method and the implemented hardware are expected to be effectively used as a good solution for the end-to-end security which is considered as one of the important problems.

Security Design for Efficient Detection of Misbehavior Node in MANET (MANET에서 비정상 노드를 효율적으로 탐지하기 위한 보안 설계)

  • Hwang, Yoon-Cheol
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.3B
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    • pp.408-420
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    • 2010
  • On a Mobile Ad hoc NETwork(MANET), it is difficult to detect and prevent misbehaviors nodes existing between end nodes, as communication between remote nodes is made through multiple hop routes due to lack of a fixed networked structure. Therefore, to maintain MANET's performance and security, a technique to identify misbehaving middle nodes and nodes that are compromise by such nodes is required. However, previously proposed techniques assumed that nodes comprising MANET are in a friendly and cooperative relationship, and suggested only methods to identify misbehaving nodes. When these methods are applied to a larger-scale MANET, large overhead is induced. As such, this paper suggests a system model called Secure Cluster-based MANET(SecCBM) to provide secure communication between components aperANET and to ensure eed. As such, this pand managems suapemisbehavior nodes. SecCBM consists apetwo stages. The first is the preventis pstage, whereemisbehavior nodes are identified when rANET is comprised by using a cluster-based hierarchical control structure through dynamic authentication. The second is the post-preventis pstage, whereemisbehavior nodes created during the course apecommunication amongst nodes comprising the network are dh, thed by using FC and MN tables. Through this, MANET's communication safety and efficiency were improved and the proposed method was confirmed to be suitable for MANET through simulation performance evaluation.