• Title/Summary/Keyword: individual learning

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Turnover Experience of Hospital Nurses in Korea (병원 간호사들의 이직 결정 과정)

  • Yi, Myungsun;Kim, Won-Ok;Kim, Duck-Hee;Ko, Moon-Hee;Lee, Kyung-Sook;Kim, Zung-Im
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.531-541
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to explore how hospital nurses decide to quit working as professional nurses using the grounded theory method. Method: The data was collected by individual in-depth interviews with 12 hospital nurses who recently resigned from work and it was analyzed using 'constant comparative analysis.' Result: The core category that emerged was "in search of new balance with self, work, and family". Three stages were identified: 1) "unconditionally accepting the working situation of itself," 2) "weighing advantages and disadvantages of working as a hospital nurse", and 3) "redesigning a future". Each stage contains three major strategies. The major strategies of the first stage are "maintaining a learning attitude", "enduring physical burnout," and "enduring unfair interpersonal relationships". The second stage contains "identifying advantages of working", "identifying disadvantages of working", and "comparing the advantages with the disadvantages". Lastly, the third stage includes "reassessing the aim of life", "beginning to construct an alternative life", and "deciding to quit working at a certain point". Conclusion: The results of the study will help nursing administrators in designing and implementing an effective turnover prevention program for nurses by understanding more deeply the process of turnover phenomenon among hospital nurses.

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Factors Affecting Students' Satisfaction Level in Computer Classes Offered as Extracurricular Activities in Commercial High Schools (컴퓨터 특기적성 교육의 만족도 영향요인 탐색 : 상업계 고등학교 학습자를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mi-Ryang;Shin, Hyun-Deok
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2005
  • Teaching ICT skills in extracurricular activity classes of commercial high school helps to bridge the digital divide of the students at the minimum cost, and gives them a chance of getting ICT-related licenses. The purpose of this study is to identify the determinants of satisfaction and planned behavior toward computer classes, offered as extracurricular activities in commercial high schools. A survey methodology was used to investigate a proposed model of influence, and regression analysis was used to analyze the results. The hypothesized model was largely supported by this analysis, and the overall results indicate that the intention to participate in the class is mostly influenced by the expected social effect, individual impact and playfulness from the class. In addition, it was found that the learning environment influences the level of playfulness and social effect, and that the contents quality has some impact on the level of the ease of study and playfulness. Useful suggestions for promoting computer classes as extracurricular activities in commercial high schools are also provided.

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Systems-level mechanisms of action of Panax ginseng: a network pharmacological approach

  • Park, Sa-Yoon;Park, Ji-Hun;Kim, Hyo-Su;Lee, Choong-Yeol;Lee, Hae-Jeung;Kang, Ki Sung;Kim, Chang-Eop
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 2018
  • Panax ginseng has been used since ancient times based on the traditional Asian medicine theory and clinical experiences, and currently, is one of the most popular herbs in the world. To date, most of the studies concerning P. ginseng have focused on specific mechanisms of action of individual constituents. However, in spite of many studies on the molecular mechanisms of P. ginseng, it still remains unclear how multiple active ingredients of P. ginseng interact with multiple targets simultaneously, giving the multidimensional effects on various conditions and diseases. In order to decipher the systems-level mechanism of multiple ingredients of P. ginseng, a novel approach is needed beyond conventional reductive analysis. We aim to review the systems-level mechanism of P. ginseng by adopting novel analytical framework-network pharmacology. Here, we constructed a compound-target network of P. ginseng using experimentally validated and machine learning-based prediction results. The targets of the network were analyzed in terms of related biological process, pathways, and diseases. The majority of targets were found to be related with primary metabolic process, signal transduction, nitrogen compound metabolic process, blood circulation, immune system process, cell-cell signaling, biosynthetic process, and neurological system process. In pathway enrichment analysis of targets, mainly the terms related with neural activity showed significant enrichment and formed a cluster. Finally, relative degrees analysis for the target-disease association of P. ginseng revealed several categories of related diseases, including respiratory, psychiatric, and cardiovascular diseases.

O.P.E.N Triad: The Future Success for Individuals, Institutes, and Industries

  • Kim, Hae-Jung;Forney, Judith;Crowley, Ruth
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.34 no.12
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    • pp.1980-1991
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    • 2010
  • This study proposes the O P E N Triad framework as a future set of tools and perspectives for individual members and institutes to further their professional and academic potential as well as prospect and vitalize the future of the Korean Clothing and Textiles discipline through a global perspective. The millennial generation desires On-demand, Personal, Engaging, and Networked (O P E N) experiences effecting cultural change for creative and influential interaction in transactions, communication, and education. O P E N Individuals offers a WebSphere model as a holistic learning system that has a synergizing value of education across academic courses, industries, and cultures. Through a digitalized and virtualized class, it complements relevant technologies already familiar to the student population. By employing environmental scanning approaches, the most influential and viable future global issues related to the clothing and textiles discipline are identified and dialogued within O P E N Institutes. For future clothing and textiles institutes, this scanning allows them to be open to new ideas, to focus on inter-engagements, to collaborate among individuals, to associate as a part of web of people, organizations, and ideas, to personalize an institutes curricula, and to dialogue generative knowledge. O P E N Industries reveals three dominant future issues that cross academia and industry, sustainability, supply chain management, and social networking. In-depth interviews with U.S. industry experts identified interdependent gaps in global consumer experience practices and suggested the following gaps as future research areas: a standardized business model to the entrepreneurial model, strategic management to a sustainable competitive advantage, standardized to differentiated products, services and operations, market segmentation to global consumer clusters, business-driven marketplaces to consumer-engaged marketspaces, and excellent services to optimal experience. This O P E N Triad framework empowers millennial students, universities, and industries to anticipate and prepare for a radically changing world.

Middle School Students' Understanding about Prime Number (소수(素數, prime number) 개념에 대한 중학생의 이해)

  • Cho, Kyoung-Hee;Kwon, Oh-Nam
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.371-388
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    • 2010
  • The goals of this study are to inquire middle school students' understanding about prime number and to propose pedagogical implications for school mathematics. Written questionnaire were given to 198 Korean seventh graders who had just finished learning about prime number and prime factorization and then 20 students participated in individual interviews for member checks. In defining prime and composite numbers, the students focused on distinguishing one from another by numbering of factors of agiven natural number. However, they hardly recognize the mathematical connection between prime and composite numbers related on the multiplicative structure of natural number. This study suggests that it is needed to emphasize the conceptual relationship between divisibility and prime decomposition and the prime numbers as the multiplicative building blocks of natural numbers based on the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.

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Development of an Online Support System for Cooperative and Creative Problem Solving (협동·창의척 문재해결을 위한 온라인 지원시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Yuna;Lee, Sang Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2008
  • It is necessary to study creative problem solving(CPS) in cooperative level because numerous studies have reported that group approaches to CPS are more effective than individual approaches. There are also lots of researches that an online environment is effective to promote cooperative interactions among group members. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop an online support system for cooperative and creative problem solving. First, in this paper we created an integrated CPS model from existing CPS models. Second, we designed principles of an online cooperative CPS(CCPS) based on the integrated CPS model. Third, we developed an online support system for the cooperative CPS. Lastly, we conducted formative evaluations of the developed system and suggested ideas for improvement of the system. The developed system provides an effective and efficient online learning environment for CCPS. CCPS means the cooperative thinking processes to solve certain problems through identifying problems, stating problems, reviewing the data related withe the problems, producing creative ideas and making group decisions related with the solutions.

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Application of Culture Inclusiveness Concept for Hongdae-ap Case (홍대앞 사례를 통한 문화적 포용성 개념의 적용)

  • Park, Minha;Lee, Byungmin
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.539-554
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    • 2019
  • This study suggests a conceptualization model of 'cultural inclusiveness' organically connected to social inclusiveness, by expanding the implications of urban inclusiveness to the domain and relationship. Based on the process of necessity of relation, connection of space, and execution of act, the cultural inclusiveness could be connected to the formation of organic/learning relation, the creation of openness focusing on public space, and the practice of diverse subjects. Concretely, the concept of cultural inclusiveness is applied to the case of 'Hongdae-ap'. The recent Hongdae-ap is showing the value of coexistence such as the establishment of environment that could protect the diversity of individual subjects and groups(artists, residents, government officials, students, cultural activists, citizens, tourists, and etc.), the formation of public space such as 'Hongdae-up playground', 'pedestrian-friendly street', and 'Gyeongui-Line book street', social network service & horizontal network, and access.

Elementary School Teachers' Needs for the Website Providing Science Instructional Materials (과학 교수-학습 자료 지원 웹사이트에 대한 초등 교사들의 요구)

  • Kang, Suk-Jin;Song, Hye-Sung;Koh, Han-Joong;Shin, Young-Joon;Jhun, Young-Seok;Cha, Hee-Young;Oh, Phil-Seok;Song, Young-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2010
  • In this study, elementary school teachers' needs for the website providing science instructional materials were examined. The participants were 151 elementary school teachers. The test for needs analysis consisted of fifty-three Likert-type items; 24 items for the content of website category and 29 items for the design of website category. Variables about participants' characteristics such as teaching career, the capability of using computers, and the frequencies of searching websites in obtaining science instructional materials were also examined. The results indicated that teachers' needs for the content of website category were significantly higher than those for the design of website category. Teachers' needs were relatively higher in the items concerning flawless materials, consistency of materials with science curriculum and/or learning objectives, information about target grade and/or related topics, free website, and the materials capable of immediate use in the content of website category. The items concerning the stability of website, the accuracy of links, providing easy and reliable searching methods, easy and fast downloading, and providing list of loaded materials showed relatively higher needs in the design of website category. In several items, teachers' needs were also changed with their individual characteristics.

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Program Theory Evaluation of a Lifestyle Intervention Program for the Prevention and Treatment of Metabolic Syndrome (대사증후군 상태 개선을 위한 생활습관 중재프로그램의 프로그램 이론 평가)

  • Yoo, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Hye-Kyeong
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the program theory of a lifestyle intervention program for the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome. Methods: The program evaluated is a tailored intervention for multiple health behavior associated with metabolic syndrome which is informed by theoretical constructs from the Intervention Mapping and Transtheoretical model. The program components include one-to-one health counseling, a self-management handbook, and a health diary. To evaluate program impact theory we examined the logic of program goals and objectives, intervention methods and strategies, and the theoretical constructs of program materials through document review and matrix building. Results: This evaluation has found that the intervention program applied social cognitive theory constructs to design intervention methods and strategies in addition to the Transtheoretical model: self-monitoring for goal setting and monitoring skill, outcome expectation for the benefits of health behavior change, and interaction with environment for observational learning through modeling. While the intervention addresses multiple determinants and behaviors, it is limited to an individual level and lacks social and environmental approaches. Following the Transtheoretical framework, the contents of the intervention materials were developed utilizing consciousness raising as a main strategy for earlier stages of change, and counterconditioning and stimulus control for later stages of change. Conclusion: Program theory evaluation can be a process of enhancing program validity. It would also be necessary for providing basis for efficient program implementation. When comparisons of program theory between similar programs are possible, program theory and validity will be strengthened when comparisons of program theories between similar programs are possible.

The Effect of the Preceptorship on Nursing Performance and Job Satisfaction of the Preceptor (프리셉터쉽 경험이 프리셉터의 업무수행과 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Chung-Hee;Kim, Dong-Oak
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.345-358
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the preceptorship on nursing performance and job satisfaction of the preceptor. This study was as a one group pretest-posttest study. The subjects were 33 nurses who was selected as preceptors in 1998. This study was carried out from 16 April 1998 to 25 May 1998. Nursing performance was measured on a 6-D scale developed by Schwirian (1978) and job satisfaction was measured by a tool developed by Slavitt et al.(1978) and interpreted by Yoon (1990). The collected data were analyzed by paired t-test with SPSSWIN. The results were summarized as follows: 1. After the preceptorship, nursing performance of the preceptor increased significantly compared to before the preceptorship. All of the score of subscales was increased. 2. After the preceptorship, job satisfaction of the preceptor was increased slightly compared with before the preceptorship, but it was not statistically significant. The scores of the subscales increased in job status, interaction, autonomy, and organization. However, the score of the task requirement was decreased. Through the results of this study, increase in nursing performance, but only a slight increase in job satisfaction can be observed(not statistically significant). It seems that the content of preceptor program, the principle of adult learning, scientific problem solving, communication, feedback, and direct teaching experience affect the individual nursing performance of the preceptor. The preceptorship was useful with personnel development in terms of organization. To fully carry out the role of educating the preceptee, it is important to motivate the preceptor and to induce job satisfaction of the preceptor.

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