• 제목/요약/키워드: improving sports equipment

검색결과 14건 처리시간 0.026초

Improving the mechanical properties of table tennis by adding nanocomposite in its polymer matrix

  • Shuping Xu;Lixin Liang
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2024
  • This study delves into the significant impact of integrating nanomaterials, specifically carbon and graphene nanoparticles, into the polymer matrix of aluminum alloy 356, utilizing the vortex casting technique, with the aim of improving the mechanical properties of table tennis equipment. Athletes and their coaching teams have long been on a quest for high-performance sports gear, recognizing its pivotal role in unlocking the full potential of players. The dedication of engineers to craft designs, select materials with precision, and uphold stringent testing standards reflects the commitment to meeting the demands of the sporting world. Yet, to remain at the forefront, sports engineering must continually align with contemporary technologies, and nanotechnology has emerged as a transformative force in this regard. This study not only underscores the meticulous efforts in material integration but also highlights the remarkable strides made possible by nanotechnology. Aluminum nanocomposites, particularly, showcase a groundbreaking fusion of exceptional strength and reduced weight, marking a notable achievement in sports equipment innovation. The research outcomes are compelling, revealing a substantial enhancement in the mechanical performance of the sports structures under scrutiny. This promising development hints at a potential paradigm shift in the manufacturing of sports equipment, promising a new era of elevated athlete performance and enhanced safety during the rigors of physical education training. This study stands as a testament to the tangible impact of nanotechnology on the ever-evolving landscape of sports equipment.

Dynamic analysis of nanostructure in improving sports equipment assuming sinusoidal shear deformation theory and numerical solution

  • Xinrui Yang;Amir Behshad
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제17권3호
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    • pp.221-234
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, dynamic response of annular nanoplates in improving sports equipment with surface effect embedded by visco Pasternak fractional foundation is studied. Size effects are evaluated by modified couple stress theory (MCST) and the surface effects are considered by the Gurtin-Murdoch theory. The structural damping effect is considered in this research using Kelvin-Voigt model. Sinusoidal shear deformation theory (SSDT) is applied for mathematical modelling of the nanostructure system. The numerical procedure of differential quadrature (DQ) is presented to determine the dynamic deflection as well as dynamic response of the annular nanoplates. The numerical results dynamic deflection of the nanostructure is considering, including material length scale parameter, spring and damper constants of visco-pasternak fractional foundation, geometrical parameters of annular nanoplates, surface stress effects.

Analyzing Safety Factors of Swimming Pool

  • KWON, Yeon Taek;SEO, Myung Seok;SEO, Won Jae
    • Journal of Sport and Applied Science
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    • 제5권1호
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Swimming industry is improving faster than the other types of sport industries and populations of participating swimming are promptly increasing. Lack of recognition of fire safety in swimming facilities is issues related-studies has only recently begun to pay attention. This study is to review and extract fire safety factors for managing swimming pool. Research design, data, and methodology: The study reviewed related-ordinances, governmental documents, and studies discussing safety management of sport facility. Given the literature review, the study produced an initial construct presenting items and factors including fire safety elements and experts' review were conducted to ensure conceptual validity. Finally, the study generated the final factors and subitems representing fire safety elements for swimming pool management. Results: The study confirms factors and elements as follows: the study identifies fire safety equipments as first factors presenting fire extinguisher' place, its proper run, check list and so forth, Second factor is warning system including fire warning equipment, its proper operation, sprinkler and its proper operation, switch and lamp of emergency panel and their proper run and so on. Third factor is evacuation system including a fire exit, exit sign, broadcasting equipment, and their proper operation, and so on. The other factors are an electronic equipment and its subelements, gas management including safety management of LPG, gas valve, pipe, and fire prevention facility including a fire door and its proper operating. Conclusions: Regarding safety management of swimming pool, further discussions and implications were made, and future directions for related-studies were discussed.

지역 특화 스포츠관광 발굴을 위한 환경 분석 (Environmental Analysis for Discovering Specialized Local Sports Tourism)

  • 양은석;최경호
    • 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지
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    • 제15권7호
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    • pp.17-32
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    • 2021
  • 본 연구는 지역 특화 스포츠관광 발굴을 위한 환경 분석으로 국내·외 스포츠관광 현황 분석과 해외 사례를 제시함으로써 춘천 지역의 스포츠관광 산업 발전을 위한 시사점을 제공하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 따라서 SWOT 분석과 2차 자료조사를 통해 시설과 프로그램, 그리고 마케팅 부분에 따른 발전방안의 시사점을 도출하였다. 스포츠관광은 스포츠 참여나 관람을 중심으로 지역의 관광과 융합되어 지역경제 활성화에 기여하기 때문에 해당 지역의 특성을 고려하여 차별화된 상품으로 구성해야 한다. 국내·외 스포츠관광에서 중심이 되는 것을 찾아보면 메가 스포츠이벤트나 지역 특화 레저스포츠를 관광 자원과 연계하여 상품화하는 것을 볼 수 있다. 국내에서도 지역 특화 스포츠관광 육성사업을 통해 매년 3~4개 지역을 발굴하여 지원하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 춘천 스포투어 프로그램의 성과에 대한 평가와 분석을 통해 발전방안을 제시하고자 한다. 시설 부분에서는 자연환경과 어우러지는 숙박시설의 구축과 송암스포츠타운 연계 프로그램 개발, 장비의 보강이 이뤄져야 한다. 프로그램 부분에서는 의암호를 활용한 카누와 카약의 물길 코스 개발, 프로그램 운영 전문인력 양성, 참여 대상별 수준, 계절별 특색을 고려한 프로그램 개발이 이뤄져야 한다. 마케팅 부분에서는 ICT 활용과 장소의 인지도 상승 노력, 합리적인 가격 정책을 통해 경쟁력을 갖춰야 한다. 이와 같은 보완과 노력으로 지역에 특화된 스포츠관광 상품으로 발전시킨다면 지역경제 활성화에 기여할 수 있을 것이다.

The effects of carbon nanotubes on improving Tennis Racket Performance and resistance based on Nanotechnology

  • MingYang Xie;Rui Zhang;M. Shokravi
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제17권2호
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    • pp.157-165
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    • 2024
  • This paper discusses the importance of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in enhancing performance and resistance of tennis rackets with the application of nanotechnology. This paper discusses how nanomaterials work toward making the equipment lighter, stronger, and more durable by combining CNTs with composite materials in Tennis Rackets. Distinctive properties of the CNTs, such as the very high strength-to-weight ratio and exceptional mechanical resilience, have been exploited in racket performance optimization for better power transmission, increased control on shots, and improved durability. Resistance to wear and tear is discussed in terms of the life of a CNT-enhanced tennis racket and its continued performance with time. The findings imply that the CNTs increase the security and overall performance of tennis rackets, hence promising further innovation in sports technology equipment and the various performances expected from users.

공학 기술 기반 개인 디지털 디자인 프로세스를 적용한 컨셉카 개발 (Concept Car Development using Personal Digital Design Process based on Engineering Technology)

  • 맹주원;조종두
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제18권5호
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2010
  • Every car manufacturer desires to reduce the new car development time spent in improving the safety, NVH, lightweight, reliability and environment friendly features of the car. Other considerations such as planning, exterior and interior styling, packaging, color, and material selection increase the complexity of the car design process. This paper proposes a personal DDP (Digital Design Process) to utilize the engineering analysis and design/styling software for car design. DDP can be efficiently used by a team of car research center or a studio with small number of engineers, helping ordinary engineers becoming ambidextrous in design as well as engineering applications. The concept model starts from idea sketch, rendering, and 3D surface model with CAS (Computer Aided Styling) to the final safety estimation by using proposed DDP based on engineering technology (CAD, CAE). The concept model proposed a hydrogen fuel cell sports coupe which could be available within next 10 years. The proposed DDP can not only reduce the new car development time but also be adapted into designing of varied products such as aircraft, yacht, electrical equipment and sports gear.

골프 스윙궤적 및 비거리 향상을 위한 기능성 골프 이너웨어의 테이핑 기법 연구 (A study on the taping techniques of functional golf inner-wear for improving golf swing trajectory & shot distance)

  • 김정우
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.58-69
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study was to develop the Functional golf inner-wear by preventing the injuries and enhancing the performance of the Golf swing by checking the influence of the wearing of the functional golf inner-wear considering golf characteristics on the Swing trajectory and Shot distance. Functional inner-wear effective for golf swing was manufactured using the sports taping method. Changes in driver and iron swing before and after wearing the functional golf inner-wear manufactured in this way were measured using trackman equipment. Measurement variables were limited to Club Speed, Attack Angle, Club Path, Ball Speed, Smash Factor, and Priority. Before and after wearing functional golf inner-wear, there were statistically significant differences in driver club speed, iron club speed, driver etch angle, iron club pass, driver ball speed, driver smash factor, iron smash factor, driver carry, iron carry, and right shoulder joint proprioceptive sensory ability. As a result, functional golf inner-wear is effective for ball speed, impact, and carry by increasing club speed and efficient swing. Future research will focus on the development of functional golf that can improve the swing ability in a short game that plays an important role in the golf game through various sports taping grafting technique, textile, special material, film, Research on functional golf inner-wear.

On dynamic flight response of golf ball containing nanoparticles for improving quality

  • Yuwei Du;Guowen Ai;M. Kaffash
    • Advances in nano research
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    • 제15권6호
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    • pp.579-585
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    • 2023
  • This research delves into the intricate dynamics of the flight response exhibited by a golf ball that incorporates nanoparticles with the goal of enhancing its overall quality. The golf ball is meticulously modeled utilizing beam elements, and the impact of nanoparticles is intricately captured through the application of the Halpin-Tsai theory. Employing a numerical solution, the study thoroughly explores the flight response of the golf ball, taking into account the nuanced effects of the embedded nanoparticles. By scrutinizing the aerodynamic characteristics through advanced simulations, this investigation aims to provide valuable insights that could potentially revolutionize the design and performance of golf equipment, offering a pathway towards superior quality and enhanced functionality in the realm of golf ball technology. Results show that increase in the volume percent of nanoparticles, improves the flight response of the golf ball.

스키리조트 서비스품질 개선 우선순위 도출 (Analysis on the Improvement of Ski Resort Service Quality with the Performance Model)

  • 여환립;김판수
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제33권1호
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2010
  • This paper reorganized five service qualities dimensions of ski-resorts, then derived the improvement priority order of the service quality through a satisfaction measure considering the importance. There're more competitive situations to guarantee customers using the skies and snowboards is a major sports in winter season. In these competitive environments, this paper's going to propose a predominant-competitive strategies for improving the service quality of ski-resorts. This study measured the satisfaction considering the importance of service quality target on customers has an experience ski resort service quality to improve ski resort service quality. This study using Performance Model decide a priority order about a particular item improvement, then is going to present a guideline that can improve the service quality more exactly. As a result of the study the factors that is important to the customer were prime physical factor, access, assistance physical factor, staff service and assistant service, an improvement priority order were accommodation and eating-drinking facilities, waiting time of a slope and lift/gondola, entertainment/shopping facilities in the resorts, equipment rental and lift fare.

로잉운동의 부하편차 방식 적용에 따른 상하지 생체 역학적 평가 (Evaluation of Bio-Mechanical Character istics According to Loading Deviation Methods dur ing Rowing Exercise)

  • 강승록;정구영;문동안;정장식;김정자;권대규
    • 한국운동역학회지
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.369-382
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the validation of exercise effect with loading deviation during rowing exercise. We performed evaluation of based physical fitness and joint torque before the experiment for finding muscle unbalance. So we recruited twenty four subjects who have bigger muscle strength in more 20% than average one. Subjects divided two groups. One is dominant upper limbs(DU) and the other was dominant lower limbs(DL). Subjects performed rowing exercise using electric equipment (Robo.gym.Humonic.korea). Exercise is performed four sets a day including 25 times a set, and three days a week. Measurement consist of evaluation of based physical fitness and joint torque using biodex(biodex system3.USA). Evaluation of exercise effect performed each week in joint torque of shoulder, lumbar and knee joint and each month in based physical fitness. Also we adapted 30% of 1RM for muscular endurance and 70% of 1RM for muscle strength as exercise load. The results showed that the difference of maximal peak torque were getting increase significantly during exercise. Also difference of various factor in based physical fitness were getting increase significantly except flexibility and agility. This interpreted that rowing exercise with loading deviation types could provide muscle strength and muscular endurance exercise in same time. These results could be interpret to two ways. One is effect of improving physical fitness for rowing exercise and the other meaned validation of loading deviation in rowing exercise. Our study is going to verify the validation of loading deviation during rowing and we found out that loading deviation could provide muscle strength and muscular endurance exercise for improving muscle unbalance. Our study can be used development of exercise equipment and program for normal people with muscle unbalance. Also that provide effect of whole body exercise to anybody.