• Title/Summary/Keyword: imported product

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The Comparison on the Compression Measurement Value of Medical Compression Stockings (수입 의료용 압박스타킹의 압력 측정치 비교)

  • Do, Wol-Hee;Kim, Nam-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.37 no.8
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    • pp.1060-1074
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    • 2013
  • This study measured and analyzed pressure at each measurement part of imported compression stockings sold in Korea to provide basic information to establish a pressure standard and grade ranking. This study used 40 medical compression stockings imported from 6 countries. Pressure measurements were taken at 11 points: front side and back side of ankle, end-point of the gastrocnemius muscle, front, inner side, back, and outer side of calf, back side of below knew girth, inner side, and outer side of mid-thigh girth, and inner side of thigh girth. AMI 3037-10 and AMI 3037-2 were used for measurements taken inside an environmental chamber at a temperature of $21^{\circ}C$ and a relative humidity (RH) of 65%. For the measurements, 11 air pack sensors were attached to a wooden model leg (Hohenstein) and three measurements were taken at each measurement point in three minutes. The average of these measurements was used for analysis. The findings of this study were as follows. As for the front side of the ankle, of the 40 products, 14 products (6 USA, 2 Swiss, 3 Italian, and 2 Taiwanese) were within the pressure range indicated on the product label; however, no German products fell within the pressure range. A total of 8 products (5 USA, 1 Swiss, 1 Italian, and 1 German) were gradient compression type; however, no Japanese or Taiwanese product were of this type. The majority of products had the highest pressure at the end-point of the gastrocnemius muscle. Only 3 products, 1 USA (Jobst Opaque 30-40mmHg), 1 Swiss (Sigvaris Cotton 34-46mmHg) and 1 Italian (Jobstocking 25-32mmHg), had measurements that met the indicated standard pressure, were a gradient compression type, and met the overall standard for compression stockings.

Analysis of Peanut and Peanut Butter Retailed in Korea for Aflatoxin $B_1$ (국내 시판 땅콩 및 땅콩버터 중 Aflatoxin $B_1$ 오염 분석)

  • Park, Je-Won
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.309-312
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    • 2006
  • Aflatoxin $B_1$ in 70 retail samples, including 40 food-grade peanut (28 domestic, 12 imported) and 30 peanut butter (12 domestic, 18 imported) samples, was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection (FD), and positive samples were confirmed using HPLC with mass spectrometry (MS). Recoveries of aflatoxin $B_1$ spiked at 2 ppb exceeded 80% in both commodities. Detection limits for aflatoxin $B_1$ by HPLC-FD and MS analysis were 0.8 and 0.1 ppb, respectively. Four domestic and six imported peanut samples contained detectable levels of aflatoxin $B_1$ with means of 19 and 32 ppb, respectively. Aflatoxin $B_1$ was found in two domestic and three imported peanut butter samples with mean aflatoxin $B_1$ of 10 and 12 ppb, respectively. Peanut commodity showed more frequent aflatoxin $B_1$ contamination compared to its processed peanut butter product, and levels of aflatoxin $B_1$, especially in imported peanuts, were significantly (p<0.05) higher than those of other commodities. These results suggest peanut and peanut butter are not major contributors to dietary intake of aflatoxin $B_1$ in South Korea.

Quantification of Carbon Reduction Effects of Domestic Wood Products for Valuation of Public Benefit

  • Chang, Yoon-Seong;Kim, Sejong;Kim, Kwang-Mo;Yeo, Hwanmyeong;Shim, Kug-Bo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.202-210
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    • 2018
  • This study was carried out to quantify degree of contribution of harvested wood product (HWP) on mitigation of climate change by valuation of public benefits, environmentally and economically. The potential carbon dioxide emission reduction of HWP was estimated by accounting carbon storage effect and substitution effect. Based on 2014 statistics of Korea Forest Service, domestic HWPs were sorted by two categories, such as wood products produced domestically from domestic and imported roundwood. The wood products were divided into seven items; sawnwood, plywood, particle board, fiberboard (MDF), paper (including pulp), biomass (wood pellet) and other products. The carbon stock of wood products and substitution effects during manufacturing process was evaluated by items. Based on the relevant carbon emission factor and life cycle analysis, the amount of carbon dioxide emission per unit volume on HWP was quantified. The amounts of carbon stock of HWP produced from domestic and from imported roundwood were 3.8 million $tCO_{2eq}$., and 2.6 million $tCO_{2eq}$., respectively. Also, each reduction of carbon emission by substitution effect of HWP produced from domestic and imported roundwood was 3.1 million $tCO_{2eq}$. and 2.1 million $tCO_{2eq}$., respectively. The results of this study, the amount of carbon emission reduction of HWP, can be effectively used as a basic data for promotion of wood utilization to revise and establish new wood utilization promotion policy such as 'forest carbon offset scheme', and 'carbon storage labeling system of HWP'.

Preservatives in Domestic and Imported Children's Clay Products (국내 시판 어린이 점토제품 중 보존제 함유량 조사)

  • Jung, Sun Hye;Heo, Jin Yeong;Oh, Ji Hee;Park, Na-Youn;Kho, Younglim
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.36-43
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    • 2022
  • Background: Preservatives are used to prevent product deterioration in modeling clay. Parabens, a representative preservative, have been found to be endocrine disruptors and cause skin irritation and allergic reactions. Isothiazolinone preservatives can be irritating to the skin, respiratory tract, and eyes. Thorough investigation and regulation of clay are necessary because clay is marketed to children, who are more sensitive to the toxic effect of chemicals. Objectives: In this study, the presence of 16 preservatives was analyzed in modeling clay and the results were compared with current standards. Methods: A total of 200 samples were collected from 28 children's clay products sold in South Korea (13 from Korea and 15 imported from overseas). Twelve preservatives, such as parabens, were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Isothiazolinone preservatives (chloromethylisothiazolinone; CMIT, methylisothiazolinone; MIT, octylisothiazolinone; OIT, and benzisothiazolinone; BIT) were analyzed using ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometery (UPLC-MS/MS). Results: Dehydroacetic acid (DHA) was detected the most in the clays at 51.50% (103 cases) detection; 38 cases (median 190.42 ㎍/g) in Korean products and 65 cases (median 169.62 ㎍/g) in Chinese products. CMIT, which is prohibited in Korea, was detected in 14 (median 16.28 ㎍/g) Chinese products. OIT, which has a chemical structure similar to CMIT was found in 28 (median 68.38 ㎍/g) samples in Korean products. Conclusions: The use of CMIT and MIT in children's products is prohibited in Korea and the European Union (EU). The detection of CMIT in Chinese clay products suggests that management is necessary for imported products. It is necessary to review the safety and regulatory status for OIT because OIT was used as a substitute for CMIT and MIT in Korean products.

The Relationship between Difference of Evaluation of the Brand Equity from Consumers and Retailers toward Exclusive Imported Brands at Department Stores and the Performance (백화점 독점 수입브랜드 자산에 대한 소비자와 유통업자 간 평가 차이와 성과와의 관계)

  • Lyu, Moon-Sang
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.173-185
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    • 2011
  • This study aimed to clarify the difference between consumers and hands-on staff in evaluation of the attributes importance of asset evaluation attributes and the relationship between difference from consumers and hands-on staff in evaluation of the attributes and the performance. Subjects for the quantitative research, quota sampling was adopted in the areas where the subject brands were in place, and 452 questionnaires (141 of hands-on staff, 311 of consumers) were analyzed. The results were as follows; 1. The factors that hands-on staff and consumers regarded as most important as to asset evaluation attributes of department store-exclusive importation brands included preference and product quality in the order, and then image, recognition, reliability, and country of origin in the case of hands-on staff, and reliability, image, recognition, and country of origin in the case of consumers in the order. 2. As a result of examining the effect of the difference between hands-on staff and consumers regarding exclusive importation brands(GAP, ZARA) of certain department stores on business achievement and consumer attitude, it turned out that the smaller the difference between the two groups with regard to evaluation, the higher the business achievement and consumer attitude.

The Development of DCU for the Platform Screen Door (승강장 스크린 도어용 제어장치의 개발)

  • Woo, Chun-Hee;Kim, Jin-Sik
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers P
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.68-71
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    • 2011
  • In the case of Seoul Metro, prior to installation of platform screen doors, had seen 4~6 cases a month of mortal injuries from accidents on the platforms, including suicide attempts towards the oncoming train. However, since the installation of platform screen doors, Seoul Metro has achieved a feat of '0 mortal injuries'. In the initial stages of introducing platform screen doors domestically, due to a lack of experience in controlling platform screen doors, the products were imported and installed through technical cooperations from Japan, France and the United States. Thereafter, following investments in technologies by domestic firms, domestic production of parts such as overall control mechanism, specific control mechanism, RF devices and others were achieved. However, having installed platform screen doors in a relatively short period of time, DCU(Door Control Unit), an integral part of the whole platform screen door system, is yet to be fully domestically produced. At this moment in time, installation is being done with imported products or DCUs developed with DC motors. In this research, advantages and disadvantages of DC and BLDC motors for use in DCU will be analyzed and will produce an own BLDC controlling unit in order to solve any problems arised. Furthermore, the BLDC controlling unit produced will be integrated with DCU to improve the performance of the product and its price competitiveness.

The Effects of Free Trade Agreements on Korea's Fishery Products Import Market Integration (자유무역협정(Free Trade Agreements : FTA)이 국내 수산물 수입시장통합에 미친 효과)

  • Lim, Eun-Son;Kim, Ki-Soo
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.45-66
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    • 2017
  • Although the main objective of Free Trade Agreements (FTA) is market integration among member countries, there are limited studies supporting this impact. Our study explores whether FTA has enhanced market integration between South Korea and its FTA partners, focusing on South Korea's fishery product import market. We investigate two research questions concerning FTA impacts: first, whether trade costs declined when South Korea imported fishery products from its FTA partners after the FTA; second, if the speed of the convergence of South Korea-its FTA partners'price differential of imported fishery products on trade costs result to occur more quickly after the FTA. To determine these outcomes, we utilize a Threshold Autoregressive Model covering the sample periods from January 2002 to April 2017. Our findings demonstrate the effects of FTA on market integration are different among FTA partners. FTA has enhanced the market integration between South Korea and Norway, Vietnam, and Spain, respectively, but not for others. Therefore, we find positive evidence of FTA on fishery import market integration between South Korea and Norway, Vietnam and Spain, respectively.

A Study on Characteristics And Intrinsic Meaning of Conspicuous Kids Fashion (과시적 키즈 패션의 특성과 내적 의미 연구)

  • Kim, Hyun-Kyung;Choy, Hyon-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.7
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the characteristics of conspicuous kids fashion and its intrinsic meaning as the popular trends of luxury product consumption expand into the area of kids' fashion. For methodologies, literature study was conducted along with empirical study. The literature study was based on various literatures and preceding studies, including books. The empirical materials used the internet photos, overseas kids fashion magazines, and free newspapers available on the basis of membership targeting the upper class. Conspicuous kids fashion refers to imported luxury kids brands, which signify higher status of the wearer due to the high prices and high quality. These brands were thrust into limelight amid the Wanna-Be Phenomenon, which resulted from the emergence of kids' fashion icons. Imported luxury brands launched the products in the form of brand line extensions. It promoted exhibition of vicarious consumption to show off the wealth and social prestige of parents. It came into prominence due to emotional consumption among kitty moms. Moreover, this study examined the intrinsic meaning of conspicuous kids fashion. The results showed components of conspicuous kids fashion, which was classified into the emphasis on outward appearance, consumption for vicarious satisfaction, inheritance of cultural capital, and network configuration.

Concentration Distribution of PBDEs and PCBs in Soil (토양 중 PBDEs와 PCBs의 농도분포)

  • Lee, Sung-Hee;Cho, Ki-Chul;Yeo, Hyun-Gu
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.510-516
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    • 2009
  • Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in soil samples of Ansung in Kyonggi-province to investigate concentration distribution of PBDEs and PCBs. The 10 soil samples were collected using a stainless steel hand-held corer that was cleaned before and after each sample using hexane. Total concentration of PBDE and PCBs were 2,205.3 and 348.1 pg/g dry weight (DW) in soil sample, respectively. BDE-209 showed as the most abundant congener in soil samples which was related to imported amount and usage amount of deca-BDE technical mixture in Korea. Also, BDE-99, BDE-47, BDE-100 deposition in soil sample was higher than other congeners and was related to the imported and usage amount reported for penta-BDE technical mixture in Korea. Correlation coefficient between PBDE contribution and technical mixture formulation (Bromokal 70-5DE) were significant (r=0.91, p<0.01) which suggests the influence of sources in this technical mixtures.

A study on the consumption of fishery products in relation with radioactivity-related safety information (방사능 관련 안전정보의 수산물 소비 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Jong-Ho
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.145-155
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to look at the change in consumer awareness and behavior after Japan's 2013 nuclear power plant's radioactive water leakage and draw implications about them. Findings show that 81% of respondents decreased their consumption of fishery products after the nuclear incident, and kept on showing avoidance of imported fishery products including those from Japan. Also it showed that consumers more importantly considered safety when buying imported fishery products after the nuclear incident. The most common channel of receiving radioactivity safety information on fishery products were TV and online. However, the main reason for decreasing the consumption of fishery products was founded to be based on the inaccuracy of the information provided. However, many people said that they will increase their consumption of all fishery products if provided with accurate radioactivity information. Therefore, if accurate radioactivity information were to be spread effectively to the public, positive consumption rates of fishery products can be shown in the future. The inaccuracy of radioactivity safety information caused the rapid decrease of fishery products consumption in 2013 to be amplified. Therefore, this study showed the importance of the delivery of rapid, accurate and consistent information to consumers.