• Title/Summary/Keyword: impact behaviors

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Dental Practitioners Self Reported Performance of Tobacco Cessation Counseling Interventions: A Cross Sectional Study

  • Parakh, Abhinav;Megalamanegowdru, Jayachandra;Agrawal, Rohit;Hathiwala, Siddhi;Chandrakar, Mayank;Tiwari, Ram;Veeranna, Thippeswamy
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.6141-6145
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    • 2013
  • Background: The objective of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and behaviors of the practicing dentists regarding tobacco cessation counseling (TCC) in Chhattisgarh state and also the barriers that prevent them from doing so. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted among dental practitioners of Raipur district, Chhattisgarh state (India). The sampling frame was registration with the State Dental Council and practicing in Raipur district. A questionnaire was personally administered and the practitioners were given explanations regarding how to complete it. Only descriptive statistics were calculated (SPSS version 16 for Windows). Results: Based on the responding dentists' self reports, 76% were not confident in TCC, 48% did not assume TCC to be their responsibility, 17% considered that it might have a negative impact on their clinical practice, whereas 24% considered it might take away precious time from their practice, 25% considered TCC by dentists to be effective to a considerable extent and 80% considered TCC activities are not effective due to lack of formal training, 69% considered dental clinics as an appropriate place for TCC but 82% thought there must be separate TCC centre and 100% of the dentists wanted TCC training to be a part of practice and that it should be included in dental curriculum. Some 95% of them were of the view that tobacco products should be banned in India and 86% responded that health professionals must refrain from tobacco habits so to act as role models for society. Conclusions: Dental professionals must expand their armamentarium to include TCC strategies in their clinical practice. The dental institutions should include TCC in the curriculum and the dental professionals at the primary and the community health care level should also be trained in TCC to treat tobacco dependence.

The Effects of the Benefit-Sharing Activities through Dynamic Trust on Recontract Intention in Foods-Service Franchisers (외식 프랜차이즈 사업의 성과공유활동이 동태적 신뢰를 통해 재계약의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Ha-Kyung;Park, Hyeon-Suk
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - The aim of this study is to investigate the benefit-sharing activities. They affect contract renewal intention between franchisers and franchisees that are linked through a contract with the intention of building their relationship from the level based on dynamic trust. This study will show a new approach on qualitative growth and consolidation of competitive power and may well be able to suggest practical ways to strengthen directions in the field of franchise industries. Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, based on literature review, we separated logistical-supporting activities and non-logistical-supporting activities from benefit-sharing activities. We modeled how benefit-sharing activities influence contract renewal intention of franchisees by dynamic trust. In particular, considering the possibility of trading concepts and characteristics of trust between providers opportunistic behaviors was defined as variables, depending on the situation and dynamic characters reveal their relationship trust concept. That is, dynamic trust having the possibility of changing depending on opportunistic risks and interdependencies by Lewis & Weigert(1985, 2012) was classified into transitional-based trust, calculated based trust, relational-based trust and balance-based on trust. The total of 104 samples from domestic franchisees being with franchisees were collected by using a structural composed questionnaire. Results - The results are as following. Benefit-sharing activities in logistical supporting activities appeared to affect the multidimensional concept of transitional trust, calculated based on trust, relationship-based trust and balance based on trust dynamic trust with all-defined impact. Non-logistical supporting activities appeared to affect significantly the positive (+) to the dynamic trust concept except transitional trust. Lewis & Weigert(1985; 2012) have proposed a dynamic confidence calculated from relations within-based trust relationship based on trust appears to affect the significant positive (+) to the balance-based confidence transactions confidence mechanism of the system side in the verified relationship. Finally, a relationship based on trust and confidence in the balance based on the Influence of dynamic renewed confidence showed significantly affect the positive(+). In particular, the balance based trust showed the acts as a mediating factors between relational trust and confidence and renew calculated. Conclusion - From the above these results, the significance from this study is as following. First, the proposed activity is to share and validate the approach by identifying the potential in the relationship from the contract with building dynamic trust, and one of the ways from the franchise headquarters and affiliated merchants mutual growth through win-win cooperation in sharing activities. Next, the dynamic segmentation confidence to suggest the possibility can be broken down over the validity and reliability test for each concept. In addition, by identifying the relationship between the dynamic level of confidence granular multi-dimensional concept, to determine the level of trust with a dynamic relationship between risk and interdependencies can be possible in franchise industries. In order to maintain and develop their mutual relationship, franchise industries should propose confidence-building steps to promote their quality improvement.

The Impact of Information on Stock Message Boards on Stock Trading Behaviors of Individual Investors based on Order Imbalance Analysis (온라인 주식게시판 정보가 주식투자자의 거래행태에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Hyun Mo;Park, Jae Hong
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.23-38
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    • 2016
  • Previous studies on information systems (IS) and finance suggest that information on stock message boards influence the investment decisions of individual investors. However, how information on online stock message boards influences an individual investor's buy or sell decisions is unclear. To address this research question, we investigate the relationship between a number of posts on stock message boards and order imbalance in stock markets. Order imbalance is defined as the difference between the daily sum of buy-side shares traded and the daily sum of sell-side shares traded. Therefore, order imbalance can suggest the direction of trades and the strength of the direction with trading volumes. In this regard, this study examines how the number of posts (information on stock message boards) influences order imbalance (stock trading behavior). We collected about 46,077 messages of 40 companies on the Korea Composite Stock Price Index from Paxnet, the most popular Korean online stock message board. The messages we collected were divided based on in-trading and after-trading hours to examine the relationship between the numbers of posts and trading volumes. We also collected order imbalance data on individual investors. We then integrated the balanced panel data sets and analyzed them through vector regression. We found that the number of posts on online stock message boards is positively related to prior order imbalance. We believe that our findings contribute to knowledge in IS and finance. Furthermore, this study suggests that investors should carefully monitor information on stock message boards to understand stock market sentiments.

Impact of IPCC RCP Scenarios on Streamflow and Sediment in the Hoeya River Basin (대표농도경로 (RCP) 시나리오에 따른 회야강 유역의 미래 유출 및 유사 변화 분석)

  • Hwang, Chang Su;Choi, Chul Uong;Choi, Ji Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2014
  • This study is analyze future climate and land cover change affects behaviors for amount of streamflow and sediment discharge within basin. We used the climate forecast data in RCP 4.5 and 8.5 (2011-2100) which is opposite view for each other among RCP scenarios that are discussed for 5th report for IPCC. Land cover map built based on a social economic storyline in RCP 4.5/8.5 using Logistic Regression model. In this study we set three scenarios: one scenario for climate change only, one for land cover change only, one for Last both climate change and land cover change. It simulated amount of streamflow and sediment discharge and the result showed a very definite change in the seasonal variation both of them. For climate change, spring and winter increased the amount of streamflow while summer and fall decreased them. Sediment showed the same pattern of change steamflow. Land cover change increases the amount of streamflow while it decreases the amount of sediment discharge, which is believed to be caused by increase of impervious Surface due to urbanization. Although land cover change less affects the amount of streamflow than climate change, it may maximize problems related to the amount of streamflow caused by climate change. Therefore, it's required to address potential influence from climate change for effective water resource management and prepare suitable measurement for water resource.

Analysis of Effects of Reshoring Works on Short and Long Term Deflections of Flat Plates (플랫 플레이트 구조의 장단기 처짐 제어에 대한 동바리 재설치 작업의 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Jae-Yo;Park, Soo-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2017
  • RC flat plates may be governed by a serviceability as well as a strength condition, and a construction sequence and its impact on the distributions of gravity loads among slabs tied by shores are decisive factors influencing short and long term behaviors of flat plate. Over-loading and tensile cracking in early-aged slabs significantly increase the deflection of a flat plate system under construction, and a reshoring work may be helpful in reducing slab deflections by controlling the vertical distributions of loads in a multi-shored flat plate system. In this study, a effect of reshoring works on short and long term deflections of flat plate systems are analyzed. The slab construction loads with various reshoring schemes and slab design and construction conditions are defined by a simplified method, and the practical calculation of slab deflections with considering construction sequences and concrete cracking and long term effects is applied. From parametric studies, the reshoring works are verified to reduce slab deflections, and the optimized conditions for the reshoring works and slab design and constructions are discussed.

The Relationships of Family and School Environment with Chinese Adolescents' Psychological Well-being (중국 청소년의 가족 및 학교 환경과 심리적 복지 간 관련성)

  • Won, Bee Bee;Lee, Hyong-Sil
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender and sibling composition differences in psychological well-being, and to analyze the effects of family and school environment on psychological well-being among Chinese adolescents. Data from 453 students of middle school were used for final analysis. This study found that only child adolescents showed higher levels of self-esteem and low levels of depression than adolescents with sibling. Regression analysis revealed that self-esteem were influenced by relations with teachers, peer relations and marital conflict among male only child adolescents and female adolescents with sibling. Self-esteem of female only child adolescents was affected by parenting behavior and relations with teachers, and self-esteem of male adolescents with sibling was affected by relations with teachers. Relations with teachers and parenting behavior had impact on depression of Chinese adolescents, but depression was not influenced by peer relations.

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Factors Affecting the Use of Oral Hygiene Devices in Adults (성인의 구강위생용품 사용 영향요인)

  • Choi, Eun Sil;Jeong, Su-Ra;Cho, Han-A
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.775-785
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to verify factors affecting the use of dental hygiene care products in adults. The study used a nationally representative sample of Koreans (2013 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey) aged 19 years over (n=4,839). Dependent variable was frequency of tooth brushing per day, use of dental floss, use of interdental brush and use of mouth rinse. Independent variable was sociodemographic factors, health behaviors, perceived health and oral health conditions. The chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were performed to identify the factors affecting the use of dental hygiene care products. All analyses were performed using PASW Statistics version 18.0. Resulting of chi-square test, the use of oral hygiene care products was statistically significant with gender, age, education level, household income, marital status, dental utilization, dental examination. Resulting of logistic regression, in female, the higher the education level was identified as common factors for variables in use of dental hygiene care products. Dental hygienist among dental professionals should play an important role as contributor to the national oral health promotion that recognizes the impact of each factor by refining dental hygiene care products and reflect personal characteristics and preferences through the oral health educational media and program development.

The Effect of the Satisfaction after Consumption and Consumer Self-Confidence for Hedonic Products on Transaction Coupling (소비 후 만족도와 소비자 자신감이 거래 커플링에 미치는 영향 - 쾌락적 제품을 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Seong-Min;Kang, Hyun-Mo
    • CRM연구
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2011
  • In the study of transaction coupling and consumer behavior it is argued that the satisfaction after consumption and consumer self-confidence would affect the degree of transaction coupling. Based on Kivetz(1999), this study expand transaction coupling which is a mental accounting process. Satisfaction after consumption and consumer self-confidence have been frequently cited as a key construct for predicting various consumer-related behaviors. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of satisfaction after consumption and consumer self-confidence for hedonic products on transaction coupling. In order to explain the impact of consumer self-confidence clearly, the authors used a five-factor(i.e., information acquisition, consideration-set formation, personal and social outcomes, persuasion knowledge and marketplace interfaces). Using the scenario about baseball game, the authors manipulated the consumer satisfaction after consumption (satisfaction vs. dissatisfaction) between-subjects design. And consumer self-confidence was measured based on Bearden et al.(2001). The results of experimental study showed that the main effects of satisfaction after consumption is significant. The larger consumer satisfaction after consumption reflected a higher degree of transaction coupling. The 2-way interaction between satisfaction after consumption and consumer self-confidence is also significant. Specifically, the transaction coupling differentiation from satisfaction after consumption tends to be larger at high consumer-self confidence than at low one.

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Evaluation of Hydrogen Properties on Mg2NiHx-Graphene Composites by Mechanical Alloying (기계적 합금화법으로 제조한 Mg2NiHx-Graphene 복합재료의 수소화 특성 평가)

  • Lee, Young-Sang;Lee, Soo-Sun;Lee, Byung-Ha;Jung, Seok;Hong, Tae-Whan
    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2014
  • Mg hydride has a high hydrogen capacity (7.6%), at high temperature, and is a lightweight and low cost material, thus it a promising hydrogen storage material. However, its high operation temperature and very slow reaction kinetics are obstacles to practical application. In order to overcome these disadvantages of Mg hydride, graphene powder was added to it. The addition of graphene has been shown to reduce the operating temperature of dehydrogenation. Moreover, in this report the environmental aspects of $MgH_x$-Graphene composites are investigated by means of the environmental life cycle assessment (LCA) method. $MgH_x$-Graphene mixture was prepared by hydrogen induced mechanical alloy (HIMA). The synthesized powder was characterized by XRD(X-ray Diffraction). The hydrogenation behaviors were evaluated by using a Sievert's type automatic PCT apparatus. Such evaluation of Materials also conducted in the LCA. From the result of P-C-T(Pressure-Composition-Temperature) curves, the $MgH_x$-3wt.% graphene composite was evaluated as having a 5.86wt.% maximum hydrogen storage capacity, at 523K. From absorption kinetic testing, the $MgH_x$-7wt.% graphene composite was evaluated as having a maximum 6.94wt.%/ms hydrogen absorption rate, at 573K. Environment evaluation results for the $MgH_x$-graphene composites and other materials indicated environmental impact from the electric power used and from the materials themselves.

A Case Study of Display Design of Space 'O'sulloc Teahouse' from the Point of Sequence Narrative (시퀀스 내러티브 관점에 따른 '오설록 티하우스' 공간의 제품 전시 디자인 사례 연구)

  • Yang, Hyeon-Jeong;Lee, Hyunsoo
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2014
  • Recently, there have been increasing attempts to pursue and express feelings such as sensibilities, emotions, and impressiveness in commercial spaces. One of such methods is to apply 'storytelling' to space designs. Applicability of storytelling to a space suggests that the contents of a space can be expressed through various mediums. Portraying events and situations through a single time continuity of a story is referred to as 'narrative'. The movement of users and sequence of contents are determined by a narrative. It provides different storytelling and a sense of place to each space through various roles, such as wide association, engraving, and image formation. A narrative can lead users to engage in different perceptions and behaviors even in spaces with the same content. Thus, this study is intended to examine the impact of space marketing in line with design narratives, assuming that narratives of commercial space designs will influence the formation of brand identity. The research methods are as follows. First, the definition of narratives in space design was established by examining narrative architectures. Second, design analysis tools for commercial spaces were established from the perspective of narratives through preceding studies. Third, the design narratives of different shops under the same brand were comparatively analyzed through a case study. To carry out a case study, a commercial space of 'O'sulloc' was selected, and its brand identity was studied from the narrative standpoint. The case study involved interior designs of 7 road shops of 'O'sulloc.' Among the 7 road shops, two of them with the biggest difference in design narratives were selected, and an observation survey was done on the users as a second analysis. Through the observation survey, actual design narrative experience was analyzed in 4 steps of introduction, development, turn, and conclusion. The findings are as follows. The design method of each shop varied, and different design elements were emphasized. Among various elements, the ones that reflect the brand identity of 'O'sulloc' the best were logo, product, and shape. During the process of narratives, the characteristics of each shop and user recognition and behavior varied depending on the degree of emphasis on a particular element. It suggests that space design narratives can influence the formation of brand identity. This study provides ideal directions of developing space designs necessary for forming brand identity from the standpoint of Korean traditional culture modernization. Future studies could discuss the economic feasibility of such designs.