• Title/Summary/Keyword: impact behaviors

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Improvement of Methodology for Appraising Tram Projects Considering the Effect of Buses (노선버스 영향을 고려한 트램사업 투자평가방법론 개선 연구)

  • Choi, Ji Ho;Chung, Sung Bong;Bae, Tae Hee;Myung, Myo Hee
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2021
  • In contrast to standard train tracks, tramlines are often set along public roads, with trams running among pedestrians and other vehicles. In some cities and towns, trams and buses share the same routes and stations. Under the current investment appraisal system, trams are classified into light rail when predicting traffic demand and calculating benefits, but in the case of non-capital areas, it is notable that the origin-destination and transit lines of buses are not provided in the Korea Transport Database distribution data. Due to this problem, it is difficult to reflect proper mode changing behaviors between route buses and trams. This study examines the impact on tramlines of bus routes that are not currently considered in non-capital areas. Following an analysis of the effect of tram projects according to whether bus routes are considered or not, an improvement in methodology is proposed. Through this study, it is expected that the investment appraisal system for the planning of new tramlines will be improved in the future.

Policy Compliance and Smoking related Behavior Change in a Smoke-free Apartment (금연 공동주택 주민들의 정책 순응도와 흡연 관련 행태 변화)

  • Cho, Hoosun;Kim, Eunsu;Nam, Hae-Sung
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.221-234
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study is to identify the policy compliance according to the socio-demographic characteristics, stress, satisfaction of relationship, Health Belief Model and characteristics of smoking behaviors and knowledge related smoking of the residents living in the Smoke-free apartment and to investigate the change of the smoking related behavior before and after the implementation of the policy. Methods: The subjects of the survey were 293 residents aged 19 or older who reside in apartments six months after the designation of Smoke-free apartment located in Daejeon. All collected data were analyzed using T-test, ANOVA and Hierarchical multiple regression of SPSS for windows(ver 24.0) program. Results: The policy compliance was higher in women and those who lived for less than two years, and non-smokers were significantly higher. The policy compliance of the whole subjects was related to satisfaction with the surrounding relationship, perceived disability about smoking cessation, frequency of smoking and the amount of smoking. The policy compliance of the whole subjects was related to the satisfaction of the surrounding relationship, the perceived disability about smoking cessation, and the amount of smoking. In addition, after the implementation of the gold research station designation policy, it had a positive impact on smoker's smoking behavior and resulted in reducing the frequency of secondhand smoke among residents. Conclusions: In order to increase the compliance of the non-smoking policy It is necessary to continuously expand the indoor smoking cessation zone policy, develop policies and supplement the health belief model components.

Effects of Liberal Arts Education Using PSAs through Visual Media on Character for Prospective Teachers (영상매체 공익광고를 활용한 교양수업이 사범대생들의 인성에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Byung-Sun;Jang, Man-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.247-258
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate whether character education program using Youtube PSAs affect psychological and social maturity of pre-service teachers. For data collections, questionnaires and semi-structured interview are used by 23 sophomores majoring in teacher education. The results are as follows. First, the participants showed highly significant improvement on each of two maturities as well as entire psychological and social maturity. Second, the score of factors of social maturity was lower than that of those of psycho maturity. it could be estimated that college students live in nuclear family and individualization is valued more. Third, while pre-test scores of entire psycho-social maturity are not statistically significant, post-test scores of each of psycho-social maturity indicated statistical significance. In particular, unlike pre-test, there is a strong positive correlation in post-test due to mutually positive impact of two factors. Fourth, there was no statistically significant sex difference. Lastly, according to the result of interview, participants had strong views on the effects of personality education associated with use of Youtube PSAs on motivation and focus in class, caring for others, and leading to positive behaviors.

Centrifugal Test on Behavior of the Dolphin Structure under Ship Collision (선박충돌 시 돌핀 구조물의 거동에 대한 원심모형실험)

  • Oh, SeungTak;Bae, WooSeok;Cho, SungMin;Heo, Yol
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2011
  • The impact protection system consists of an arrangement of circular sheet pile cofferdams-denoted dolphin structuredeeply embedded in the seabed, filled with crushed rock and closed at the top with a robust concrete cap. Centrifuge model tests were performed to investigation the behaviors of dolphins in this study. Total 7 quasi-model tests and 11 dynamic model tests were performed. The main experimental results can be summarized as follows. Firstly, The experimental force-displacement results for quasi-static tests show a limited influence on the initial stiffness of the structure from the change in fill density and the related change in the stiffness of the fill. And by comparing the dissipation at the same dolphin displacement it was found that the denser fill increase the dissipation by 16% for the 20m dolphin and by 23% for the 30m dolphin. The larger sensitivity for the large dolphin is explained by a larger contribution to the dissipation from strain in the fill. In low level impacts the dynamic force-response is up to 26~58% larger than the quasi-static and the dissipation response is showed larger in small displacement. Hence, it is concluded conservative to use the quasi-static response characteristics in the approximation of the response, and it is further concluded that the dolphin resistance to low level impacts is demonstrated to be equivalent and even superior to the high level impacts.

Creative Leadership, Organizational Trust, and Job Enthusiasm of Public Officials in Educational Administration Structural Process of Impact on Innovation Behavior (교육행정직 공무원의 창의적 리더십, 조직신뢰, 직무열의가 혁신행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 구조적 과정)

  • Jung, Dong-Yeol
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.162-172
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    • 2021
  • This study was approached from the perspective of leadership as a study on innovation, a concept that can develop and maintain a continuous competitive advantage in the rapidly changing environment of management and public service organizations. the purpose of this study is as follows. first, it defines the concept of creative leadership and tests the relationship with innovation behavior through various variables. second, the relationship between conceptually defined creative leadership and job enthusiasm and organizational trust is tested in the organization of public officials in the educational administration. third, it examines the relationship between job enthusiasm and organizational trust, which are parameters, innovation behaviors of public officials in the educational administration. the finddings are as follows. job enthusiasm, organizational trust, and creative leadership were suggested as prerequisites that directly influence the innovation behavior of the organizational members of the educational administration office.

A Convergence Study of the Effects of Eating Behaviors on Stress Recognition by Adolescent Gender (청소년의 성별에 따른 식생활 행태가 스트레스 인지에 미치는 영향에 대한 융합적 연구)

  • Kim, Ga-Eun;Choi, Yoon-Ha;Kang, Su-Min;Lee, Jongseok;Jung, Deuk
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.8
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2021
  • This study was conducted to identify the impact of adolescents' dietary behavior on their stress perception and provide basic data for education programs linked to customized nutrition education by gender. In this study, the 2019 Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey was used, and a total of 57,303 middle·high school students were selected. Controlling adolescents' age, school record, economic status, residence type, subjective health and body type perception, and the dietary life variables designed with breakfast, fresh foods(fruit, vegetables, milk, water), processed foods(carbonate beverage, energy beverage, sweet beverage, fast food) were analyzed to have an effects on the stress recognition of adolescents. Breakfast had a negative(-) effect on stress perception in all genders of adolescents, and in the case of fresh food, water for boys and fruit for girls had the highest negative(-) effect on stress perception, and in the case of processed foods, energy drink was the dietary factor that had the highest positive(+) effect on adolescents' stress perception. These results suggest that it is necessary to develop a dietary education program tailored to the gender of adolescents to improve their stress perception, and to provide continuous guidance to form a healthy diet.

A Study on the Effects of Protective Behavioral Strategies on Alcohol-Related Harms in Adults (보호행동전략이 성인의 음주폐해에 끼치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hee Jong;Park, Ka Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.627-637
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    • 2021
  • Many efforts have been made to prevent alcohol related harms such as health problems and socio-economic problems. Among them, the method of improving drinking behavior at the individual level is the most direct intervention. The effectiveness of the use of protective behavior strategies(PBS) has been widely known in Western countries. The purpose of this study is to empirically verify whether the use of PBS affects alcohol related harms in Korean adults. The survey has been conducted on 2,000 adult men and women. As a result, it is found that the use of PBS reduced alcohol related harms in adults. Among the PBS, the biggest impact on alcohol related harms is the area related serious harm reduction strategy, followed by restrictions on 'manner of drinking'. The effects of 'limiting/ stopping of drinking' is not significant. In addition, drinking frequency, binge drinking, and drinking motivations have significant positive effects on alcohol-related harms, and only social motivation has a negative effect. In this work, we propose follow-up studies on identifying relationships between protective behaviors and alcohol related factors through longitudinal studies and strengthening the use of protective behavior strategies that applied to the refined target populations.

Building an IS Environment and Support Structure for Insiders to Comply with IS: A Perspective on Improving the IS Related Justice Climate (내부자의 정보보안 준수를 위한 정보보안 환경 및 지원 체계 구축: 정보보안 공정성 분위기 강화 관점)

  • Hwang, In-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.913-926
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    • 2022
  • As information is recognized as a core competency of organizations, organizations are increasingly investing in policies and technologies for information security(IS). Recently, as information exposure accidents by people have occurred continuously, interest in IS behaviors of organization insiders is increasing. This study aims to confirm the effect of the IS environment and support structure established by the organization on the intention of individuals to comply with IS. We conducted a survey of employees in organizations with IS policies and tested the hypothesis using the structural equation of AMOS 22.0 and Process 3.1 using 421 samples. As a result of the analysis, authentic leadership and justice climate, which are factors that build an IS environment, and communication and feedback, which are factors supporting IS compliance, have a positive effect on employees' compliance intention. In addition, authentic leadership, punishment, communication, and feedback were found to reinforce the positive impact of IS justice climate. As the study suggested the overall structural design direction to be pursued to reinforce insider's IS behavior, and the results help to achieve the IS goal.

The Effects of Public Service Motivation on the Innovative Behavior of Public Officials : With a focus on the mediating effects of ethical leadership and the moderating effects of organizational culture (공무원의 공공봉사동기가 혁신행동에 미치는 영향: 윤리적 리더십의 매개효과와 조직문화의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • Seo, Gwi-Bun;Choi, Do-Lim
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.531-543
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    • 2022
  • This study aims to examine the mediating effects of ethical leadership and the moderating effects of organizational culture in relation to the impact of public service motivation on innovative behavior by public officials. This research utilizes data from the 2021 Public Employee Perception Survey conducted to public officials by the Korea Institute of Public Administration. Public service motivation had a positive effect on innovative behavior and ethical leadership, while ethical leadership had a positive effect on innovative behavior. In addition, ethical leadership mediated the relationship between public service motivation and innovative behavior. Under organizational culture, hierarchical and innovative cultures exhibited moderating effects. The policy and practical implications of these findings are as follows. First, it is important to build ethical leadership in order to retain the national competitiveness of public officials and encourage innovative behaviors that can adapt to changes at public organizations. Second, the competition rate for public service examinations has fallen recently. This may be interpreted as an unfavorable perception of public service bureaucracy among the MZ generation. Consequently, in line with the changing times, the organizations of public officials must adopt to a future-oriented, innovative culture. Third, it is necessary to explore alternative methods for developing an innovative culture, such as giving greater flexibility and autonomy through transfer of authority to public officials who address the public directly.

Comparing 'Consumer Life' of Korean and Japanese Home Economics Textbooks Through ESD Concept (한국과 일본 중학교 가정교과서 '소비생활' 관련 단원의 지속가능발전교육(ESD) 구성개념 비교)

  • Yu, Nan Sook;Jung, Hyojung
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to analyze 'consumer life' units in middle school home economics textbooks in Korea and Japan based on the ESD concept (diversity, interaction, finiteness, fairness, cooperation, responsibility). The objective was to compare how the ESD concept was reflected in Korean and Japanese textbooks. The analysis focused on the units related to 'adolescent consumer life' in Korean textbooks and 'money management and purchase' as well as 'consumer rights and responsibilities' in Japanese textbooks. Results showed that in Korea, responsibility (23.36%) was most emphasized, followed by interaction (22.43%), cooperation (19.63%), fairness (18.69%), finiteness (10.28%), and diversity (5.61%). In Japan, cooperation (21.74%) and interaction (21.45%) received significant attention, followed by fairness (16.23%), responsibility (13.91%), finiteness (13.33%), and diversity (13.33%). Korean textbooks exhibited a wider range of ESD concept percentages compared to Japan. In the Korean textbooks, responsibility was emphasized for promoting rational and ethical consumption, while Japanese textbooks highlighted cooperation in resolving consumer issues and collaborating with local and international communities to address environmental concerns. Interaction was emphasized regarding the impact of individual and family consumption on society, economy, and the environment. Overall, both Korean and Japanese home economics textbooks reflected elements that foster sustainable consumer behaviors.