• Title/Summary/Keyword: imaging physics

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Canine MR Images from 3T Active-Shield MRI System (3T 능동차폐형 자기공명영상 장비로부터 얻어진 개의 자기공명영상)

  • Choe, Bo-Young;Park, Chi-Bong;Kang, Sei-Kwon;Chu, Myoung-Ja;Kim, Euy-Neyng;Lee, Hyoung-Koo;Suh, Tae-Suk
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2001
  • For veterinary imaging diagnosis, we obtained MR images of the canine brain, spine, kidney and pelvis from 3T MRI system which was equipped with the world first 3T active shield magnet. Spin echo (SE) and fast Spin Echo (FSE) images were obtained from the canine brain, spine, kidney and pelvis of normal and sick dogs using a homemade birdcage and transverse electromagnetic (TEM) resonators operating in quadrature and tuned to 128 MHz. In addition, we employed a homemade saddle shaped RF coil. Typical common acquisition parameters were as follows: matrix=512$\times$512, field of view (FOV)=20cm, slice thickness=3 w, number of excitations (NEX)=1. For T1-weighted MR images, we used TR=500 ms, TE=10 or 17.4 ms. For T2-weighted MR images, we used TR=4000 ms, TE=108 ms. Signal to noise ratio (SNR) of 3T system was measured 2.7 times greater than that of prevalent 1.57 system. The high resolution images acquired in this study represent more than a 4-fold increase in in-plane resolution relative to conventional images obtained with a 20 cm field of view and a 5 mm slice thickness. MR images obtained from 3T system revealed numerous small venous structures throughout the image plane and provided reasonable delineation between gray and white matter The present results demonstrate that the MR images from 3T system could provide better diagnostic quality of resolution and sensitivity than those of 1.5T system. The elevated SNR observed in the 3T high field magnetic resonance imaging can be utilized to acquire images with a level of resolution approaching the microscopic structural level under in vivo conditions. These images represent a significant advance in our ability to examine small anatomical features with noninvasive imaging methods. Moreover, MRI technique could begin to apply for veterinary medicine in Korea.

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Growth Evaluation of Lipid Production Microalgae Scenedesmus obliquus using Raman Spectroscopy (라만 분광법을 이용한 지질생산 미세조류 Scenedesmus obliquus 성장 평가)

  • Yoo, Yong Jin;Lee, Geon Woo;Baek, Dong Hyun;Lee, Jin Woo;Kim, Ho Seob
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2020
  • Biodiesel produced using microorganisms, which are recognized as the third-generation biomass, is among the various known renewable energy sources that can replace fossil fuels used in conventional transportation. Scenedesmus obliquus has been identified as an excellent species for biodiesel production, as it grows faster and can accumulate up to 40-50 percent of the dry cell weight. Enhancing production using S. obliquus requires measuring the cell mass for controlling the cultivation process. In the current study, S. obliquus was cultured for 75 days, and growth changes of the microalgae were measured by absorbance, microscopic imaging, and Raman spectroscopy. Between days 60 to 75 of culture, the change in absorbance was observed to be less than 3%, whereas the number of microalgae observed microscopically was more than three times higher. Moreover, the Raman spectroscopy results showed three strong peak values of β-carotene at 997 cm-1, 1148 cm-1, and 1515 cm-1, with peak values of β-carotene showing greater than 3-fold increase during the culture period. Therefore, we predict that application of Raman spectroscopy will help in identifying the growth elements and growth degree in microalgae culture during increased biomass production.

Satellite (SCIAMACHY) Measurements of Tropospheric SO2 and NO2: Seasonal Trends of SO2 and NO2 Levels over Northeast Asia in 2006 (인공위성 (SCIAMACHY) 데이터를 이용한 대류권 SO2, NO2 측정: 2006년 동북아시아 지역의 계절적 SO2, NO2 변화 추세)

  • Lee, Chul-Kyu;Richter, Andreas;Burrows, John P.;Kim, Young-J.
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.176-188
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    • 2008
  • Anthropogenic emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide in Northeast Asia are of great concern because of their impact on air quality and atmospheric chemistry on regional and intercontinental scales. Satellite remote sensing based on DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) technique has been preferred to measure atmospheric trace species and to investigate their emission characteristics on regional and global scales. Absorption spectra obtained by the satellite-born instrument, SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric Chartography) have been utilized to retrieve the information of $SO_2$ and $NO_2$ over Northeast Asia. $SO_2$ levels over Northeast Asia were in order of East China, Yellow Sea, South Sea and Korean Peninsula with mean vertical columns of $1.78({\pm}1.0){\times}10^{16}$, $1.11({\pm}0.67){\times}10^{16}$, $0.60({\pm}0.63){\times}10^{16}$, $0.71({\pm}0.65){\times}10^{16}\;molecules/cm^2$, respectively. $NO_2$ levels were in order of East China, Yellow Sea, Korean Peninsula, and South Sea with mean vertical columns of $1.2({\pm}0.56){\times}10^{16}$, $0.38({\pm}0.19){\times}10^{16}$, $0.48({\pm}0.28){\times}10^{16}$, $0.26({\pm}0.16){\times}10^{16}\;molecules/cm^2$, respectively. High levels of $SO_2$ and $NO_2$ were observed over East China, in particular in winter by the contribution of heating fuel combustion exhausts. The $SO_2$ and $NO_2$ levels over East China were the highest in January with 34% and 42% higher over the annual means. Low levels of $SO_2$ ranged over Korean peninsula, while $NO_2$ levels were relatively high, in particular in winter. The $SO_2$ and $NO_2$ levels over Yellow Sea were relatively higher compared to those over Korean peninsula and South Sea, which could be mainly attributed to their transport from East China.

3-Dimensional Dosimetry of Small Field Photon Beam (광자선의 소조사면에서의 3차원적 선량 측정)

  • Jang, Ji-Sun;Kwon, Soo-Il
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.54-61
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    • 2012
  • A polymer gel dosimeter was fabricated. A 3-dimensional dosimetry experiment was performed in the small field of the photon of the cyberknife. The dosimeter was installed in a head and neck phantom. It was manufactured from the acrylic and it was used in dosimetry. By using the head and neck CT protocol of the CyberKnife system, CT images of the head and neck phantom were obtained and delivered to the treatment planning system. The irradiation to the dosimeter in the treatment planning was performed, and then, the image was obtained by using 3.0T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) after 24 hours. The dose distribution of the phantom was analyzed by using MATLAB. The results of this measurement were compared to the results of calculation in the treatment planning. In the isodose curve on the axial direction, the dose distribution coincided with the high dose area, 0.76mm difference on 80%, rather than the low dose area, 1.29 mm difference on 40%. In this research, the fact that the polymer gel dosimeter and MRI can be applied for analyzing a small field in a 3 dimensional dosimetry was confirmed. Moreover, the feasibility of using these for the therapeutic radiation quality control was also confirmed.

Current Status of the KMTNet Active Nuclei Variability Survey (KANVaS)

  • Kim, Joonho;Karouzos, Marios;Im, Myungshin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.54.1-54.1
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    • 2016
  • Multi-wavelength variability is a staple of active galactic nuclei (AGN). Optical variability probes the nature of the central engine of AGN at smaller linear scales than conventional imaging and spectroscopic techniques. Previous studies have shown that optical variability is more prevalent at longer timescales and at shorter wavelengths. Intra-night variability can be explained through the damped random walk model but small samples and inhomogeneous data have made constraining this model hard. To understand the properties and physical mechanism of intra-night optical variability, we are performing the KMTNet Active Nuclei Variability Survey (KANVaS). Using KMTNet, we aim to study the intra-night variability of ~1000 AGN at a magnitude depth of ~19mag in R band over a total area of ${\sim}24deg^2$ on the sky. Test data in the COSMOS, XMM-LSS, and S82-2 fields was obtained over 4, 6, and 8 nights respectively during 2015, in B, V, R, and I bands. Each night was composed of 5-13 epoch with ~30 min cadence and 80-120 sec exposure times. As a pilot study, we analyzed data in the COSMOS field where we reach a magnitude depth of ~19.5 in R band (at S/N~100) with seeing varying between 1.5-2.0 arcsec. We used the Chandra-COSMOS catalog to identify 166 AGNs among 549 AGNs at B<23. We performed differential photometry between the selected AGN and nearby stars, achieving photometric uncertainty ~0.01mag. We employ various standard time-series analysis tools to identify variable AGN, including the chi-square test. Preliminarily results indicate that intra-night variability is found for ~17%, 17%, 8% and 7% of all X-ray selected AGN in the B, V, R, and I band, respectively. The majority of the identified variable AGN are classified as Type 1 AGN, with only a handful of Type 2 AGN showing evidence for variability. The work done so far confirms there are more variable AGN at shorter wavelengths and that intra-night variability most likely originates in the accretion disk of these objects. We will briefly discuss the quality of the data, challenges we encountered, solutions we employed for this work, and our updated future plans.

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The Zodiacal Light Observations with the MIRIS

  • Pyo, Jeong-Hyun;Jeong, Woong-Seob;Matsumoto, Toshio;Lee, Dae-Hee;Han, Won-Yong;Ree, Chang-Hee;Park, Young-Sik;Nam, Uk-Won;Moon, Bong-Kon;Park, Sung-Joon;Cha, Sang-Mok;Lee, Sung-Ho;Yuk, In-Soo;Park, Jang-Hyun;Jin, Ho;Lee, Duk-Hang;Lee, Hyung-Mok;Hong, Seung-Soo
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.42.1-42.1
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    • 2011
  • The main payload of the Science and Technology Satellite 3 (STSAT-3), Multipurpose Infrared Imaging System (MIRIS), will be equipped with the wide-field near-infrared camera. Its wide field-of-view ($3.67^{\circ}{\times}3.67^{\circ}$) is optimal for the observation of the zodiacal light (ZL), the sunlight scattered by the interplanetary dust (IPD). The MIRIS will continuously monitor the seasonal variation of the ZL towards both north and south ecliptic poles, which is caused by the asymmetries of the IPD distribution with respect to the Sun and the ecliptic plane. In addition to the monitoring observations, we are planning pointed observations for compelling structures in the ZL, the asteroidal dust bands and the gegenschein. This presentation proposes the zodiacal light observations with the MIRIS and discusses the expected results.

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Fabrication of a PMN-PZT needle hydrophone for photoacoustic imaging (광음향 영상화를 위한 PMN-PZT 바늘형 수중청음기 제작)

  • Fan, Xiaofeng;Cao, Yonggang;Ha, Kanglyeol;Kim, Moojoon;Kang, Hyun Wook;Oh, Junghwan
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.175-182
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    • 2016
  • For application to several MHz photoacoustic imaging systems, a needle hydrophone was designed and fabricated by using PMN-PZT piezoelectric single crystal, and its characteristics were evaluated through comparison with a commercial PVDF(Polybinylidene Fluoride) hydrophone of which receiving sensitivity is known. The simulation using the KLM model results show that the peak receiving impulse response for $50{\Omega}$ terminating impedance of the fabricated hydrophone is -261.6 dB re $1V/{\mu}Pa$ and the frequency response is relatively flat over 2 ~ 12 MHz with fluctuation less than 5 dB. The measurement results using tone burst signals also show that it has higher (ave. 10.9 dB) sensitivity than the commercial hydrophone in 2 ~ 8 MHz, and the receiving sensitivity of $-255.8{\pm}2.8$ dB re $1V/{\mu}Pa$ was measured for the fabricated hydrophone. In addition, it is known that the photoacoustic signals and the image of a hair obtained by a mechanical scanned photoacoustic imaging system with the fabricated hydrophone were bigger and better than those obtained with the commercial hydrophone.


  • Lee, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2011
  • We have revisited the ACS Virgo Cluster Survey (ACSVCS), a Hubble Space Telescope program to obtain ACS/WFC g and z bands imaging for a sample of 100 early-type galaxies in the Virgo Cluster. In this study, we examine 51 nucleated early-type galaxies in the ACSVCS in order to look into the relationship between the photometric and structural properties of stellar nuclei and their host galaxies. We morphologically dissect galaxies into five classes. We note that (1) the stellar nuclei of dwarf early-type galaxies (dS0, dE, and dE,N) are generally fainter and bluer with g > 18.95 and (g-z) < 1.40 compared to some brighter and redder counterparts of the ellipticals (E) and lenticular galaxies (S0), (2) the g-band half-light radii of stellar nuclei of all dwarf early-type galaxies (dS0, dE, and dE,N) are smaller than 20 pc and their average is about 4 pc, and (3) the colors of red stellar nuclei with (g - z) > 1.40 in bright ellipticals and lenticular galaxies are bluer than their host galaxies colors. We also show that most of the unusually "red" stellar nuclei with (g-z) > 1.54 in the ACSVCS are the central parts of bright ellipticals and lenticular galaxies. Furthermore, we present multi photometric band color - color plots that can be used to break the age-metallicity degeneracy particularly by inclusion of the thermally pulsing-asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) phases of stellar evolution in the stellar population models.

A novel hybrid method for robust infrared target detection

  • Wang, Xin;Xu, Lingling;Zhang, Yuzhen;Ning, Chen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.5006-5022
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    • 2017
  • Effect and robust detection of targets in infrared images has crucial meaning for many applications, such as infrared guidance, early warning, and video surveillance. However, it is not an easy task due to the special characteristics of the infrared images, in which the background clutters are severe and the targets are weak. The recent literature demonstrates that sparse representation can help handle the detection problem, however, the detection performance should be improved. To this end, in this text, a hybrid method based on local sparse representation and contrast is proposed, which can effectively and robustly detect the infrared targets. First, a residual image is calculated based on local sparse representation for the original image, in which the target can be effectively highlighted. Then, a local contrast based method is adopted to compute the target prediction image, in which the background clutters can be highly suppressed. Subsequently, the residual image and the target prediction image are combined together adaptively so as to accurately and robustly locate the targets. Based on a set of comprehensive experiments, our algorithm has demonstrated better performance than other existing alternatives.


    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.307-310
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    • 2005
  • The Solar-B is the third Japanese spacecraft dedicated for solar physics to be launched in summer of 2006. The spacecraft carries a coordinated set of optical, EUV and X-ray instruments that will allow a systematic study of the interaction between the Sun's magnetic field and its high temperature, ionized atmosphere. The Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) consists of a 50cm aperture diffraction limited Gregorian telescope and a focal plane package, and provides quantitative measurements of full vector magnetic fields at the photosphere with spatial resolution of 0.2-0.3 arcsec in a condition free from terrestrial atmospheric seeing. The X-ray telescope (XRT) images the high temperature (0.5 to 10 MK) corona with improved spatial resolution of approximately 1 arcsec. The Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) aims to determine velocity fields and other plasma parameters in the corona and the transition region. The Solar-B telescopes, as a whole, will enable us to explore the origins of the outer solar atmosphere, the corona, and the coupling between the fine magnetic structure at the photosphere and the dynamic processes occurring in the corona. The mission instruments (SOT/EIS/XRT) are joint effort of Japan (JAXA/NAO), the United States (NASA), and the United Kingdom (PPARC). An overview of the spacecraft and its mission instruments are presented.