• Title/Summary/Keyword: image-based technique

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Distance Measurement Using the Kinect Sensor with Neuro-image Processing

  • Sharma, Kajal
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.379-383
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents an approach to detect object distance with the use of the recently developed low-cost Kinect sensor. The technique is based on Kinect color depth-image processing and can be used to design various computer-vision applications, such as object recognition, video surveillance, and autonomous path finding. The proposed technique uses keypoint feature detection in the Kinect depth image and advantages of depth pixels to directly obtain the feature distance in the depth images. This highly reduces the computational overhead and obtains the pixel distance in the Kinect captured images.

Development of Error Compensation Algorithm for Image based Measurement System (미세부품 영상 측정시 진동에 의한 오차 보상 알고리즘 개발)

  • Pyo Chang Ryul
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.102-108
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we studied a vibration problem that is critical and common to most precision measurement systems. For micro mechanical part measurements, results obtained from the vision-based precision measurement system may contain errors due to the vibration. In order to defeat this generic problem, for the current study, a PC based image processing technique was used first, to assess the effect of the vibration to the precision measurement and second, to develop an in-situ calibration algorithm that automatically compensate the measurement results in real time. We used a set of stereoscopic CCD cameras to acquire the images for the dimensional measurement and the reference measurement. The mapping function was obtained through the in-situ calibration to compensate the measurement results and the statistical analysis for the actual results is provided in the paper. Based on the current statistical study, it is expected to obtain high precision results for the micro measurement systems.

A Recovery Technique Using Client-based Logging in Client/Server Environment

  • Park, Yong-Mun;Lee, Chan-Seob;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Park, Eui-In
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.429-432
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    • 2002
  • The existing recovery technique using the logging technique in the client/sewer database system only administers the log as a whole in a server. This contains the logging record transmission cost on the transaction that is executed in each client potentially and increases network traffic. In this paper, the logging technique for redo-only log is suggested, which removes the redundant before-image and supports the client-based logging to eliminate the transmission cost of the logging record. Also, in case of a client crash, redo recovery through a backward client analysis log is performed in a self-recovering way. In case of a server crash, the after-image of the pages which needs recovery through simultaneous backward analysis log is only transmitted and redo recovery is done through the received after-image and backward analysis log. Also, we select the comparing model to estimate the performance about the proposed recovery technique. And we analyzed the redo and recovery time about the change of the number of client and the rate of updating operation.

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Digital Image Watermarking Technique Using HVS and Adaptive Scale Factor Based on the Wavelet Transform (웨이블릿 변환 기반에서의 HVS 특성 및 적응 스케일 계수를 이용한 디지털 영상 워터마킹 기법)

  • 김희정;이응주;문광석;권기룡
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.861-869
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    • 2003
  • The rapid growth of multimedia network systems has caused overflowing illegal copies of digital contents. Among digital contents, watermarking technique can be used to protect ownership about the image. Copyright protection involves the authentication of image ownership and the identification of illegal copies of image. In this paper, a new digital watermarking technique using HVS and adaptive scale factor based on the wavelet transform is proposed to use the binary image watermark. The original image is decomposed by 3-level wavelet transform. It is embedded to baseband and high frequency band. The embedding in the baseband is considered robustness, the embedding in the high frequency band is concerned about HVS and invisibility. The watermarking of a visually recognizable binary image used the HVS and random permutation to protect the copyright. From the experimental results, we confirm that the proposed technique is strong to various attacks such as joint photographic experts ground(JPEG) compression, cropping, collusion, and inversion of lines.

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Development of a transfer learning based detection system for burr image of injection molded products (전이학습 기반 사출 성형품 burr 이미지 검출 시스템 개발)

  • Yang, Dong-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Sun
    • Design & Manufacturing
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2021
  • An artificial neural network model based on a deep learning algorithm is known to be more accurate than humans in image classification, but there is still a limit in the sense that there needs to be a lot of training data that can be called big data. Therefore, various techniques are being studied to build an artificial neural network model with high precision, even with small data. The transfer learning technique is assessed as an excellent alternative. As a result, the purpose of this study is to develop an artificial neural network system that can classify burr images of light guide plate products with 99% accuracy using transfer learning technique. Specifically, for the light guide plate product, 150 images of the normal product and the burr were taken at various angles, heights, positions, etc., respectively. Then, after the preprocessing of images such as thresholding and image augmentation, for a total of 3,300 images were generated. 2,970 images were separated for training, while the remaining 330 images were separated for model accuracy testing. For the transfer learning, a base model was developed using the NASNet-Large model that pre-trained 14 million ImageNet data. According to the final model accuracy test, the 99% accuracy in the image classification for training and test images was confirmed. Consequently, based on the results of this study, it is expected to help develop an integrated AI production management system by training not only the burr but also various defective images.

The feasibility of algorithm for iterative metal artifact reduction (iMAR) using customized 3D printing phantom based on the SiPM PET/CT scanner (SiPM PET/CT에서 3D 프린팅 기반 자체제작한 팬텀을 이용한 iMAR 알고리즘 유용성 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Min-Gyu Lee;Chanrok Park
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.35-40
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: To improve the image quality in positron emission tomography (PET), the attenuation correction technique based on the computed tomography (CT) data is important process. However, the artifact is caused by metal material during PET/CT scan, and the image quality is degraded. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate image quality according to with and without iterative metal artifact reduction (iMAR) algorithm using customized 3D printing phantom. Materials and Methods: The Hoffman and Derenzo phantoms were designed. To protect the gamma ray transmission and express the metal portion, lead substance was located to the surface. The SiPM based PET/CT was used for acquisition of PET images according to application with and without iMAR algorithm. The quantitative methods were used by signal to noise ratio (SNR), coefficient of variation (COV), and contrast to noise ratio (CNR). Results and Discussion: The results shows that the image quality applying iMAR algorithm was higher 1.15, 1.19, and 1.11 times than image quality without iMAR algorithm for SNR, COV, and CNR. Conclusion: In conclusion, the iMAR algorithm was useful for improvement of image quality by reducing the metal artifact lesion.

Field Mismatch Compensation and Motion Blur Reduction System for Moving Images (동영상의 필드불일치 보정 및 움직임열화 제거 시스템 개발)

  • Choung, Yoo-Chan;Paik, Joon-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics S
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    • v.36S no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 1999
  • In this research, we propose a field mismatch compensation method for interlaced scan image and a image restoration technique for removing motion blur. In order to compensate field mismatch, the edge classification-based linear interpolation technique and the method using the object-based motion compensation are described. We also propose an edge estimation method and an motion-based image segmentation algorithm. For removing motion blur, we adopt an adaptive iterative image restoration method using the motion-based segmentation result to improve the quality of restored image.

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Mobile Application based on Image Processing and a Proportion for Food Intake Measuring

  • Kim, Do-Hyeon;Kim, Yoon;Han, Yu-Ri
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.57-63
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    • 2017
  • In the paper, we propose a new reliable technique for measuring food intake based on image automatically without user intervention. First, food and bowl image before and after meal is obtained by user. The food and the bowl are divided into each region by the K-means clustering, Otsu algorithm, Morphology, etc. And the volume of food is measured by a proportional expression based on the information of the container such as it's entrance diameter, depth, and bottom diameter. Finally, our method calculates the volume of the consumed food by the difference between before and after meal. The proposed technique has higher accuracy than existing method for measuring food intake automatically. The experiment result shows that the average error rate is up to 7% for three types of containers. Computer simulation results indicate that the proposed algorithm is a convenient and accurate method of measuring the food intake.

A New Interior-Filling Algorithm Based on Binary Boundary Coding (이진 경계 코드를 이용한 새로운 영역채움 알고리듬)

  • 심재창;조석제;하영호
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.26 no.11
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    • pp.1867-1871
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    • 1989
  • One of the most common problems in pattern recognition and image processing is filling the interior of a region when its contour is given. The existing algorithms of the filling are parity check technique, seeding technique, and technique based on chain coding the boundaries. In this paper, a very simple but effective technique for filling the interior of bounded region is proposed. This algorithm is based on the information of binary-coded boundary direction and covers some of the drawbacks reported in the earlier relevant works.

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A New Method for Color Feature Representation of Color Image in Content-Based Image Retrieval Projection Maps

  • Kim, Won-Ill
    • Journal of The Institute of Information and Telecommunication Facilities Engineering
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.73-79
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    • 2010
  • The most popular technique for image retrieval in a heterogeneous collection of color images is the comparison of images based on their color histogram. The color histogram describes the distribution of colors in the color space of a color image. In the most image retrieval systems, the color histogram is used to compute similarities between the query image and all the images in a database. But, small changes in the resolution, scaling, and illumination may cause important modifications of the color histogram, and so two color images may be considered to be very different from each other even though they have completely related semantics. A new method of color feature representation based on the 3-dimensional RGB color map is proposed to improve the defects of the color histogram. The proposed method is based on the three 2-dimensional projection map evaluated by projecting the RGB color space on the RG, GB, and BR surfaces. The experimental results reveal that the proposed is less sensitive to small changes in the scene and that achieve higher retrieval performances than the traditional color histogram.

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