• Title/Summary/Keyword: image feature point search

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Hierarchical Feature Based Block Motion Estimation for Ultrasound Image Sequences (초음파 영상을 위한 계층적 특징점 기반 블록 움직임 추출)

  • Kim, Baek-Sop;Shin, Seong-Chul
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.402-410
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents a method for feature based block motion estimation that uses multi -resolution image sequences to obtain the panoramic images in the continuous ultrasound image sequences. In the conventional block motion estimation method, the centers of motion estimation blocks are set at the predetermined and equally spaced locations. This requires the large blocks to include at least one feature, which inevitably requires long estimation time. In this paper, we propose an adaptive method which locates the center of the motion estimation blocks at the feature points. This make it possible to reduce the block size while keeping the motion estimation accuracy The Harris-Stephen corner detector is used to get the feature points. The comer points tend to group together, which cause the error in the global motion estimation. In order to distribute the feature points as evenly as Possible, the image is firstly divided into regular subregions, and a strongest corner point is selected as a feature in each subregion. The ultrasound Images contain speckle patterns and noise. In order to reduce the noise artifact and reduce the computational time, the proposed method use the multi-resolution image sequences. The first algorithm estimates the motion in the smoothed low resolution image, and the estimated motion is prolongated to the next higher resolution image. By this way the size of search region can be reduced in the higher resolution image. Experiments were performed on three types of ultrasound image sequences. These were shown that the proposed method reduces both the computational time (from 77ms to 44ms) and the displaced frame difference (from 66.02 to 58.08).

An Efficient Comparing and Updating Method of Rights Management Information for Integrated Public Domain Image Search Engine

  • Kim, Il-Hwan;Hong, Deok-Gi;Kim, Jae-Keun;Kim, Young-Mo;Kim, Seok-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.57-65
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we propose a Rights Management Information(RMI) expression systems for individual sites are integrated and the performance evaluation is performed to find out an efficient comparing and updating method of RMI through various image feature point search techniques. In addition, we proposed a weighted scoring model for both public domain sites and posts in order to use the most latest RMI based on reliable data. To solve problem that most public domain sites are exposed to copyright infringement by providing inconsistent RMI(Rights Management Information) expression system and non-up-to-date RMI information. The weighted scoring model proposed in this paper makes it possible to use the latest RMI for duplicated images that have been verified through the performance evaluation experiments of SIFT and CNN techniques and to improve the accuracy when applied to search engines. In addition, there is an advantage in providing users with accurate original public domain images and their RMI from the search engine even when some modified public domain images are searched by users.

Image Mosaicing using Voronoi Distance Matching (보로노이 거리(Voronoi Distance)정합을 이용한 영상 모자익)

  • 이칠우;정민영;배기태;이동휘
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.6 no.7
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    • pp.1178-1188
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we describe image mosaicing techniques for constructing a large high-resolution image with images taken by a video camera in hand. we propose the method which is automatically retrieving the exact matching area using color information and shape information. The proposed method extracts first candidate areas which have similar form using a Voronoi Distance Matching Method which is rapidly estimating the correspondent points between adjacent images, and calculating initial transformations of them and finds the final matching area using color information. It is a method that creates Voronoi Surface which set the distance value among feature points and other points on the basis of each feature point of a image, and extracts the correspondent points which minimize Voronoi Distance in matching area between an input image and a basic image using the binary search method. Using the Levenberg-Marquadt method we turn an initial transformation matrix to an optimal transformation matrix, and using this matrix combine a basic image with a input image.

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A study on Improvement of the performance of Block Motion Estimation Using Neighboring Search Point (인접 탐색점을 이용한 블록 움직임 추정의 성능 향상을 위한 연구)

  • 김태주;진화훈;김용욱;허도근
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.06d
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    • pp.143-146
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    • 2000
  • Motion Estimation/compensation(ME/MC) is one of the efficient interframe ceding techniques for its ability to reduce the high redundancy between successive frames of an image sequence. Calculating the blocking matching takes most of the encoding time. In this paper a new fast block matching algorithm(BMA) is developed for motion estimation and for reduction of the computation time to search motion vectors. The feature of the new algorithm comes from the center-biased checking concept and the trend of pixel movements. At first, Motion Vector(MV) is searched in ${\pm}$1 of search area and then the motion estimation is exploited in the rest block. The ASP and MSE of the proposed search algorithm show good performance.

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Improved Gradient Direction Assisted Linking Algorithm for Linear Feature Extraction in High Resolution Satellite Images, an Iterative Dynamic Programming Approach

  • Yang, Kai;Liew, Soo Chin;Lee, Ken Yoong;Kwoh, Leong Keong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.408-410
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, an improved gradient direction assisted linking algorithm is proposed. This algorithm begins with initial seeds satisfying some local criteria. Then it will search along the direction provided by the initial point. A window will be generated in the gradient direction of the current point. Instead of the conventional method which only considers the value of the local salient structure, an improved mathematical model is proposed to describe the desired linear features. This model not only considers the value of the salient structure but also the direction of it. Furthermore, the linking problem under this model can be efficiently solved by dynamic programming method. This algorithm is tested for linear features detection in IKONOS images. The result demonstrates this algorithm is quite promising.

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A Study on Product Search Service using Feature Point Information based on Image (이미지 기반의 특징점 정보를 이용한 제품 검색 서비스에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seoksoo
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.9
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 2019
  • With the development of ICT technology and the promotion of smartphone penetration, purchasing services that purchase various products through online market are being activated. In particular, due to advances in storage and delivery technology, sales of short food materials can be purchased online. Therefore, in this paper, we propose an integrated solution that enables advertisement effect, ordering and delivery through a purchase service even if there is no sales knowledge and sales network in a small shopping mall where only offline sales can be performed. The proposed system is able to efficiently view the product information by category through image search for the product that the user desires, so that the seller of the registered product can efficiently sell without any additional advertisement.

High-Speed Image Matching Method Using Geometry - Phase Information (기하 위상 정보를 이용한 고속 영상 정합 기법)

  • Chong Min-Yeong;Oh Jae-Yong;Lee Chil-Woo;Bae Ki-Tae
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.1195-1207
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, we describe image matching techniques which is automatically retrieving the exact matching area using geometry-phase information. We proposed a Matching Method which is rapidly estimating the correspondent points between adjacent images that included big-rotation and top-bottom movement element. It is a method that reduce computation quantity to be required to find an exact correspondent position using geometry-phase information of extracted points in images and DT map which set the distance value among feature points and other points on the basis of each feature point of a image. The proposed method shows good performance especially in the part to search a exact correspondent position between adjacent images that included big-rotation and top-bottom movement element.

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A KD-Tree-Based Nearest Neighbor Search for Large Quantities of Data

  • Yen, Shwu-Huey;Hsieh, Ya-Ju
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.459-470
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    • 2013
  • The discovery of nearest neighbors, without training in advance, has many applications, such as the formation of mosaic images, image matching, image retrieval and image stitching. When the quantity of data is huge and the number of dimensions is high, the efficient identification of a nearest neighbor (NN) is very important. This study proposes a variation of the KD-tree - the arbitrary KD-tree (KDA) - which is constructed without the need to evaluate variances. Multiple KDAs can be constructed efficiently and possess independent tree structures, when the amount of data is large. Upon testing, using extended synthetic databases and real-world SIFT data, this study concludes that the KDA method increases computational efficiency and produces satisfactory accuracy, when solving NN problems.

Vision-based Camera Localization using DEM and Mountain Image (DEM과 산영상을 이용한 비전기반 카메라 위치인식)

  • Cha Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.10 no.6 s.38
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    • pp.177-186
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    • 2005
  • In this Paper. we propose vision-based camera localization technique using 3D information which is created by mapping of DEM and mountain image. Typically, image features for localization have drawbacks, it is variable to camera viewpoint and after time information quantify increases . In this paper, we extract invariance features of geometry which is irrelevant to camera viewpoint and estimate camera extrinsic Parameter through accurate corresponding Points matching by Proposed similarity evaluation function and Graham search method we also propose 3D information creation method by using graphic theory and visual clues, The Proposed method has the three following stages; point features invariance vector extraction, 3D information creation, camera extrinsic Parameter estimation. In the experiments, we compare and analyse the proposed method with existing methods to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed methods.

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Hierarchical Stereo Matching with Color Information (영상의 컬러 정보를 이용한 계층적 스테레오 정합)

  • Kim, Tae-June;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.34 no.3C
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, a hierarchical stereo matching with color information is proposed. To generate an initial disparity map, feature based stereo matching is carried out and to generate a final disparity map, hierarchical stereo matching is carried out. The boundary (edge) region is obtained by segmenting a given image into R, G, B and White components. From the obtained boundary, disparity is extracted. The initial disparity map is generated when the extracted disparity is spread to the surrounding regions by evaluating autocorrelation from each color region. The initial disparity map is used as an initial value for generating the final disparity map. The final disparity map is generated from each color region by changing the size of a block and the search range. 4 test images that are provided by Middlebury stereo vision are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm objectively. The experiment results show better performance compared to the Graph-cuts and Dynamic Programming methods. In the final disparity map, about 11% of the disparities for the entire image were inaccurate. It was verified that the boundary for the non-contiguous point was clear in the disparity map.