• Title/Summary/Keyword: iPROVE

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Clinical Features and Surgical Outcome of Congenital Neuroblastoma of Adrenal Gland (부신 기원의 선천성 신경모세포종의 치료 경험)

  • Park, Hyo-Jun;Moon, Suk-Bae;Seo, Jeong-Meen;Lee, Suk-Koo
    • Advances in pediatric surgery
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.38-43
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    • 2009
  • With the widespread use of the obstetrical ultrasound, identification of a fetal suprarenal mass becomes more common. Most of these masses prove to be congenital neuroblastomas (CNB) postnatally. However, the diagnosis is often confused with other benign lesions and the post-natal management remains controversial. The medical records of 13 patients that underwent primary surgical excision for an antenatally detected adrenal CNB, between January 1995 and April 2009, were reviewed retrospectively. The clinical, radiological, surgical, and pathological data on the suprarenal mass were collected. Staging evaluation was performed after histological confirmation of the CNB. Most of the CNBs were stage I (N=11), with 1 stage IV and 1 stage IV-S. Four patients (3 stage I and 1 stage IV-S) had N-myc gene amplification. The stage I patients were cured by surgery alone, and stage IV patients underwent 9 cycles of adjuvant chemotherapy and currently have no evidence of disease after 39 months of follow-up. The patient with stage IV-S is currently receiving chemotherapy. There were no post-operative complications. For early diagnosis and treatment, surgical excision should be considered as the primary therapy for an adrenal CNB detected before birth. The surgery can be safely performed during the neonatal period and provides a cure in most cases. Surgical diagnosis and treatment of CNB is recommended in neonatal period.

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Virtual Landscape Classification Standards and Representative Spatial Types in Digital Games (디지털 게임 내 가상경관 분류 기준 확립 및 대표 유형 산출)

  • Kim, IkHwan;Lee, Injung;Lee, Ji-Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.19-28
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    • 2016
  • Digital games are generating various types of virtual landscape and the importance of virtual landscape has been arises. However, there has not been any research done how to design the virtual landscape. To establish virtual landscape design methodology, establishing the classification system and suggesting the representative type of virtual landscape is needed. With this research, I collected the classification standard and established five standards; story, cooperation, interaction level, dimensions and shape of the space. With that system, I classified digital game and could prove the effectiveness. Also by classifying cases through 20 years of timeline, I could come out with three representative types. This result will work as a reference to the future research; establishing design methodology on virtual landscape.

A study on the relationship between the symptom of Shanghanlon(傷寒論) and the defensive Gi(衛氣) (『傷寒論』 병증(病症)과 위기(衛氣)의 관계에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Bang, Jung-kyun
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.151-163
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : Shanghanlon is based on the Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)'s theory. Therefore, the contents of the Naegyeong can interpret Shanghanlon's provision, Chengwuji(成無己) followed the same way. Therefore, I studied the relationship between the symptom of Shanghanlon and the defensive Gi(衛氣), I try to prove that the Naegyeong is the theoretical basis of Shanghanlon. Methods : Naegyeong explains that defensive Gi protects the outer parts of the body, and runs the outer parts of the body. So I will explain the spontaneous sweating(自汗) aversion to cold(惡寒) pain(痛症) fever(發熱) difficulty of urination(小便不利) using the function of defensive Gi. Results & Conclusions : The defensive Gi and the nutrient Gi(營氣) run together, if the defensive Gi is weak, can not protect the nutrient Gi. If the defensive Gi does not perform the function of inducing astringency(固攝), the symptom of spontaneous sweating appears. If aversion to cold is caused by the weak of defensive Gi, we use the treatment of warming the Yang(溫陽). If aversion to cold is caused by the defensive Gi can not run, we use the treatment of activating the Yang(通陽). If the Gi and Blood(氣血) is not feeding properly, the pain occurs. In this case, we use the treatment of activating the Yang(通陽). The fever is caused by the stagnation of defensive Gi. If the defensive Gi is weak, the symptom of difficulty of urination appears.


  • Nikseresht, Ashkan
    • Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.1381-1388
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    • 2018
  • Let ${\Delta}$ be a simplicial complex, $I_{\Delta}$ its Stanley-Reisner ideal and $K[{\Delta}]$ its Stanley-Reisner ring over a field K. Assume that ${\Gamma}(R)$ denotes the zero-divisor graph of a commutative ring R. Here, first we present a condition on two reduced Noetherian rings R and R', equivalent to ${\Gamma}(R){\cong}{\Gamma}(R{^{\prime}})$. In particular, we show that ${\Gamma}(K[{\Delta}]){\cong}{\Gamma}(K^{\prime}[{\Delta}^{\prime}])$ if and only if ${\mid}Ass(I_{\Delta}){\mid}={\mid}Ass(I_{{{\Delta}^{\prime}}}){\mid}$ and either ${\mid}K{\mid}$, ${\mid}K^{\prime}{\mid}{\leq}{\aleph}_0$ or ${\mid}K{\mid}={\mid}K^{\prime}{\mid}$. This shows that ${\Gamma}(K[{\Delta}])$ contains little information about $K[{\Delta}]$. Then, we define the squarefree zero-divisor graph of $K[{\Delta}]$, denoted by ${\Gamma}_{sf}(K[{\Delta}])$, and prove that ${\Gamma}_{sf}(K[{\Delta}){\cong}{\Gamma}_{sf}(K[{\Delta}^{\prime}])$ if and only if $K[{\Delta}]{\cong}K[{\Delta}^{\prime}]$. Moreover, we show how to find dim $K[{\Delta}]$ and ${\mid}Ass(K[{\Delta}]){\mid}$ from ${\Gamma}_{sf}(K[{\Delta}])$.

Development of On-Line Measurement System for Adsorption Process (흡착공정용 온라인 측정시스템의 개발)

  • Kim, Byoung Chul;Lee, Ki Sung;Yamamoto, Takuji;Kim, Young Han
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 2009
  • A simple measuring device is proposed, and its performance is examined in an adsorption process separating a gas mixture. The sensor is made of a quartz crystal resonator and solid adsorbent to detect the target component. Micro-particle carbon cryogel(MCC) is utilized as the adsorbent, and the gas mixture of air and i-butane are separated in a column containing bamboo activated carbon. Two devices are placed at the inlet and outlet of the column. The measurements are compared with those of GC outcome to prove the measurements are effective. The experimentally proved system is simple and capable to be implemented in an in-line system with on-line measurement.

XA and Non-XA Interface Methodology of an X/Open DTP-based Trading System in Finance Industry (X/Open DTP 기반 증권사 트레이딩 시스템에서의 XA/Non-XA 인터페이스 방법)

  • Kim, Yong-Tae;Byun, Chang-Woo;Park, Seog
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.498-508
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    • 2003
  • In the field of finance, Trading System of Securities is a very vulnerable application when it faces any small problems just for one minute. Since Trading System changes its environment from mainframes to client/server, its safety becomes the most important factor. Even though most If systems are configured by general guidelines currently, Trading System is an exception that it is configured by specific and rather ad hoc guidelines in order to ensure its safe management. In this thesis, I will prove the validity of specific and ad hoc configuration in the environment of Trading Systems where I use both XA interface system and Non-XA interface to configure its system based on 3-Tier Client/server computing environment through middleware, TP-Monitor, in the X/Open DTP Model. In order to validate the Trading System, I will compare and analyze the error of data of an order and ability to restore using both XA and Non-XA interfaces while testing take-over scenario on the assumption of the system's failure.

Main Region and Color Extraction of Face for Heart Disease Diagnosis (심장 질환 진단을 위한 얼굴 주요 영역 및 색상 추출)

  • Cho Dong-Uk
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.13B no.3 s.106
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 2006
  • People health improvement is becoming new subject through the combining with the oriental medicine diagnosis theory and IT technology. To do this, firstly, it needs sicked data that supply the visualization, objectification and quantification method. Especially, if an ocular inspection can be more objective and visual expression in oriental medicine, it seems to offer the biggest opportunity in diagnosis field. In this study, I propose a diagnosis to check the symptoms of heart diagnosis. Our research aim is on the visualization of diagnosis using image processing system which it can be actual analysis about the symptom of heart. To catch up this study, through the color support assistance by face image processing, I devide the face area and analyze the face form and also extract face characteristic point in heart disease diagnosis using oriental medicine based on an ocular inspection method. I would like to prove the usefulness of the method that proposed by an experiment.

Design philosophy and Principle of Hangeul (한글의 디자인 철학과 원리)

  • 한재준
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2001
  • Hangout is already recognized as a world famous writing system. However, the typefaces that may show the excellence of Hangeul lack the systemic development, and their frequent change without independence rather causes an obstruction to the development of visual culture and informational systematization of the country. In this paper, I presume that the core of this obstruction is caused by a lack of successful inheritance of the creation philosophy and principle of Hangeul. In order to prove this premise definitively, I saw Hangul from the viewpoint of design, and suggested the base and objectivity to solve the problem by systematically define the excellence of Hangeul. In this paper, 1 confirmed that the creation philosophy and principle of Hangeul had the design philosophy that was appropriate for social and cultural background of that time, and went through rational design process. Therefore, as I mentioned earlier, the due for the problem with Hangeul typefaces can be found when it is handled based on the creation philosophy and principle. Furthermore, the creation of Hangeul can be explained as a creation of rational and scientific letter as a method of easier communication between different people and nations. Therefore, the study of the design method and principle used in the process of Hangul creation may provide the new base for the methodology of visual communication design, and it may be a core research subject to find the root of Korean design philosophy.

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Study on the Folding Screen Painting of the Shosoin[정창원], A Beauty under the Tree[조모입여병풍] (일본 쇼소인[정창원] 소장 <조모입여병풍> 연구)

  • Lee Soon-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.55 no.1 s.91
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2005
  • There has been a lot of debate between scholars around the folding screen painting, A Beauty under the Tree[조모입여병풍], a collection of Shosoin, Japan. Even though it is preserved in Japan, its distinguished Chinese feature made many scholars to think it might be made in China and be transmitted to Japan. However, the inspection of the material during $1973{\sim}1975$ has revealed an important fact, that is, the feather used in this screen painting belonged to Japanese bird feather. Moreover, a great amount of documents written in Tenbyo(천평승보, 8th century) period, which was thought to be used as the ground material of this painting. Therefore we can get many evidences saying that this painting was made in japan. In a basic sense, I stand on this side just because it has more evidences. However, we must be careful to make a final conclusion. Especially on the precious things like this painting screen, we must take whole considerations as possible as we can. First of all, we must consider whether Japan could have ability to make this. Second, there could be other possibility that Japanese repair the original one with their feathers or papers. In order to prove this, study on other pieces including painting screens should be done. I just suggest an objective international discussion. Lastly, I can find the common feature between the pieces of Shosoin and the ones of United Shilla, which could be influenced by same impact, the Silk road trade in a broad sense.

Effects of Exercise Therapy on Pain Control and Muscle Strength in Acute Low Back Pain Patient (운동치료가 급성요통환자의 통증감소와 근력에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Na-Yeon;Lee, Sung-Hwan;Lee, Byung-Ryul;Kang, Jae-Hui;Lee, Hyun
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : In these days Low back pain is most common, and the weakness of muscle strength is important factor. The aim of this study is to prove the influence of the exercise therapy on pain control and muscle strength in acute low back pain patient. Methods : Subjects of this research were 30 inpatients with acute low back pain from 2008. 3. 20 to 2008. 6. 20. 15 patients in each, 2 groups; Non exercise therapy, exercise therapy were divided and the conclusions for treatment are as follows. Results : 1. Regarding alleviation of pain by VAS, both non exercise therapy Group I and exercise therapy Group II showed significant decrease of VAS. 2. Muscle strengthening by extension and flexion peak torque, the exercise therapy Group II showed higher rate of improvement than the non exercise therapy Group I in extension peak torque. 3. Muscle strengthening by extension and flexion peak torque ratio, the exercise therapy Group II showed higher rate of improvement and distribution approach to normal ratio than the non exercise therapy Group I. Conclusions : Exercise therapy was effective in muscle strengthening of acute low back pain.

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