• Title/Summary/Keyword: hydroxylamine

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Physiological and biochemical studies on legunme nodule bacteria, Rhizobia -I. Some charateristics of isolated strains of Rhizobia and inoculation test on soy bean. (두과작물 근류균에 대한 생리 및 생화학적 연구 -I. 근류균 균주의 특성과 접종시험-)

  • Lim, Sun-Uk
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 1970
  • On the basis of the specific interrelationship between the species or variety of leguminous crops and the species or strain of nodule bacteria, Rhizobia, the rhizobial species and strain must be effectively chosen for the successful inoculation. The present paper describes on some results of the isolation and taxonomic study on the native rhizobial strains isolated from the nodules of five species of leguminous crops such as numerous varieties of soy bean, lespedeza, birdfoot trefoil, ladino and red clovers. The isolated strains of soy bean nodule bacterium, Rhizobium japonicum were grouped through the inoculation test on variety Changdanbaikmock into the effective, noneffective and toxic strain for the nodule formation. In the study of the effect of some inorganic and organic nitrogenous compounds on the growth of Rhizobium japonicum strain Ac 20, a promotive response was showed by asparagine, and glutamine, but hydroxylamine, nitrite, hydrazine and azide was inhibitory at the concentration of $10^{-2}M/l$ in mannitol-yeast extract basal medium. In the physiological characteristics each strain showed somewhat different activities of the indole-3-actic acid formation and hydrogenase and discussed with these characters in relation to nodule forming ability.

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Highly sensitive and selective detection of cyanide in aqueous solutions using a surface acoustic wave chemical sensor (표면음향파 화학센서를 이용한 수용액 중 시안화이온의 선택적인 고감도 검출)

  • Lee, Soo Suk
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.473-479
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    • 2016
  • We report a highly selective and sensitive 200 MHz Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) sensor that can detect cyanide ion in aqueous solution using surface immobilized thioester molecules in combination with gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). To construct the sensor device, a monolayer of thioester compound was immobilized on the SAW sensor surface. At the sensor surface, hydrolysis of thioester group by nucleophilic addition of cyanide occurred and the resulting free thiol unit bound to AuNP to form thiol-AuNP conjugate. For the signal enhancement, gold staining signal amplification process was introduced subsequently with gold (III) chloride trihydrate and reducing agent, hydroxylamine hydrochloride. The SAW sensor showed a detection ability of $17.7{\mu}M$ for cyanide in aqueous solution and demonstrated a saturation behavior between the frequency shift and the concentration of cyanide ion. On the other hand, our SAW sensor had no activities for other anions such as fluoride ion, acetate ion and sulfate ion, moreover, no significant interference observed by other anions. Finally, all the experiments were carried out in-house developed sensor and fluidics modules to obtain highly reproducible results.

Degradation and Detoxification of Disperse Dye Scarlet RR by Galactomyces geotrichum MTCC 1360

  • Jadhav, S.U.;Ghodake, G.S.;Telke, A.A.;Tamboli, D.P.;Govindwar, S.P.
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.409-415
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    • 2009
  • Galactomyces geotrichum MTCC 1360 degraded the Scarlet RR(100 mg/l) dye within 18 h, under shaking conditions(150 rpm) in malt yeast medium. The optimum pH and the temperature for decolorization were pH 12 and $50^{\circ}C$, respectively. Enzymatic studies revealed an induction of the enzymes, including flavin reductase during the initial stage and lignin peroxidase after complete decolorization of the dye. Decolorization of the dye was induced by the addition of $CaCO_3$ to the medium. EDTA had an inhibitory effect on the dye decolorization along with the laccase activity. The metabolites formed after complete decolorization were analyzed by UV-VIS, HPLC, and FTIR. The GC/MS identification of 3 H quinazolin-4-one, 2-ethylamino-acetamide, 1-chloro-4-nitro-benzene, N-(4-chloro-phenyl)-hydroxylamine, and 4-chloro-pheny-lamine as the final metabolites corroborated with the degradation of Scarlet RR. The phytotoxicity study revealed the nontoxic nature of the final metabolites. A possible degradation pathway is suggested to understand the mechanism used by G. geotrichum and thereby aiding development of technologies for the application of this organism to the cleaning-up of aquatic and terrestrial environments.

Conformational Switch of the Strained Native Serpin Induced by Chemical Cleavage of the Reactive Center Loop

  • Im, Ha-Na;Yu, Myeong-Hee
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.379-384
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    • 2000
  • The native conformation of serpins (serine protease inhibitors) is strained. Upon cleavage of the reactive center loop of serpins by a protease, the amino terminal portion of the cleaved loop is inserted into the central ${\beta}-sheet$, A sheet, as the fourth strand, with the concomitant release of the native strain. We questioned the role of protease in this conformational switch from the strained native form into a stable relaxed state. Chemical cleavage of the reactive center loop of ${\alpha}_1-antitrypsin$, a prototype serpin, using hydroxylamine dramatically increased the stability of the serpin. A circular dichroism spectrum and peptide binding study suggests that the amino terminal portion of the reactive center loop is inserted into the A sheet in the chemically-cleaved ${\alpha}_1-antitrypsin$, as in the enzymatically-cleaved molecule. These results indicate that the structural transformation of a serpin molecule does not require interaction with a protease. The results suggest that the serpin conformational switch that occurred during the complex formation with a target protease is induced by the cleavage of the reactive center loop per se.

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Chemical Modification of the Biodegradative Threonine Dehydratase from Serratia marcescens with Arginine and Lysine Modification Reagents

  • Choi, Byung-Bum;Kim, Soung-Soo
    • BMB Reports
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.124-128
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    • 1995
  • Biodegradative threonine dehydratase purified from Serratia marcescens ATCC 25419 was inactivated by the arginine specific modification reagent, phenylglyoxal (PGO) and the lysine modification reagent, pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP). The inactivation by PGO was protected by L-threonine and L-serine. The second order rate constant for the inactivation of the enzyme by PGO was calculated to be 136 $M^{-1}min^{-1}$. The reaction order with respect to PGO was 0.83. The inactivation of the enzyme by PGO was reversed upon addition of excess hydroxylamine. The inactivation of the enzyme by PLP was protected by L-threonine, L-serine, and a-aminobutyrate. The second order rate constant for the inactivation of the enzyme by PLP was 157 $M^{-1}min^{-1}$ and the order of reaction with respect to PLP was 1.0. The inactivation of the enzyme by PLP was reversed upon addition of excess acetic anhydride. Other chemical modification reagents such as N-ethylmaleimide, 5,5'-dithiobis (2-nitrobenzoate), iodoacetamide, sodium azide, phenylmethyl sulfonylfluoride and diethylpyrocarbonate had no effect on the enzyme activity. These results suggest that essential arginine and lysine residues may be located at or near the active site.

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Properties of Active Sites of Chitinase from Aerornonas salmonicida YA7-625 (Aeromonas salmonicida YA7-625가 생산하는 Chitinase의 활성부위 특성)

  • 이강표;최선진;오두환;문순옥
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.68-72
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    • 1992
  • To investigate the characteristics of active sites of the chitinase isolated from AWOrnonus sulmonicidu YA7-625, effects of various chemicals un the enzyme activity were analyzed. $Hg^{2+}, Mn^[2+} \;and \; Cu^{2+}$ ' ions inhibited the activity of chitinase, while $Ca^{2+} , Zn^[2+} , Co^[2+} \; and\; Mg^[2+}$ ions at 1 mM stimulated enzyme activity. The chitinase was not inhibited by sulfhydryl ;gents, phenylglyoxal, and hydroxylamine, but was inhibited by iodine and N-bromosuccinimide. The $pK_{ps2} and pK_{ps2}$, values of chitinase were 4.04 a d 10.10, respectively. These results suggested that the chitinase from A~ronmzus salmonici& YA7-625 contains histidine, tyrosine. and tryptophan at the active center.

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Treatment of Photographic Wastewater by Chemical Oxidation and Biological Treatment process (화학적산화 및 생물학적처리법에 의한 사진폐액의 처리)

  • 정경훈;최형일
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 1997
  • A laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the treatment of photographic processing wastewater by chemical oxidation and biological treatment system. The effect of reaction conditions such as hydrogen peroxide dosage, ferrous sulfate dosage and pH on the COD removal in Fenton oxidation were investigated. The optimal dosage of hydrogen peroxide was 2.58 M and 3.87 M for the developing and fixing process wastewater, respectively. The Fenton oxidation was most efficient in the pH range of 3-5 and the optimal condition for initial reaction pH was 5 for a developing process wastewater. With iron powder catalyst, the COD for a developing process wastewater was removed in lower pH than with ferrous sulfate catalyst. The removal efficiency of COD for refractory compounds such as Diethyleneglycol, Benzylalcohol, Hydroxylamine Sulfate, Ammonium Thiosulfate, Ammonium Ferric EDTA and Disodium EDTA in the photogaphic wastewater was found than 90% except Potassium Carbonate. When the photographic processing wastewater after pretreatment by Fenton oxidation was treated with batch activated sludge process, the addition of $KH_2PO_4$ as a phosphorous compound improved the removal efficiency of COD. During the continuous biological treatment of developing and fixing process wastewater after pretreatment by Fenton oxidation, the effluent COD concentration less than 100 mg/l was obtained at 0.425 and 0.25 kgCOD/m$^3$.d, respectively.

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Validation and Determination of the Contents of Acetaldehyde and Formaldehyde in Foods

  • Jeong, Hye-Seung;Chung, Hyun;Song, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Cho-Il;Lee, Joon-Goo;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.273-278
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this study was to develop an efficient quantitative method for the determination of acetaldehyde (AA) and formaldehyde (FA) contents in solid and liquid food matrices. The determination of those compounds was validated and performed using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry combined by solid phase micro-extraction after derivatization with O-(2,3,4,5,6-pentafluoro-benzyl)-hydroxylamine hydrochloride. Validation was carried out in terms of limit of detection, limit of quantitation, linearity, precision, and recovery. Then their contents were analyzed in various food samples including 15 fruits, 22 milk products, 31 alcohol-free beverages, and 13 alcoholic beverages. The highest contents of AA and FA were determined in a white wine (40,607.02 ng/g) and an instant coffee (1,522.46 ng/g), respectively.

Studies on the Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of 2-Ethoxymethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide Derivatives (2-Ethoxymethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl)acrylamide 유도체(誘導體)의 합성(合成) 및 항균작용(抗菌作用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Ko, Ok-Hyun
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.8-22
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    • 1980
  • In order obtain some new antibacterial agents, seven new 2-ethoxymethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acrylamide derivatives were synthesized by condensing 2-ethoxymethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acyloyl chloride with amino compounds namely 5-amino-3, 4-dimethyl isoxazole, sulfamonomethoxazole, d-2-amino-1-butanol, hydroxylamine hydrochloride, semicarbazide hydrochloride, thiosemicarbazide, and p, p'-diaminodiphenylsulfone, respectively. The seven synthesized compounds were 2-ethoxymethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acryl-5-amino-3, 4-dimethylisoxazoleamide [VII], $N^4-[2-ethoxymethyl\;3-methyl\;(5-nitro-2-furyl)\;acryl]-N^1-(5-methyl-3-isoxazolyl)$ sulfanilamide [VIII], 2-ethoxyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acrylsemicarbazide [X], 2-ethoxymethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acrylthiosemicarbazide [XI], 2-ethoxymethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acryl-d-2-amino-1-butanolamide [XII], and 4, 4'-di[2-ethoxymethyl-3-(5-nitro-2-furyl) acryl-amido] diphenylsulfone [XIII]. These compounds, with exception of the compound XIII, showed generally effective antibacterial activity, especially in the following instances. Compound VII was shown to be effective against Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633 compound VIII, against Bacillus cereus var. Mycoides ATCC 1778, and compound XII, against both Proteus vuglaris and Saccharomyces cerevisiae ATCC 9763.

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Highly Sensitive Colorimetric Formaldehyde Gas Sensors using Nylon Sheet and Dye (나일론 시트와 염료를 이용한 고감도 색변환 포름알데히드 가스 센서)

  • Jung, Suenghwa;Cho, Yeong Beom;Kim, Yong Shin
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.420-426
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    • 2017
  • A colorimetric sensor was investigated to achieve a low-cost warning device for harmful gaseous formaldehyde (HCHO). The sensor is based on selective reactions between hydroxylamine sulfate and HCHO, leading to the production of sulfuric acid. The produced acid results in color-changing response through the acid-base reaction with dye molecules impregnated on a solid membrane substrate. For attaining this purpose, sensors were fabricated by drop-casting a dye solution prepared using different pH indicators on various commercially available polymer sheets, and their colorimetric responses were evaluated in terms of sensitivity and reliability. The colorimetric sensor using bromophenol blue (BPB) and nylon sheet was found to exhibit the best performance in HCHO detection. An initial bluish green of a sensor was changed to yellow when exposed to gaseous formaldehyde. The color change was recorded using an office scanner and further analyzed in term of RGB distance for quantifying sensor's response at different HCHO(g) concentrations. It exhibited a recognizable colorimetric response even at 50 ppb, being lower than WHO's standard of 80 ppb. In addition, the sensor was found to have quite good selectivity in HCHO detection under the presence of common volatile organic compounds such as ethanol, toluene, and hexane.