• Title/Summary/Keyword: hybrid systems

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FImplementation of RF Controller based on Digital System for TRS Repeater (TRS 중계기용 디지털기반 RF 제어 시스템의 구현)

  • Seo, Young-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.1289-1295
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, we implemented high-performance concurrent control system which manages whole RF systems with digital type and communicates with remote station on both wire and wireless networking. It consists of FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) part which controls forward/reverse LPA (Linear Power Amplifier), forward/reverse LNA (Low Noise Amplifier), channel cut wire/wireless TCP/IP, etc, master microprocessor (AVR), which manages the whole control system, Slave microprocessor which communicates SA (Spectrum Analyzer) and observes frequency spectrum of each channel with the resolution of 5KHz, 10 channel card microprocessor which independently observes each channel card and sets frequency synthesizer in channel cut and other peripherals and logics. The whole system is divided to two parts of H/W (hardware) and S/W (software) considering operational efficiency and concurrency, and implementation and cost. H/W consists of FPGA and microprocessor. We expected the optimized operation through H/W and SW co-design and hybrid H/W architecture.

Design of a Binary Adder Structure Suitable for High-Security Public Key Cryptography Processor (고비도 공개키 암호화 프로세서에 적합한 이진 덧셈기의 구조 연구)

  • Moon, Sang-Gook
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.1976-1979
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    • 2008
  • Studies on binary adder have been variously developed. According to those studies of critical worst delay and mean delay time of asynchronous binary adders, carry select adders (CSA) based on hybrid structure showed 17% better performance than ripple carry adders (RCA) in 32 bit asynchronous processors, and 23% better than in 64 bit microprocessor implemented. In the complicated signal processing systems such as RSA, it is essential to optimize the performance of binary adders which play fundamental roles. The researches which have been studied so far were subject mostly to addition algorithms or adder structures. In this study, we analyzed and designed adders in an asp;ect of synthesis method. We divided the ways of implementing adders into groups, each of which was synthesized with different synthesis options. Also, we analyzed the variously implemented adders to evaluate the performance and area so that we can propose a different approach of designing optimal binary adders.

Reference Information Batch Application Model for Improving the Efficiency of MES (MES 효율 향상을 위한 참조정보 일괄 적용 모델)

  • Park, Sang-Hyock;Park, Koo-Rack;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Chung, Koung-Rock
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2021
  • In the manufacturing industry, there is a transition to multi-item production for reinforcement of competitiveness. Therefore, the hybrid manufacturing technology is increasing. Especially, many efforts in production quality improvement are made through the adoption of the manufacturing execution system and ERP, so it is necessary to operate MES for prompt and effective management. MES should improve ineffective parts in production activities while managing all stages related to production of products. If there is change in the process, the changed items should be reflected to the system. However, most manufacturing execution systems are operated passively and repetitively by system administrators. This study presents a model that system administrators can comprehensively apply reference information about production related requirements on specific line's equipment to the same equipment of other lines. The flexible response for application to production lines is possible thanks to the division of blanket application and selective application of reference information through proposed model.

Kalman Filtering-based Traffic Prediction for Software Defined Intra-data Center Networks

  • Mbous, Jacques;Jiang, Tao;Tang, Ming;Fu, Songnian;Liu, Deming
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2964-2985
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    • 2019
  • Global data center IP traffic is expected to reach 20.6 zettabytes (ZB) by the end of 2021. Intra-data center networks (Intra-DCN) will account for 71.5% of the data center traffic flow and will be the largest portion of the traffic. The understanding of traffic distribution in IntraDCN is still sketchy. It causes significant amount of bandwidth to go unutilized, and creates avoidable choke points. Conventional transport protocols such as Optical Packet Switching (OPS) and Optical Burst Switching (OBS) allow a one-sided view of the traffic flow in the network. This therefore causes disjointed and uncoordinated decision-making at each node. For effective resource planning, there is the need to consider joining the distributed with centralized management which anticipates the system's needs and regulates the entire network. Methods derived from Kalman filters have proved effective in planning road networks. Considering the network available bandwidth as data transport highways, we propose an intelligent enhanced SDN concept applied to OBS architecture. A management plane (MP) is added to conventional control (CP) and data planes (DP). The MP assembles the traffic spatio-temporal parameters from ingress nodes, uses Kalman filtering prediction-based algorithm to estimate traffic demand. Prior to packets arrival at edges nodes, it regularly forwards updates of resources allocation to CPs. Simulations were done on a hybrid scheme (1+1) and on the centralized OBS. The results demonstrated that the proposition decreases the packet loss ratio. It also improves network latency and throughput-up to 84 and 51%, respectively, versus the traditional scheme.

A Multi-Stage Encryption Technique to Enhance the Secrecy of Image

  • Mondal, Arindom;Alam, Kazi Md. Rokibul;Ali, G.G. Md. Nawaz;Chong, Peter Han Joo;Morimoto, Yasuhiko
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.2698-2717
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    • 2019
  • This paper proposes a multi-stage encryption technique to enhance the level of secrecy of image to facilitate its secured transmission through the public network. A great number of researches have been done on image secrecy. The existing image encryption techniques like visual cryptography (VC), steganography, watermarking etc. while are applied individually, usually they cannot provide unbreakable secrecy. In this paper, through combining several separate techniques, a hybrid multi-stage encryption technique is proposed which provides nearly unbreakable image secrecy, while the encryption/decryption time remains almost the same of the exiting techniques. The technique consecutively exploits VC, steganography and one time pad (OTP). At first it encrypts the input image using VC, i.e., splits the pixels of the input image into multiple shares to make it unpredictable. Then after the pixel to binary conversion within each share, the exploitation of steganography detects the least significant bits (LSBs) from each chunk within each share. At last, OTP encryption technique is applied on LSBs along with randomly generated OTP secret key to generate the ultimate cipher image. Besides, prior to sending the OTP key to the receiver, first it is converted from binary to integer and then an asymmetric cryptosystem is applied to encrypt it and thereby the key is delivered securely. Finally, the outcome, the time requirement of encryption and decryption, the security and statistical analyses of the proposed technique are evaluated and compared with existing techniques.

A Survey of System Architectures, Privacy Preservation, and Main Research Challenges on Location-Based Services

  • Tefera, Mulugeta K.;Yang, Xiaolong;Sun, Qifu Tyler
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.3199-3218
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    • 2019
  • Location-based services (LBSs) have become popular in recent years due to the ever-increasing usage of smart mobile devices and mobile applications through networks. Although LBS application provides great benefits to mobile users, it also raises a sever privacy concern of users due to the untrusted service providers. In the lack of privacy enhancing mechanisms, most applications of the LBS may discourage the user's acceptance of location services in general, and endanger the user's privacy in particular. Therefore, it is a great interest to discuss on the recent privacy-preserving mechanisms in LBSs. Many existing location-privacy protection-mechanisms (LPPMs) make great efforts to increase the attacker's uncertainty on the user's actual whereabouts by generating a multiple of fake-locations together with user's actual positions. In this survey, we present a study and analysis of existing LPPMs and the state-of-art privacy measures in service quality aware LBS applications. We first study the general architecture of privacy qualification system for LBSs by surveying the existing framework and outlining its main feature components. We then give an overview of the basic privacy requirements to be considered in the design and evaluation of LPPMs. Furthermore, we discuss the classification and countermeasure solutions of existing LPPMs for mitigating the current LBS privacy protection challenges. These classifications include anonymization, obfuscation, and an encryption-based technique, as well as the combination of them is called a hybrid mechanism. Finally, we discuss several open issues and research challenges based on the latest progresses for on-going LBS and location privacy research.

Signal Enhancement of a Variable Rate Vocoder with a Hybrid domain SNR Estimator

  • Park, Hyung Woo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.962-977
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    • 2019
  • The human voice is a convenient method of information transfer between different objects such as between men, men and machine, between machines. The development of information and communication technology, the voice has been able to transfer farther than before. The way to communicate, it is to convert the voice to another form, transmit it, and then reconvert it back to sound. In such a communication process, a vocoder is a method of converting and re-converting a voice and sound. The CELP (Code-Excited Linear Prediction) type vocoder, one of the voice codecs, is adapted as a standard codec since it provides high quality sound even though its transmission speed is relatively low. The EVRC (Enhanced Variable Rate CODEC) and QCELP (Qualcomm Code-Excited Linear Prediction), variable bit rate vocoders, are used for mobile phones in 3G environment. For the real-time implementation of a vocoder, the reduction of sound quality is a typical problem. To improve the sound quality, that is important to know the size and shape of noise. In the existing sound quality improvement method, the voice activated is detected or used, or statistical methods are used by the large mount of data. However, there is a disadvantage in that no noise can be detected, when there is a continuous signal or when a change in noise is large.This paper focused on finding a better way to decrease the reduction of sound quality in lower bit transmission environments. Based on simulation results, this study proposed a preprocessor application that estimates the SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) using the spectral SNR estimation method. The SNR estimation method adopted the IMBE (Improved Multi-Band Excitation) instead of using the SNR, which is a continuous speech signal. Finally, this application improves the quality of the vocoder by enhancing sound quality adaptively.

Performance of hybrid modulation for digital IoT doorlock system with color grid (컬러그리드기반 디지털 IoT 도어락 시스템을 위한 혼합변조의 성능)

  • Lee, Sun-Yui;Sun, Young-Ghyu;Sim, Issac;Hwang, Yu-Min;Yoon, Sung-Hoon;Cha, Jae-Sang;Kim, Jin-Young
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.91-97
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents implementation possibilities of digital IoT doorlock systems via VLC(Visible Light Communication)'s color grid. The color grid-based VLC modulation scheme which are discussed in this paper utilize the straightness of light and abundant frequency resources which are the properties of the light. Performance results in this paper are compared to that of conventional modulations with Bit Error Rate (BER) and Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) simulations. With respect to a channel model, the proposed modulation schemes select the nearest Line Of Sight (LOS) except Non Line Of Sight (NLOS). Experiments in this paper show error rates of received symbols by changing power dB at a distance of 3m between Tx and Rx in an indoor environment. Through performance results and experiments, this paper demonstrates superiority of the proposed color grid-based modulation schemes.

Safety and Economic Analysis by Applying HI-BEAM Technology (HI-BEAM 공법 적용 시 안전성 및 경제성 분석 연구)

  • Kim, sul min;Son, Kiyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Construction Safety
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2019
  • Hybrid & Integrated Beam (HI-BEAM), one of the composite systems, appears to have the advantage of high rigidity of reinforced concrete structures and long span of steel structures. In addition, because HI-BEAM makes the ends of beams from reinforced concrete, it is able to construct ideal composite construction method for effectively joining with reinforced concrete columns and can produce high-quality concrete structures without completing them in the field. Existing studies on the HI-BEAM method are mostly studies on structural aspects or epidemiological characteristics, or studies on the productivity and cost analysis of different structures through case studies, and analysis of actual construction methods is based on actual construction sites. In this study, the economic feasibility of the HI-BEAM method is verified by comparing the productivity and construction costs of the RC-BEAM method (RC-BEAM) method and the HI-BEAM method.

Match Field based Algorithm Selection Approach in Hybrid SDN and PCE Based Optical Networks

  • Selvaraj, P.;Nagarajan, V.
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.5723-5743
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    • 2018
  • The evolving internet-based services demand high-speed data transmission in conjunction with scalability. The next generation optical network has to exploit artificial intelligence and cognitive techniques to cope with the emerging requirements. This work proposes a novel way to solve the dynamic provisioning problem in optical network. The provisioning in optical network involves the computation of routes and the reservation of wavelenghs (Routing and Wavelength assignment-RWA). This is an extensively studied multi-objective optimization problem and its complexity is known to be NP-Complete. As the exact algorithms incurs more running time, the heuristic based approaches have been widely preferred to solve this problem. Recently the software-defined networking has impacted the way the optical pipes are configured and monitored. This work proposes the dynamic selection of path computation algorithms in response to the changing service requirements and network scenarios. A software-defined controller mechanism with a novel packet matching feature was proposed to dynamically match the traffic demands with the appropriate algorithm. A software-defined controller with Path Computation Element-PCE was created in the ONOS tool. A simulation study was performed with the case study of dynamic path establishment in ONOS-Open Network Operating System based software defined controller environment. A java based NOX controller was configured with a parent path computation element. The child path computation elements were configured with different path computation algorithms under the control of the parent path computation element. The use case of dynamic bulk path creation was considered. The algorithm selection method is compared with the existing single algorithm based method and the results are analyzed.