• Title/Summary/Keyword: hybrid plate

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Recognition of Numeric Characters in License Plate based on Independent Component Analysis (독립성분 분석을 이용한 번호판 숫자 인식)

  • Jeong, Byeong-Jun;Kang, Hyun-Chul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.99-107
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents an enhanced hybrid model based on Independent Component Analysis(ICA) in order to features of numeric characters in license plates. ICA which is used only in high dimensional statistical features doesn't consider statistical features in low dimension and correlation between numeric characters. To overcome the drawbacks of ICA, we propose an improved ICA with the hybrid model using both Principle Component Analysis(PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA). Experiment results show that the proposed model has a superior performance in feature extraction and recognition compared with ICA only as well as other hybrid models.

Development of jute rope hybrid composite plate using carbon fibre

  • Nouri, Karim;Alam, Md. Ashraful;Mohammadhassani, Mohammad;Jumaat, Mohd Zamin Bin;Abna, Amir Hosein
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.1095-1113
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    • 2015
  • Jute rope is one of the most popular materials used for composites in various industries and in civil engineering. This experimental study investigated two types of jute rope with different diameters for jute rope composite plates to determine the best combination of jute rope and carbon fiber in terms of ratio and physical and mechanical properties. Eight combinations of carbon fiber and jute rope with different percentages of carbon fiber were analyzed. Tensile tests for the jute rope composite plate and hybrid jute rope composite were conducted, and the mechanical and physical properties of the specimens were compared. Thereafter, the ideal combinations of jute rope with an optimum percentage of carbon fiber were identified and recommended. These particular combinations had tensile strengths that were 2.23 times and 1.76 times higher than other varieties in each type.

Behavior of structures repaired by hybrid composite patches during the aging of the adhesive

  • Habib Achache;Rachid Zahi;Djaafar Ait Kaci;Ali Benouis
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.91 no.2
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2024
  • The objective of this study is to analyze, using the finite element method, the durability of damaged and repaired structures under the effect of mechanical loading coupled with environmental conditions (water absorption and/or temperature). The study is based on the hybrid patch repair technique, considering several parameters based on the J integral to observe the behavior of the adhesive in transferring load from a damaged plate to the repair patch. The results clearly show that water absorption and increased temperature cause degradation of the mechanical properties of the adhesive, leading to an increase in its plasticization, which is beneficial for the assembly's strength. However, the degradation of the adhesive's properties due to aging in the repair results in poor load transfer from the damaged area to the patch. The findings of this study allowed the authors to conclude that the [0°]8 sequence consistently offers the best performance, with the lowest J integral values and superior crack resistance. The lowest the J integral for the [0°]8 stacking sequence is typically 3-7% lower than that of the [0/-45/45/90]S and [0/-45/90/45]S sequences at elevated temperatures. At 60℃, the J integral increases by approximately 3-6% compared to 40℃ and 20, depending on the aging duration and stacking sequences.

Impact of composite patch on the J-integral in adhesive layer for repaired aluminum plate

  • Kaci, D. Ait;Madani, K.;Mokhtari, M.;Feaugas, X.;Touzain, S.
    • Advances in aircraft and spacecraft science
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.679-699
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to perform a finite element analysis of the Von Mises stresses distribution in the adhesive layer and of the J-Integral for a damaged plate repaired by a composite patch. Firstly, we study the effect of the fiber orientation, especially the position of the layers that have orientation angle different of $0^{\circ}$ from the first layer which is in all cases of our study oriented at ($0^{\circ}$) on the J-Integral. Secondly, we evaluate the effects of the mechanical properties of the patch and the use of a hybrid patch on the reduction of stresses distribution and J-Integral. The results show clearly that the stacking sequence for the composite patch must be selected to absorb optimally the stresses from the damaged area and to position the various layers of the composite under the first layer whose fibers orientation will remain in all cases equal to $0^{\circ}$. The use of a hybrid composite reduces significantly the J-Integral and the stresses in both damaged plate and the adhesive layer.

Higher-order assumed stress quadrilateral element for the Mindlin plate bending problem

  • Li, Tan;Qi, Zhaohui;Ma, Xu;Chen, Wanji
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.393-417
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    • 2015
  • In this paper an 8-node quadrilateral assumed stress hybrid Mindlin plate element with $39{\beta}$ is presented. The formulation is based on complementary energy principle. The proposed element is free of shear locking and is capable of passing all the patch tests, especially the non-zero constant shear enhanced patch test. To accomplish this purpose, special attention is devoted to selecting boundary displacement interpolation and stress approximation in domain. The arbitrary order Timoshenko beam function is successfully used to derive the boundary displacement interpolation. According to the equilibrium equations, an appropriate stress approximation is rationally derived. Particularly, in order to improve element's accuracy, the assumed stress field is derived by employing $39{\beta}$ rather than conventional $21{\beta}$. The resulting element can be adopted to analyze both moderately thick and thin plates, and the convergence for the very thin case can be ensured theoretically. Excellent element performance is demonstrated by a wide of experimental evaluations.

A Study on the Optimal Design of Planar Flyback Transformers suitable for Small-size and Low-profile (소형화 및 슬림형에 적합한 평면 플라이백 변압기의 최적 설계에 관한 연구)

  • Na, Hae-Joong;Kim, Jong-Hae
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.828-837
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents the optimal design of planar flyback transformer suitable for small-size and low-profile of AC to DC adapter for 10W tablet. This paper also proposes the injection winding transformer of Hybrid and Drum types capable of the winding method of automatic type and the reduction of transformer size and leakage inductance(Lk) compared to the conventional mass-production flyback transformer with the winding method of manual type. In particular, the injection winding transformer of Drum type proposed in this paper is constructed in a horizontal laying of its transformer to solve the connection problem of copper plate injection winding on the secondary side of the one of Hybrid type. The primary and secondary windings of the injection winding transformer of Hybrid and Drum types used the conventional winding and the copper plate injection winding, respectively. For the injection winding transformer of Hybrid and Drum types proposed in this paper, the optimal design of planar flyback transformer suitable for small-size and low-profile was carried out using Maxwell 2D and 3D tool.

Evaluation of Hybrid Thermal Oxidation(HTO) System for Removal of MEK(Methyl ethyl ketone) and Toluene (복합열산화(Hybrid Thermal Oxidation) 시스템을 이용한 MEK(Methyl ethyl ketone)와 Toluene 제거 평가)

  • Jang, Duhun;Bae, Wookeun;Kim, Moonil;Kim, Kyungtae
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.31-37
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    • 2010
  • In this study, optimization of MEK and Toluene removal was conducted by HTO(Hybrid Thermal Oxidation) system. HTO system has a multi-bed reaction plate and the plate consisted of wasted heat regeneration part and catalysis part. VOCs removal by HTO system was estimated by changing inlet flow rates with different valve changing times. Under $350^{\circ}C$ of combustion temperature, VOCs was fully converted and the equivalent conversion was 100%. The thermal oxidation efficiency, related to the amount of injected fuel into HTO system and the valve change time, was revealed at the level of 93.0~96.3%. In case of MEK removal by HTO system, the efficiency was ranged from 91.1 to 97.1%. Also, Toluene removal efficiency(93.2~97.4%) was good and stable with respect to the operating conditions. Considering above results, it was proved that HTO system could be a stable and compact system for VOCs, especially MEK and Toluene with high removal efficiency.

Probabilistic Risk Assessment of a Steel Composite Hybrid Cable-Stayed Bridge Based on the Optimal Reliabilities (최적신뢰성에 의한 강합성 복합사장교의 확률적 위험도평가)

  • Yoon, Jung Hyun;Cho, Hyo Nam
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.395-402
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    • 2007
  • Probabilistic risk assessment was conducted on a hybrid cable-stayed bridge consisting of a steel-composite plate girder and a concrete girder with a long span, designed using the working stress design and strength design methods. The component reliabilities of the bridge's cables, pylons, girders, and steel-concrete conjunction were evaluated using the AFOSM(Advanced First Order Second Moment) algorithm and the simulation technique at the critical sections, based on the maximum axial force, shear, and positive and negative moments of the selected sections. For the analysis of system reliability, the hybrid cable-stayed bridge consisting of cables, pylons, and plate girders was modeled into combined failure modes, and for system reliability, the probabilities of failure and reliability index of the structural system were evaluated. Based on the results of this study, the critical failure modes of the hybrid cable-stayed bridge based on the bridge's structural characteristics are suggested, and the efficiency of the partial ETA technique for use in the risk assessment method was confirmed.

Assessment of the Ability of Extracellular Enzyme Production in Hybrid Strains of Lentinula edodes by Chromogenic Reaction-based Plate Assay (발색반응 분석법을 이용한 표고 교배균주의 세포외효소 분비 능력 평가)

  • Kwon, Hyuk-Woo;Kim, Jun-Young;Ko, Han-Gyu;Park, Heung-Soo;Kim, Seong-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 2011
  • Shiitake breeding requires the procedures of mating of two different parental strains and selection of hybrid strains that have good traits for the mushroom production. In this study, we tested the possibility of the use of chromogenic plate-based assay for extracellular enzyme production in order to assess and find good biochemical properties-possessed hybrid strains that were generated from genetic cross of the monokaryotic strains derived from two different parental strains of Lentinula edodes Sanjo-101ho and Sanjo-108ho. We observed that there was difference in the ability of producing ${\beta}$-glucosidase, avicelase, CM-cellulase, amylase, pectinase, xylanase, and protease among the monokaryotic strains. We could also comparatively assess that the ability of the seven extracellular enzymes production in the hybrid strains depended on the mating combination of the monokaryotic strains. Our results demonstrate that the assessment method for extracellular enzyme production using chromogenic plate assay could be usefully applied to the assessment of the hybrid strains derived from the breeding procedure of L. edodes.