• Title/Summary/Keyword: hybrid curve

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A Study of Test for the Reliability of Weibull Distribution Using Hybrid Censoring (혼합중도중단에 의한 Weibull분포의 신뢰도에 관한 검정의 연구)

  • Yeom, Jun-Geun;Ham, Hyeong-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.48-58
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    • 1992
  • This paper deals with a test procedures on reliablity using hybrid censoring when failure time follows two parameter Weibull distribution. In each case of single and two stage test with hybrid censoring, we construct a operating characteristic curve, and then obtain the censoring number and sample size which the producer's risk and the consumer's risk are both satisfied. This study suggests to determine the expected waiting time at a decision.

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Static and Fatigue Fracture Assessment of Hybrid Composite Joint for the Tilting Car Body (틸팅차량용 차체의 Hybrid 복합재 접합체결부의 정적 및 피로 파괴 평가)

  • Jung, Dal-Woo;Kim, Jung-Seok;Seo, Sueng-Il;Jo, Se-Hyun;Choi, Nak-Sam
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.31 no.2 s.257
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    • pp.166-173
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    • 2007
  • Fatigue fracture behavior of a hybrid bolted joint was evaluated in comparison to the case of static fracture. Two kinds of specimens were fabricated for the mechanical tests; a hybrid bolted joint specimen for the shear test and a hybrid joint part specimen applied in the real tilting car body for the bending test. Characteristic fracture behaviors of those specimens under cyclic toads were obviously different from the case under static loads. For the hybrid bolted joint specimen, static shear loading caused the fracture of the bolt body itself in a pure shear mode, whereas cyclic shear loading brought about the fracture at the site of local tensile stress concentration. For the hybrid joint part specimen, static bend loading caused the shear deformation and fracture in the honeycomb core region, while cyclic bend loading did the delamination along the interface between composite skin and honeycomb core layers as well as the fracture of welded joint part. Experimental results obtained by static and fatigue tests were reflected in modifications of design parameters of the hybrid joint structure in the real tilting car body.

Fatigue Assessment of Hybrid Composite Joint for the Tilting Car Body (틸팅차량용 Hybrid차체 접합체결부의 피로 특성 평가)

  • Jung, Dal-Woo;Kim, Duck-Jae;Choi, Se-Hyun;Seo, Sueng-Il;Choi, Nak-Sam
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.260-263
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    • 2005
  • Fatigue fracture behavior of a hybrid joint between side-panel and under-frame by riveting and adhesive bonding has been evaluated. Two kinds of joint specimens based on real geometry were fabricated for shearing test as well as bending test. Static and cyclic loadings were used for fatigue assessment. Fatigue fracture results obtained by such experiments were reflected in modifications of design parameters of the hybrid joint.

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Hull Form Representation using a Hybrid Curve Approximation (혼합 곡선 근사법을 이용한 선형 표현)

  • Hyun-Cheol Kim;Kyung-Sun Lee;Soo-Young Kim
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.118-125
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    • 1998
  • This paper presents the hybrid curve approximation with geometric boundary conditions as position vector and tangent vector of start and end point using a B-spline approximation and a genetic algorithm First, H-spline approximation generates control points to fit B-spline curries through specified data points. Second, these control points are modified by genetic algorithm(with floating point representation) under geometric boundary conditions. This method would be able to execute the efficient design work without fairing.

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Fatigue behavior of hybrid GFRP-concrete bridge decks under sagging moment

  • Xin, Haohui;Liu, Yuqing;He, Jun;Fan, Haifeng;Zhang, Youyou
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.925-946
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a new cost-effective hybrid GFRP-Concrete deck system that the GFRP panel serves as both tensile reinforcement and stay-in-place form. In order to understand the fatigue behavior of such hybrid deck, fatigue test on a full-scale specimen under sagging moment was conducted, and a series of static tests were also carried out after certain repeated loading cycles. The fatigue test results indicated that such hybrid deck has a good fatigue performance even after 3.1 million repeated loading cycles. A three-dimensional finite element model of the hybrid deck was established based on experimental work. The results from finite element analyses are in good agreement with those from the tests. In addition, flexural fatigue analysis considering the reduction in flexural stiffness and modulus under cyclic loading was carried out. The predicted flexural strength agreed well with the analytical strength from finite element simulation, and the calculated fatigue failure cycle was consistent with the result based on related S-N curve and finite element analyses. However, the flexural fatigue analytical results tended to be conservative compared to the tested results in safety side. The presented overall investigation may provide reference for the design and construction of such hybrid deck system.

Generation of SAC using a ASMOD and a Hybrid curve approximation (ASMOD와 혼합 곡선 근사법을 이용한 SAC의 생성)

  • 김현철;이경선;김수영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.435-438
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    • 1997
  • This paper presents the process generating a SAC(Sectional Area Cure) by using ASMOD(Adaptive Spline Modeling of Observation Data). That is, we define SACs of real ships as B-spline curves by a hybrid cure approximation(which is the combination method of a B-spline fitting method and a genetic algorithm) and accumulate a database of control points. Then we let ASMOD learn from the correlation principal dimensions with control points.

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Design of finite field arithmtic for EC-KCDSA (전자서명을 위한 ECC기반 유한체 산술 연산기 구현에 관한 연구)

  • 최경문;황정태;류상준;김영철
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.07b
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    • pp.935-938
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    • 2003
  • The performance of elliptic curve based on public key cryptosystems is mainly appointed by the efficiency of the underlying finite field arithmetic. This work describes a finite field multiplier and divider which is implemented using SystemC. Also this present an efficient hardware for performing the elliptic curve point multiplication using the polynomial basis representation. In order to improve the speed of the multiplier with as a little extra hardware as possible, adopted hybrid finite field multiplication and finite field divider.

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The characteristics of bending collapse of aluminum/GFRP hybrid tube (알루미늄/GFRP 혼성튜브의 굽힘붕괴 특성)

  • 송민철;이정주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2000.11a
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    • pp.84-87
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    • 2000
  • Square tubes used for vehicle structure components have an important role on keeping its stiffness and preserving occupant safety in vehicle collision and rollover in which it experience axial collapse, bending collapse or both. Bending collapse, which absorbs kinetic energy of the impact and retains a survival space for the occupant, is a dominant failure mode in oblique collision and rollover. Thus, in this paper, the bending collapse characteristics such as the maximum bending moment and energy absorption capacity of the square tube replaced by light-weight material were evaluated and presented. The bending test of cantilever tubes which were fabricated with aluminum, GFRP and aluminum/ GFRP hybrid by co-curing process was performed. Then the maximum bending moment and the energy absorption capacity from the moment-angle curve were evaluated. Based on the test results, it was found that aluminum/ GFRP hybrid tube can show better specific energy absorption capacity compared to the pure aluminum or GFRP tube and can convert unstable collapse mode which may occur in pure GFRP tube to stable collapse mode like a aluminum tube in which plastic hinge is developed.

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Comparison of Thermal Recovery Characteristics of Hybrid Type Model Gas Interrupters According to the Arrangement of Thermal Expansion Chamber and Puffer Cylinder (팽창실과 파퍼 실린더의 배열형태에 따른 복합소호 모델 가스차단부의 열적회복특성 비교)

  • Song Ki-Dong;Chong Jin-Kyo;Park Kyong-Yop
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers B
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    • v.53 no.12
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    • pp.725-731
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    • 2004
  • In this study, the three type hybrid interrupters according to the arrangement of the thermal expansion chamber and the puffer cylinder(they are called 'serial type', 'parallel/exchanged type', and 'parallel/separated type' respectively in this work) were designed and manufactured. This paper presents the tested results of the thermal recovery characteristics on the interrupters using a simplified synthetic test facility. The 'serial type' hybrid interrupter which is to obtain more easily the pressure rise for the thermal recovery compared with the others has the best capability in the thermal recovery characteristics. In order to investigate the stress on the operating mechanism, the distortion of the stroke wave in on-load test was examined to the stroke curve in no-load test. The biggest distortion was occurred in the 'parallel/exchanged type' hybrid interrupter. Finally, the small interruption capability on the three type interrupters was estimated by a theoretical form and the 'parallel/separated type' hybrid interrupter has the advantage of the others in the view of structure.

A UGV Hybrid Path Generation Method by using B-spline Curve's Control Point Selection Algorithm (무인 주행 차량의 하이브리드 경로 생성을 위한 B-spline 곡선의 조정점 선정 알고리즘)

  • Lee, Hee-Mu;Kim, Min-Ho;Lee, Min-Cheol
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.138-142
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    • 2014
  • This research presents an A* based algorithm which can be applied to Unmanned Ground Vehicle self-navigation in order to make the driving path smoother. Based on the grid map, A* algorithm generated the path by using straight lines. However, in this situation, the knee points, which are the connection points when vehicle changed orientation, are created. These points make Unmanned Ground Vehicle continuous navigation unsuitable. Therefore, in this paper, B-spline curve function is applied to transform the path transfer into curve type. And because the location of the control point has influenced the B-spline curve, the optimal control selection algorithm is proposed. Also, the optimal path tracking speed can be calculated through the curvature radius of the B-spline curve. Finally, based on this algorithm, a path created program is applied to the path results of the A* algorithm and this B-spline curve algorithm. After that, the final path results are compared through the simulation.