• 제목/요약/키워드: human cases

검색결과 2,396건 처리시간 0.027초

Compositional Correlations in Canine Genome Reflects Similarity with Human Genes

  • Joy, Faustin;Basak, Surajit;Gupta, Sanjib Kumar;Das, Pranab Jyoti;Ghosh, Shankar Kumar;Ghosh, Tapash Chandra
    • BMB Reports
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    • 제39권3호
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    • pp.240-246
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    • 2006
  • The base compositional correlations that hold among various coding and noncoding regions of the canine genome have been analysed. The distribution pattern of genes, on the basis of $GC_3$ composition, shows a wide range similar to that observed in human. However the occurrence of maximum number of genes was observed in the range of 65-75% of $GC_3$ composition. The correlation between the coding DNA sequences of canine with the different noncoding regions (introns and flanking regions) is found to be significant and in many cases the degree of correlation show similarity to human genome. We found that these correlations are not limited to the GC content alone, but is holding at the level of the frequency of individual bases as well. The present study suggests that canines ideally belong to the predicted 'general mammalian pattern' of genome composition along with human beings.

바이오센서 기반 특징 추출 기법 및 감정 인식 모델 개발 (Development of Bio-sensor-Based Feature Extraction and Emotion Recognition Model)

  • 조예리;배동성;이윤규;안우진;임묘택;강태구
    • 전기학회논문지
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    • 제67권11호
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    • pp.1496-1505
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    • 2018
  • The technology of emotion recognition is necessary for human computer interaction communication. There are many cases where one cannot communicate without considering one's emotion. As such, emotional recognition technology is an essential element in the field of communication. n this regard, it is highly utilized in various fields. Various bio-sensor sensors are used for human emotional recognition and can be used to measure emotions. This paper proposes a system for recognizing human emotions using two physiological sensors. For emotional classification, two-dimensional Russell's emotional model was used, and a method of classification based on personality was proposed by extracting sensor-specific characteristics. In addition, the emotional model was divided into four emotions using the Support Vector Machine classification algorithm. Finally, the proposed emotional recognition system was evaluated through a practical experiment.

Human Papillomavirus Burden in Different Cancers in Iran: a Systematic Assessment

  • Jalilvand, Somayeh;Shoja, Zabihollah;Hamkar, Rasool
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • 제15권17호
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    • pp.7029-7035
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    • 2014
  • Certain types of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are undoubtedly involved in genesis of human malignancies. HPV plays an etiological role in cervical cancer, but also in many vaginal, vulvar, anal and penile cancers, as well as head and neck cancers. In addition, a number of non-malignant diseases such as genital warts and recurrent respiratory papillomatosis are attributable to HPV. Moreover, HPV forms have detected in several other cancers including esophageal squamous cell carcinoma, lung, prostate, ovarian, breast, skin, colorectal and urinary tract cancers, but associations with etiology in these cases is controversial. The aim of this systematic assessment was to estimate the prevalence of HPV infection and HPV types in HPV-associated cancers, HPV-related non-malignant diseases and in cancers that may be associated with HPV in Iran. The present investiagtion covered 61 studies on a variety of cancers in Iranian populations. HPV prevalence was 77.5 % and 32.4% in cervical cancer and head and neck cancers, respectively. HPV was detected in 23.1%, 22.2%, 10.4%, 30.9%, 14% and 25.2% of esophageal squamous cell, lung, prostate, urinary tract cancers, breast and skin cancers, respectively. HPV16 and 18 were the most frequent HPV types in all cancers. The findings of present study imply that current HPV vaccines for cervical cancer may decrease the burden of other cancers if they are really related to HPV.


  • Lee, C.H.;Hwang, H.
    • 한국농업기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국농업기계학회 1996년도 International Conference on Agricultural Machinery Engineering Proceedings
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    • pp.773-779
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    • 1996
  • Dried oak mushroom have complex and various visual features. Grading and sorting of dried oak mushrooms has been done by the human expert. Though actions involved in human grading looked simple, a decision making underneath the simple action comes from the result of the complex neural processing of the visual image. Through processing details involved in human visual recognition has not been fully investigated yet, it might say human can recognize objects via one of three ways such as extracting specific features or just image itself without extracting those features or in a combined manner. In most cases, extracting some special quantitative features from the camera image requires complex algorithms and processing of the gray level image requires the heavy computing load. This fact can be worse especially in dealing with nonuniform, irregular and fuzzy shaped agricultural products, resulting in poor performance because of the sensitiveness to the crisp criteria or specific ules set up by algorithms. Also restriction of the real time processing often forces to use binary segmentation but in that case some important information of the object can be lost. In this paper, the neuro net based real time recognition algorithm was proposed without extracting any visual feature but using only the directly captured raw gray images. Specially formated adaptable size of grids was proposed for the network input. The compensation of illumination was also done to accomodate the variable lighting environment. The proposed grading scheme showed very successful results.

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Salvage of Unilateral Complete Ear Amputation with Continuous Local Hyperbaric Oxygen, Platelet-Rich Plasma and Polydeoxyribonucleotide without Micro-Revascularization

  • Lee, Sang Keon;Lim, Yoon Min;Lew, Dae Hyun;Song, Seung Yong
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • 제44권6호
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    • pp.554-558
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    • 2017
  • In many cases of complete ear amputation, microvascular surgery is required for tissue perfusion and organ survival. However, microvascular reconstruction is not always feasible in the absence of suitable vessels. Here, we present the case of a 76-year-old man who underwent complete amputation of the left ear after a collapse at home because of cardiogenic syncope. He was treated with primary replantation and underwent a postoperative salvage course including continuous local hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections, and polydeoxyribonucleotide (PDRN) injections. The ear was almost completely salvaged, with a tiny eschar at the mid-scapha on both the anterior and posterior aspects. This case demonstrates the efficacy of local HBOT with PRP and PDRN injections.

노인요양시설 간호사 대상 웹기반 노인인권 교육프로그램 개발 (Development of a Web-based Education Program for Nurses working in Nursing Homes on Human Rights of Older Adults)

  • 김기경
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.463-472
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was done to develop a web-based education program for nurses working in nursing homes. The focus was on the rights of older adults. Methods: The program was designed based on the Network-Based Instructional System Design (NBISD) model and was operated and evaluated between July 2007 and June 2008. Results: Out of nursing records of 40 residents from a nursing home, the final 7 cases were deducted through classification using the Resource Utilization Group (RUG)-III. The data on needs for education was collected from 28 nurses working in 15 nursing homes located in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, who agreed to complete a self-report questionnaire. A comprehensive review of the literature and two focus groups interviews were used to search for risk factors and guidelines for protection of human rights. The education program was developed based on Kolb's experiential learning model and composed of 5 units, which included content on types of human rights and rights to death with dignity, elder abuse, physical liberty, and self-determination. The program was positively evaluated showing a score of 3.35 (SD=0.37) out of 4. Conclusion: The educational program developed in this study should promote nurses' sensitivity to the rights of elders and improve nurses' behaviors in protecting the rights of elders residing in nursing homes.

특허 키워드 분석을 활용한 기술인문융합 현황 분석 (Issues for Technology-Humanities Convergence : Patent Keyword Analysis)

  • 김지은;이성주
    • 대한산업공학회지
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    • 제42권3호
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 2016
  • As the limitation of the existing convergence is pointed out, technology-humanities convergence which highlights the enhancement of the quality of life of humans, is focused as a solution to facilitate sustainable technological innovation. Technology-humanities convergence has already occurred in various industries, of which a considerable number of successful cases can be noted. However, few efforts have been made to investigate technologyhumanities convergence as an independent academic field. Therefore, this paper aimed to identify the status of technology-humanities convergence. To do this, first, a definition of technology-humanities convergence was proposed. Second, based on Maslow's theory, the types of human needs and related key words were extracted. Third, patents related to human needs were collected from the United States Patent and Trademark Office (2000~2014). Fourth and last, the status of technology-humanities convergence was analyzed in terms of "convergence trends" and "convergence areas." This research is expected to promote more creative and human-centered performances of innovation as well as to support decision-making when the innovation strategy-as attempted by the quantitative analysis of technology-humanities convergence in the perspective of sustainable competitiveness-is established.

중소병원 간호사의 인권감수성과 간호근무환경이 직장 내 괴롭힘 피해에 미치는 영향 (The Influence of Human Rights Sensitivity and the Nursing Work Environment on Workplace Bullying Victimization among Nurses in Small- and Medium-Sized Hospitals)

  • 조은경;김문정
    • 보건의료산업학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.27-38
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of human rights sensitivity and nursing work environment on workplace bullying victimization among nurses in small- and medium-sized hospitals. Methods: The participants were 255 nurses from 5 general hospitals in Busan. A dataset was collected using a structured self-reporting questionnaire during the month of July 2018. The data were analyzed with SPSS WIN 23.0 software (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA) using independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis. Results: Nursing work environment showed negative correlation with workplace bullying victimization. Being a witness to bullying, organizational support, head nurse's leadership, and relationships with peers were found to influence workplace bullying victimization, and these 4 variables explained 37% of workplace bullying victimization. Conclusions: Formal procedures for cases of bullying and improvements in the leadership of head nurses and peer relationships are crucial to reducing workplace bullying victimization among nurses in small- and medium-sized hospitals. Hospital executives' efforts to provide sufficient physical and human resources for nursing services and to improve the welfare of nurses are also needed.

A marginal branch of the left hepatic artery running along the umbilical vein and supplying the anterior surface of the liver left lobe: a report of 5 cases in 12 Japanese human fetuses

  • Ji Hyun Kim;Shogo Hayashi;Gen Murakami;Jose Francisco Rodriguez-Vazquez;Hiroshi Abe
    • Anatomy and Cell Biology
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    • 제56권4호
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    • pp.579-583
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    • 2023
  • In human fetuses, the left hepatic artery (LHA) issues the marginal artery that runs along the umbilical vein and, sometimes, reaches the umbilicus. The further observation demonstrated that, in 5 of 12 Japanese midterm fetuses (crown-rump length mm: 46, 50, 54, 59, 102), the marginal artery issued not only a thin umbilical branch but also a liver parenchymal branch that took a posterosuperior recurrent course in a peritoneal fold and supplied the anterior surface of the liver left lobe (segment III). However, in 22 Spanish fetuses of which gestational ages corresponded to the Japanese ones, we did not find the parenchymal branch. Therefore, between human populations, there seemed to be a considerable difference in the incidence as to whether or not the marginal artery issues the liver parenchymal branch. The parenchymal branch might be degenerated at the later stages due to friction between the liver free surface and growing diaphragm.

한국 남해안 일대의 해수 및 해산물에서 Vibrio vulnificus의 분리연구 (Studies on the Isolation of Vibrio vulnificus from Sea Water and Marine Products in the Southern Sea of Korea)

  • 주진우;김일
    • 대한미생물학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.97-106
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    • 1986
  • Authors studies on the isolation of V. vulnificus from sea water, sea mud fishes, shellfishes and algae at the seasides of Pusan, Masan, Chungmu and Ulsan in Korea in 1985. Authors carried out test for isolated strains to bacteriological test, hemolysis test about erythrocytes of various animal, sensitivity test of various chemotherapeutic agents and serological test with antiserum of V. vulnificus. The resultls obtained were as follows: 1. V. vulnificus was isolated 15 strains from 399 total specimens: 110 cases of sea water, 40 cases of sea mud, 90 cases of fishes, 60 cases of shellfishes and 79 cases of various algae, respectively. 2. Nine strains were isolalted from sea water, 4 strains were isolated from sea mud and 2 strains were isolated from fishes, respectively. 3. Two strains among 15 strains isolated were lactose positive reaction. 4. All strains isolated were grown in concentration of $0.5%{\sim}7.0%$ NaCl, but were not grown 0% and 8.0% NaCl. 5. Hemolysis reaction about various erythrocytes was sensitived to guinea pig, human and rabbit erythrocytes, but was not sensitived to sheep erythrocytes. 6. Sensitivity test using with chemotherapeutic agents of "BioLab" Microbial Sensitivity Test Discs were generally sensitived to amikacin, ampicillin, clindamycin, erythromycin, gentamycin, kanamycin, streptomycin, tetracyclin and tobramycin, and were moderate to penicillin, but were resistant to methicillin and lincomycin, respectively. 7. The distribution of serotypes of V. vulnificus isolated were on antiserum of $0.1{\sim}07$ of V. vulnificus: 1 case of 01 and 2 cases of 07, respectively.

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