• Title/Summary/Keyword: high-resolution spatial data

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  • Han, You-Kyung;Kim, Hye-Jin;Choi, Jae-Wan;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.361-364
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    • 2008
  • It is well known that combining spatial and spectral information can improve land use classification from satellite imagery. High spatial resolution classification has a limitation when only using the spectral information due to the complex spatial arrangement of features and spectral heterogeneity within each class. Therefore, extracting the spatial information is one of the most important steps in high resolution satellite image classification. In this paper, we propose a new spatial feature extraction method. The extracted features are integrated with spectral bands to improve overall classification accuracy. The classification is achieved by applying a Support Vector Machines classifier. In order to evaluate the proposed feature extraction method, we applied our approach to KOMPSAT-2 data and compared the result with the other methods.

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Land Cover Classification with High Spatial Resolution Using Orthoimage and DSM Based on Fixed-Wing UAV

  • Kim, Gu Hyeok;Choi, Jae Wan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2017
  • An UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) is a flight system that is designed to conduct missions without a pilot. Compared to traditional airborne-based photogrammetry, UAV-based photogrammetry is inexpensive and can obtain high-spatial resolution data quickly. In this study, we aimed to classify the land cover using high-spatial resolution images obtained using a UAV. An RGB camera was used to obtain high-spatial resolution orthoimage. For accurate classification, multispectral image about same areas were obtained using a multispectral sensor. A DSM (Digital Surface Model) and a modified NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index) were generated using images obtained using the RGB camera and multispectral sensor. Pixel-based classification was performed for twelve classes by using the RF (Random Forest) method. The classification accuracy was evaluated based on the error matrix, and it was confirmed that the proposed method effectively classified the area compared to supervised classification using only the RGB image.

Implementation of Spatial Downscaling Method Based on Gradient and Inverse Distance Squared (GIDS) for High-Resolution Numerical Weather Prediction Data (고해상도 수치예측자료 생산을 위한 경도-역거리 제곱법(GIDS) 기반의 공간 규모 상세화 기법 활용)

  • Yang, Ah-Ryeon;Oh, Su-Bin;Kim, Joowan;Lee, Seung-Woo;Kim, Chun-Ji;Park, Soohyun
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.185-198
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we examined a spatial downscaling method based on Gradient and Inverse Distance Squared (GIDS) weighting to produce high-resolution grid data from a numerical weather prediction model over Korean Peninsula with complex terrain. The GIDS is a simple and effective geostatistical downscaling method using horizontal distance gradients and an elevation. The predicted meteorological variables (e.g., temperature and 3-hr accumulated rainfall amount) from the Limited-area ENsemble prediction System (LENS; horizontal grid spacing of 3 km) are used for the GIDS to produce a higher horizontal resolution (1.5 km) data set. The obtained results were compared to those from the bilinear interpolation. The GIDS effectively produced high-resolution gridded data for temperature with the continuous spatial distribution and high dependence on topography. The results showed a better agreement with the observation by increasing a searching radius from 10 to 30 km. However, the GIDS showed relatively lower performance for the precipitation variable. Although the GIDS has a significant efficiency in producing a higher resolution gridded temperature data, it requires further study to be applied for rainfall events.

Numerical Study on the Impact of the Spatial Resolution of Wind Map in the Korean Peninsula on the Accuracy of Wind Energy Resources Estimation (한반도 풍력 자원 지도의 공간 해상도가 풍력자원 예측 정확도에 미치는 영향에 관한 수치연구)

  • Lee, Soon-Hwan;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Kim, Min-Jung;Kim, Hyun-Goo
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.885-897
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    • 2009
  • In order to make sure the impact of spatial resolution of wind energy map on the estimation of wind power density in the Korean Peninsula, the comparison studies on the characteristics of wind energy map with three different spatial resolutions were carried out. Numerical model used in the establishment of wind map is MM5 (5th generation Mesoscale Model) with RBAPS (Regional Data Assimilation and Prediction System) as initial and boundary data. Analyzed Period are four months (March, August, October, and December), which are representative of four seasons. Since high spatial resolution of wind map make the undulation of topography be clear, wind pattern in high resolution wind map is correspond well with topography pattern and maximum value of wind speed is also increase. Indication of island and mountains in wind energy map depends on the its spatial resolution, so wind patterns in Heuksan island and Jiri mountains are clearly different in high and low resolutions. And area averaged power density can be changed by estimation method of wind speed for unit area in the numerical model and by treatment of air density. Therefore the studiable resolution for the topography should be evaluated and set before the estimation of wind resources in the Korean Peninsula.

Quantitative Evaluation of Super-resolution Drone Images Generated Using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용하여 생성한 초해상화 드론 영상의 정량적 평가)

  • Seo, Hong-Deok;So, Hyeong-Yoon;Kim, Eui-Myoung
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 2023
  • As the development of drones and sensors accelerates, new services and values are created by fusing data acquired from various sensors mounted on drone. However, the construction of spatial information through data fusion is mainly constructed depending on the image, and the quality of data is determined according to the specification and performance of the hardware. In addition, it is difficult to utilize it in the actual field because expensive equipment is required to construct spatial information of high-quality. In this study, super-resolution was performed by applying deep learning to low-resolution images acquired through RGB and THM cameras mounted on a drone, and quantitative evaluation and feature point extraction were performed on the generated high-resolution images. As a result of the experiment, the high-resolution image generated by super-resolution was maintained the characteristics of the original image, and as the resolution was improved, more features could be extracted compared to the original image. Therefore, when generating a high-resolution image by applying a low-resolution image to an super-resolution deep learning model, it is judged to be a new method to construct spatial information of high-quality without being restricted by hardware.

A Sensitivity of Simulated Runoff Characteristics on the Different Spatial Resolutions of Precipitation Data (강우자료의 공간해상도에 따른 모의 유출특성 민감도 고찰)

  • Lee, Dogil;Hwang, Syewoon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.65 no.6
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2023
  • Rainfall data is one of the most important data in hydrologic modeling. In this study, the impacts of spatial resolution of precipitation data on hydrological responses were assessed using SWAT in the Santa Fe River Basin, Florida. High correlations were found between the FAWN and NLDAS rainfall data, which are observed weather data and simulated weather data based on observed data, respectively. FAWN-based scenarios had higher maximum rainfall and more rainfall days and events compared to NLDAS-based scenarios. Downstream areas showed lower correlations between rainfall and peak discharge than upstream areas due to the characteristics of study site. All scenarios did not show significant differences in base flow, and showed less than 5% of differences in high flows among NLDAS-based scenarios. The impact of resolution will appear differently depending on the characteristics of the watershed and topography and the applied model, and thus, is a process that must be considered in advance in runoff simulation research. The study suggests that applying the research method to watersheds in Korea may yield more pronounced results, and highlights the importance of considering data resolution in hydrologic modeling.

Application of a Statistical Interpolation Method to Correct Extreme Values in High-Resolution Gridded Climate Variables (고해상도 격자 기후자료 내 이상 기후변수 수정을 위한 통계적 보간법 적용)

  • Jeong, Yeo min;Eum, Hyung-Il
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2015
  • A long-term gridded historical data at 3 km spatial resolution has been generated for practical regional applications such as hydrologic modelling. However, overly high or low values have been found at some grid points where complex topography or sparse observational network exist. In this study, the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) method was applied to properly smooth the overly predicted values of Improved GIS-based Regression Model (IGISRM), called the IDW-IGISRM grid data, at the same resolution for daily precipitation, maximum temperature and minimum temperature from 2001 to 2010 over South Korea. We tested various effective distances in the IDW method to detect an optimal distance that provides the highest performance. IDW-IGISRM was compared with IGISRM to evaluate the effectiveness of IDW-IGISRM with regard to spatial patterns, and quantitative performance metrics over 243 AWS observational points and four selected stations showing the largest biases. Regarding the spatial pattern, IDW-IGISRM reduced irrational overly predicted values, i. e. producing smoother spatial maps that IGISRM for all variables. In addition, all quantitative performance metrics were improved by IDW-IGISRM; correlation coefficient (CC), Index Of Agreement (IOA) increase up to 11.2% and 2.0%, respectively. Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) were also reduced up to 5.4% and 15.2% respectively. At the selected four stations, this study demonstrated that the improvement was more considerable. These results indicate that IDW-IGISRM can improve the predictive performance of IGISRM, consequently providing more reliable high-resolution gridded data for assessment, adaptation, and vulnerability studies of climate change impacts.

Ortho-image Generation using 3D Flight Route of Drone (드론의 3D 촬영 경로를 이용한 정사영상 제작)

  • Jonghyeon Yoon;Gihong Kim;Hyun Choi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2023
  • Drone images are being used more and more actively in the fields of surveying and spatial information, and are rapidly replacing existing aerial and satellite images. The technology of quickly acquiring real-time data at low cost and processing it is now being applied to actual industries beyond research. However, there are also problems encountered as this progresses. When high-resolution spatial information is acquired using a general 2D flight plan for a terrain with sever undulations, problems arise due to the difference in resolution of the data. In particular, when a low-altitude high-resolution image is taken using a drone in a mountainous or steep terrain, there may be a problem in image matching due to a resolution difference caused by terrain undulations. This problem occurs because a drone acquires data while flying on a 2D plane at a fixed altitude, just like conventional aerial photography. In order to acquire high-quality 3D data using a drone, the scale difference for the shooting distance should be considered. In addition, in order to obtain facade images of large structures, it is necessary to take images in 3D space. In this study, in order to improve the disadvantages of the 2D flight method, a 3D flight plan was established for the study area, and it was confirmed that high-quality 3D spatial information could be obtained in this way.

Evaluation of spatial pressure distribution during ice-structure interaction using pressure indicating film

  • Kim, Hyunwook;Ulan-Kvitberg, Christopher;Daley, Claude
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.578-597
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    • 2014
  • Understanding of 'spatial' pressure distribution is required to determine design loads on local structures, such as plating and framing. However, obtaining a practical 'spatial' pressure distribution is a hard task due to the sensitivity of the data acquisition frequency and resolution. High-resolution Pessure-Idicating Flm (PIF) was applied to obtain pressure distribution and pressure magnitude using stepped crushing method. Different types of PIF were stacked at each test to creating a pressure distribution plot at specific time steps. Two different concepts of plotting 'spatial' pressure-area curve was introduced and evaluated. Diverse unit pixel size was chosen to investigate the effect of the resolution in data analysis. Activated area was not significantly affected by unit pixel size; however, total force was highly sensitive.