• 제목/요약/키워드: high-heated

검색결과 956건 처리시간 0.03초

고주파 유도가열된 조선용 강판의 기계적 특성 연구 (A Study on the Mechanical Properties of Heated Plates by Induction Heating System)

  • 현충민;이명수;조시훈;장태원
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제32권1호
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2014
  • Due to of high intensity, lower noise and easy controllability of the heat, induction heating system became well known. Induction heating method has been suggested as substitute for the gas heat source and adopted in the automation of curved hull forming system. In this study, an investigation was accomplished to find the effects on the change of material properties when the induction heating was applied on the mild steel plate. Plates were heated using weaving method to get sufficiently heat affected zone and then cooled with water or in the air. The mechanical properties of the heated plate were evaluated. As results, the tensile test, impact test and microstructures satisfied the class rule.

연소기 후치 가스터빈에 관한 열역학적 연구 (A Thermodynamic Study on Exhaust Heated Gas Turbine Cycle)

  • 박종구;오수철;양옥룡
    • 한국자동차공학회논문집
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    • 제2권6호
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    • pp.18-28
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    • 1994
  • An exhaust-heated gas turbine cycle equipped with a waste heat recovery boiler and ammonia absorption-type refrigerator using waste heat is newly devised and analyzed. The general performance of this cycle is compared with that of the conventional gas turbine cycle. This cycle shows a potential high efficiency. When 1500K of gas turbine inlet temperature the efficiency is 53 percent as compared to 45 percent for a conventional combined cycle. Suction cooling of this cycle leads to improve the thermal efficiency and the specific output.

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  • Choi, Jae-Hyuk;Tak, Nam-Il;Shin, Young-Joon;Kim, Chan-Soo;Lee, Ki-Young
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • 제41권10호
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    • pp.1275-1284
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    • 2009
  • A directly heated $SO_3$ decomposer for the sulfur-iodine and hybrid-sulfur processes has been introduced and analyzed using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code CFX 11. The use of a directly heated decomposition reactor in conjunction with a very high temperature reactor (VHTR) allows for higher decomposition reactor operating temperatures. However, the high temperatures and strongly corrosive operating conditions associated with $SO_3$ decomposition present challenges for the structural materials of decomposition reactors. In order to resolve these problems, we have designed a directly heated $SO_3$ decomposer using RA330 alloy as a structural material and have performed a CFD analysis of the design based on the finite rate chemistry model. The CFD results show the maximum temperature of the structural material could be maintained sufficiently below 1073 K, which is considered the target temperature for RA 330. The CFD simulations also indicated good performance in terms of $SO_3$ decomposition for the design parameters of the present study.

50kg/mm$^{2}$급 고장력 강판의 선상가열에 따른 판상변형과 재질변화 (Distortion and transformation of high tensile strength steel plate of 50kg/mm$^{2}$grade due to line heating)

  • 정남호;최병길;박종은
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • 제3권1호
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 1985
  • The line heating is a thermoplastic working technique which is used in bending work of steel plate and in correcting the distortion of welded structure. This method is considerably effective when the water-cooling is followed. In this study, an investigation was accomplished to find the effects on the change of material properties when the line heating was applied on the high tensile steel plate of 50kg/mm^2$ grade. Some steel plates were heated to various temperatures and then cooled with water or in the air. In this study, the author measured the angular distortion continuously during line heating to find out the relation between the bending efficiency and heating or water-cooling temperature. Furthermore, its material properties were examined by the V-notch Charpy impact test, the microscope observation and the Vickers hardness test. As results, the followings were clarified. (1) The amount of angular distortion increases as the heating temperature or the water-cooling temperature rises. (2) When the steel plate is heated between 700.deg. C and 900.deg. C, and then is water-cooled over 700.deg. C, some brittle structure is observed. But if the temperature of water-cooling is below 700.deg. C, no brittle one is found. (3) When the steel plate is heated over 800.deg. C and is cooled in the air, there is no unfavrable effect.

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Performance of Adhesives in Glulam after Short Term Fire Exposure

  • Quiquero, Hailey;Chorlton, Bronwyn;Gales, John
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제7권4호
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    • pp.299-311
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    • 2018
  • As engineered timber such as Glulam is seeing increasing use in tall timber buildings, building codes are adapting to allow for this. In order for this material to be used confidently and safely in one of these applications, there is a need to understand the effects that fire can have on an engineered timber structural member. The post-fire resilience aspect of glulam is studied herein. Two sets of experiments are performed to consider the validity of zero strength guidance with respect to short duration fire exposure on thin glulam members. Small scale samples were heated in a cone calorimeter to different fire severities. These samples illustrated significant strength loss but high variability despite controlled quantification of char layers. Large scale samples were heated locally using a controlled fuel fire in shear and moment locations along the length of the beam respectively. Additionally, reduced cross section samples were created by mechanically carving a way an area of cross section equal to the area lost to char on the heated beams. All of the samples were then loaded to failure in four-point (laterally restrained) bending tests. The beams that have been burnt in the shear region were observed as having a reduction in strength of up to 34.5% from the control beams. These test samples displayed relatively little variability, apart from beams that displayed material defects. The suite of testing indicated that zero strength guidance may be under conservative and may require increasing from 7 mm up to as much as 23 mm.

마이크로파를 응용한 Rubber Compound의 가황 - (I) 마이크로파에 의한 White Carbon의 가열특성 - (Microwave Application to the Vulcanization of Rubber Compound -(I) The Heating Characteristics of While Carbon by Microwave-)

  • 박찬영;김정곤;민성기
    • Elastomers and Composites
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    • 제32권5호
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    • pp.318-324
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    • 1997
  • Since the rigid and continuous networks of high-purity silica(white carbon) were relatively transparent to microwaves, high purity silica coupled with microwaves using a zirconia susceptor at room temperature and it was then heated to its melting temperature. The low-purity silica, contained small amount of impurities, yielded greater microwave absorption owing to easy motion of the interstitial alkali ions and it was then heated to its melting temperature. X-ray diffraction patterns of the low-purity silica were broader than those of the high-purity silica due to higher concentration of non-bridging bond and more deformed random network structure. In the vulcanization process of whitened or coloured rubber compound which is employing low-purity silica(white carbon) as a reinforcing filler, vulcanizate could be obtained effectively by microwave heating energy.

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The Next Generation Apartment Model Far Infrared Rays Radiant Heater using Quasi-Resonant Soft Switching PWM Inverter

  • Kwon, Soon-Kurl;Mun, Sang-Pil
    • 조명전기설비학회논문지
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    • 제22권11호
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2008
  • This paper presents an innovative prototype of a new conceptual electromagnetic induction heated type far infrared rays radiant heating appliance using the voltage-fed quasi-resonant ZVS-PWM high frequency inverter using IGBTs for food cooking and processing which operates under a constant frequency variable power regulation scheme. This power electronic appliance with soft switching high frequency inverter using IGBTs has attracted special interest from some advantageous view points of safety, cleanliness, compactness and rapid temperature response, which is more suitable for consumer power electronics applications.

Fluid Heating System using High-Frequency Inverter Based on Electromagnetic Indirect Induction Heating

  • Kim Yong-Ju;Shin Dae Cheul;Kim Kee Hwan;Uchihori Y.;Kawamura Y.
    • 전력전자학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 전력전자학회 2001년도 Proceedings ICPE 01 2001 International Conference on Power Electronics
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2001
  • In this Paper are described the indirect induction heated boiler and induction heated hot air producer using the voltage-fed series resonant high-frequency inverter which can operate in the frequency range from 20kHz to 50kHz. A specially designed induction heater, which is composed of laminated stainless assembly with many tiny holes and interconnected spot welding points between stainless plates, is inserted into the ceramic type vessel with external working coil. This working coil is connected to the inverter and turbulence fluid through this induction heater to moving fluid generates in the vessel. The operating performances of this unique appliance in next generation and its effectiveness are evaluated and discussed from a practical point of view.

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유도 가열용에 사용되어지는 새로운 부분공진형 영전압 스위칭 PWM 고주파 인버터 (New Partial Resonant Zero Voltage Switching PWM High Frequency Inverter using Induction Heating)

  • 정영수;문상필;박한석
    • 전기학회논문지P
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    • 제64권4호
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    • pp.261-266
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents a newly proposed prototype of voltage-fed half-bridge partial resonant zero voltage switching PWM inverter operating at a constant frequency variable power regulation scheme, which is more suitable and acceptable for induction heated(IH) cooking appliances. This application-specific high frequency inverter circuit topology using a new generation specially-designed IGBTs can operate under a principle of a fixed frequency ZVS-PWM strategy. The operating principle of a new partial resonant inverter circuit is described on the basis of its computer-aided simulation analysis, its including steady-state operating characteristics.

고온에 노출된 콘크리트 미세조직의 특성 (Microstructure Characteristics of Concrete Exposed to High Temperature)

  • 태순호;이병곤
    • 한국화재소방학회논문지
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    • 제12권4호
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 1998
  • 고온에 노출된 콘크리트 미세조직의 변화가 강도에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위하여 현 재 건설현장에서 가장 많이 이용하고 있는 배합비와 쇄석으로 시험체를 제작하여 고온에 노출시킨 후 SEM!EDX, XRD 및 DSC-TG로 분석하여 각 온도별로 강도와 미세조직 특 성을 분석하였다.

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