• Title/Summary/Keyword: high-frequency characteristics

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An Equivalent Plate Model for the High-Frequency Dynamic Characteristics of Cylindrical Shells (원통형셸의 초고주파 동적특성을 위한 등가평판모델)

  • Lee, Joon-Keun;Lee, U-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.108-113
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    • 1999
  • For cylindrical shells, the closed-form solutions are confined to the specific boundary and/or loading conditions. Though the finite element method is certainly a powerful solution approach for the structural dynamics problems, it has been well known to provide the solution reliable only in the low frequency region due to the inherent high sensitivities of structual and numerical modeling errors. Instead, the spectral element method has been proved to provide accurate dynamic characteristics of a structure even at the ultrasonic frequency region. Since the wave characteristic of a cylindrical shell becomes identical to that fo a flat plate as the frequency increases, an equivalent plate model (EPM) representing the high-frequency dynamic characteristics of the cylindrical shell is introduced herein. The EPM-based spectral element analysis solutions are compared with the known analytical solutions for the cylindrical shells to confirm the validity of the present modeling approach.

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Seismic Response Amplification Factors of Nuclear Power Plants for Seismic Performance Evaluation of Structures and Equipment due to High-frequency Earthquakes (구조물 및 기기의 내진성능 평가를 위한 고주파수 지진에 의한 원자력발전소의 지진응답 증폭계수)

  • Eem, Seung-Hyun;Choi, In-Kil;Jeon, Bub-Gyu;Kwag, Shinyoung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2020
  • Analysis of the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake and the 2017 Pohang earthquake showed the characteristics of a typical high-frequency earthquake with many high-frequency components, short time strong motion duration, and large peak ground acceleration relative to the magnitude of the earthquake. Domestic nuclear power plants were designed and evaluated based on NRC's Regulatory Guide 1.60 design response spectrum, which had a great deal of energy in the low-frequency range. Therefore, nuclear power plants should carry out seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of systems, structures, and components by reflecting the domestic characteristics of earthquakes. In this study, high-frequency amplification factors that can be used for seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of nuclear power plant systems, structures, and equipment were analyzed. In order to analyze the high-frequency amplification factor, five sets of seismic time history were generated, which were matched with the uniform hazard response spectrum to reflect the characteristics of domestic earthquake motion. The nuclear power plant was subjected to seismic analysis for the construction of the Korean standard nuclear power plant, OPR1000, which is a reactor building, an auxiliary building assembly, a component cooling water heat exchanger building, and an essential service water building. Based on the results of the seismic analysis, a high-frequency amplification factor was derived upon the calculation of the floor response spectrum of the important locations of nuclear power plants. The high-frequency amplification factor can be effectively used for the seismic verification and seismic performance evaluation of electric equipment which are sensitive to high-frequency earthquakes.

Research for the Effect of Accumulator and the High Frequency-Hydraulic System of Frequency Characteristics by Experimental Method (고주파 유압시스템의 주파수 특성과 축압기 효과의 실험적 연구)

  • Park, Nam-Eun;Kim, Jae-Soo;Kim, Yang-Soo;Kim, Jong-Rok;Rho, Hyung-Woon;Jeon, Seung-Bae;Na, Hong-Chul
    • The KSFM Journal of Fluid Machinery
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    • v.6 no.3 s.20
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2003
  • Characteristics of the high frequency pulsatile flow have been investigated experimentally to understand the flow phenomena in the hydraulic system. One axis fatigue test bed, which is widely used for automobile field test, is used. Four pressure transducers, an amplifier and a A/D convertor are used to obtain the high frequency pulsatile pressure waveform in hydraulic system. The characteristics of frequency are analyzed by power spectrum method. According to the variations of pump input pressure and actuator acceleration frequency, the pressure is measured with or without an accumulator. The amplitude of pressure with accumulator is very lower than those without accumulator due to absorbing function of accumulator. As the frequency of actuator acceleration is increased, the effect of accumulator become very important to decrease the amplitude of pulsatile pressure waveform with high frequencies.

Analysis oil the Thermal Characteristics of the Spindle with High Frequency Motor according to the Cooling Methods (고주파 모터 내장형 주축의 냉각에 따른 열특성 해석)

  • 김수태;최대봉;조환석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.969-974
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    • 2002
  • Thermal characteristics according to the cooling methods are studied for the three type spindles with high frequency motor. For the analysis, three dimensional mode]s are built considering heat transfer characteristics such as natural and force convection coefficients. Unsteady-state temperature distributions and thermal deformations according to the cooling conditions are analyzed by using the finite element method.

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A study on the simplification of HRTF within high frequency region (고역 주파수 영역에서 HRTF의 간략화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Chai-Bong
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we investigated the effect of the simplification for high frequency region in Head-Related Transfer Function(HRTF) on the sound localization. For this purpose, HRTF was measured and analyzed. The result in the HRTF frequency characteristic of the back sound source showed that the decrease revel of high frequency was smaller than that of low frequency region, which means the possibility of simplification in the high frequency region. Simplification was performed by flattening of the high frequency amplitude characteristics with the insertion of the low-pass filter, whose cutoff frequency is given by boundary frequency. Auditory experiments were performed to evaluate the simplified HRTF. The result showed that direction perception was not influenced by the simplification of the frequency characteristics of HRTF for the error of sound localization. The rate of confusion for the front and back was not affected by the simplification of the frequency characteristics over 8kHz of HRTF. Finally, we made it clear that the sound localization was not affected by the simplification of frequency characteristics of HRTF over 8kHz.

An Equivalent Plate Model for The High-Frequency Dynamic Characteristics of Cylindrical Shells (원통형쉘의 고주파동적특성을 고려한 등가평판 모델링)

  • 이준근;이우식;박철희
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 1997.10a
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    • pp.402-407
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    • 1997
  • For cylindrical shells, the closed-form solutions are limited only to the cases with special boundary and/or loading conditions. Though the finite element method is certainly a powerful solution approach for the general structural dynamics problems, it is known to provide reliable solutions only in the low frequency region due to the inherent high sensitivities of structural and numerical modeling errors. Instead, the spectral element method has been proved to provide extremely accurate dynamic responses even in the high frequency region. Since the wave characteristics of a cylindrical shell becomes identical to that of a flat plate as the frequency increases, an equivalent plate model (EPM) representing the high-frequency dynamic characteristics of a cylindrical shell is introduced herein. The EPM-based spectral element analysis solutions are compared with the known analytical solutions for the corresponding cylindrical shell to confirm the validity of the present modeling approach.

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Pulse Density Modulated Zero Voltage Soft-Switching High-Frequency Inverter with Single Switch for Xenon Gas Dielectric Barrier Discharge Lamp Dimming

  • Sugimura, Hisayuki;Suh, Ki-Young;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Nakaoka, Mutsuo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.391-394
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents soft switching zero voltage switching high frequency inverter for rare gas fluorescent lamp using dielectric-barrier discharge phenomenon. The simple high-frequency inverter can completely achieve stable zero voltage soft switching (ZVS) commutation for wide its output power regulation ranges and load variations under its constant high frequency pulse density modulation (PDM) scheme. Its transient and steady state operating principle is originally described and discussed for a constant high-frequency PDM control strategy under a stable ZVS operation commutation, together with its output effective power regulation characteristics-based on the high frequency PDM strategy. The experimental operating performances of this high frequency Inverter are illustrated as compared with computer simulation results and experimental ones. Its light dimming characteristics due to power regulation scheme are evaluated and discussed on the basis of simulation and experimental results. The feasible effectiveness of this high frequency inverter appliance implemented here is proven from the practical point of view.

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A Novel Auxiliary Edge-Resonant Snubber-Assisted Soft Switching PWM High Frequency Inverter with Series Capacitor Compensated Resonant Load for Consumer Induction Heating

  • Ahmed Nabil A.;Iwai Toshiaki;Omori Hideki;Lee Hyun-Woo;Nakaoka Mutsuo
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, a novel prototype of auxiliary switched capacitor assisted voltage source soft switching PWM Single-Ended Push Pull (SEPP) series capacitor compensated load resonant inverter with two auxiliary edge resonant lossless inductor snubbers is proposed and discussed for small scale consumer high-frequency induction heating (IH) appliances. The operation principle of this inverter is described by using switching mode equivalent circuits. The newly developed multi resonant high-frequency inverter using trench gate IGBTs can regulate its output AC power via constant frequency edge-resonant associated soft switching commutation by using an asymmetrical PWM control or duty cycle control scheme. The brand-new consumer IH products which use the newly proposed edge-resonant soft switching PWM-SEPP type series load resonant high-frequency inverters are evaluated using power regulation characteristics, actual efficiency vs. duty cycle and input power vs. actual efficiency characteristics. Their operating performance compared with some conventional soft switching high-frequency inverters for IH appliances is discussed on the basis of simulation and experimental results. The practical effectiveness of the newly proposed soft switching PWM SEPP series load resonant inverter is verified from an application point of view as being suitable for consumer high-frequency IH appliances.

A Study on Characteristics According to the Parameter Variation for Hybrid Shaft Design (하이브리드 샤프트 설계 파라미터 변화에 따른 특성 연구)

  • Hong, Yong;Kim, Hyun-Sik;Hong, Dong-Pyo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.274-281
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    • 2009
  • The carbon fiber epoxy composite material and aluminum have many advantages over other materials because of their high specific stiffness and good fatigue characteristics. Basically, the propeller shaft of automobile requires bending frequency of higher than 2,700 Nm and high natural frequency of higher than 9,200 rpm occurred by fast revolution. For this reason, natural frequency and torsion torque characteristics of hybrid shaft was studied in variation of its outer-diameter and thickness. Vibration and torque characteristics of hybrid shaft were compared by torsion tester, natural frequency experiments and FE analysis. Designed hybrid shaft satisfied its vibration and torque characteristics when its outer-diameter was 60 mm and thickness was 5 mm. Therefore, hybrid material enables to manufacture one piece structure hybrid propeller shaft rather than current two piece structure.

New In-Orbit Pixel Correction Method

  • Kim Youngsun;Kong Jong-Pil;Heo Haeng-Pal;Park Jong-Euk;Chang Young-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.604-607
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    • 2005
  • All CCD pixels do not react uniformly even if the light of same radiance enters into the camera. This comes from the different camera optical characteristics, the read-out characteristics, the pixel own characteristics and so on. Usually, the image data of satellite camera can be corrected by the various image-processing methods in the ground. However, sometimes, the in-orbit correction is needed to get the higher quality image. Especially high frequency pixel correction in the middle of in-orbit mission is needed because the in-orbit data compression with the high frequency loss is essential to transmit many data in real time due to the limited RF bandwidth. In this case, this high frequency correction can prevent have to have any unnecessary high frequency loss. This in-orbit correction can be done by the specific correction table, which consists of the gain and the offset correction value for each pixel. So, it is very important to get more accurate correction table for good correction results. This paper shows the new algorithm to get accurate pixel correction table. This algorithm shall be verified theoretically and also verified with the various simulation and the test results.

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