• Title/Summary/Keyword: harvest times

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Tuber Yield and Characteristics of Chinese Yam as Affected by Harvesting Date and Storage Condition (수확시기와 저장방법에 따른 마의 塊根重과 품질변화)

  • 김영광
    • Korean Journal of Plant Resources
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.136-141
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    • 1998
  • To give some information on the harvest and storage of Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita), the experiment was done to examine the effect of its harvesting date and storage method on tuber weight, tuberrelated characters during the storageor at the end of storage. The yam tubers harvested 4 times at 20 days interval from Oct. 15 were stored with different storage methods(pit, room and cold temperature) and on Mar.15. all the characters were measured. Fresh weight of the tuber harvestedafter Nov. 5 and stored were greater than that done on Oct. 15 while dry tuber weight did not have any difference between the harvesting dates. The fresh weigth done directly from the field on Mar. 15 was higher compared to the other harvesting dates owing to its higher moisture content. The rate of sound tuber stored at room or cold temperature condition was higher than that at the field at which the rate was greater at the harvest after late nov. compared to the earlier harvests. Although the two storages were similar at sound tuber rates and marketable yield, the tuber weight was more reduced when stored at room temperature than when done at cold temperature . Brightness and value 'b' of chromaticaity realted to the tuber coloring and sugar content were higher but moisture content was lowerwhen harvested on Oct. 15 than the other havesting dates. All the characteristics realted to the marketability after storage were nearly same when stored at room and cold temperature. Value 'a' of chromaticity and sugar content were higher when harvest on Mar. 15 than when harvested before Dec. 15 but the 'b' value and mositure content were reverse results.

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Effect of preharvest application of chitosan on the growth and quality of peach fruit (Prunus persica L.)

  • Bae, Tae-Min;Seo, Joung-Seok;Kim, Jin-Gook;Kim, Do-Kyung;Chun, Jong-Pil;Hwang, Yong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.601-614
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    • 2018
  • Chitosan with a natural antimicrobial property has been introduced to protect horticultural crops from diseases as an environmentally friendly method. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the pre-harvest application of chitosan on growth and quality during the late stage of fruit development and on the simulated marketing of the peach fruit (Prunus persica L.). The application of chitosan with calcium chloride (100mgL1) three times at one week intervals 4 weeks before the harvest significantly increased the fruit weight, changed the fruit shape, and reduced the fruit length/diameter ratio giving the peach fruits a round oblate shape. The calcium treatment contributed to enhancing or maintaining the storage potential by increasing the flesh firmness. However, at higher concentrations of CaCl2, i.e., > 600mgL1, the positive effects of the chitosan application were offset, and fruit growth was not affected by calcium alone. The application of the chitosan/calcium mixture delayed fruit softening; however, this effect was shortened when the storage temperature was 20C rather than 15C. The internal quality of the fruit was profoundly affected by the concentration of calcium added to the chitosan, and delayed fruit maturation was observed at a higher concentration of calcium. The pre-harvest application of chitosan with calcium contributes to the enhancement of food safety by inhibiting the occurrence of diseases during postharvest handling. Considering the above results, chitosan has the potential to improve both the yield of peach fruits and their storability. Because chitosan can enhance the freshness and shelf-life of fresh produce, it is necessary to examine its effects on other horticultural crops.

Machine learning application for predicting the strawberry harvesting time

  • Yang, Mi-Hye;Nam, Won-Ho;Kim, Taegon;Lee, Kwanho;Kim, Younghwa
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.381-393
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    • 2019
  • A smart farm is a system that combines information and communication technology (ICT), internet of things (IoT), and agricultural technology that enable a farm to operate with minimal labor and to automatically control of a greenhouse environment. Machine learning based on recently data-driven techniques has emerged with big data technologies and high-performance computing to create opportunities to quantify data intensive processes in agricultural operational environments. This paper presents research on the application of machine learning technology to diagnose the growth status of crops and predicting the harvest time of strawberries in a greenhouse according to image processing techniques. To classify the growth stages of the strawberries, we used object inference and detection with machine learning model based on deep learning neural networks and TensorFlow. The classification accuracy was compared based on the training data volume and training epoch. As a result, it was able to classify with an accuracy of over 90% with 200 training images and 8,000 training steps. The detection and classification of the strawberry maturities could be identified with an accuracy of over 90% at the mature and over mature stages of the strawberries. Concurrently, the experimental results are promising, and they show that this approach can be applied to develop a machine learning model for predicting the strawberry harvesting time and can be used to provide key decision support information to both farmers and policy makers about optimal harvest times and harvest planning.

Residual characteristics and safety assessments of prochloraz and its metabolites in Aster yomena using QuEChERS and LC-MS/MS

  • Hyeon-Jin Lim;Young-Shin Kim;Chi-Hwan Lim
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.205-216
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    • 2024
  • Although Aster yomena has recently attracted attention for its potential anti-cancer, antimicrobial, and immune-boosting effects, there are concerns about residual pesticides because they are consumed in salad-like forms. This study investigated residual characteristics and human dietary risks of the imidazole fungicide prochloraz applied to the herbal medicine Aster yomena with different spray frequency and timing. Residual analysis of prochloraz and its three main metabolites (BTS44595, BTS44596, and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol) in Aster yomena samples was performed using the QuEChERS method and LC-MS/MS. Mean recovery rates of the fungicide and its metabolites were satisfactory in the range of 80.1 ± 1.2% to 108.2 ± 3.8%. The residual concentration of the fungicide calculated as the sum of prochloraz and its metabolites was the highest (4.14 mg·kg-1) in the Aster yomena sample applied three times at weekly intervals with the fungicide until immediately before harvest. The fungicide residue concentration in the Aster yomena was below the method-limit of quantification (MLOQ) when it was applied twice at the interval of 9 day until 21 days before harvest. The theoretical maximum daily intake of prochloraz, calculated based on the daily intake of Aster yomena, mean adult body weight, and the highest residue level analyzed in the this study, was safe at < 80% of the acceptable daily intake of the fungicide (0.01 mg-1·kg·bw-1·day). In conclusion, the triple application method with prochloraz at weekly intervals until the harvest day is recommended to produce safe Aster yomena from the fungicide residues and risks to humans.

Growth Characteristics and Productivity of Sorghum-Sudangrass Hybrids in Jeju Island, Korea

  • Palaniselvam Kuppusamy;Ilavenil Soundharrajan;Jeong Sung Jung;Yang Seung Hak;Hyung Soo Park;Ouk Kyu Han;Ki Choon Choi
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 2024
  • Sorghum-Sudangrass hybrids (SSH) is a grass cereal hybrid crop with a high yield potential under different climatic conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate the growth characteristics, dry matter yield and nutrient content of the SSH cultivars such as Dairy Mens Dream, Superdan and Supergreen from 2021 to 2023 in Jeju Island, Korea. Among the three cultivars, Superdan grew significantly taller with a larger stem diameter at both harvest times. In contrast, Dairy Mens Dream had least height and less stem diameter, but the dry matter yield was greater for Dairy Mens Dream than other cultivars. Furthermore, the crude protein content at the first cut was higher than 8.5% compared to the second cut (6.5 - 7.0%). The neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) content was higher in the second harvest of all cultivars compared to the first harvest of SSH in 2021. The SSH cultivation in 2021 and 2023 had higher ADF and NDF content than in 2022, possibly due to the average precipitation and optimum temperature suitable for SSH production in 2021 and 2023. The selected three SSH cultivars showed significant growth characteristics, dry matter content, and nutritional value. The overall data suggested that all three SSH showed significant productivity and nutritional content in the Jeju region of sub-tropical climatic condition.

Quality Change during Harvest Time and Storage of Various Cabbages Grown on High Land by Different Transplanting Times (정식시기에 따른 고랭지 양배추의 수확 및 저장중 품질변화)

  • Eum, Hyang-Lan;Lee, Young-Hoon;Hong, Sae-Jin;Shin, Il-Sheob;Yeoung, Young-Rok
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of climate conditions during cultivation and harvesting on the quality and storability of fresh bulb cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata). Plug seedlings of six cabbage cultivars were transplanted to Gangneung-Wonju University high elevation research station in Gangwon province (780 m above sea level, lat. 37.5N.) and harvested with four different harvest times like August 3 (1st), August 13 (2nd), August 23 (3rd), and September 10 (4th), respectively from 50 days after transplanting. Weight loss, Hunter color factors, firmness, and soluble solids content (SSC) of the cabbage bulbs were investigated during storage at 3C (85% RH) and 25C (60% RH). Decreased bulb weight and poor quality cabbages were apparent at the late transplanting (July 14) and harvest (September 10) respectively. Quality index such as firmness and SSC at August 23 (3rd) harvested cabbage was better than August 3 (1st) and August 13 (2nd) cabbages due to the good weather condition just before harvesting. The cv. 'Speed king' and 'Minix 40' showed good qualities among the cultivars, especially when the bulbs were harvested during sunny day conditions from one week before harvesting. Also SSC was influenced by weather condition before harvesting rather than transplanting date, while firmness was influenced by transplanting and harvest date. However, the differences among the cultivars were not significant. The potential of storage as maintaining the quality was different, depending on weather conditions at harvest time. Generally the storage periods of six cultivars were around 3~5 days and 9~10 days at room and low temperature, respectively. However, the August 3 (1st) harvested cabbage lost their marketable quality very fast because of rainy and cloudy weather condition before harvesting and also storability of bulbs was 2 days and 4 days at room temperature and 3C, respectively. Quality index was also not significant difference among cultivars.

Differences among Major Rice Cultivars in Tensile Strength and Shattering of Grains during Ripening and Field Loss of Grains (벼알의 인장강도 및 탈립성의 등숙중 변화와 품종간 차이 및 포장손실과의 관계)

  • Y. W. Kwon;J. C. Shin;C. J. Chung
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1982
  • Degree of grain shattering which is of varietal character is an important determinant for the magnitude of field loss of grains during harvest and threshing. Seven Indica \times Japonica progeny varieties and four Japonica varieties were subjected to measurements of tensile strength of grains, degree of grain shattering when panicles were dropped at 1.5m above concrete floor, and moisture content of grains (wet basis) during a period 35 to 63 days after heading. In addition, two varieties were tested for the relation of tensile strength of grains to the magnitude of field loss of grains in actual binder harvest. The 11 varieties differed conspicuously in tensile strength of grains and the degree of grain shattering: the weakest average tensile strength of grains of a variety was about 90g and the strongest about 250g with varying standard deviation of 30 to 60g. Three Indica \times Japonica varieties and one Japonica variety shattered I to 30% of the grains under the falling test. The threshold tensile strength of grains allowing grain shattering was estimated to be 180g on average for a sampling unit of 10 panicles, but only the grains having tensile strength weaker than 98g within the samples shattered. A decrease in average tensile strength by 10g below the threshold value corresponded to an increase of 3 to 5% in grain shattering. Most varieties did not change appreciably the tensile strength of grains and degree of grain shattering with delay in time of harvest and showed a negative correlation between the tensile strength and the moisture content of grains. The average tensile strength of grains was negatively correlated linearly with field loss in binder harvest. The average tensile strength for zero field loss in binder harvest was estimated to be 174g and a decrease in the average tensile strength by 10g corresponded to an increase of 40kg per hectare in field loss of grains. Instead of the average tensile strength of grains, the percentage of grains having tensile strength weaker than 100g is recommended as a criterion for the estimation of field loss of grains during harvesting operations as well as a basis of variety classification for grain shattering, since the standard deviation of tensile strength of grains varies much with variety and time of harvest, and individual grains having tensile strength stronger than 98 did not shatter practically.

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Quality Characteristics of Spring Napa Cabbage Kimchi Harvested at Different Times (봄배추의 수확시기가 김치의 품질특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cho, Sun-Duk;Bang, Hye-Yeol;Lee, Eun-Ji;Kim, Gun-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.188-193
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    • 2016
  • The purposes of this study were to prolong the storage period and maintain quality of kimchi made from spring napa cabbage, which is used less frequently than winter napa cabbage. The results show that the firmness of kimchi from early July, the latest harvest period, was significantly higher than that of kimchi from mid-June. However, as maturation proceeded, no significant difference was observed following the harvest period when kimchi was stored for 8 weeks. Regarding pH and acidity, which are highly related to maturation of kimchi, pH generally decreased from the initial storage period while acidity increased. In the sensory evaluation, appearance was best in kimchi manufactured in late June according to manufacturing and maturation periods (p<0.05). After 4 and 8 weeks of storage, kimchi manufactured in early July had the highest scores with no significant difference. Texture and overall acceptability also showed no significant difference in each processing period.

Induction of Resveratrol Biosynthesis in Grape Skins and Leaves by Ultrasonication Treatment

  • Hasan, Md. Mohidul;Baek, Kwang-Hyun
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.496-502
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    • 2013
  • Grapes (Vitis vinifera) are one of the most important fruits worldwide and are eaten raw or after conversion to jelly, jam, juice and wine. Grape skins are a major source of resveratrol (3,5,4'-trihydroxystilbene), which has the ability to reduce blood sugar as well as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, and other beneficial cardiovascular effects. In this study, we investigated the increased accumulation of resveratrol in grape skin and leaves following ultrasonication treatment, which has been shown to induce resveratrol accumulation in several plants. Various ultrasonication treatment times and incubation periods were employed to identify the optimum conditions for the maximum accumulation of resveratrol. Treatment and further incubation led to increased resveratrol in both grape skins and leaves, with the highest increases of 7.7-fold and 1.9-fold occurring in response to 5 min ultrasonication treatment followed by 6 hour incubation and 15 min ultrasonication treatment followed by 3 hour incubation, respectively. The underlying mechanism for the increased amounts of resveratrol were studied by employing a semi-quantitative RT-PCR to monitor the expression levels of the resveratrol synthase (RS) gene in response to ultrasonication treatment. The RS gene increased the expression in response to ultrasonication treatment, suggesting that up-regulation of the RS gene by ultrasonication treatment triggers increased amounts of resveratrol. Taken together, these data indicate that this simple ultrasonication treatment of grapes can be an efficient post-harvest technology for increasing resveratrol in grape skins in addition to cleaning the fruits.

Influence of Cultivation Condition and Harvest Time on the Storage Stability of Fresh Ginseng Individually Packaged in a Soft Film (재배조건 및 채굴시기가 연포장재 필름으로 개별포장한 수삼의 저장성에 미치는 영향)

  • 손현주;김은희;성현순
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.94-100
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    • 2001
  • The influence of cultivation condition and harvest time on the storage stability of the fresh ginseng (50g) individually packaged in a soft film bag (ONY/LDPE/L-LDPE; 200×300 mm, 90㎛) was investigated. When the fresh ginsengs were divided into four groups of direct-planted ginseng on the paddy soil(PD), transplanted ginseng on the upland(UT) and each group was stored at 25\^C for 40 days, the quality deterioration rate was the highest in PD group while PT, UD and UT groups exhibited similar quality patterns from each other. When each group was stored at 10\^C, the quality deterioration rate was also the highest in PD group and the other three groups exhibited similar quality patterns from each other till 90 days passed after storage. However, the quality deterioration rate of UT group was 54% which was higher than UD group or PT group 180 days after storage. When the fresh ginseng harvested between September of 1997 and October of 1998 was individually packaged with the soft film and stored at 25\^C for 12 days, the quality deterioration rate was the lowest in the group harvested in October while relatively high in the groups harvested between July and September.

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