• Title/Summary/Keyword: growth conditions

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The Life Cycle of Tour Destination Hot Spring in Korea (한국 온천관광목적지의 수명주기)

  • Cho, Sung-Ho;Lee, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.165-182
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    • 1998
  • When tour site is being used by people for the destination of tour, it has a life, or it will lose its life as a tour site. Therefore this paper aims to, based on Butler's theory, has chosen 46 hot spring spots in Korea which are legally assigned and presently running, and tried to analyze the life cycles, the stage of dispositional characteristics, and visitors' favoritism, and to try to find activating method which is not decline. Out of 46 spots, 29 Places were found on the stage of development, which took high percentage, 4 were on the growing stage, 5 were on the mature stage, 5 were on the stagnation or decline stage and the rest 3 were on the stage of rejuvenation. Geographically, Korean hot springs were located on the plain or mountainous areas mostly, and less of them were on hills and coast lines. In water quality, most of places had simple water while the places with salt and sulfur contained water were marked low rate. The temperatures of hot spring water were variable between $25^{\circ}C{\sim}78^{\circ}C$, but the older hot springs were hotter than new ones. After observing the relationship between disposition characteristics and life cycles, the geographical locations and the matter of approach were found as majour influential factors to the life cycles of them. The type of mountainous areas were observed slow progress in life cycle, due to traffic problem, until the road expansion or pavement work were done. Meanwhile, the suburban ones adjacent to big cities were favored by hot spring tourists due to their easy approach and easy traffic. The new born hot springs with such conditions have shown the fast growth. As studied above, since the hot springs were supposed to be for recuperation and vacational, a hot spring with better recreational and accommodational facilities was more favored by tourists than the one with pretty interior decorations. It was because the tour purpose of people has been switched from single purpose to multi one. Thus, the suggestion for activating a declining hot spring and bringing people in them is to develop new and attractive tour resources, expanding the related area, maintaining good quality of water, developing a complex site for long-term tour, developed traffic routs, hot spring festivals, utilizing adjacent tour resources, preparing public water supply system, and assigning as special tour zone.

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Effects of High Temperature on Soybean Physiology, Protein and Oil Content, and Yield (콩에 있어서 온도 상승이 생물 계절, 수량구성요소, 단백질 및 지방함량 영향 평가)

  • Lee, Yun-Ho;Sang, Wan-Gyu;Cho, Jung-Il;Seo, Myung-Chul
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    • v.64 no.4
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    • pp.395-405
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    • 2019
  • A recent assessment by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projected that the global average surface temperature will increase by a value 1.5℃ from 2030 to 2052. In this study, we used a temperature gradient chamber that mimicked field conditions to evaluate the effect of increased air temperature on phenology, yield components, protein content, and oil content, to assess soybean growth. In 2017 and 2018, 'Deawonkong', 'Pungsannamulkong', and 'Deapungkong' cultivars were grown in three temperature gradient chambers. Four temperature treatment groups were established by dividing the rows along temperature regimes: ambient temperature + 1℃ (aT+1), ambient temperature + 2℃ (aT+2), ambient temperature + 3℃ (aT+3), ambient temperature + 4℃ (aT+4). Year, cultivar, and temperature treatments significantly affected yield components and seed yield. In 2017, the flowering stage of 'Deawon' and 'Pungsannamul' cultivars in the aT+4 group was delayed compared to the flowering stage of those in the aT+1 group. In 2018, the flowering stage of 'Deawon' and 'Pungsannamul' was delayed at all temperature gradients, owing to high temperature stress, whereas 'Deapung' was regularly flowering in 2017 and 2018. The duration of the grain filling period was six days shorter in 2018 than in 2017 because of high temperature stress. The total number of pods per ㎡ for 'Deawon' and 'Pungsannamul' was 48.8 and 41.5% lower in 2018 than in 2017, respectively, whereas 'Deapung' increased by 6.3%. The 100-seed weight of 'Deawon' and 'Deapung' was 29.2 and 32.1% lower, respectively. However, 'Pungsannamul' decreased by 14.7%. The protein and oil content was lower during the grain filling period in 2018 than in the same period in 2017 because of high temperature stress. In contrast, the oil content in 'Deapung' was higher in 2018 than in 2017. Our results showed that increased temperature during the grain filling period was significantly and negatively correlated with pod number, 100-seed weight, protein content, and oil content.

Fundamental Study on the Evapo- transaration Requirements of Patty rice Plant (벼 용수량계획상의 엽면증발량 및 주간수면 증발량에 관한 기초적인 연구)

  • 김철기
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.1651-1660
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    • 1969
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the reasonable amount of evapo-transpiration required for the paddy rice plant during the whole growing season. So. On the basis of the experimental data concerning the evapo-transpiration form 1966 to 1968, the author obtained the follow results. 1) The leaf area index in the densely planted plo is generally higher than that in the conventionally planted one during the first half of growing season So, the coefficient of transpiration in the former plot is somewaht higher than in the latter, and the coefficient of water surface evaporation under the plant cover has the inverse relation between both plots. 2) It is unreasonable that coefficient of evapo-transpiration is applied to the calculation of the evapo-transpiration requirements of each growing stage, because a degree of variation in meteorological factors and in the thickness of the plant growth is involved in it. 3) It is most reasonable that the rate of transpiration and of the water surface evapoation is applied to the calculation of the transpirated amount and evaporated one in each growing stage, because it shows almost constant value in spite of any meteorological conditions in so far as the variety of rice, planted density and control of applying fertilizer are sanme and the disease and blight are negligible. 4) The ratio of the amount of transpiration to the weight of the whole air dried yields has the tendency of decreasing as that of the yields increases having almost constant value despite the amount of pan evaporation; and the value is about 210 when the weight of root parts is included to that the yields. 5) Although the required amount of transpiration during the whole growing season can be calculated with the above ratio, Fig. 7 showing the relation between the amount of transpiration and the weight of the yields is more reasonable and will be convinient to find it. And the requirements of water surface evaporation during the same season can also be directly found witht theweight air dried straw refering to Fig. 8.

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A Study On Irrigation Water Price Structure and Prescription (농업용수의 가격구조에 관한 연구)

  • 심기영
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.3170-3180
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    • 1973
  • This study of the subject will review past and present irrigation development in Korea. Particular attention will be given to water pricing structure and a case study on the purpose of rational operation and management of irrigation water and organizations, and the optimum irrigation water and organizations, and the optimum irrigation water fee inorder to reduce farmers burden and to rationalize the farmland associations management so as to achieve development of the rural environment. In 1971, the reservoir of the Farmland Improvement A sociation (FIA) produced only 775 millison $m^3$ of irrigation water or 77% of planned capacity of 1,015 million $m^3$. It was caused by inefficient maintenance of irrigation facilities; for instance, about 21% of reservoirs, pumping stations and weirs in Korea have been silted by soil erosion which hinder to water production according to an ADC survey. The first Irritation Association was established in 1906, whcih was renamed the Farmland Assoeiation by the Rural Development Enouragement Law in 1970. By the end of 1971, 411,000 ha of rice paddies were under the control of 267 associations nationwide. The average water price assessed by Associations nationwide rose from 790 won per 0.1 ha. in 1966 to 1,886 won in 1971. The annual growth rate was 20%. The highest water price in 1971 was 4,773 won her 0.1 ha. and the lowest was 437 won. This range was caused by differences in debt burden, geographic conditions and management efficiency among the Associations. In 1971, the number of Associations which exceeded the average water price of 1,886 won per 0.1 ha. was 144, or 55.1% of all Association. In determination of water price, there are two principles; one is determined by production cost such as installation cost of irrigation facilities, maintenance cost, management cost and depreciation ect. For instance, the Yong San River Development project was required 33.7 billion won for total construction and maintenance cost is 3.1 billion won for repayment, maintenance and management cost per year. The project produces 590 million $m^3$ of irrigation water annually. Accordingly, the water price per $m^3$ is 5.25 won. The other principle is determined by water value in the crop products and in compared with production of irrigated paddy and non-irrigated paddy. By using this method, water value in compared with paddy rice vs. upland rice(Average of 1967-1971) was 14.15 won per $m^3$ and irrigated paddy vs. non-irrigated paddy was 2.98 won per $m^3$. In contrast the irrigation fee in average association of 1967-1971 was 1.54 won per $m^3$. Accordingly, the current national average irrigation fee(water price) is resonable compared with its water value. In this study, it is found that the ceiling of water price in terms of water value is 2.98 won per $m^3$ or 2,530 won per 0.1 ha. However, in 1971 55% of the associations were above the average of nationwide irrigation fees. which shows the need for rationalization of the Association's management. In connection with rationalization of the Association's management, this study recommends the following matters. (1) Irrigation fee must be assessed according to the amount of water consumption taking intoaccount the farmer's ability. (2) Irrigation fee should be graded according to behefits and crop patterns. (3) Training personnel in the operation and procedures of water management to save O&M costs. (4) Insolvent farmland association should be integrated into larger, sound associations in the same GUN in order to reduce farmers' water cost. (5) The maintenance and repair of existing irrigation facilities is as important as expansion of facilities. (6) Establishment of a new Union of Farmland Association is required to promoted proper maintenance and to protect the huge investment in irrigation facilities by means of technical supervision and guidance.

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Effects of Climate Change on C4 Plant List and Distribution in South Korea:A Review (기후변화에 따른 국내 C4 식물 목록과 분포 변화:고찰)

  • Kim, Myung-Hyun;Han, Min-Su;Kang, Kee-Kyung;Na, Young-Eun;Bang, Hea-Son
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2011
  • It is expected that identification and lists of $C_4$ plants in specific regions are useful not only for the ecological researches that are related to vegetation phenology and succession but also as an index of climate change. In this review, $C_4$ plants growing in South Korea were listed and their life forms were investigated. In addition, we discussed the influences that climatic change and the $C_4$ plants exerted on plant ecosystem. Photosynthetic pathway types ($C_3$ and $C_4$) for the plant species in South Korea were determined by reviewing the scientific literatures published between 1971 and 2010. Of the total 4476 species in 1123 genera and 197 families, 206 species (4.6%) in 84 genera (7.5%) and 21 families (10.7%) were identified as $C_4$ plants (including $C_3$-$C_4$ intermediate plants). Among the identified $C_4$ species, 53 species (25.7%) in 26 genera and 15 families were classified as Dicotyledoneae, while 153 species (74.3%) in 58 genera and 6 families were classified as Monocotyledoneae. The majority of the $C_4$ species belong to four families: Chenopodiaceae (15 species), Amaranthaceae (13 species), Gramineae (102 speceis) and Cyperaceae (45 species). With respect to life form composition of 206 $C_4$ species, Th-$R_5$-$D_4$-t was most dominant: 95 species (46.1%) were included in Th, 123 species (59.7%) in $R_5$, 179 species (86.9%) in $D_4$, and 122 species (59.2%) in t. The projected increase in temperature due to climate change may provide better conditions for the growth of $C_4$ plants. Such a result will have considerable impacts on the interspecific competition between $C_3$ and $C_4$ plants, the distribution of $C_4$ plants, plant phenology, and plant diversity.

A Study of Cause of Employee Turnover and Countermeasures against Turnover in Shipping and Port Logistics Firms (중소항만물류기업의 이직원인 분석과 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Hun;Shin, Yong-John
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.545-552
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    • 2015
  • This study One of the key elements of corporate competitiveness in the modern world of unlimited competition is human resource management. The reason that the world's leading companies are devoting a lot of investment and effort for good human resource development and management is that human resource can impact firm survival. In particular, there is little research on the internal and external environmental stimuli and job stress in the employee of small business which are often led to turnover, while they have suffered from chronic shortage of manpower. The purpose of this study is to determine the turnover factors in the small logistics companies and contribute to stable maintenance of workforce, facilitating human resource management and minimizing turnover. This study empirically analyzed the factors of the turnover in the organization of logistics companies from Busan Port, South Korea, which became one of the national infrastructure and the fifth world largest harbor. The conclusion proposed the development and direction of the human resource management which could promote the job environment improving the turnover factors and creating sustainable work condition through conducting preventive measures. The results indicated that the highest turnover rates was found in the category of field work, and the highest turnover group was from the 'less than one year', which implies that high turnover rates after and during job training might be greater cost to the companies than early turnover. The most common reasons for the high employee turnover were 'excessive workload' and 'dissatisfaction with wages'. Followed reasons including 'troubles with managers' and 'failure in organizational adaptation' can be understood in line with worse working conditions of the small logistic companies. It turned out that the preventive programs of the logistic enterprises had little effect through 'incentives system' and 'improving wage system' which are mainly conducted. The human resource managers appreciated the importance of 'wage raise' and 'benefits improvement'. This study is aimed at contributing to efficient human resource management through understanding of the turnover causes and human resource managers applying preventive measures. In particular, this can benefit small port logistics companies securing competitiveness and promoting persistent growth and development.

Development and Application of the High Speed Weigh-in-motion for Overweight Enforcement (고속축하중측정시스템 개발과 과적단속시스템 적용방안 연구)

  • Kwon, Soon-Min;Suh, Young-Chan
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2009
  • Korea has achieved significant economic growth with building the Gyeongbu Expressway. As the number of new road construction projects has decreased, it becomes more important to maintain optimal status of the current road networks. One of the best ways to accomplish it is weight enforcement as active control measure of traffic load. This study is to develop High-speed Weigh-in-motion System in order to enhance efficiency of weight enforcement, and to analyze patterns of overloaded trucks on highways through the system. Furthermore, it is to review possibilities of developing overweight control system with application of the HS-WIM system. The HS-WIM system developed by this study consists of two sets of an axle load sensor, a loop sensor and a wandering sensor on each lane. A wandering sensor detects whether a travelling vehicle is off the lane or not with the function of checking the location of tire imprint. The sensor of the WIM system has better function of classifying types of vehicles than other existing systems by detecting wheel distance and tire type such as single or dual tire. As a result, its measurement errors regarding 12 types of vehicle classification are very low, which is an advantage of the sensor. The verification tests of the system under all conditions showed that the mean measurement errors of axle weight and gross axle weight were within 15 percent and 7 percent respectively. According to the WIM rate standard of the COST-323, the WIM system of this study is ranked at B(10). It means the system is appropriate for the purpose of design, maintenance and valuation of road infrastructure. The WIM system in testing a 5-axle cargo truck, the most frequently overloaded vehicle among 12 types of vehicles, is ranked at A(5) which means the system is available to control overloaded vehicles. In this case, the measurement errors of axle load and gross axle load were within 8 percent and 5 percent respectively. Weight analysis of all types of vehicles on highways showed that the most frequently overloaded vehicles were type 5, 6, 7 and 12 among 12 vehicle types. As a result, it is necessary to use more effective overweight enforcement system for vehicles which are seriously overloaded due to their lift axles. Traffic volume data depending upon vehicle types is basic information for road design and construction, maintenance, analysis of traffic flow, road policies as well as research.

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Effect of the pH Value of Seed Coating Solution on Microstructure of Silicalite-1 Zeolite Separation Layer Grown on α-Alumina Support (종결정 코팅용액 pH 값이 α-알루미나 지지체 표면에 성장하는 Silicalite-1 제올라이트 분리층의 미세구조에 미치는 영향)

  • Hu, Sigui;Kim, Min-Zy;Lee, Du-Hyoung;Sharma, Pankaj;Han, Moon-Hee;Cho, Churl-Hee
    • Membrane Journal
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.422-430
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    • 2015
  • The present study announces that the pH value of seed coating solution makes a significant effect on the microstructure of silicalite-1 zeolite layer formed on ${\alpha}$-alumina support. Seed with an average diameter of 75 nm was dispersed in ethanol to prepare three kinds of seed coating solutions with different pH values, and dip-coated on the support. The pH value was controlled to be 2.2, 7.0, and 9.3, respectively. In the secondary growth process, pH 7 seed solution resulted an uniform, 3 to $4{\mu}m$ thick, completely covered, and 100 nm grained silicalite-1 zeolite separation layer. The uniformity and completeness were explained by a uniform, closely packed, multi-layered, and completely covered seed coating in the pH 7 condition. In the condition, ${\alpha}$-alumina support and seed are oppositely charged: support is positively charged (8.4 mV) and seed, negatively (-1.7 mV). The opposite charging induced a strong electrostatic attraction between seed and support, which made the good seed coating state. On the other hand, pH 2.2 and pH 9.3 seed solutions resulted non-uniform, partially covered, and around $1{\mu}m$ grained zeolite separation layer, since seed and support are the same sign charged in the conditions. The same sign charging induced a strong electrostatic repulsion between seed and support which caused a low coverage of seed. It could be concluded that the pH value of seed coating solution is a key parameter to determine the microstructure of silicalite-1 zeolite separation layer.

Mycorrhizal colonization effects on C metabolism in relation to drought-tolerance of perennial ryegrass (페레니얼 라이그라스에서 Mycorrhiza 접종이 탄수화물대사와 가뭄스트레스 저항성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Bok-Rye;Jung, Woo-Jin;Kim, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Kil-Yong;Shon, Bo-Kyoon;Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.232-242
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    • 2002
  • To investigate the effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus (Glomus intraradices) colonization on drought-stress tolerance, leaf water potential, chlorophyll concentration, P content and carbohydrate composition were examined in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) plants exposed to drought-stressed or well-watered conditions. Drought stress significantly decreased leaf water potential, P content and leaf growth. These drought-induced damages were moderated by mycorrhizal colonization. Drought stress decreased the concentration of soluble sugars in shoots. AM plants had a higher foliar soluble sugar than non-AM plants under drought stress condition. Drought stress depressed the accumulation of starch and fructan in shoots, but stimulated in roots. Under drought-stressed condition, starch concentration in roots was higher in non-AM plants than in AM plants. Fructan was the largest pool of carbohydrates, showing the highest initial concentration and the highest net increase for 28 days of treatment. Drought stress slightly decreased fructan concentration in shoots, but remarkably increased in roots. Under drought-stressed condition, fructan concentrations in non-AM and AM shoots at day 28 were 18.7% and 13.3% lower than the corresponding values measured at well-watered plants. However, in the roots, fructan accumulation caused by drought was lessen 13.6% by mycorrhizal colonization. The results obtained suggest that mycorrhizal colonization improves drought tolerance of the host plants by maintaining higher leaf water status and P status, and by retaining more foliar soluble sugars.

Growth Respose of Several Forage to Potassium Level in Water Culture (칼륨수준에 따른 수종 목초의 생육반응)

  • Sangdeog A. Kim;Shigekata Yoshida;Mitsuaki Ohshima;Ryosei Kayama
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 1990
  • In the present report, two experiments were carried out with the purposes of knowing the differences of response among forage species to growing period and potassium level in culture solution, and investigating possible relation of the responses with occurence of grass tetany on grazing pasture. The results were as follows; (1) At 25 days after germination, fresh weight of top part as well as the sum of top and root parts of the forages increased rapidly. (2) Italian ryegrass was the highest in potassium (K) content but the lowest in magnesiurn(Mg) content among the three gramineous forages, while tall fescue showed the opposite result to it. And orchardgrass was intermediate of the two forage species (Experiment 1). (3) The K contents of forages generally increased, while Mg content became lower with the increase of K level in culture solution. The highest K contents of Italian ryegrass and orchardgrass were more than 3 times of the lowest values. The K contents of alfalfa and tall fescue increased in the narrower range. The decreases of Mg content of Italian ryegrass and orchardgrass were significant in the ranges of 5ppm to 25 or 50ppm KzO, while the content of the leguminous forages and tall fescue decreased up to 1000 level. (4) Fresh yield, water content and K content of the forages were significantly increased with the increase of K20 application levels up to 25 or 50ppm. (5) The K concentration of forage on a tissue water basis was higher at 50ppm than that at 5ppm $K_20$ level, especially for Italian ryegrass and orchardgrass with the value of 2.6times and 2.5times, respectively. However, the K concentration (tissue water) of leguminous forages increased gradually up to the level of lOOOppm (Experiment 2). It is suggested from the results that rapid changes of water content, Mg content and K concentration (tissue water) may occur to forage on a grazing pasture, when both growing period and K level in the soil affect the changes simultaneously. Under such conditions, plant water especially in Italian reyegrass and orchardgrass can function as toxic material to grazing ruminants.

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