• Title/Summary/Keyword: grid points

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Analysis on the Argumentation in Exploring the Pick's Formula Using the Geoboard of Graphing Calculator in Math-Gifted 5 Grade Class (초등영재학급을 대상으로 그래핑 계산기의 지오보드를 활용한 Pick 공식의 탐구 과정에서 나타난 논증활동의 분석)

  • Kim, Jin Hwan;Kang, Young Ran
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.85-103
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    • 2016
  • This study was to find characteristics of argumentation derived from a discourse in a math-gifted 5 grade class, which was held for finding a Pick's formula using Geoboard function of TI-73 calculator. For the analysis, a video record of the class, transcript of its voice record, and activity paper were used as data and Toulmin's argument schemes were applied as analysis standard. As a result of the study, we found that the graphing calculator helped the students to create an experimental environment that graphing a grid-polygon and figuring out its area. Furthermore, it also provided a basic demonstration through 'data->claim' composition and reasoning activities which consisted of guarantee, warrant, backing, qualifier and refutal for justifying. The basic argumentation during the process of deriving the Pick's theorem by the numbers of boundary points and inner points was developed into a 'collective argumentation' while a teacher took a role of a conductor of the argumentation and an authorizer on the knowledge at the same time.

Geoid Heights of Provinces in South KOREA by Earth Gravitational Models (지구중력장모형에 따른 국내 지역별 지오이드고)

  • Lee, Yong-Chang
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.8 no.9
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    • pp.274-280
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    • 2008
  • The new high order Earth's gravity Model(EGM2008) are expected to improve the application about the Earth's global gravity field. The objectives of this research are to present characteristics on the geoid heights of provinces in South KOREA which calculated from the height anomalies by Earth Gravity Models. For this, seven EGMs (EGM2008<2,190>, EGM2008<360>, EGM96, EIGEN-GL04C, EIGEN-CG03C, EIGEN-GL04S1, and ITG-Grace02S) selected. Geoid heights of fifty BM check points by GPS/levelling are compared with those by NORI-05 model and seven EGMs. And also, geoid heights of 30"$\times$30" grid points in land(sixes blocks ; $1^{\circ}\times1^{\circ}$ sampled) and sea (four blocks ; $1^{\circ}\times1^{\circ}$ sampled) areas of South KOREA by EGM2008 are compared with those by NORI-05 and six EGMs. The results show that geoid heights obtained from EGM2008(2,190) of NGA displayed the nearest results to those by GPS/levelling.

Decision-Making of Determining the Start Time of Charging / Discharging of Electrical Vehicle Based on Prospect Theory

  • Liu, Lian;Lyu, Xiang;Jiang, Chuanwen;Xie, Da
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.803-811
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    • 2014
  • The moment when Electrical Vehicle (EV) starts charging or discharging is one of the most important parameters in estimating the impact of EV load on the grid. In this paper, a decision-making problem of determining the start time of charging and discharging during allowed period is proposed and studied under the uncertainty of real-time price. Prospect theory is utilized in the decision-making problem of this paper for it describes a kind of decision making behaviors under uncertainty. The case study uses the parameters of Springo SGM7001EV and adopts the historical realtime locational marginal pricing (LMP) data of PJM market for scenario reduction. Prospect values are calculated for every possible start time in the allowed charging or discharging period. By comparing the calculated prospect values, the optimal decisions are obtained accordingly and the results are compared with those based on Expected Utility Theory. Results show that with different initial State-of-Charge ($SoC_0$) and different reference points, the optimal start time of charging can be the one between 12 a.m. to 3 a.m. and optimal discharging starts at 2 p.m. or 3p.m. Moreover, the decision results of Prospect Theory may differ from that of the Expected Utility Theory with the reference points changing.

KOMPSAT-3A Urban Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithm - Focusing on Yang-jae in Seoul - (기계학습 기법에 따른 KOMPSAT-3A 시가화 영상 분류 - 서울시 양재 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Youn, Hyoungjin;Jeong, Jongchul
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.6_2
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    • pp.1567-1577
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    • 2020
  • Urban land cover classification is role in urban planning and management. So, it's important to improve classification accuracy on urban location. In this paper, machine learning model, Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) are proposed for urban land cover classification based on high resolution satellite imagery (KOMPSAT-3A). Satellite image was trained based on 25 m rectangle grid to create training data, and training models used for classifying test area. During the validation process, we presented confusion matrix for each result with 250 Ground Truth Points (GTP). Of the four SVM kernels and the two activation functions ANN, the SVM Polynomial kernel model had the highest accuracy of 86%. In the process of comparing the SVM and ANN using GTP, the SVM model was more effective than the ANN model for KOMPSAT-3A classification. Among the four classes (building, road, vegetation, and bare-soil), building class showed the lowest classification accuracy due to the shadow caused by the high rise building.

3D Terrain Reconstruction Using 2D Laser Range Finder and Camera Based on Cubic Grid for UGV Navigation (무인 차량의 자율 주행을 위한 2차원 레이저 거리 센서와 카메라를 이용한 입방형 격자 기반의 3차원 지형형상 복원)

  • Joung, Ji-Hoon;An, Kwang-Ho;Kang, Jung-Won;Kim, Woo-Hyun;Chung, Myung-Jin
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.26-34
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    • 2008
  • The information of traversability and path planning is essential for UGV(Unmanned Ground Vehicle) navigation. Such information can be obtained by analyzing 3D terrain. In this paper, we present the method of 3D terrain modeling with color information from a camera, precise distance information from a 2D Laser Range Finder(LRF) and wheel encoder information from mobile robot with less data. And also we present the method of 3B terrain modeling with the information from GPS/IMU and 2D LRF with less data. To fuse the color information from camera and distance information from 2D LRF, we obtain extrinsic parameters between a camera and LRF using planar pattern. We set up such a fused system on a mobile robot and make an experiment on indoor environment. And we make an experiment on outdoor environment to reconstruction 3D terrain with 2D LRF and GPS/IMU(Inertial Measurement Unit). The obtained 3D terrain model is based on points and requires large amount of data. To reduce the amount of data, we use cubic grid-based model instead of point-based model.

Cloud P2P OLAP: Query Processing Method and Index structure for Peer-to-Peer OLAP on Cloud Computing (Cloud P2P OLAP: 클라우드 컴퓨팅 환경에서의 Peer-to-Peer OLAP 질의처리기법 및 인덱스 구조)

  • Joo, Kil-Hong;Kim, Hun-Dong;Lee, Won-Suk
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.157-172
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    • 2011
  • The latest active studies on distributed OLAP to adopt a distributed environment are mainly focused on DHT P2P OLAP and Grid OLAP. However, these approaches have its weak points, the P2P OLAP has limitations to multidimensional range queries in the cloud computing environment due to the nature of structured P2P. On the other hand, the Grid OLAP has no regard for adjacency and time series. It focused on its own sub set lookup algorithm. To overcome the above limits, this paper proposes an efficient central managed P2P approach for a cloud computing environment. When a multi-level hybrid P2P method is combined with an index load distribution scheme, the performance of a multi-dimensional range query is enhanced. The proposed scheme makes the OLAP query results of a user to be able to reused by other users' volatile cube search. For this purpose, this paper examines the combination of an aggregation cube hierarchy tree, a quad-tree, and an interval-tree as an efficient index structure. As a result, the proposed cloud P2P OLAP scheme can manage the adjacency and time series factor of an OLAP query. The performance of the proposed scheme is analyzed by a series of experiments to identify its various characteristics.

Evaluation for Constructing Isochrones using a GIS (GIS를 이용한 등시간도 작성의 평가)

  • Cho, Hyo-Seob;Kim, Ke-Ho;Jung, Kwan-Sue;Kim, Jae-Han
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.925-936
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study is to suggest new drawing methods of isochrones using GIS. For this purpose the Unit Hydrograph (UH) of studied watershed for instantaneous rainfall suggested by Clark have been determined by routing the time-area curve through a single linear reservoir. To evaluate constructing methods of isochrones three methods has been examined; Channel Profile and Clark-kict method; Laurenson method; Average velocity method of S.C.S. Also, these methods have been recomposed by GIS in this study. To apply first method, spatial modeling, the vector based on the stream network and Route_System measuring a distance between points has been used. A raster based on the flow direction grid from burn DEM and the slope grid from original DEM has been applied for the second method. The third method has been applied by a raster based on the landuse grid and a velocity function expressed by slope. Results by these three methods have been evaluated with observed hydrograph, and the method using average velocity method of S.C.S shows more reasonable results comparatively.

Multi-view Image Generation from Stereoscopic Image Features and the Occlusion Region Extraction (가려짐 영역 검출 및 스테레오 영상 내의 특징들을 이용한 다시점 영상 생성)

  • Lee, Wang-Ro;Ko, Min-Soo;Um, Gi-Mun;Cheong, Won-Sik;Hur, Nam-Ho;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.838-850
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm that generates multi-view images by using various image features obtained from the given stereoscopic images. In the proposed algorithm, we first create an intensity gradient saliency map from the given stereo images. And then we calculate a block-based optical flow that represents the relative movement(disparity) of each block with certain size between left and right images. And we also obtain the disparities of feature points that are extracted by SIFT(scale-invariant We then create a disparity saliency map by combining these extracted disparity features. Disparity saliency map is refined through the occlusion detection and removal of false disparities. Thirdly, we extract straight line segments in order to minimize the distortion of straight lines during the image warping. Finally, we generate multi-view images by grid mesh-based image warping algorithm. Extracted image features are used as constraints during grid mesh-based image warping. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than the conventional DIBR algorithm in terms of visual quality.

FingerPrint building method using Splite-tree based on Indoor Environment (실내 환경에서 WLAN 기반의 Splite-tree를 이용한 가상의 핑거 프린트 구축 기법)

  • Shin, Soong-Sun;Kim, Gyoung-Bae;Bae, Hae-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2012
  • A recent advance in smart phones is increasing utilization of location information. Existing positioning system was using GPS location for positioning. However, the GPS cannot be used indoors, if GPS location has an incorrectly problem. In order to solve indoor positioning problems of indoor location-based positioning techniques have been investigated. There are a variety of techniques based on indoor positioning techniques like as RFID, UWB, WLAN, etc. But WLAN location positioning techniques take advantage the bond in real life. WLAN indoor positioning techniques have a two kind of method that is centroid and fingerprint method. Among them, the fingerprint technique is commonly used because of the high accuracy. In order to use fingerprinting techniques make a WLAN signal map building that is need to lot of resource. In this paper, we try to solve this problem in an Indoor environment for WLAN-based fingerprint of a virtual building technique, which is proposed. Proposed technique is classified Cell environment in existed Indoor environment, all of fingerprint points are shown virtual grid map in each Cell. Its method can make fingerprint grid map very quickly using estimate virtual signal value. Also built signal value can take different value depending of the real estimate value. To solve this problem using a calibration technique for the Splite-tree is proposed. Through calibration technique that improves the accuracy for short period of time. It also is improved overall accuracy using predicted value of around position in cell.


  • Tanahashi, Mamoru;Seo, Takehiko;Sato, Makoto;Tsunemi, Akihiko;Miyauchi, Toshio
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.114-125
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    • 2008
  • Current state and perspective of DNS of turbulence and turbulent combustion are discussed with feature trend of the fastest supercomputer in the world. Based on the perspective of DNS of turbulent combustion, possibility of perfect simulations of IC engine is shown. In 2020, the perfect simulation will be realized with 30 billion grid points by 1EXAFlops supercomputer, which requires 4 months CPU time. The CPU time will be reduced to about 4 days if several developments were achieved in the current fundamental researches. To shorten CPU time required for DNS of turbulent combustion, two numerical methods are introduced to full-explicit full-compressible DNS code. One is compact finite difference filter to reduce spatial resolution requirements and numerical oscillations in small scales, and another is well-known point-implicit scheme to avoid quite small time integration of the order of nanosecond for fully explicit DNS. Availability and accuracy of these numerical methods have been confirmed carefully for auto-ignition, planar laminar flame and turbulent premixed flames. To realize DNS of IC engine with realistic kinetic mechanism, several DNS of elemental combustion process in IC engines has been conducted.