• Title/Summary/Keyword: grid model

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Evaluating Suitable Analysis Methods Using Digital Terrain in Viewshed Analysis (수치지형도를 활용한 가시권 분석의 적정 분석방법에 관한 연구)

  • Yeo, Chang-Hwan;Jang, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.40-48
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to contribute enhancing the accuracy of viewshed analysis through the explanation for an analysis method of viewshed analysis using GIS. According to previous studies, the visible area using digital terrain in viewshed analysis depends on a visible interest area, scale of terrain, spatial resolution and surface data. In this study, we used trend analysis and RMSE analysis in order to find the effect of a visible interest area, scale of terrain, etc in viewshed analysis. Results of this study are as follows. First, the result of viewshed analysis depends on a visible interest area, scale of terrain, spatial resolution, surface data such as previous studies. Second, the results in forest area are reliable than those of flat area in terms of a visible interest area. Third, the results based on raster grid data are stable than those of TIN(triangulated irregular network) in terms of input surface data. Fourth, according to the result of trend and RMSE analysis, the spatial resolution for analysis is differently applied to different scales digital terrain map in viewshed analysis. In detail, it is desirable that the spatial resolution is set less than 10m(in the case of 1/1,000 digital terrain map), 20m(in the case of 1/5,000 map), 30m(1/25,000 map).

Study of the Construction of a Coastal Disaster Prevention System using Deep Learning (딥러닝을 이용한 연안방재 시스템 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yeon-Joong;Kim, Tae-Woo;Yoon, Jong-Sung;Kim, Myong-Kyu
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.590-596
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    • 2019
  • Numerous deaths and substantial property damage have occurred recently due to frequent disasters of the highest intensity according to the abnormal climate, which is caused by various problems, such as global warming, all over the world. Such large-scale disasters have become an international issue and have made people aware of the disasters so they can implement disaster-prevention measures. Extensive information on disaster prevention actively has been announced publicly to support the natural disaster reduction measures throughout the world. In Japan, diverse developmental studies on disaster prevention systems, which support hazard map development and flood control activity, have been conducted vigorously to estimate external forces according to design frequencies as well as expected maximum frequencies from a variety of areas, such as rivers, coasts, and ports based on broad disaster prevention data obtained from several huge disasters. However, the current reduction measures alone are not sufficiently effective due to the change of the paradigms of the current disasters. Therefore, in order to obtain the synergy effect of reduction measures, a study of the establishment of an integrated system is required to improve the various disaster prevention technologies and the current disaster prevention system. In order to develop a similar typhoon search system and establish a disaster prevention infrastructure, in this study, techniques will be developed that can be used to forecast typhoons before they strike by using artificial intelligence (AI) technology and offer primary disaster prevention information according to the direction of the typhoon. The main function of this model is to predict the most similar typhoon among the existing typhoons by utilizing the major typhoon information, such as course, central pressure, and speed, before the typhoon directly impacts South Korea. This model is equipped with a combination of AI and DNN forecasts of typhoons that change from moment to moment in order to efficiently forecast a current typhoon based on similar typhoons in the past. Thus, the result of a similar typhoon search showed that the quality of prediction was higher with the grid size of one degree rather than two degrees in latitude and longitude.

Topographic Survey at Small-scale Open-pit Mines using a Popular Rotary-wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) (보급형 회전익 무인항공기(드론)를 이용한 소규모 노천광산의 지형측량)

  • Lee, Sungjae;Choi, Yosoon
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.25 no.5
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    • pp.462-469
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    • 2015
  • This study carried out a topographic survey at a small-scale open-pit limestone mine in Korea (the Daesung MDI Seoggyo office) using a popular rotary-wing unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV, Drone, DJI Phantom2 Vision+). 89 sheets of aerial photos could be obtained as a result of performing an automatic flight for 30 minutes under conditions of 100m altitude and 3m/s speed. A total of 34 million cloud points with X, Y, Z-coordinates was extracted from the aerial photos after data processing for correction and matching, then an orthomosaic image and digital surface model with 5m grid spacing could be generated. A comparison of the X, Y, Z-coordinates of 5 ground control points measured by differential global positioning system and those determined by UAV photogrammetry revealed that the root mean squared errors of X, Y, Z-coordinates were around 10cm. Therefore, it is expected that the popular rotary-wing UAV photogrammetry can be effectively utilized in small-scale open-pit mines as a technology that is able to replace or supplement existing topographic surveying equipments.

A Study on the Soil Contamination(Maps) Using the Handheld XRF and GIS in Abandoned Mining Areas (휴대용 XRF와 GIS를 이용한 폐광산 지역의 토양오염에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeon-Gyu;Choi, Yo-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.195-206
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    • 2014
  • In this study, soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb were created at the Busan abandoned mine in Korea using a handheld X-Ray Fluorescence(XRF) and Geographic Information Systems(GIS). Hydrological analysis was performed using the Digital Elevation Model(DEM) of the study area to identify the flow directions of surface runoff where pollutants can be dispersed from the soil contamination sources. 24 locations for measuring the soil contamination related to Cu and Pb were selected by considering the result of hydrological analysis. The results measured at the 24 locations using the handheld XRF showed that the highest value of Cu contamination is 8,255ppm and that of Pb is 2,146ppm. The field investigation data were entered into ArcGIS software, and then soil contamination maps regarding Cu and Pb with a 5m grid-spacing were created after performing spatial interpolations using the ordinary kriging method. As a result, we could know that high concentrations of Cu and Pb are presented at the waste and tailings dumps around the abandoned mine openings. This study also showed that the handheld XRF and GIS can be utilized to create soil contamination maps related to Cu and Pb in the field.

Comparative Study of Commercial CFD Software Performance for Prediction of Reactor Internal Flow (원자로 내부유동 예측을 위한 상용 전산유체역학 소프트웨어 성능 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Gong Hee;Bang, Young Seok;Woo, Sweng Woong;Kim, Do Hyeong;Kang, Min Ku
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.12
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    • pp.1175-1183
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    • 2013
  • Even if some CFD software developers and its users think that a state-of-the-art CFD software can be used to reasonably solve at least single-phase nuclear reactor safety problems, there remain limitations and uncertainties in the calculation result. From a regulatory perspective, the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) is presently conducting the performance assessment of commercial CFD software for nuclear reactor safety problems. In this study, to examine the prediction performance of commercial CFD software with the porous model in the analysis of the scale-down APR (Advanced Power Reactor Plus) internal flow, a simulation was conducted with the on-board numerical models in ANSYS CFX R.14 and FLUENT R.14. It was concluded that depending on the CFD software, the internal flow distribution of the scale-down APR was locally somewhat different. Although there was a limitation in estimating the prediction performance of the commercial CFD software owing to the limited amount of measured data, CFX R.14 showed more reasonable prediction results in comparison with FLUENT R.14. Meanwhile, owing to the difference in discretization methodology, FLUENT R.14 required more computational memory than CFX R.14 for the same grid system. Therefore, the CFD software suitable to the available computational resource should be selected for massively parallel computations.

A Numerical Simulation Study of Strong Wind Events at Jangbogo Station, Antarctica (남극 장보고기지 주변 강풍사례 모의 연구)

  • Kwon, Hataek;Kim, Shin-Woo;Lee, Solji;Park, Sang-Jong;Choi, Taejin;Jeong, Jee-Hoon;Kim, Seong-Joong;Kim, Baek-Min
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.617-633
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    • 2016
  • Jangbogo station is located in Terra Nova Bay over the East Antarctica, which is often affected by individual storms moving along nearby storm tracks and a katabatic flow from the continental interior towards the coast. A numerical simulation for two strong wind events of maximum instantaneous wind speed ($41.17m\;s^{-1}$) and daily mean wind speed ($23.92m\;s^{-1}$) at Jangbogo station are conducted using the polar-optimized version of Weather Research and Forecasting model (Polar WRF). Verifying model results from 3 km grid resolution simulation against AWS observation at Jangbogo station, the case of maximum instantaneous wind speed is relatively simulated well with high skill in wind with a bias of $-3.3m\;s^{-1}$ and standard deviation of $5.4m\;s^{-1}$. The case of maximum daily mean wind speed showed comparatively lower accuracy for the simulation of wind speed with a bias of -7.0 m/s and standard deviation of $8.6m\;s^{-1}$. From the analysis, it is revealed that the each case has different origins for strong wind. The highest maximum instantaneous wind case is caused by the approach of the strong synoptic low pressure system moving toward Terra Nova Bay from North and the other daily wind maximum speed case is mainly caused by the katabatic flow from the interiors of Terra Nova Bay towards the coast. Our evaluation suggests that the Polar WRF can be used as a useful dynamic downscaling tool for the simulation and investigation of high wind events at Jangbogo station. However, additional efforts in utilizing the high resolution terrain is required to reduce the simulation error of high wind mainly caused by katabatic flow, which is received a lot of influence of the surrounding terrain.

The Numerical Study on the Ventilation of Non-isothermal Concentrated Fume (수치해석적 방법을 이용한 비등온 고농도 연무의 배기량 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Lim, Seok-Chai;Chang, Hyuk-Sang;Ha, Ji-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.534-543
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    • 2008
  • The experimental study with the prototype provides more acceptable data than the others. But there are so many limited conditions to perform the experimental study with the prototype. So the theoretical similitude with the scaled model and the numerical study with the CFD method have been chosen alternatively to analysis the fume movement. In this study, the ventilation was estimated from the results of the numerical study based on the experimental results as the boundary conditions. The grid A and B were same size and shape with the models which was used in the experimental study and consisted with 163,839, 122,965 cells respectively. The height of the fume layer was estimated form the mole fraction of fume components and the ventilation was determined by the velocity and temperature of the fume. The results of this study showed that the fume movements estimated from the numerical study are enough to apply to the prototype if there are proper heat loss correction factors. The numerical study is easier to change study conditions and faster to get results from the study than the experimental study. So if we find some proper heat loss correction factors, it's possible to execute the various and advanced study with the numerical study.

Outlook on Blooming Dates of Spring Flowers in the Korean Peninsula under the RCP8.5 Projected Climate (신 기후변화시나리오 조건에서 한반도 봄꽃 개화일 전망)

  • Kim, Jin-Hee;Cheon, Jung-Hwa;Yun, Jin I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.50-58
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to evaluate the geospatial characteristics of blooming date migration in three major spring flowers across North and South Korea as influenced by climate change. A thermal time-based phenology model driven by daily maximum and minimum temperature was adjusted for the key parameters (i.e., reference temperature, chilling requirement, heating requirement) used for predicting blooming of forsythia, azaleas, and Japanese cherry. The model was run by the RCP 8.5 projected temperature outlook over the Korean Peninsula and produced the mean booming dates for the three climatological normal years in the future (2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100) at a 12.5 km grid spacing. Comparison against the observed blooming date patterns in the baseline climate (1971-2000) showed that there will be a substantial acceleration in blooming dates of the three species, resulting in cherry booming in February and flowers of azaleas and forsythia found at the top of mountain Baikdu by the 2071-2100 period. Flowering dates of the three species in the near future (2011-2040) may be accelerated by 3-5 days at minimum and 10-11 days at maximum compared with that in the baseline period (1971-2000). Those values corresponding to the middle future (2041-2070) can be from a minimum of 9-11 days to a maximum of 23-24 days. Blooming date of Japanese cherry can be accelerated by 26 days on average for the far future (2071-2100). The acceleration seems more prominent at islands and coastal plain areas than over inland mountainous areas.

A Study on the Effective Adjustment of Building Insulation Performance and the Application of the Night Purge Ventilation System for Low Energy Building Design (저에너지건축물 설계를 위한 건축물 단열성능의 효과적 조정과 야간외기 도입에 따른 에너지 시뮬레이션 연구)

  • Yun, Hyun-Su;Lee, Tae-Kyu;Kim, Jeong-Uk
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.10
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    • pp.625-632
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    • 2018
  • This study was done to reduce total energy demand based on resource shortage problems and to provide improvement points for more efficient adjustment of the high insulation standards for saving energy in Korea. The demand sensitivity was fully considered by varying the slope of each building. The energy performance of the building was maximized by the introduction of outdoor air at night. A final low-energy building model was developed with the two measures combined, and the short-term operation of the night-fuzzy ventilation system was simulated. The result showed a reduction of about 6 to 7 percent compared to the base model. The results could have many implications in terms of the need to conduct demand sensitivity analyses in architectural design.


  • Choi, Byung-Kyu;Park, Jong-Uk;Chung, Jeong-Kyun;Park, Phil-Ho
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2005
  • Ionosphere is deeply coupled to the space environment and introduces the perturbations to radio signal because of its electromagnetic characteristics. Therefore, the status of ionosphere can be estimated by analyzing the GPS signal errors which are penetrating the ionosphere and it can be the key to understand the global circulation and change in the upper atmosphere, and the characteristics of space weather. We used 9 GPS Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS), which have been operated by Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) , to determine the high precision of Total Electron Content (TEC) and the pseudorange data which is phase-leveled by a linear combination with carrier phase to reduce the inherent noise. We developed the method to model a regional ionosphere with grid form and its results over South Korea with $0.25^{\circ}\;by\;0.25^{\circ}$ spatial resolution. To improve the precision of ionosphere's TEC value, we applied IDW (Inverse Distance Weight) and Kalman Filtering method. The regional ionospheric model developed by this research was compared with GIMs (Global Ionosphere Maps) preduced by Ionosphere Working Group for 8 days and the results show $3\~4$ TECU difference in RMS values.