• Title/Summary/Keyword: greenhouse emission

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Two-stage concession game approach for analyzing greenhouse gases emission reduction schemes

  • Yuan, Liang;He, Weijun;Degefu, Dagmawi Mulugeta;Kim, Soonja;Shen, Juqin;An, Min
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.420-426
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    • 2016
  • Climate change imposes a huge treat on the sustainability of our environment. One of the major reasons for the increasing impacts of climate change is the emission of greenhouse gases. Therefore, cooperative greenhouse gas emission reduction schemes with a general consensus are needed in order to reduce the impacts of climate change. Due to the strong link between greenhouse gas emission and economic development there is disagreement among countries on the designing and implementation of emission reduction plans. In this paper the authors proposed a two-stage concession game to analyze emission reduction plans and determine a balanced emission range that improves the utilities of the bargaining parties. Furthermore the game was applied to a hypothetical example. Our results from the case study indicated that even though the utilities of the bargaining parties is highly affected by emission reductions, after making concessions their utilities can be improved given their emission reductions are within in a certain desirable range. The authors hope that this article provides insights which could be useful for understanding emission reduction plans and their consequences on the negotiating parties.

A Study on the Greenhouse Gas Emission and Reduction Measures of Domestic Magnesium Production Process (국내 마그네슘 생산공정의 온실가스 배출량 산정 및 감축방안 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Nam;Im, Jin-Ah;Yoo, Kyung-Seun
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.219-230
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    • 2014
  • In this study, greenhouse gas emission of magnesium industry was estimated and the reduction potential of the greenhouse gas emission was evaluated with reduction technologies. Default value of IPCC guideline was used to calculate the greenhouse gas emission and $SF_6$ alternatives were considered in reduction potential. Import of magnesium ingot was 22,806 ton in 2013, which will be expected to increase to 81,700 ton with 20% rate in 2020. Magnesium ingot was consumed to produce magnesium alloy in diecasting process. Recently, commercial production of crown magnesium and magensium plate began. Based on ingot consumption, $CO_2$ emission of domestic magnesium industry was estimated to 504,000 ton, which is about 0.79% of domestic industrial emissions. Reduction potential of diecasting process was estimated to 489,320 ton by changing SF6 to alternative gases such as HFC-134a, Novec-612. Emission factor of Tier 3 level should be developed to enhance the accuracy of greeenhouse gas emission of magnesium industry.

A Study on The Aviation policy for UNFCCC of Korea and Other states (기후변화 협약 이행관련 국내.외 항공정책에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Jin-Ah;Kim, Sun-lhee
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aviation and Aeronautics
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.32-38
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    • 2012
  • The United Nations (UN) has tried to make international agreement to restrict artificial greenhouse gas emissions and the UN has concluded the UN Framework Convention Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto protocol. Moreover, in 2012, the European Union announced that they will enforce the Directive 2008/101/EC. Therefore, after 2012, aircraft carriers that depart or arrive from EU will follow that regulation. For these reasons, Korea should prepare systematic and effective policy to reduce greenhouse gas emission from aviation activities. The purpose of this study is to find out effective measures to reduce greenhouse gas emission from aviation activities through research by countries all over the world. Here are the 4 measures to reduce greenhouse gas emission from Aviation activities that were found through research UK and Japan's policies. First, Korea should implement aggressive incentive policies. Providing proper incentive can attract voluntary participation of aircraft carriers to reduce greenhouse gas emission. Second, the government should adopt environmental tax on use of fossil fuels. Third, Korea should adopt the greenhouse gas Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). Lastly, the Korea government should pull in with the international community to establish world-wide environmental policies.

A Research on the Status of Greenhouse Gas Emission Factors from Livestock Sector to Create a National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (국가 온실가스 인벤토리 축산부문 작성을 위한 온실가스 배출계수 개발 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jin Eui;Lee, Hyun Ju;Park, Kyu Hyun;Choi, Byong Yang;Ra, Chang Six
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.17 no.sup
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    • pp.21-34
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    • 2011
  • In this study, researches on the development of country specific greenhouse gas measurement and sampling methods from the livestock sector were reviewed. Research on greenhouse gas emission factors was started in early 2000 but was not actively involved in the development of livestock sector based emission factor: since 2009, works are underway for the development of livestock sector based emission factor. Most of the research on greenhouse gas emission in the field of animal studies were done by National Institute of Animal Science, because of the uniqueness of the research laboratories. Methods of emission measurement are still not internationally certified and therefore, measurement and sampling methods for Korea livestock sector are being studied, consulting the worldwide research trends. Flux chamber method are commonly using in Korea for green house gas emission factors measurement. In recent years, continuous measurement of the microclimate was introduced to measure greenhouse gases from livestock manure storage facilities and the micrometeorology method should be adapted as recommended by Intergovernmental Penal on Climate Change (IPCC) Guideline.

Methodology Developments based on CO2 Emission Information from Construction Equipment for Greenhouse Gas Regulations (온실가스 규제에 대비한 건설장비 이산화탄소 배출량정보 활용방법론 개발)

  • Go, Jee-Eun;Lee, Jin-Woo;Chae, Yoon-Byung;Han, Seungwoo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.35-36
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    • 2018
  • According to the nation's greenhouse gas emission statistics, greenhouse gas emissions have been stiffly increasing. Accordingly, the importance of CO2 reduction is more getting focused over the world. This trend makes the construction equipment be considered as a major target of reduction due to the large volume of emission. This study suggests the feasible methodology for estimating CO2 emission from construction equipment and for being easily applied on the job sites. The methodology is based on the collection from the segmented CO2 emission information of construction equipment. This study allows site personnels to estimate the total amount of CO2 and to take appropriate actions for reasching the environmental regulations.

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A Study on Greenhouse Gas Emission Characteristics of Passenger Car and Van with LPG Fuel According to Displacement and Vehicle Weight (배기량과 차량중량에 따른 LPG 연료를 사용하는 승용 및 승합형 자동차 온실가스 배출 특성에 관한 연구)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.497-502
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    • 2018
  • In Korea, passenger car and van using LPG fuel including taxi constantly increased due to the high cost of fuel. Recently, the emission standard has continuously tightened in the world. In this investigation was conducted the greenhouse gas emission characteristics of LPG vehicles according to the displacement and weight. Exhaust emission characteristics of 13 test LPG vehicles from about 1.0 L to 3.0 L displacements were measured and analyzed by using chassis dynamometer and emission analyzer. It is revealed that the greenhouse gas emission was showed the increasing tendency as the displacement and curb weight increased. Also, greenhouse gas emission of SC03 driving cycle has highest value and that of HWFET driving cycle shows the lowest value.

Development of CO2 Emission Factor by Fuel and CO2 analysis at Sub-bituminous Fired Power Plant (연료와 CO2 농도분석을 이용한 아역청탄 화력발전소의 온실가스 배출계수 개발)

  • Jeon, Eui-Chan;Sa, Jae-Hwan
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 2010
  • The main purpose of this study was to develop the greenhouse gas emission factor for power plant using sub-bituminous coal. In Korea, Fired power plant are a major source of greenhouse gases within the fossil fuel combustion sectors, thus the development of emission factors is necessary to understand the characteristics of the national specific greenhouse gas emission and to develop nation specific emission factors. These emission factors were derived from the $CO_2$ concentrations measurement from stack and fuel analysis of sub-bituminous coal. Caloric value of sub-bituminous coal used in the power plants were 5,264 (as received basis), 5,936 (air-dried basis) and 6,575 kcal/kg (dry basis). The C emission factors by fuel analysis and $CO_2$ concentration measurement was estimated to be 26.7(${\pm}0.9$), 26.3(${\pm}2.8$)tC/MJ, respectively. Our estimates of C emission factors were comparable with IPCC default value.

A Study on the Energy Consumption and Greenhouse Gas Emission of the Detached Houses in Daegu (대구광역시 단독주택의 에너지 및 온실가스 배출원단위 작성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Yu-Lan;Yoon, Hae-Kyung;Kim, Ju-Young;Jeon, Gyu-Yeob;Hong, Won-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2011
  • In the energy consumption of buildings in Korea, the housing sector accounts for 53% of a total energy consumption. Although the researches of energy consumption on the new detached houses and apartment houses have been conducted numerous times, the researches of energy consumption characteristics on the existing detached houses are lack of studies. Thus in this study, the actual condition of energy consumption characteristics on the existing detached houses in Daegu city was examined, and then energy consumption unit and green house gas emission unit was compiled to present a fundamental data for an effective way of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission in the buildings. The results showed that the energy consumption for heating in the existing detached house was greater than other energy consumption and the heating energy sources were city gas and fuel oil. As the fuel oil consumption got larger, the energy consumption unit and greenhouse gas emission unit became bigger. Based on these results, it will be able to develop a plan for reducing energy and greenhouse gas emission in the existing detached houses in the future.

A Study on the Model of Competitive Electricity Market Considering Emission Trading (온실가스 배출권 거래제도를 고려한 경쟁적 전력시장 모형 연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Hoon;Lee, Kwang-Ho;Kim, Wook
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.58 no.8
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    • pp.1496-1503
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    • 2009
  • The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) is an international environmental treaty to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. In order to fulfil the commitments of the countries in an economically efficient way, the UNFCCC adapted the emission trading scheme in the Kyoto Protocol. If the UNFCCC's scheme is enforced in the country, considerable changes in electric power industry are expected due to the imposed greenhouse gas emission reduction. This paper proposes a game theoretic model of the case when generation companies participate in both competitive electricity market and emission market simultaneously. The model is designed such that generation companies select strategically between power quantity and greenhouse gas reduction to maximize their profits in both markets. Demand function and Environmental Welfare of emission trading market is proposed in this model. From the simulation results using the proposed model the impact of the emission trading on generation companies seems very severe in case that the emission prices are significantly high.

The Korea Greenhouse Gas Emission Trading Scheme for a Pilot Project in the Power Sector (발전부문 온실가스 배출권 거래제 시범사업을 위한 시장운영절차서(안) 개발)

  • Park, Jong-Bae;Kim, Bal-Ho;Shin, Joong-Rin;Goh, Do-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.11b
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    • pp.266-268
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents the greenhouse gas emission trading scheme which is under progress as a pilot project at the power sector in preparation for UNFCCC. By referring UK's, Emission Trading is introduced incentive auction to maximize the reduction of greenhouse gas emission. At the 1st step, from year 2006 to 2008, only CO2 is regarded as an objective target to decrease but emission credit is excluded with an assumption and only 5 Generation company take part in as participants. The market operating procedure is composed of participants' registration, baseline verification, incentive auction, the registration of initial and yearly allocation, emission trading, yearly emission verification & approval, yearly obligation conformity, carry forward & incentive grant. It can be serve a guideline the whole aspects of emission trading which will start in 2006 including operation, verification and profit sharing.

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