• Title/Summary/Keyword: green construction materials

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Critical Factor on Selection Indoor Air Quality improving alternatives for healthcare projects (병원의 실내 공기 질 솔루션 선택에 영향을 미치는 요인들)

  • Dang Nguyen-Hong Anh;Ahn, Yong-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.63-64
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    • 2023
  • Indoor Air Quality is crucial in hospital projects to ensure the health and safety of patients, staff, and visitors. The research methodology comprises an comprehensive literature review, then a comprehensive questionnaire survey conducted among stakeholders involved in Vietnamese hospital projects. 15 variables were identified and categorized into four distinct groups, elucidating their influence on the adoption of advanced IAQ-enhancing technology. This study uses factor analysis, a mean score method and hypothesis test to analyze the factor result from the survey. two-step process, including an in-depth literature review and questionaire survey. The study's findings culminated in the ranking, examination, and categorization of these 15 variables, which were clustered into four essential categories: economic factors, design elements, governance strategies, and technical requirements. Additionally, the research explored viable solutions to improve indoor air quality in Vietnam's unique environmental context, examining the factors that impact the selection of such solutions. The study's outcomes yield practical recommendations for architects, engineers, and hospital administrators in enhancing IAQ within healthcare facilities. Furthermore, it presents a framework attuned to local environmental factors and building materials, contributing significantly to the existing body of knowledge on IAQ within hospital projects, particularly in the Vietnamese context.

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Evaluation and Analysis of The Building Energy Saving Performance by Component of Wood Products Using EnergyPlus (EnergyPlus를 이용한 건물 부위별 목질제품 적용에 따른 건축물 에너지 절감 기여도 평가)

  • Seo, Jungki;Wi, Seunghwan;Kim, Sumin
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.655-663
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    • 2016
  • Increasing green house gas and it consequent climate change problems are discussed as a global issue. Accordingly, future local green house gas emission will increase up to 40% of the entire local green house gas emission and therefore, efforts to reduce the emission in construction industry is urgently required. Therefore, in this study, heating energy demand was analyzed by using the EnergyPlus simulation according to wood material finishes configuration. EnergyPlus has the entry for a variety of buildings and heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HAVC) system components, in particular buildings, air conditioning systems, and performs simultaneous integrated calculated through the feedback between the heat source unit, a verification program according to the ASHRAE Standard 140-2007 to be. The climate data for the simulation we used the data IWEC in Incheon and Gwangju provided by EnergyPlus. The analysis of simulation model was farm and fishing house standard design drawings: 2012, presented at the Korea Rural Community Corporation. The results of simulation of central region and southern region were effected by wood products of simulation model into the interior finish, exterior finish, windows, wooden structure. Also, it was confirmed that the reduced heating energy demand.

Energy Performance and Improvement in University Library - Concentrated on 'K'University Library located in Seojong City -

  • Roh, Ji Woong
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2014
  • The problem of energy consumption is more serious in university buildings than primary, middle and high school buildings. Because university buildings have generally heating and cooling systems, and various incidental facilities. In university, the library is one of the building that many people use and the most energy is spent. So, investigation on energy saving is very important and urgent. This study aims finally to present the guideline for low-energy design of University library by aiding a designer to select best solution in the side of energy-saving. In this paper, composition of space, utilization schedule and performance of construction materials are grasped, some primary factors that effect to energy saving are analyzed by energy simulation. The result of this study is as follows; First, the subject library has more cooling load than heating load because of cooling load generated during middle season. Second, green roofs is the most effective to heating load saving, but not to cooling energy. Third, outdoor air cooling is the most effective to cooling energy saving among the investigated strategies included in this study.

Development of Planning Indicators in Rural Village for Realization of Low Carbon Society (저탄소사회 실현을 위한 농촌마을 계획지표 개발)

  • Kim, Eun-Ja;Ko, Ah-La;Lee, Jeung-Won;Kim, Sang-Bum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2011
  • The Purpose of this study is to develop indicators for low carbon planning in rural village. We made two indicators for inland area and waterside area to consider regional disparities. To develop indicators, a draft of the indicators was estimated with collected research materials and 52 experts reviewed this draft three times with Modified Delphi Technique to check the validity and revise the draft. As a result, the inland indicators were settled with 4 domains 8 items 20 indicators and the waterside indicators were 4 domains 8 items 22 indicators. The final indicators will be used to realize low carbon rural village planning in future which the government is pushing forward with construction of six-hundred low carbon green village.

A basic study for the house development with the environment - friendly views (환경친화적 경관 주택 개발을 위한 기초적 연구 - 강원도 주택을 중심으로 -)

  • Nam, Hyung Woo;Kim, Sung Kun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Rural Architecture
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2003
  • Through the courses of industrialization, speedy growth and pluralism. The problems about the environment- friendly structures have become very important problem. Especially, it is getting highly appear to the expectation about the environment friendly buildings in Kangwon-do where has greacefully clean environment. The guide line for Kangwon-do can be arranged to the following through the varity analysis, outside enviroment, color, construction materials, outside design etc the guide line for Kangwon-do can be arranged as to the followings. It appears to be suitable to country houses in kangwon-do that is made of timber or red-bricks with green half circled roof and give a sense of warmth and soft. but the coastal area village is appeared wave style roof with orange color and surrounded by natural building stones or a line- plastered wall making complicated.

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Experimental investigation on tensile testing of natural raw fibres using an improved single fibre test method

  • Ravi Kumar;Shaik M. Subhani;Bonda A.G. Yuvaraju
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.481-490
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    • 2024
  • In the modern era, the world is grappling with unprecedented challenges posed by environmental pollution. International agencies are urging scientists and material engineers to seek out green materials and structures as solutions to this problem. Composites derived from renewable sources, such as plant-based and vegetable fibres, are increasingly being utilized in the interior composite components of automobiles, aircraft, and building construction. This work introduces an improved Single Fibre Tensile Test (SFTT) for natural fibres, which are often irregular in shape and non-uniform along their length. Conventional methods, which determine the fibre cross-section by measuring the diameter using optical microscopy, yield inaccurate properties with large standard deviations (SD). The proposed new SFTT method, based on standards set by the American Society of Textile Manufacturing, provides a more accurate assessment of the mechanical performance of fibres. Using this approach, the tensile strength of various single fibres, yarns, and fabrics was measured with an SD of less than 8%.

The Verification Of Green Soil Material Characteristics For Slope Protection (사면 보호를 위한 녹생토 재료 특성 검증)

  • Lee, Byung-Jae;Heo, Hyung-Seok;Noh, Jae-Ho;Jang, Young-Il
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.681-692
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    • 2017
  • In recent years, large-scale construction projects such as road pavement construction and new city construction have been carried out nationwide with by the expansion of social overhead facilities and base on the economic development planning, resulting in a rapid increase in artificial slope damage. The existing vegetation-based re-installation method of the slope surface greening method reveals various problems such as lack of bonding force, drying, and lack of organic matter. In this study, research was carried out using vegetation-based material and environmentally friendly soil additives, were are used in combination with natural humus, Bark compost, coco peat, and vermiculite. Uniaxial compressive strength was measured according to the mixing ratio of soil additives and the strength was analyzed. Experiments were carried out on the characteristics of the soil material to gauge the slope protection properties by using the soil compaction test method wherein the soil and the soil additive materials are mixed in relation to the soil height, the number of compaction, the compaction method (layer) and the curing condition. As a result of the experiment, excellent strength performance was demonstrated in soil additives using gypsum cement, and it satisfied vegetation growth standards by using performance enhancer and pH regulator. It was confirmed that the strength increases with the mixing of soil and soil additive, and the stability of slope protection can be improved.

Influence of Exposure Environmental Conditions on the Crack Healing Performance of Self-healing Repair Mortar Specimens (노출환경 조건이 자기치유형 보수 모르타르 시험체의 균열 치유성능에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Woong-Jong;Lee, Hyun-Ho;Ahn, Sang-Wook;Lee, Kwang-Myong
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.283-288
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    • 2018
  • Since the crack self-healing materials are activated according to the exposure environmental conditions from the time of crack occurrence, it is very important to clarify the relationship between the healing performance and the exposure environmental conditions of the crack surface. In this paper, the influence of the exposure environmental conditions on the crack healing performance of self-healing repair mortar was investigated through the water permeability test. The influence of temperature and humidity on the crack width of cracked specimens was evaluated. As a result of measuring the change of the crack width, the effect of curing temperature was negligible but it was confirmed that crack-closing occurred due to the change of dry-wet condition. The healing materials produced on the crack surface of the specimens was identified as calcite minerals. Since the minerals with high density are precipitated under the influence of gravity, the healing performance is somewhat different according to the direction of the crack surface, and the healing performance was significantly improved in the wet exposure condition than the air exposure condition.

Effect of Inorganic Pigments on the Workability of Cement Mortars (무기안료가 시멘트모르터의 유동성 미치는 영향)

  • Lee Jae-Yong;Go Seong-Seok;Lee Hyun-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.1 no.2 s.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2000
  • Since inorganic pigment, among admixtures used for cement composites, can raise the esthetic value of a building due to its effect of coloring, it can be assumed that the quantity consumed is expected to increase in connection with the recent trend of emphasizing the beautiful sights of the city. We carried out a flow test by changing the mix proportion of the cement mortar mixed with an inorganic pigment, water-cement ratio and pigment mixing ratio in order to present the basic materials for utilizing colored cement mortars. In construction by exploring the effect of inorganic pigments on the workability of cement mortar. In case of red pigment mortar and yellow pigment mortar, the workability was found to be rapidly decreased. To secure proper workability, it is necessary to increase the amount of mixing water, or to use superplasticizer. In case of green pigment mortar, however, it recorded $-2.4{\~}6.9{\%}$, showing that there was almost no change in flow. In case of black pigment mortar, it was also confirmed that there is no need to consider workability.

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An Analytical Method for the Evaluation of Micro-cracking in Concrete Shrinkage Induced (콘크리트의 수축으로 인한 미세균열 발생 평가를 위한 해석적 기법)

  • Song, Young-Chul;Kim, Do-Gyeum;Moon, Jae-Heum
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2010
  • The majority of research that has been performed on cracking potential of concrete by shrinkage has assumed that concrete acts as a homogeneous material. However, with this approach, it is not able to evaluate the micro-cracking behavior in concrete due to autogenous shrinkage under unrestrained boundary condition (free boundary condition) nor to understand the cracking behavior properly because of the heterogeneous nature of concrete. To better understand the micro-cracking behavior of concrete induced by autogenous shrinkage, series of experiments were performed measuring the length change and acoustic emission energy. As an analytical approach, this research uses an object oriented finite element analysis code (OOF code) to simulate the behavior of the concrete on a meso-scale. The concrete images used in the simulations were directly obtained from mortar samples. From the experiments and simulation results, it was able to better understand the micro-cracking behaviour of concrete due to shrinking of paste phase and internal restraint by aggregates.