• Title/Summary/Keyword: geomorphology analysis

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Development of Designation Criteria for Ecological Protected Areas and its Application Methodology (생태계 보호지역의 합리적 지정을 위한 평가방법의 개발과 적용방안)

  • Park, Yong-Ha;Lee, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Ki-Gyoung;Lee, Gwan-Gyu;Choi, Jae-Yong;Heo, Soo-Jin;Seo, Gyoung-Won
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.177-188
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    • 2008
  • Attempts to develope designation criteria for ecological protected areas were made for rational and scientific designation and management of 'ecosystem and landscape conservation areas', 'wetland protection areas', 'special islands protection areas', and 'wildlife protected areas' which have been designated and managed by the Ministry of Environment. Through analysis of the requisites and criteria of IUCN, UNESCO, Natura 2000, the Ramsar convention, the United States, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Germany as well as various academic researches, evaluation items of the protected areas were classified into naturalness, biodiversity, ecosystem, and scientific values. These classification titles are reflection of Korean laws concerning the 4 protected areas described above. Of these items 'naturalness' is composed of 3 factors of wilderness, geomorphology and landscape, and vegetation. 'Biodiversity' is composed of the 5 factors of species diversity, endangered species, rare species, indigenous biological resources, and habitat of wetland wild animals. 'Ecosystem' is composed of 5 factors of typicalness, diversity, rarity, restoration ability, and degree of interference. All factors are scored using a 3 point scale of high, middle, or low and are then transformed into the numerical index for designating and zoning purposes. Conclusively, it is expected that the developed methodology will be highly applicable with field verifications.

The Geomorphology and the Sediment Characteristics of Sagye Coastal Dune, Jeju Island, Korea (제주도 사계 해안사구의 지형과 퇴적물 특성)

  • Seo, Jong-Cheol;Sohn, Myung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.631-644
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    • 2006
  • The study area is a pocket beach which consisted of sandy beach, dune, agricultural land and residential area etc. The coastal dune area is classified to foredune, dune plain, secondary (or back) dune. The foredune area is covered by herbaceous dune plants(ex. Carex kobomugi, Wedelia prostrata, etc.), whereas the dune plain area is covered by herbs and shrubs(Vitex rotundifolia). The most inner area, secondary dune, is planted by pine forest(Pinus thunbergii). The mean size of the beach and dune sediments ranges from 1.1 to $1.8{\Phi}$, which mean these values are higher than normal sediments. Sorting and Skewness is $0.6{\sim}-1.2{\Phi}$ and $-2.7{\sim}1.6{\Phi}$ respectively. We found that the soil formation process in the secondary dune area has been progressed rapidly from the analysis of fine grain content, organic matter content, and CEC.

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Development of Korean Geomorphological Unit Hydrograph for Mountain Basins (산악지역을 위한 한국형 지형수문단위도 개발)

  • Kim, Hong-Tae;Shin, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.75-92
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    • 2009
  • The development of the method for flood runoff analysis representing Korean mountain basins have been one of big concerns for Korean hydrologists for several decades. Several traditional methods dealing with unit hydrograph have been restricted to be used in Korea basins, because of its drawbacks due to its originality from other countries and the uncertainties of control parameters as well as its linearity assumption between rainfall and runoff relationship. In this paper, several geomorphological similarity relationships for Korean mountain basins was developed by using the experimental data over 40 Korean basins. Then those were applied directly to geomorphological unit hydrograph theory to meet Korean geomorphological unit hydrograph. The developed method was applied to Andong Dam basin. The results show the applicability and simplicity of the developed Korean geomorphological unit hydrograph generally for Korean mountain basins in future. It might be needed for more validations and applications of this method over Korean regions.

Temporal Change of Fluvial Geomorphology in the Middle Reaches of the Sumjin River, Korea (섬진강 중류 (곡성-순창) 구간의 하천지형 변화 연구)

  • 남욱현;양동윤;김주용;김진관
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2002
  • Analysis of No. 199∼145 cross-sections set up by the Ministry of Construction (1978) in the middle reaches of the Sumjin River around Sunchang, Daegang, and Goksung areas have been done for delineating the changes In fluvial geomorphic features. The entire river-bed in the study area has been considerably degraded since 1978. In some cross-sections, the thalweg shillings are observed. Two aspects are responsible for the erosion-dominant environment. First, flow velocity has been increased. Human activities including wetland destruction, ex-channel destruction and artificial levee construction reduced the channel width, and fixed the channel geometry. This has resulted in increase of the water velocity. Pebble and granule∼coarse sand are prevailing on the river-bed, indicate the high speed of the currents. Second, aggregate has been intensively mined during 1980s∼1990s around the areas. Especially, in the right side of the cross-sections No. 188∼187 and the left side of the cross-section No. 155, erosion toward under the artificial levee is remarkable. This can be led to bank failure in case of heavy rainfall.

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Improvement of Marine Environmental Impact Assessment for Golf Course Projects in Southern Coastal Area of Korea (남해연안 골프장조성에 따른 해양환경영향평가 개선방안)

  • Kim, Gui-Young;Lee, Dae-In;Yu, Jun;Eom, Ki-Hyuk;Jeon, Kyeong-Am
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.453-464
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    • 2010
  • We evaluated the status and problems of golf course developments in the southern coast of Korea. It's adjacent waters supports nursery and fishing grounds for commercially-important fisheries species, and various sites are designated and protected as marine protection area(MPA), fisheries reserve, or clean area(blue belt) for producing shellfish. We proposed key assessment items for environmental impact assessment(EIA) and checklists in selecting golf course locations. For the protected areas, we suggest that it is essential to limit golf course establishment while setting a minimal distance from the coast to secure a buffer zone for mitigating the environmental impacts. To efficiently utilize existing regional coastal management plans, it is necessary to diagnose how a golf course development will potentially modify geomorphology and scenery, amplify pollutant loads from non-point sources, and disrupt the functions of coastal ecosystem. Especially, continued monitoring and assesssing input loads of hazardous materials originating from agricultural chemicals should be obligatory. Finally, measures for improving the QA/QC analysis were discussed to enhance reliability of environmental data with respect to golf courses and adjacent coastal waters.

Analysis of Slope Hazard Probability around Jinjeon-saji Area located in Stone Relics (석조문화재가 위치한 진전사지 주변의 사면재해 가능성 분석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Su;Song, Young-Suk;Cho, Yong-Chan;Jeong, Gyo-Cheol
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.303-309
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    • 2008
  • A probability of slope hazards was predicted at a natural terrain around the stone relics of Jinjeon-saji area, which is located in Yangyang, Kangwon Province. As the analyzing results of field investigation, laboratory test and geology and geomorphology data, the effect factors of landslides occurrence were evaluated. Also, the landslides prediction map was made up using the prediction model by the effect factors. The landslide susceptibility of stone relics was investigated as the grading classification of occurrence probability. In the landslides prediction map, the high probability area was $3,489m^2$ and it was 10.1% of total prediction area. The high probability area has over 70% of occurrence probability. If landslides are occurred at the predicted area, the three stories stone pagoda of Jinjeon-saji(National treasure No. 122) and the stone lantern of Jinjeon-saji(Treasure No.439) will be collapsed by debris flow.

Trends of Cave Study in Korea (국내의 동굴 연구 동향)

  • Hong, Hyun-Cheol;Kim, Won-Jin;You, Young-Jun
    • Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea
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    • no.90
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2009
  • Speleology has been recognized as a comprehensive science. The purpose of this study examine the research trends of the cave in korea. Journal of the Speleological Society was used for analysis. In the 1970s, research was focused primarily in the field of geomorphology(geology). But, since the 2000s, a variety of disciplines in the cave study is in progress.

Fuzzy-based multiple decision method for landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment: A case study of Tabriz, Iran

  • Nanehkaran, Yaser A.;Mao, Yimin;Azarafza, Mohammad;Kockar, Mustafa K.;Zhu, Hong-Hu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2021
  • Due to the complexity of the causes of the sliding mass instabilities, landslide susceptibility and hazard evaluation are difficult, but they can be more carefully considered and regionally evaluated by using new programming technologies to minimize the hazard. This study aims to evaluate the landslide hazard zonation in the Tabriz region, Iran. A fuzzy logic-based multi-criteria decision-making method was proposed for susceptibility analysis and preparing the hazard zonation maps implemented in MATLAB programming language and Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. In this study, five main factors have been identified as triggering including climate (i.e., precipitation, temperature), geomorphology (i.e., slope gradient, slope aspect, land cover), tectonic and seismic parameters (i.e., tectonic lineament congestion, distribution of earthquakes, the unsafe radius of main faults, seismicity), geological and hydrological conditions (i.e., drainage patterns, hydraulic gradient, groundwater table depth, weathered geo-materials), and human activities (i.e., distance to roads, distance to the municipal areas) in the study area. The results of analyses are presented as a landslide hazard map which is classified into 5 different sensitive categories (i.e., insignificant to very high potential). Then, landslide susceptibility maps were prepared for the Tabriz region, which is categorized in a high-sensitive area located in the northern parts of the area. Based on these maps, the Bozgoosh-Sahand mountainous belt, Misho-Miro Mountains and western highlands of Jolfa have been delineated as risk-able zones.

GIS Application for the Analysis of Geomorphic Surfaces of Marine Terrace at Gampo, Gyeongju City (경주 감포지역 해안단구의 지형면분석을 위한 GIS의 적용)

  • Hwang, Sang-Ill;Jung, Hye-Kyung;Yoon, Soon-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.48-60
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    • 2000
  • This study is aimed to clarify the distribution chracteristics of marine terraces and extract the specific surface at Gampo-eup, Gyeongju city on the map of 1:5,000 using GIS. The effects and problems occurred on the process of using GIS were investigated for the research of marine terrace. The longitudinal profile analysis was carried out along the 12 sections on the geomorphic surfaces of the study area, and actually High higher surface(HH-surface) was found over 100m a.s.l., which has not been reported till now. And the occupancy rate could be calculated by substitution on the height between 4m and 87m a.s.l. for each mean slope degree $1-5^{\circ}$ obtained from the actual measuring along four sections. Consequently the lower-I surface was highly reliable to use as the key bed for studying marine terraces. The accurate and detail analysis about the marine terraces is able to be accomplished on the basis of meaningful actual measuring, though its general possible distribution area can be extracted from GIS with the less effort. Namely the quantified results obtained from GIS could offer the basis for the objective analysis of the geomorphic surfaces. And we can look over the landscape and investigate the surfaces with reliefs effectively in relation to the real geomorphology on the study area, where in situ approach is difficult. But the digital map with a large scale should be offered first of all in order to raise the accuracy of the analysis.

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The Simulation of Flood Inundation of Namdae Stream with GIS-based FLUMEN model (GIS 기반 FLUMEN 모형을 이용한 남대천 홍수범람 모의실험)

  • Lee, Geun-Sang;Choi, Yun-Woong
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2010
  • This study simulated flood inundation each frequency rainfall using GIS spatial information and FLUMEN model for part of Muju-Namdae Stream. To create geomorphology for the analysis of flood inundation, Triangle Irregular Network(TIN) was constructed using GIS spatial interpolation method based on digital topographic map and river profile data, unique data source to represent real topography of the river areas. And also flood inundation was operated according to the levee collapse to consider extremely flood damage scenarios. As the analysis of result, the inundation area in the left levee collapse showed more high as 3.13, 3.69, and 4.17 times comparing with one of right levee for 50, 100, and 200 year frequency rainfall and showed 1.00, 2.15, and 3.34 times comparing with one of right levee in the inundation depth with over 1.0 meter, which can cause casualties. As the analysis of inundation area of the inundation depth with over 1.0 meter, which can cause casualties in left levee collapse, it increased more high as 263% and 473% when 50 year frequency change into 100 and 200 year frequency. Also As the analysis of inundation area of the inundation depth with over 1.0 meter in right levee collapse, it increased high as 123% and 142% when 50 year frequency change into 100 and 200 year frequency. Especially, the inundation area of the inundation depth with 3.0~3.5m showed more high as 263% and 489% when 50 year frequency change into 100 and 200 year frequency. It is expected that flood inundation map of this paper could be important decision making data to establish land use planning and water treatment measures.