• Title/Summary/Keyword: geological complexity

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A Study on the Blasting Dynamic Analysis using the Measurement Vibration Waveform (실측진동파형을 이용한 발파 동해석 기법에 관한 연구)

  • 최성웅;박의섭;선우춘;정소걸
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.108-120
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    • 2004
  • Dynamic analysis has been increased recently to analyze the effect of the blasting vibration on the rock mass as well as the surrounding structures. The major input parameter far the general dynamic analysis, however, is merely the blasting pressure which can be obtained from the blasting pressure-time history curves. But in case of the complicate geological condition it is not simple to apply the blasting pressure on the numerical analysis because e ground vibration characteristics should be obtained considering the complexity of ground condition. Therefore the authors tried to use the blasting vibration waveform as an input data This vinylation frequency could be obtained from the test blasting in the Pasir mine, Indonesia. Through the dynamic numerical analysis on the slopes in Pasir, the current situation of this slope could be simulated precisely.

Intelligent management system for tunnel under construction using ITIS (Intelligent Tunnelling Information System)

  • Kim Changyong;Hong Sungwan;Bae Gyujin;Kim Kwangyeom
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.170-175
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    • 2003
  • Ground and rock mass considered in tunnelling have characteristics such as uncertainty, heterogeneity and structural complexity because they have been formed undergoing various geological events for a long period. So, it is difficult for engineers to predict behaviors of rock mass in tunneling. In the paper the authors describe the development of an integrated expert system prototype for site investigation, design and construction in tunnelling and introduce the case applying this system to the tunnel construction site under construction. Geostructure Research Group in Korea Institute of Construction Technology (KICT) has developed the system during the past 4 years. The system mainly consists of several modules which is related to the design, construction and management of tunnelling. The test site, Neung-dong tunnel is located in Ulsan, Korea. The geology map shows it may confront big fault zone whose width is over kilometres. With the networking system of ITIS, various information of face mapping, monitoring and other construction task can be transmitted into the database and GIS Server at real time. And necessary analyses can be carried out with the modules equipped in the system.

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Temperature Prediction of Underground Working Place Using Artificial Neural Networks (인공신경망을 이용한 심부 갱내온도 예측)

  • Kim, Yun-Kwang;Kim, Jin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2007
  • The prediction of temperature in the workings for the propriety examination for the development of a deep coal bed and the ventilation design is fairly important. It is quite demanding to obtain precise thermal conductivity of rock due to the variety and the complexity of the rock types contiguous to the coal bed. Therefore, to estimate the thermal conductivity corresponding to this geological situation and complex gallery conditions, a computing program which is TemPredict, is developed in this study. It employs Artificial Neural Network and calculates the climatic conditions in galleries. This advanced neural network is based upon the Back-Propagation Algorithm and composed of the input layers that are acceptant of the physical and geological factors of the coal bed and the hidden layers each of which has the 5 and 3 neurons. To verify TemPredict, the calculated result is compared with the measured one at the entrance of -300 ML 9X of Jang-sung production department, Jang-sung Coal Mine. The difference between the results calculated by TemPredict ($25.65^{\circ}C$) and measured ($25.7^{\circ}C$) is only $0.05^{\circ}C$, which is less than the allowable error 5%. The result has more than 95% of very high reliability. The temperature prediction for the main carriage gallery 9X in -425 ML under construction when it is completed is made. Its result is $28.2^{\circ}C$. In the future, it would contribute to the ventilation design for the mine and the underground structures.


  • Lee, Jae-Bin;Han, Dong-Yeob;Yu, Ki-Yun;Kim, Yong-Il
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • v.1
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    • pp.500-503
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    • 2006
  • To adjust the discrepancy between Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) strips, previous researches generally have been conducted using conjugate features, which are called feature-based approaches. However, irrespective of the type of features used, the adjustment process relies upon the existence of suitable conjugate features within the overlapping area and the ability of employed methods to detect and extract the features. These limitations make the process complex and sometimes limit the applicability of developed methodologies because of a lack of suitable features in overlapping areas. To address these drawbacks, this paper presents a methodology using area-based algorithms. This approach is based on the scheme that discrepancies make complex the local height variations of LIDAR data whithin overlapping area. This scheme can be helpful to determine an appropriate transformation for adjustment in the way that minimizes the geographical complexity. During the process, the contour tree (CT) was used to represent the geological characteristics of LIDAR points in overlapping area and the Iterative Closest Points (ICP) algorithm was applied to automatically determine parameters of transformation. After transformation, discrepancies were measured again and the results were evaluated statistically. This research provides a robust methodology without restrictions involved in methods that employ conjugate features. Our method also makes the overall adjustment process generally applicable and automated.

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Geotechnical characteristics and consolidation properties of Tianjin marine clay

  • Lei, Huayang;Feng, Shuangxi;Jiang, Yan
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.125-140
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    • 2018
  • Tianjin, which is located on the west shore of the Bohai Sea, is part of China's Circum-Bohai-Sea Region, where very weak clay is deposited. From the 1970s to the early $21^{st}$ century, Tianjin marine clay deposits have been the subject of numerous geotechnical investigations. Because of these deposits' geological complexity, great depositional thickness, high water content, large void ratio, excessive settlement, and low shear strength, the geotechnical properties of Tianjin marine clay need to be summarized and evaluated based on various in situ and laboratory tests so that Tianjin can safely and economically sustain more infrastructure in the coming decades. In this study, the properties of Tianjin marine clay, especially its consolidation properties, are summarized, evaluated and discussed. The focus is on establishing correlations between the geotechnical property indexes and mechanical parameters of Tianjin marine clay. These correlations include the correlations between the water content and the void ratio, the depth and the undrained shear strength, the liquid limit and the compression index, the tip resistance and the constrained modulus, the plasticity index and the ratio of undrained shear strength and the preconsolidation pressure. In addition, the primary consolidation properties of Tianjin marine clay, such as the intrinsic compression line (ICL), sedimentation compression line (SCL), compression index, $C_c$, coefficient of consolidation, $C_v$, and hydraulic conductivity change index, $C_{kv}$, are evaluated and discussed. A secondary consolidation property, i.e., the secondary compression index, $C_a$, is also investigated, and the results show that the ratio of $C_a/C_c$ for Tianjin marine clay can be used to calculate $C_a$ in secondary consolidation settlement predictions.

Assessment of organic matter biodegradation and physico-chemical parameters variation during co-composting of lignocellulosic wastes with Trametes trogii inoculation

  • Fersi, Mariem;Mbarki, Khadija;Gargouri, Kamel;Mechichi, Tahar;Hachicha, Ridha
    • Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.670-679
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    • 2019
  • Lignin complexity molecule makes its biodegradation difficult during lignocellulosic wastes composting. So, the improvement of its biodegradation has usually been considered as an objective. This study aimed to determine the impact of Trametes trogii inoculation on organic matter and particularly on lignin and cellulose during green wastes co-composting with olive mill waste water sludge and coffee grounds. Three types of heaps (H1, H2 and H3) were investigated during 180 d. H3 and H2 were inoculated at the beginning of the process (t0) and 120 d later (t120), respectively while H1 was the control. Results showed the absence of pH stabilization in H3 during the first month. Also, in this period we observed a faster degradation of some easily available organic matter in H3 than in the other heaps. After 120 d, a better cellulose decomposition (25.28%) was noticed in H3 than in H1 and H2 (16%). Inoculation during the second fermentation phase induced supplementary lignin degradation in H2 with a percentage of 35% against 23 and 26% for H1 and H3, respectively. For all the runs, a Fourier Transform Infrared analysis showed aliphatic groups' decrease, OH groups' increase and lignin structural modification.

Estimating the shear velocity profile of Quaternary silts using microtremor array (SPAC) measurements (Microtremor 배열 (SPAC) 측정을 이용한 제4기 실트층의 S파 속도구조 추정)

  • Roberts James;Asten Michael
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.34-40
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    • 2005
  • We have used the microtremor method, with arrays of up to 96 m diameter, to carry out non-invasive estimation of shear-wave velocity profiles to a depth of 30 to 50 m in unconsolidated Quaternary Yarra Delta sediments. Two silt units (Coode Island Silt, and Fishermans Bend Silt) dominate our interpretation; the method yields shear velocities for these units with precision of $5\%$, and differentiates between the former, softer unit ($V_s$=130 m/sec) and the latter, firmer unit ($V_s$=235 m/sec). Below these silts, the method resolves a firm unit correlating with known gravels ($V_s$ 500 to 650 m/sec). Using surface traverses with the single-station H/V spectral ratio method, we show that the variation in thickness of the softer silt can be mapped rapidly but only qualitatively. The complexity of the geological section requires that array methods be used when quantitative shear-wave velocity profiles are desired.

Convolutional Neural Network with Expert Knowledge for Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery Classification

  • Wu, Chunming;Wang, Meng;Gao, Lang;Song, Weijing;Tian, Tian;Choo, Kim-Kwang Raymond
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.3917-3941
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    • 2019
  • The recent interest in artificial intelligence and machine learning has partly contributed to an interest in the use of such approaches for hyperspectral remote sensing (HRS) imagery classification, as evidenced by the increasing number of deep framework with deep convolutional neural networks (CNN) structures proposed in the literature. In these approaches, the assumption of obtaining high quality deep features by using CNN is not always easy and efficient because of the complex data distribution and the limited sample size. In this paper, conventional handcrafted learning-based multi features based on expert knowledge are introduced as the input of a special designed CNN to improve the pixel description and classification performance of HRS imagery. The introduction of these handcrafted features can reduce the complexity of the original HRS data and reduce the sample requirements by eliminating redundant information and improving the starting point of deep feature training. It also provides some concise and effective features that are not readily available from direct training with CNN. Evaluations using three public HRS datasets demonstrate the utility of our proposed method in HRS classification.

Fuzzy-based multiple decision method for landslide susceptibility and hazard assessment: A case study of Tabriz, Iran

  • Nanehkaran, Yaser A.;Mao, Yimin;Azarafza, Mohammad;Kockar, Mustafa K.;Zhu, Hong-Hu
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.407-418
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    • 2021
  • Due to the complexity of the causes of the sliding mass instabilities, landslide susceptibility and hazard evaluation are difficult, but they can be more carefully considered and regionally evaluated by using new programming technologies to minimize the hazard. This study aims to evaluate the landslide hazard zonation in the Tabriz region, Iran. A fuzzy logic-based multi-criteria decision-making method was proposed for susceptibility analysis and preparing the hazard zonation maps implemented in MATLAB programming language and Geographic Information System (GIS) environment. In this study, five main factors have been identified as triggering including climate (i.e., precipitation, temperature), geomorphology (i.e., slope gradient, slope aspect, land cover), tectonic and seismic parameters (i.e., tectonic lineament congestion, distribution of earthquakes, the unsafe radius of main faults, seismicity), geological and hydrological conditions (i.e., drainage patterns, hydraulic gradient, groundwater table depth, weathered geo-materials), and human activities (i.e., distance to roads, distance to the municipal areas) in the study area. The results of analyses are presented as a landslide hazard map which is classified into 5 different sensitive categories (i.e., insignificant to very high potential). Then, landslide susceptibility maps were prepared for the Tabriz region, which is categorized in a high-sensitive area located in the northern parts of the area. Based on these maps, the Bozgoosh-Sahand mountainous belt, Misho-Miro Mountains and western highlands of Jolfa have been delineated as risk-able zones.

Geophysical Investigation of the change of geological environment of the Nanjido Landfill due to the Stabilization Process (난지도 매립장의 안정화에 따른 지질환경 변화 조사를 위한 지구물리 탐사)

  • Lee, Kie-Hwa;Kwon, Byung-Doo;Rim, Hyoung-Rae;Yang, Jun-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.113-126
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    • 2000
  • We have conducted multiple geophysical surveys to investigate the geoenvironmental change of the Nanjido Landfill due to the stabilization process. Geophyscial surveys are comprized of gravity, magnetic, dipole-dipole electrical and SP methods. Due to the field conditions, surveys were conducted on the top surface of the landfill no.2 and southern border areas in front of landfills. The gravity anomalies obtained on the top surface of the landfill no.2 in 1999 show that the gradient of the anomaly on the central area is decreasing in comparison with that observed four years ago. The complexity of magnetic anomaly pattern it also decreasing. These facts suggest that the stabilization work of the Nanjido landfill makes some progress by compaction process due to repetitive subsidence and refilling. The dipole-dipole electrical resistivity and SP data obtained on the outside of the waterproof wall at the landfill no.1 were severely affected by unsatisfactory surface conditions. On the other hand, the dipole-dipole electrical resistivity profiles obtained on the inside and outside parts of the waterproof wall at the landfill no.2 show the blocking effect of leachate flow by the waterproof wall. Few SP anomalies are observed on the top and side surfaces of the landfill no.2, but SP anomalies obtained on the base area inside the waterproof wall strongly reflect the effect of leachate collecting wells.

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