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Value Objectives and their Content in Geographic Education (地理敎育의 價値目標와 그 內容에 관한 고찰)

  • Yi, Kyeong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 1996
  • Value objectives have been relatively neglected in geography education. Then in this study I reviewed some value objectives and their contents which have been discussed in geographic education and curriculum in secondary education. Value objectives which are reviewed in geographic education, are regional consciousness, loving home country and nation, international understanding and citizenship, art of landscape, natural and environmental beauty, and human right. But values objectives in geography curriculum are included value incalculation: national development, participation in economic development, etc.. Namely development education is more emphasized than individual life and experience in geographic education. Value objectives should be on the basis of social education and citizenship education for geographic education. Futhermore, it is required to develop teaching methods which help student's socialization and social competence through geography education focused on value objectives and their content.

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Land Use Classification of TM Imagery in Hilly Areas: Integration of Image Processing and Expert Knowledge

  • Ding, Feng;Chen, Wenhui;Zheng, Daxian
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1329-1331
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    • 2003
  • Improvement of the classification accuracy is one of the major concerns in the field of remote sensing application research in recent years. Previous research shows that the accuracy of the conventional classification methods based only on the original spectral information were usually unsatisfied and need to be refined by manual edit. This present paper describes a method of combining the image processing, ancillary data (such as digital elevation model) and expert knowledge (especially the knowledge of local professionals) to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the satellite image classification in hilly land. Firstly, the Landsat TM data were geo-referenced. Secondly, the individual bands of the image were intensitynormalized and the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) image was also generated. Thirdly, a set of sample pixels (collected from field survey) were utilized to discover their corresponding DN (digital number) ranges in the NDVI image, and to explore the relationships between land use type and its corresponding spectral features . Then, using the knowledge discovered from previous steps as well as knowledge from local professionals, with the support of GIS technology and the ancillary data, a set of conditional statements were applied to perform the TM imagery classification. The results showed that the integration of image processing and spatial analysis functions in GIS improved the overall classification result if compared with the conventional methods.

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Research on the relationship between the thermal characteristics and the type of land cover in Beijing urban area by ASTER data

  • Zhu, QiJiang;Zhang, Xin;Bai, Xianghua
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.277-279
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    • 2003
  • The study utilizes remote sensing as the main monitoring means. With different spatial high-resolution, multichannel ASTER remote sensing image as the main information in Beijing city zone; with regional border and statistical data as auxiliary factor a study between the thermal space distribution character and the underground medium is analyzed based on the GIS logical algorithm and synthetic analysis technology. Results show thermal forming mechanism and the rule of distribution is mainly related to the underground medium and the change of the city distribution. Different underground medium has different degree and intensity influence on the thermal space distribution. Furthermore, urban greenbelt and water areas can reduce the thermal effect and large-scale greenbelt creates green island effect. In addition, Road net, residential area, population density, heat resources and so on have some positive effect on the thermal distribution, which increase the local temperature and intensity on the other hand. It is important to study the thermal distribution and its related factors, which contributes to the plan, construction and development of the city.

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The Development and Application of Use of National Framework Data Product Specification in Facility Area (시설물분야 기본지리정보의 생산사양 개발 및 활용성 평가)

  • Choi Dong-ju;Ru Ji-ho;Lee Hyun-jik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.157-163
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    • 2005
  • In the 21th century as knowledge-based society and according as GIS is embossed, demand of map is increasing rapidly for GIS's basic. Ministry of Construction & Transportation Republic of Korea National Geographic Information Institute who supervise basis geography information run the studies of basis geography information construction, therefore choice of each subject extent and standardization of data model for basis geography information is attained. In this study, framework data has been established in three steps according to Framework data Product Specification in Facility Area. Also the evaluation of usability was implemented as combining Framework data.

Granite Landforms in the Vicinity of Seungil-gyo Bridge at Cheorwon, Central Korea (철원군 승일교 인근의 화강암 지형 경관)

  • LEE, Min-Boo;HAN, Joo-Yup;KIM, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated granite landforms formed by Hantan-gang fluvial erosion and deposition, or by weathering in the area neighboring the Seungil-gyo bridge in Cheorwon-gun Gangwon-do Korea, in which the contact zone of Myeongseongsan granite and Cheorwon lava plateau creates a unique landform. Major granite landforms are deeply weathered hill, sheet erosional landform, paleo-landform surface and paleosoil, micro-fluvial landforms such as pothole and groove, granite rampart, sand bar and boulder bar, former riverbed. And river cliffs on a weakly weathered dome act as a barrier to lateral shifting of the river.

Quantitative Reconstruction of Sea Level Change Using Diatom-Based Transfer Function at Sinduk-ri, Gochang-Gun Since the Middle Holocene (규조기반 전이함수를 활용한 Holocene 중기 이후 고창군 신덕리 일대의 정량적 해수면 변동)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yun;Yoon, Soon-Ock;Yang, Dong Yoon;Hwang, Sangill
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2017
  • This study is quantitative reconstruction of palaeo sea level records around Sinduk-ri, Gochang-Gun. 7 cores were collected from GC14 to GC18 in order to examine the entire sedimentary facies and reconstruct the sea level records. The cores were analysed by AMS, sedimentary facies, diatom and WA-pls. As a result of the diatom analysis, diatom zone were classified as No diatom zone, B1 zone, M zone and B2 zone. The result of WA-pls was that the sea level was about 1.5m lower than the present level around 6,000 BP and about 1m lower during last 5,000 BP. Thereafter, sea level rose to the present during the Mc sub-diatom zone period. Moreover, during the Md sub-diatom zone period, sea level was about 0.5m higher than the present.

Reconstruction of the Paleo-Environment Since the Middle Holocene Using Pollen Analysis at Yulha-dong, Kimhae-si, South Korea (김해 율하 지역 화분분석을 통한 홀로세 중기 이래 고환경 복원)

  • Hwang, Sangill;Hwang, Beomjin;Yoon, Soon-Ock
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2017
  • The paleo-environments including changes in vegetation, climate, and sea level since the middle Holocene(6,400(?)-1,800(?) yr BP) were reconstructed with the special reference to pollen analysis from two trench samples at Yulha-dong, Kimhae-si, southern Korea. The environmental characteristics by the pollen zonation wassummarized asfollows: Pollenzone I(6,400(?)~3,940(?) yr BP)showed the dominance of Quercus species with broad-leaved trees, it was warm condition. Pollenzone II(3,940(?)~2,300(?) yr BP) was characterized to the yellow soil indicating terrestrial environment. Moreover, it showed Alnus-NAP period related to the extension of agriculture and deforestation by the rapid decrease of Quercus and increase of Gramineae. Pollenzone III(2,300(?)~1,800(?) yr BP) showed human impact from the increase of NAP and Pinus. Plenty of Quercus with deciduous broad-leaved trees also suggested warmer condition than before.

The Processes of Coastal Dunes and its Geomorphological Characteristics, Ui-island, Shinan-gun, Korea (우이도 해안사구의 지형특성과 형성과정)

  • Shin, Won Jeong;Kim, Jong Wook;Kim, Jong Yeon;Choi, Jeong-Heon
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2017
  • Massive coastal sand dunes are distributed in Ui-island, Shinan-gun. The sand dunes in Ui-island is worth studying, in terms of preserving natural environment without anthropogenic impacts. In this study, we surveyed geomorphological processes of the sand dune based upon measuring of geometric properties, grain size analysis, and OSL(Optically Stimulated Luminescence) age dating. The sediments of the dune consist mainly of well sorted medium sand with about 250$\mu$m. Based on spatial distribution of sand dunes, we found that they are formed by northwest monsoon during winter, and sands are supplied from Seongchon area in northern UI-island. According to OSL age dating, the sand dunes were deposited from $0.07{\pm}0.01ka$ to $0.17{\pm}0.04ka$. This result shows that the transformation of the dune due to the sand movement by wind was active during the last 100-200 years. The aerial photograph indicates that the dimension of the largest sand dune has decreased since 1945. Further research is needed to get more detailed information on geomorphic changes of sand dunes in UI-island.

A Time-Series Analysis of the Erosion and Deposition around Halmi-island, Baramarae (안면도 바람아래 할미섬 주변의 시계열적 침식·퇴적환경 변화 분석)

  • Yu, Jae Jin;Kim, Jang-soo;JANG, Dong-Ho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.47-60
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    • 2016
  • In this study, datum points measurement have been collected and then weather data have been analyzed to figure out erosion and deposition environmental change around Halmi-island, Baramarae. First of all, it was difficult to analyze geomorphological change which is caused by climate change because of quite short term of collection period of data. However, differences in spatial distribution of erosion and deposition have locally been shown. In all season, the wind is blowing in north and north-west direction mostly except in summer which is shifted to south direction. However, since its ratio which are above 5m/s is much lower than the north and north-west wind, its effect on geomorphological process is very tiny. In order to look at a tendency of erosion and deposition environmental change around Baramarae Halmi-island, the periphery of Halmi-island was classified to east and west part, then accumulated erosion and deposition values have been calculated. As a result, generally, the datum points are located in the west part which are mostly depositional sites. On the other hand, the datum points are located in east part showed the dominant erosion patterns.

Sea level change and paleogeomorphological change since the middle Holocene in the lowerreaches of Taehwa River, Ulsan-si, South Korea (울산시 태화강 하류부의 Holocene 중기 이래 해수면변동과 고지형변화)

  • Kim, Jeong-Yun;Hwang, Sangill;Yoon, Soon-Ock
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.61-75
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    • 2016
  • This study aims to reconstruct sea level change and paleogeomorphology since the middle Holocene by diatom analysis and 14C-dating from the sedimentary facies of three trenches on alluvial plain of Taehwa River, Taehwa-dong, Ulsan-si, South Korea. The Taewha-dong area was a narrow bay located between Bangeojin and eatuary of Taehwa River was a narrow bay which has been detached from the open sea during middle Holocene. Taewa-dong area at bay area was developed into alluvial plain by the sediments had been come from the Taewa river basin. The sea level change during the middle Holocene effected on the development of Taewha-dong alluvial plain and its information is included in the sediment facies.