• Title/Summary/Keyword: geographical information system (GIS)

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A Study on the Application and Requirements of Socioeconomic GIS Data (사회경제적 지리정보 활용 및 데이터 요구조건에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Kwang-Woo;Kim, Ho-Yong;Lee, Sung-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hak;Ha, Su-Wook;Choi, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2005
  • Most advanced countries in GIS field have established and managed georeferenced socioeconomic data systematically and made a great profit on various social and economic areas. In Korea, however, socioeconomic geographical information is relatively poor compared to systems related to geographical and topographical features. This is mainly due to the characteristics of the process from the construction to the utilization of socioeconomic data. That is, from the stage of data construction, socioeconomic data require solutions for frequent changes compared to data on geographical and topographical features and, because of difficulties in marking the positions of individual entities, information is built up through setting appropriate spatial units of aggregation. In the stage of data utilization, the data often need to be combined with other types of socioeconomic data due to the complexity of socioeconomic phenomena. Thus, the this study examined usability of GIS in socioeconomic fields and the spatial dimension of socioeconomic information through representative cases of GIS in developed countries and, based on the results, derived data requirements for socioeconomic GIS found in the construction and utilization of data and proposed solutions for the requirements.

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An Implementation of Expression System and Model for Automatic Creation of Flooding Area in the river (하천범람 영역 자동생성 모델 및 표출 시스템 구현)

  • Choi, Eun-Hye;Hwang, Hyun-Suk;Kim, Chang-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.654-660
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    • 2012
  • The goal of this paper is to calculate flood elevation by applying temporal distribution of rainfall through HEC-RAS(Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System) and to automatically create areas of flooding by a user-defined spatial model based on GIS using calculated values of flood elevation and detailed data of topography. Accuracy of topographic data is the most important factor because of deeply changing analysis results of flooding areas of a river. Therefore, this paper suggests a method of attributive and spatial data construction based on the GIS using UIS(Urban Information System, river-related reports, and hydrologic information. Also, we implement an expression system to provide analysis results extracted from the proposed model.

GOOD 2.0 : a Geographical Data Manager using Spatial indices (GOOD 2.0 : 공간 인덱스를 사용한 지리 데이타 관리기)

  • Oh, Byoung-Woo;Han, Ki-Joon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 1995
  • A spatial index is necessary to support an efficient search in a geographical information system (GIS) that is important in these days. In this paper, we design and implement a geographical data manager, called GOOD (Geo-object Oriented Data Manager) 2.0, by extending GOOD 1.0 with a spatial index processing module. That is, R-tree and R*-tree are used as a spatial index in this paper to make an efficient search possible. In addition, this paper conducts a performance evaluation to measure the improvement in search efficiency and analyzes the results of the performance evaluation. When the performance evaluation is carried out, we consider various environment factors to allow an GIS administrator to use the results as a basic data in selecting an appropriate spatial index.

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A Web-GIS System Model on Public Domain Softwares for Managing of Geographical Science Data (지형 과학 자료 관리를 위한 공개 소프트웨어 기반 Web-GIS 시스템 모델)

  • 이희두;오일석
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10c
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    • pp.656-658
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    • 1998
  • 환경, 생물 다양성, 기상 등의 많은 과학 자료들을 과학적으로 표현하고 관리하기 위해서는 지리 정보를 사용할 필요가 있다. 이러한 자료 관리 주체 대부분은 환경 단체, 지방 단체, 연구 단체들이고 이러한 단체의 수가 많고 지역적으로 분산되어 있다는 특성이 있다. 때문에 고가의 상업용 GIS 소프트웨어에 의존하여 엄청난 외화 지불을 야기하고 국내 GIS 기반 기술의 축적을 어렵게 하는 현재의 국내 상황은 적절치 않다. 본 논문은 이러한 상황을 타개하기 위한 하나의 대안으로서 공개 소프트웨어 기반한 Web-GIS 시스템 모델을 제안한다. 이 모델에서는 공간 자료 관리를 위해서는 GRASS, 텍스트 및 멀티미디어 자료 관리는 MySQL, 이들을 하나로 통합 운용하고 웹에 접속하기 위해서 GRASSLinks와 CGI를 사용한다.

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Effective Classification Framework Design and Implementation for Rural Regional Information using Principal Component Analysis and Cluster Analysis (주성분 분석 및 군집분석을 이용한 지역정보 유형화 프레임워크의 설계와 구현)

  • Suh, Kyo;Kim, Tae-Gon;Lee, Ji-Min;Lee, Jeong-Jae
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2012
  • For planning and developing rural regions, it is very important to understand and utilize regional characteristics including social, demographic, and economic aspects. The purpose of this study is to find effective analysis techniques and provide a procedure design for mining regional characteristics in South Korea through reviewing and analyzing 41 related studies. The engaged research methods can be classified into five categories (PCA+CA, PCA, CA, GIS, and PCA+GIS) with the combination of three methodologies: principal component analysis (PCA), cluster analysis (CA), and geographical information system (GIS). The combination of PCA and CA occupied about 40 % of research methods used in related studies. The analysis tool of Korean Rural Information Supporting System (KRISS) is designed based on the outcomes of this study and applied to classify the regional capacity of agriculture using agricultural census data (2000) for evaluating its applicability.

The Implementation of GIS Network Analysis System for Resource Allocation and Locating Facilities (자원 할당 및 입지 설정을 위한 GIS 네트워크 분석 시스템의 구현)

  • 우성호;양성봉
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1998.10b
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    • pp.144-146
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    • 1998
  • GIS(Geographical Information System)의 네트워크는 실세계의 도로망, 전기망, 상하수도관 등을 표현한다.[4] 우리는 네트워크 분석 기능 중 자원 할당과 입지설정과 관련된 기능들의 Gothic 시스템에서 구현하였다. 자원 할당 문제는 네트워크 상에 자원을 공급하는 공급지와 자원이 이동하는 경로, 그리고 자원의 수요지가 존재할 때, 공급지의 자원 공급 능력과, 자원의 이동 비용, 그리고 자원의 수요량과의 연관관계를 고려하여 자원이 할당되는 지역을 설정해 주는 문제이다. 입지 설정 문제는 자원을 공급하는 서비스 센터의 위치를 결정해 준다. 센터의 위치는 인구로 대표되는 소비자의 분포와 이동 비용에 의해 결정된다. 입지 설정은 어떤 지점의 인구 밀집도를 분석해 주는 포텐셜(potential) 함수[3]와, 소비자들의 이동을 최소화시킬 수 있는 센터의 위치를 설정해 주는 두 기능으로 구성된다. 센터의 위치를 설정해 주는 문제는 높은 계산 량을 요구하므로, 본 시스템에서는 네트워크 클러스터링을 이용하여 연산의 양을 줄이는 Approximation 기법을 사용하였다.

The Study of Land Aptitude Assessment System Improvement Plan (토지적성평가 체계의 개선방안 연구)

  • Jeong, Jong-Chul;Lee, Sanggil
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the appropriateness of land aptitude assessment system and to draw up the improvement of this method. The land aptitude assessment system is used to evaluate the effective demand of land development and land conservation. But, this assessment system has the technical problem of selection standards because the land development and the land conservation are against each other. In terms of the relation between development and conservation of land aptitude assessment system, development was increased rapidly as the economic pressure of local government. The application of the land aptitude assessment system using GIS methods was very useful for local plan. However, this system need to improve the selection standards of GIS parameters and statistical methods for the desirable land assessment system.

Development of a Scenario-based GIS Tool for Planning and Design of Eco-Village (시나리오 기반의 생태마을 계획 및 설계 지원 GIS도구 개발)

  • Park, Sung-Woo;Kim, Doo-Soon;Ahn, Kyung-Mo
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2013
  • A tool to assist in designing an eco-village was developed using GIS(Geographical Information System) and RS(Remote Sensing) data and images. The difficulties of using GIS by untrained designers are resolved by simplifying the usage and making it a user friendly scenario-based tool, so that the designers with limited knowledge in GIS can use as a design tool. For this task, Da-Mu-Po, a village in Pohang, Gyeongbuk was picked as a site to test the design tool; through planning and designing as an eco friendly village, we tested the flexibility and usability of our newly developed design tool. From this experiment we also introduced test version of stand-alone GIS design tool by constructing program scenario and GUI(Graphic User Interface).

Applications of Geographic Information Systems in Public Library Marketing (지리정보시스템을 활용한 공공도서관 마케팅)

  • Lee, Seong-Sin
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.179-195
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the implications that GIS(Geographic Information Systems) can have in public library collection selection and service development from a marketing perspective. GIS is a computer system capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information. Through the understanding and utilization of GIS, we can collect geographical, transportation, political, legal, demographic, economic, social, cultural, educational, and recreational information of the community. Public libraries can utilize GIS for market research, including customer analysis to select library collection and develop library service based on library users' needs. As a result, public libraries can find a way to make a lasting relationship with users which is the final goal of marketing activities.

A Design of Semantics Filter for GIS

  • Nerome, Moeko;Yabiku, Tomohide;Onaga, Yoshitaka;Kang, Dongshik;Miyagi, Hayao;Onaga, Kenji
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.587-590
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    • 2002
  • We propose a semantics filter aimed at filtering unnecessary data for a user. In the Geographic Information Systems (GIS), transfer of spatial data for each user is one of the important problems. We design a system that filters spatial data by using user's information adaptively. Our system derives the degree of geographical knowledge and the priority of buildings by using fuzzy reasoning. Furthermore, this system computes the priority of roads by deriving the contiguity relation between a building and a road. This paper describes a method for filtering of spatial data.

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