• Title/Summary/Keyword: geographical criteria point

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The Possibility of Geographical Range Change of 'Ho-Nam' as a Place Name (지명 '호남(湖南)'의 형성과 지리적 범위 변화 가능성)

  • Cho, Sung-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.199-211
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    • 2008
  • This study looks into existing discussion about the entry time and the geographical criteria point of 'Ho-Nam' as a place name. And discusses the reason which the geographical criteria point is not clear with emphasis on the possibility of the geographical range change of place name. The result is as follows. Firstly, the regional criteria of 'Ho-Nam' is Kum-River if we consider direction and the role as a regional barrier among the existing offered criteria. Secondary, the criteria of Ho-Nam and Ho-Seo might be different each other. A place name of Ho-Nam had appeared before Chosun period as a geographical concept and changed to the cultural concept during Chosun period. And Ho-Seo was established in Chosun period. But 'Ho-Nam=Jeon-la Province' and 'Ho-Seo=Chung-cheong Province' is established during Chosun period as a cultural concept. Thirdly, the geographical range of Ho-Nam of Go-Ryeo period and Chosun period were different each other. Fourthly, the criteria of Ho-Nam may be the Han-River if we consider the entry time and geographical range change.

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A Study on the Evaluation and Categorization of National Heritage 'Myeongseung' in Korea from the Viewpoint of World Heritage Concept and its Criteria (세계유산의 관점에서 본 국가 유산의 가치 평가와 범주화 연구: 문화재청 지정 국가 '명승'을 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Jong-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.6
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    • pp.929-943
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    • 2013
  • This paper examines the evaluation and categorization of national heritage 'Myeongseung(scenic places)' from the viewpoint of world heritage concept and its criteria. This study focuses on Myeongseung because the author thinks it implies the unique human-nature relationships that have been evolved in Korean Peninsula, and then draws some pending problems with the evaluation of those heritage. Formerly, the paper discusses theoretically the outcome and point at issue on concept, criteria, evaluation of world heritage, and then proposes three issues on the evaluation and categorization of national heritage 'Myeongseung': first, the establishment of basic concept for evaluation of heritage; second, the building of unified criteria list to cover both natural and cultural heritage; and third, the reorganization of categories for the advanced registration and management. Especially, the author emphasizes that it is necessary rather to extend actively the world heritage concept than to regard it as a fixed framework.

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A Study on the Planning Characteristics of the Dosanseodang through the Review of "The Writings of Toegye" (퇴계집을 통하여 본 도산서당의 조영적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • 김영모;최기수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.98-106
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    • 1993
  • As a faithful study about the intended plan of builder, this article studied the Dosanseodang(陶山書堂) which is located in the Dosanseodang(陶山書堂). The Dosanseowon is one of the representative Yi-Dynasty' Seowons. Through the review of $\ulcorner$The Writings of Toegye$\lrcorner$. It is found several intended plan of the Dosanseodang(陶山書 堂) as follows. 1. When Toegye located the site of the Dosanseodang in the Dosan, using four criteria such as 1) geographical characteristics(地 理), 2) hills and waters(山水) 3) form and orientation of valley, 4) so-cial characteristics. 2. In the Dosan area, the location of Seodang was determined by the physical characteristics of the valley(orientation and entrance), not by the concept of Fung-sui(風水). 3. The whole spatial structure of Seodang area formed triangle, and the Dosanseodang was located at the angular point of the triangle. 4. The landscape elements of the Dosanseodang falled into the three landscape hierarchy such as a front view, a middle view, and a distance view. Besides the three views, there was a borrowed view which Toegye defined in terms of ownership.

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A Study on Determination of an Optimum Riparian Buffer Zone Based on Analytical Hierarchy Process (계층분석법을 이용한 적정 수변구역 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Haejin;Park, Seok-Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.555-562
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    • 2004
  • This paper presents the development and application of a riparian buffer zone design model(RBZDM). The model was developed as a decision-making tool for watershed management, by integrating geographic information system(GIS) and analytical hierarchy process(AHP) theory. Several factors for watershed management, such as pollution removal capacity, land aquisition cost, distribution of point and non-point pollution sources, and possibility of new pollution source location, were analyzed based on AHP theory. The vegetated buffer zone width was designed using GIS-based riparian buffer analysis. The developed model was applied to the Kyoungan Stream watershed, which is an important part of Paldang lake catchment area. The Kyoungan stream watershed was divided into sixteen subbasins. Six of them belong to the main stem, where the model was applied. Ten alternatives of buffer zone width and five hierarchial levels were designed. The relative importance and the relative preference were computed by pair-wise comparison of evaluation criteria given in hierarchial levels. The buffer zone width was determined by linear function of the given alternatives and relative preferences. From this study, it was determined that the six buffer zone widths of Kyoungan main stems would be 1,594, 1,744, 1,856, 1,782, 1,338, 1,780 meter, from upstream to downstream.

The research on enhance the reinforcement of marine crime and accident using geographical profiling (지리적 프로파일링을 활용한 해양 범죄 및 해양사고 대응력 강화에 관한 연구)

  • Soon, Gil-Tae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.48
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    • pp.147-176
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    • 2016
  • Korean Peninsula is surrounded by ocean on three sides. Because of this geographical quality over 97% of export and import volumes are exchange by sea. Foreign ship and international passenger vessels carries foreign tourist and globalization and internationalization increases this trends. Leisure population grows with national income increase and interest of ocean. And accidents and incidents rates are also increases. Korea Coast Guard's jurisdiction area is 4.5 times bigger than our country. The length of coastline is 14,963km including islands. One patrol vessel is responsible for 24,068km and one coast guard substation is responsible for 94km. Efficient patrol activities can not be provided. This research focus on this problem. Analyze the status and trends of maritime crime and suggest efficient patrol activities. To deal with increasing maritime crime rate this study suggest to use geographical profile method which developed early 1900s in USA. This geographical profile analyse the spatial characteristic and mapping this result. With this result potential crime zone can be predicted. One of the result is hot spot management which gives data about habitual crime zone. In Korea National Police Agency adopt this method in 2008 and apply on patrol and crime prevention activity by analysis of different criteria. Korea National Police Agency analyse the crime rate with crime type, crime zone and potential crime zone, and hourly, regionally criteria. Korea Coast Guard need to adopt this method and apply on maritime to make maritime crime map, which shows type of crime with regional, periodical result. With this geographical profiling we can set a Criminal Point which shows the place where the crime often occurs. The Criminal Points are set with the data of numerous rates such as homicide, robbery, burglary, missing, collision which happened in ocean. Set this crime as the major crime and manage the data more thoroughly. I expect to enhance the reinforcement of marine crime using this Criminal Points. Because this points will give us efficient way to prevent the maritime crime by placing the patrol vessel where they needed most.

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Categorizations of Nurses' Uniforms based on 3 Major Garment Characteristics (의복 음양, 명암 및 직업 상징성을 중심으로 한 간호사복의 범주화)

  • Lee, Hee-Seung;Kim, Jae-Sook
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.1004-1014
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study is to investigate the present condition of nurses' uniform design and to categorize the image of nurses' uniform design. To investigate the nurses' uniform design, total 241 data were collected from the pictures of nurses who work for private hospital and semi-general hospital in Deajeon and Seoul city and Chungnam province and the pictures of uniform for nurses in general hospital presented at nurses' uniform company web sites. This data was evaluated by 3 major garment characteristics, yin/yang, casual/professional, and lightness/ darkness-were used as criteria for categorizing the image of nurses' uniform design. Focus group consisting of 10 experts majored in Clothing and Textiles were evaluated by 7 point Likert type scales. Nurses' uniform design at the present time showed equal distribution in terms of yin/yang and casual/professional. However, in terms of lightness/darkness, nurses' uniform design were partial to light image. Therefore, dark image, specially dark and masculine image in nurses' uniform design were very rare. Nurses' uniform design had some differences by type of hospital, department, and geographical area. The most important meaning from the result through this study was that the nurse uniforms were classified into groups according to the present condition of nurses' uniform design.

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A Study on the GIS-based Deterministic MCDA Techniques for Evaluating the Flood Damage Reduction Alternatives (확정론적 다중의사결정기법을 이용한 최적 홍수저감대책 선정 기법 연구)

  • Lim, Kwang-Suop;Kim, Joo-Cheol;Hwang, Eui-Ho;Lee, Sang-Uk
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.44 no.12
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    • pp.1015-1029
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    • 2011
  • Conventional MCDA techniques have been used in the field of water resources in the past. A GIS can offer an effective spatial data-handling tool that can enhance water resources modeling through interfaces with sophisticated models. However, GIS systems have a limited capability as far as the analysis of the value structure is concerned. The MCDA techniques provide the tools for aggregating the geographical data and the decision maker's preferences into a one-dimensional value for analyzing alternative decisions. In other words, the MCDA allows multiple criteria to be used in deciding upon the best alternatives. The combination of GIS and MCDA capabilities is of critical importance in spatial multi-criteria analysis. The advantage of having spatial data is that it allows the consideration of the unique characteristics at every point. The purpose of this study is to identify, review, and evaluate the performance of a number of conventional MCDA techniques for integration with GIS. Even though there are a number of techniques which have been applied in many fields, this study will only consider the techniques that have been applied in floodplain decision-making problems. Two different methods for multi-criteria evaluation were selected to be integrated with GIS. These two algorithms are Compromise Programming (CP), Spatial Compromise Programming (SCP). The target region for a demonstration application of the methodology was the Suyoung River Basin in Korea.

A Study of Landscape Management Techniques based on Viewing Characteristics of Mountain Landscape - Focused on the Surrounding Areas of Bukhansan Mountain -

  • Park, Moon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.163-175
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    • 2010
  • This study is based on the viewing characteristics of mountain landscapes. It investigates whether the current landscape management-related regulations are efficient in terms of the viewing characteristics of the mountain landscape against Bukhansan Mountain in which the conventional landscape management techniques were used. In addition, some viewing characteristics of mountain landscapes, such as distance from the view point to the target mountain, angle of elevation, altitude, gradient, have been analyzed and 3 cases of viewing condition have been simulated. The following results were obtained: i) Mountain landscapes can be managed up to 7~8 times of the mountain height with a $5{\sim}9^{\circ}$ of elevation angle. ii) In the Natural Landscape District which is situated on the hillside, it is reasonable to include altitude, gradient as criteria for regulation. iii) According to a simulation of the construction permit height by viewing distance, it was confirmed that buildings can be constructed up to 111.55m when viewing the 20% ridge, 150.75m when viewing the 50% ridge and 189.05m when viewing the 70% ridge. iv) The construction permit height varies depending on the landscape analysis method that is used and the application conditions. It is therefore unfair to apply height limit regulations to all buildings without considering the geographical features or viewing characteristics. v) It is unreasonable to apply 2~3 management techniques to the same area for landscape management. Therefore, we recommend the Focused Landscape Management Area based on the landscape master plan as a integrating mountain landscape management techniques.

Statistically Analyzed Effects of Coal-Fired Power Plants in West Coast on the Surface Air Pollutants over Seoul Metropolitan Area (통계적 기법을 활용한 서해안 화력발전소 오염물질 배출에 따른 수도권 지표면 대기오염농도 영향의 분석)

  • Ju, Jaemin;Youn, Daeok
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.549-560
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    • 2019
  • The effects of the coal-fired power plant emissions, as the biggest point source of air pollutants, on spatiotemporal surface air pollution over the remote area are investigated in this study, based on a set of date selection and statistical technique to consider meteorological and geographical effects in the emission-concentration (source-receptor) relationship. We here proposed the sophisticated technique of data processing to separate and quantify the effects. The data technique comprises a set of data selection and statistical analysis procedure that include data selection criteria depending on meteorological conditions and statistical methods such as Kolmogorov-Zurbenko filter (K-Z filter) and empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis. The data selection procedure is important for filtering measurement data to consider the meteorological and geographical effects on the emission-concentration relationship. Together with meteorological data from the new high resolution ECMWF reanalysis 5 (ERA5) and the Korea Meteorological Administration automated surface observing system, air pollutant emission data from the telemonitoring system (TMS) of Dangjin and Taean power plants as well as spatio-temporal air pollutant concentrations from the air quality monitoring system are used for 4 years period of 2014-2017. Since all the data used in this study have the temporal resolution of 1 hour, the first EOF mode of spatio-temporal changes in air pollutant concentrations over the Seoul metropolitan area (SMA) due to power plant emission have been analyzed to explain over 97% of total variability under favorable meteorological conditions. It is concluded that SO2, NO2, and PM10 concentrations over the SMA would be decreased by 0.468, 1.050 ppb, and 2.045 ㎍ m-3 respectively if SO2, NO2, and TSP emissions from Dangjin power plant were reduced by 10%. In the same way, the 10% emission reduction in Taean power plant emissions would cause SO2, NO2, and PM10 decreased by 0.284, 0.842 ppb, and 1.230 ㎍ m-3 over the SMA respectively. Emissions from Dangjin power plant affect air pollution over the SMA in higher amount, but with lower R value, than those of Taean under the same meteorological condition.

Discussions on the Distribution and Genesis of Mountain Ranges in the Korean Peninsular (II) : The Proposal of 'Sanjulgi-Jido(Mountain Ridge Map)‘ (한국 산맥론(II): 한반도 '산줄기 지도'의 제안)

  • Park Soo Jin;SON ILL
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.40 no.3 s.108
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    • pp.253-273
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    • 2005
  • In recent years, there are strong social demands to characterize the spatial distribution of mountains in Korea. This study aims to develop a 'Sanjulgi-Jido(mountain ridge map)' that might be used not only to satisfy these social demands but also to effectively present the spatial distribution of mountains and drainage basins in the Korean Peninsular. The 'Sanjulgi-Jido' developed in this study is a map that presents the continuity of mountains based on the drainage divides that are delineated by a pre-defined drainage basin size and elevation. This study first validated the Bakdudaegan system through the analyses of a digital elevation model. The Bakdudaegan system has long been recognized as the Koreans traditional conceptual framework to characterize the spatial distribution of mountains. The analyses showed that the Bakdudaegan system has several problems to represent the mountain systems in Korea, which includes 1) the lack of the representativeness of drainage basins, 2) inaccuracy to depict the boundary of drainage basins, 3) the lack of representativeness of mountains, and 4) geo-polical issue that confines the spatial extent of mountain systems within the Korean Peninsular. In order to represent the mountains system in a more quantitative manner, we applied several terrain analysis techniques to understand the spatial distribution of mountains and drainage basins. Based on these analyses, we developed an hierarchical system to classify the continuity (If mountains, which are presented as the spatial distribution of drainage divides with a certain elevation. The first-order Sanjulgi is the drainage divides whose drainage basin are bigger than $5,000km^2$ and the point elevation is above 100m. The next order Sanjulgi is delineated as the size of drainage basin is successively divided by two. This kind of design is able to provide a logical framework to present the mountain systems at different details, depending on the purpose and scale of maps. We also provide several empirical functions to calculate various geomorphological indices for each order of Sanjulgi. The 'Sanjulgi Jido' is similar with the Bakdudaegan system, since it characterizes the continuity of mountains based on the spatial distribution of the drainage divide. It, however, has more scientific criteria to define the scale and continuity of mountains. It should be also noted that the 'Sanjulgi Jido' proposed has different logical and methodological background, compared with the mountain range map that explains the genesis of mountain systems in addition to the continuity of mountains.