• Title/Summary/Keyword: gender division

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The Impact of Socioeconomic Factors on the Gender Differences of Disability and Subjective Health Among Elderly Koreans (노인의 장애 및 주관적 건강의 남녀차이와 사회경제적 요인의 영향)

  • Jeon, Gyeong-Suk;Jang, Soong-Nang;Rhee, Seon-Ja
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.42 no.3
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    • pp.199-207
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : Research on the gender differences of health among older Korean people has been limited compared with the research for other stages of life. This study first examined the patterns and magnitude of the gender differences of health in later life. Second, we examined the gender differences in the health of older men and women that were attributable to differing socioeconomic conditions. Methods : Using the nationally representative 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, the gender differences in disability and subjective poor health were assessed by calculating the age adjusted and gender-specific prevalence. Logistic regression analyses were used to assess if the differences between the men and women for health could be explained by differential exposure to socioeconomic factors and/or the differential vulnerability of men and women to these socioeconomic factors. Results : Our results indicated that older women were more likely than the men to report disability and poor subjective health. The health disadvantage of older women was diminished by differential experiences with socioeconomic factors, and especially education. The differences shrink as much as 43.7% in the case of disability and 35.4% in the case of poor subjective health by the differential exposure to educational attainment. Any differential vulnerability to socioeconomic factors was not found between the men and women, which means that socioeconomic factors may have similar effect on health in both genders. Conclusions : Differential socioeconomic experience and exposure between the men and women might cause gender difference in health in old age Koreans.

Care Penalty and Basic Income (돌봄불이익과 기본소득)

  • Yoon, Jayoung
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.31-55
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    • 2018
  • The economic penalty of care and gender inequality reinforce each other. Unequal distribution and treatment of care are at the basis of gender inequality. Care creates economic penalty that deepen gender inequality. Those who perform care work tend to take the position of the vulnerable in socio-economic power relations. Due to their weak position, it is difficult for them to voice out a fair treatment and reward for their work. As a result, care workers both at home and in the public sector suffering from lower economic value of care are positioned in unequal gender relations with more vulnerable socioeconomic status. The basic income system may have the potential to mitigate multifaceted gender inequalities in our society. For the introduction of basic income to help realize the real freedom for women, it is necessary to understand unique natures of care work and tackle economic penalties of care work. This paper examines the relationships between care penalties and basic income, focusing on the debate on the introduction of the basic income system. We argue that if the economic penalties caused by unique natures of care work are not eased or resolved, the introduction of the basic income may not contributes to alleviating gender inequalities.

The Impacts of Household Work Participation and Shared Activities on Marital Relationship and Depression (남편이 은퇴한 부부의 가사노동 참여와 공유 활동이 부부관계와 우울감에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Su-Jin;Koh, Sun-Kang
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.65-84
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    • 2018
  • This study analyzes the impacts of household work participation and shared activities between couples on marital relationship and depression among retired men and women with retired husbands. To investigate this, a survey of 367 married people is conducted on retired men and women with retired husbands. The influencing factors on the marital relationship of retired men are found to be couples' shared activities, gender role attitudes, and subjective health status. The marital relationship of women with retired husbands is influenced by shared activities by couples, the division of domestic labor, and gender role attitudes. The factors affecting retired men's depression are shared activities by couples, perceived health status, type of jobs before retirement, and age. Women's depression is related to household income, shared activities by couples, husbands' jobs before retirement, subjective health status, and division of household labor.

University Students' Perceptual Lecture Evaluation of Online Lectures During the COVID-19 Situation

  • Nam, Sangzo;Cho, Soohyun
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.85-97
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    • 2022
  • Students' perceptions of generosity and fairness in lecture evaluation and grades, communication with professors, and self-fidelity and satisfaction during the COVID-19 situation were statistically analyzed by surveying students at M university in Daejeon. These data were analyzed in the context of parameters that might impact online class lecture evaluations, namely gender and school year. Descriptive analysis shows students' perceptions of online lectures are significantly high. As for differences by gender and school year, the t-test results indicate female students generally have better perceptions of online classes than male students. However, there is no statistical difference between male and female students regarding the generosity of lecture evaluation. Also, ANOVA test results show that as the school year increases, the general perceptions for online classes become negative. However, there is no statistical difference by school year regarding the generosity of lecture evaluation. Regression analysis shows that the "perceptual generosity of grades" most significantly influenced the "perceptual generosity of lecture evaluation."

Effects of Mongolian Startup's Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Orientation on Performance: gender differences (몽골 창업가들의 창업동기, 자기효능감 및 기업가지향성과 창업성과간의 관계: 성별 차이)

  • Delgermaa Otgon;Shin-Hyung Kang;Sangmoon Park
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2022
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of entrepreneurial motivation, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of Mongolian entrepreneurs. Design/methodology/approach This study collected data from a survey on 236 entrepreneurs in Mongolia and investigate research hypotheses by empirical analysis. Findings It was found that entrepreneurial motivation (independence, opportunity-driven, achievement motivation) had a positive effect on the startups' performances, and necessity-driven motivation did not have a significant effect on the startups' performances. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial orientation had a positive effect on performance of startups. There are differences by gender on the relationships between entrepreneurial motivations and startup performances. Research implications or Originality This paper investigates the effects of entrepreneurial motivation, self-efficacy, and entrepreneurial orientation on the performance of startups in Mongolian.

Gender Differences in Maternal Intervention in Jeju Ponies (Equus caballus)

  • Rho, Jeong-R.;Srygley, Robert B.;Choe, Jae-C.
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2005
  • We investigated interventions by mother Jeju ponies on Jeju Island, Korea, to determine whether mothers assisted their offspring to attain higher status within the dominance hierarchy. Because dominance rank is important within each gender, we predicted that mothers would be more likely to intervene when their foals were play-fighting with foals of the same gender. A total of 173 play-fighting events were recorded from March to October 1998 and from April to October 1999. Of these, foals were more likely to play-fight with a foal of the same gender as with a foal of the opposite gender (120 versus 53 occurrences, respectively). A mother of one of the foals that were play-fighting intervened in 17 of these interactions. Contrary to the prediction, a mare was more likely to intervene when opposite genders interacted than when the same gender interacted. Analyzing interactions between the opposite genders further, mothers were equally likely to intervene when a daughter was play-fighting with a male foal as when a son was play-fighting with a female foal. Hence, mothers were not more protective of daughters than sons. Mothers that were in the younger age class (211 years old) were as likely to intervene as those in the elder age class (1725 years old). However, all foals that were harassed were offspring of mothers in the younger, more subordinate age class. intervention directly maintains the dominance rank of the intervening mother, and may indirectly assist the intervening mother's foal to achieve a higher dominance rank. By discouraging their foals from play-fighting with the opposite genders, dominant mothers may be encouraging their foals to play-fight with the same gender and participate in establishing its own dominance rank.

Gender Differences in Hypertension Control Among Older Korean Adults: Korean Social Life, Health, and Aging Project

  • Chu, Sang Hui;Baek, Ji Won;Kim, Eun Sook;Stefani, Katherine M.;Lee, Won Joon;Park, Yeong-Ran;Youm, Yoosik;Kim, Hyeon Chang
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.38-47
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: Controlling blood pressure is a key step in reducing cardiovascular mortality in older adults. Gender differences in patients' attitudes after disease diagnosis and their management of the disease have been identified. However, it is unclear whether gender differences exist in hypertension management among older adults. We hypothesized that gender differences would exist among factors associated with hypertension diagnosis and control among community-dwelling, older adults. Methods: This cross-sectional study analyzed data from 653 Koreans aged 60years who participated in the Korean Social Life, Health, and Aging Project. Multiple logistic regression was used to compare several variables between undiagnosed and diagnosed hypertension, and between uncontrolled and controlled hypertension. Results: Diabetes was more prevalent in men and women who had uncontrolled hypertension than those with controlled hypertension or undiagnosed hypertension. High body mass index was significantly associated with uncontrolled hypertension only in men. Multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that in women, awareness of one's blood pressure level (odds ratio [OR], 2.86; p=0.003) and the number of blood pressure checkups over the previous year (OR, 1.06; p=0.011) might influence the likelihood of being diagnosed with hypertension. More highly educated women were more likely to have controlled hypertension than non-educated women (OR, 5.23; p=0.013). Conclusions: This study suggests that gender differences exist among factors associated with hypertension diagnosis and control in the study population of community-dwelling, older adults. Education-based health promotion strategies for hypertension control might be more effective in elderly women than in elderly men. Gender-specific approaches may be required to effectively control hypertension among older adults.

The Effect of Positive Parenting Attitude on Mobile Phone Dependency -A convergent approach to the Mediating Effects of Ego-Resiliency and Gender-Moderating effects- (부모의 긍정적 양육방식이 휴대전화 의존도에 미치는 영향 -자아탄력성의 매개효과와 성별 조절효과의 융합적 접근-)

  • Kweon, Oh-Hyoung;Moon, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.145-152
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study is to search for a direction to reduce adolescents' mobile phone dependency. The fourth data for 4th graders who were 1,972 of 7th from the 2013 Korea Children & Youth Panel Survey were used. SPSS 21.0 was used. In addition, the mediating effects of ego-resiliency and gender-moderating effects between positive parenting attitude and mobile phone dependency were analyzed through descriptive statistics, data analysis, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The results found the followings: Positive parenting attitude increased ego-resiliency while lowering mobile phone dependency. Ego-resiliency had a negative influence on mobile phone dependency and mediating effects between the two variables. Gender had a moderating effect between two variables. Based on the above results, this study suggested a direction to cope with the problems which can result from the excessive use of mobile phone for both parents and their children.

National trends in radiation dose escalation for glioblastoma

  • Wegner, Rodney E.;Abel, Stephen;Horne, Zachary D.;Hasan, Shaakir;Verma, Vivek;Ranjan, Tulika;Williamson, Richard W.;Karlovits, Stephen M.
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Glioblastoma (GBM) carries a high propensity for in-field failure despite trimodality management. Past studies have failed to show outcome improvements with dose-escalation. Herein, we examined trends and outcomes associated with dose-escalation for GBM. Materials and Methods: The National Cancer Database was queried for GBM patients who underwent surgical resection and external-beam radiation with chemotherapy. Patients were excluded if doses were less than 59.4 Gy; dose-escalation referred to doses ≥66 Gy. Odds ratios identified predictors of dose-escalation. Univariable and multivariable Cox regressions determined potential predictors of overall survival (OS). Propensity-adjusted multivariable analysis better accounted for indication biases. Results: Of 33,991 patients, 1,223 patients received dose-escalation. Median dose in the escalation group was 70 Gy (range, 66 to 89.4 Gy). The use of dose-escalation decreased from 8% in 2004 to 2% in 2014. Predictors of escalated dose were African American race, lower comorbidity score, treatment at community centers, decreased income, and more remote treatment year. Median OS was 16.2 months and 15.8 months for the standard and dose-escalated cohorts, respectively (p = 0.35). On multivariable analysis, age >60 years, higher comorbidity score, treatment at community centers, decreased education, lower income, government insurance, Caucasian race, male gender, and more remote year of treatment predicted for worse OS. On propensity-adjusted multivariable analysis, age >60 years, distance from center >12 miles, decreased education, government insurance, and male gender predicted for worse outcome. Conclusion: Dose-escalated radiotherapy for GBM has decreased over time across the United States, in concordance with guidelines and the available evidence. Similarly, this large study did not discern survival improvements with dose-escalation.

Influences of Gender on Meat Quality, Electronic Tongue Measurements and Sensory Characteristics of Pork Loin (돼지의 성이 등심의 육질, 전자혀 측정치 및 관능적 맛 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Eun-Yeong;Lee, Se-Jin;Hwang, Young-Hwa;Kang, Hyun-Jung;Joo, Seon-Tea
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of gender on meat quality traits and sensory characteristics of pork loin. A total of 90 pork carcasses (180 days old, 45 barrows and 45 gilts, each gender group was consisted of fifteen 1+, 1 and 2 carcass grades) were selected and loin cuts were excised to investigate meat quality, electronic tongue measures and sensory panel test. There were significant differences in drip loss (1.66% vs 1.21%), released water (12.19% vs 10.68%) and cooking loss (23.67% vs 21.04%) between loins from barrow and gilt (p<0.05). However, no significant differences in meat color (CIE L* a* b*) and shear force were observed between gender groups (p>0.05). Umami and richness values of barrow were significantly higher than those of gilt, while barrow had significantly lower sourness value compared to gilt(p<0.05). On the sensory evaluation, barrow scored higher in flavor, juiciness and tenderness both, and as a result, barrow (5.51 points) also scored significantly higher than gilt (4.86 points). These results suggest that the umami intensity and sensory taste of barrow loin are superior to gilt loin due to its high water-holding capacity.