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Three-dimensional evaluation of the mandibular symphyseal region in block graft harvesting for dental implants using cone-beam computed tomography

  • Gandhi, Vaibhav;Lowney, Arianna;Cardarelli, Lauren;Yadav, Sumit;Tadinada, Aditya
    • Imaging Science in Dentistry
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the quantity and quality of the mandibular anterior alveolar bone in terms of alveolar width, density, and total alveolar height (TAH) based on dental status, gender, and age. Additionally, this study aimed to quantitatively evaluate the available alveolar height for graft harvesting (AHGH) and examine its variability based on the aforementioned factors. Materials and Methods: This retrospective cone-beam computed tomographic study included a total of 100 subjects. On the basis of gender, dental status, and age, the scans were divided into 3 primary groups and 8 subgroups. The mandibular alveolar width and density were measured 5 mm mesial to the mental foramen bilaterally and at the midline. The TAH was measured at the midline, and the AHGH was measured as the midline distance between 5 mm apical to the root of the canines and 5 mm superior to the lower border. Results: The mandibular alveolar width was statistically similar between dentulous and edentulous patients (P>0.05). A significantly greater density was observed at the midline in edentulous patients (P<0.05). The TAH was significantly greater in edentulous male patients than in edentulous female patients (P<0.05). Dentulous and male patients had significantly greater AHGH than edentulous and female patients, respectively (P<0.05). Conclusion: Based on the data evaluated in this study, it can be concluded that the mandibular symphyseal area has adequate bone quality and quantity for bone graft harvesting for dental implant therapy.

A Study on Dietary Behaviors and Nutritional Knowledge Related Sodium Intake of High School Students in Incheon (인천지역 고등학생의 나트륨 섭취 관련 식행동 및 영양지식 평가)

  • Kim, Ji-Hye;Kim, Myung-Hee;Choi, Mi-Kyeong;Kim, Mi-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.316-324
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate dietary behavior and nutritional knowledge related to sodium intake in high school students. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 400 high school students (200 boys) in Incheon, Korea. Survey data were analyzed according to gender and degree of obesity. The distribution of the degree of obesity was the highest in 231 normal weight individuals (57.8%), followed by 89 underweight (22.3%), 41 overweight (10.3%), and 39 obese (9.8%). The sodium-related undesirable dietary behavior score was 2.9 points out of 5 points. The detailed dietary behavior scores of 'I eat kimchi when I eat instant noodles or noodles' and 'I like dried fish with salt' were significantly higher in boys than in girls (p<0.05). It was found that boys consumed more frequently high sodium foods, such as pizza, hamburger, and hotdog than girls. According to the degree of obesity, the underweight group consumed more kimchi fried rice and potato chips frequently than the other groups (p<0.05). Preference for salty taste was not significantly different among the groups by gender and degree of obesity. Sodium-related nutritional knowledge score was 5.3 points out of 10 and which was significantly higher in girls or normal weight group than in boys or obesity group. These results suggest that nutritional education on sodium intake is needed because the nutritional knowledge of adolescents is relatively low. Moreover, intensive nutritional guidance is required, especially in boys or adolescents with undesirable degree of obesity.

The Effects of Age, Gender, and Target Force Level on Controlled Force Exertion Tasks

  • Kong, Yong-Ku;Lee, Sung Yong;Kim, Dae-Min;Choi, Kyeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.53-67
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The purpose of this study is to build basic data to systematically develop a hand function evaluation tool by determining the effects of age, gender and target force level on the difference in hand function according to the target force level. Background: Precise and objective evaluation of hand functionality is a very important factor in quantifying treatment progress in patients or elderly people, and in verifying treatment effects. However, most hand function evaluations lack objectivity and accuracy, and therefore it is difficult to properly treat patients according to the given situation. Method: Sixteen healthy subjects (eight elderly and eight young people) participated in this study to evaluate the effects of age, gender, and target force level on tracking performance through rRMSE in terms of the tracking force and actual exerted force, by carrying out a task of maintaining six different target force levels for 20 seconds. Results: The result of this experiment indicated that elderly people and women had a lower ability to maintain a certain level of force than young people and men by 16% and 10%, respectively. The target force level results showed that the tracking error of the lowest force level (5% MVC) was significantly higher than that of 15% MVC, which in turn showed a higher tracking error than that of the higher target force levels. Conclusion: The results of this study can thus be utilized to develop a rehabilitation program for elderly people or other patients. Application: The authors expect that the results of the present study will be valuable to develop a rehabilitation program and hand function evaluation tool.

The Technology-Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge differences between pre-service and in-service teachers and the related effects of gender interaction in China (중국의 예비교사와 현직교사 간의 테크놀로지-교수내용지식 차이 분석 및 성별 상호작용 효과)

  • Ma, Wanzhi;Baek, Jongnam
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.11
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    • pp.353-359
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the TPACK differences between pre-service and in-service teachers in China, and determine demographic influence variables on the differences between them. The participants of this study were 567 teachers, including 335 pre-service teachers and 232 in-service teachers from Ningxia, China. The results are as follows: First, The in-service teachers in the seven areas of TPACK scored higher than those of pre-service teachers; Second, The comparison of the average difference between teacher division and gender shows that the two factors have an interactive effect on TK. This study is meaningful because it compared the TPACK differences between pre-service and in-service teachers, and found out the effect of gender interaction on the differences in China; It provides practical suggestions for improving the TPACK ability of Chinese teachers. Finally, the discussion was conducted based on the results, and a follow-up study was suggested.

Effect of Sexual Attitude of Aged People on Sexual Life: Moderating Effect of General Characteristics (노인의 성태도가 성생활에 미치는 영향: 일반적 특성의 조절효과)

  • Shin, Sun Hwa;Park, Hyojung
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.320-329
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of sexual attitude among the elderly to their sexual life while exploring the moderating effect of general characteristics in the relationship between sexual attitude and sexual life. Methods: A descriptive research design was used. The subjects were 322 married elderly from four silver centers in Seoul and Gangwon-do. Aging Sexuality Attitude Scale developed by White (1982) was used to examine sexual life status and general characteristics of the subjects (gender, age, academic background, religion, economic status, and residential type). For data analysis, χ2-test, t-test, and ANOVA were conducted. Since the dependent variable of sexual life is a binary variable, hierarchical logistic regression was implemented. Results: There were 180 people (55.9%) who had a sexual life. Depending on gender (χ2=35.03, p<.001), academic background (χ2=29.45, p<.001), and economic status (χ2=7.36, p=.025), the subjects showed significant difference in terms of sexual life. Regarding sexual attitude, the subjects showed significant difference depending on gender (t=-5.47, p<.001), age (t=-2.31, p=.021), academic background (t=5.16, p<.001), economic status (F=3.17, p=.043), and sexual life status (t=4.99, p<.001). Conclusion: It is important to devise the sex education program in consideration of gender, age, and academic background that showed moderating effects.

Characteristics of avant-garde deconstruction-ism expressed in Alexander McQueen's Design (알렉산더 맥퀸 디자인에 나타난 아방가르드적 해체주의 특성)

  • Kwon, Hae-Sook;Keum, Yun-Jin
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.100-116
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to analyze the characteristics of deconstruction-ism expressed in the fashion of Alexander McQueen. The method and contents of this study are as follows. The three large categories for analysis are indeterminacy, decentralization, and intertextuality. The indeterminacy of meaning is divided into unstructured and unorganized factors in fashion, while decentralization can be categorized into cross-gender, subculture, and post-humanism. Lastly, inter-textuality is classified into factors of mixing mode and mixed styles. Materials for analysis were chosen from a total of 616 designs from the website, www.firstview.com, which carries McQueen's collection from 2000 S/S through 2007 F/W. My analysis qualitatively evaluates the frequency of each category and the characteristics of design. The result of this study is as followed. First, the avant-garde facets of inter-textuality are most prominent. In particular, McQueen has introduced retro fashion and ethnic factors of the third world, not to copy them but to create hybrid designs by using pastiches and mixing fashion styles. Moreover, he has enjoyed using two fabrics of different texture in order to inflict a shock and contrast, thus enriching his fashion. Second, the indeterminacy of meaning is the second most frequently shown facet of McQueen's fashion design. McQueen has employed unstructured expression techniques, which dismantle harmony and balance, the basic rule of design, and has presented unorganized images free from basic forms of design. He has made a new attempt to acknowledge clothing as an expressive artwork by allowing clothes to take a complete form when a person actually wears them. Third, the aspects of decentralization were also shown in McQueen's design. His trans-gender clothing dissolves the traditional division of men and women and adopts a mixed gender expression. Furthermore, he has even tried to express a fourth gender by connecting the human with machine or animal or by connecting the material with the non-material.

Migration, Gender and Scale: New Trends and Issues in the Feminist Migration Studies (이주, 젠더, 스케일: 페미니스트 이주 연구의 새로운 지형과 쟁점)

  • Jung, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.894-913
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    • 2008
  • This study examines scale issues in the contemporary feminist migration literature. Scale appears as important, yet poorly understood concept in this field of study. The increasing attention to the feminization of migration requires not only gendered, but also scalar-sensitive approaches. Feminists criticize the conventional approach to the migration as a gender-blind approach that privileges national scale around which migration processes are organized. Claiming multiscalar and interscalar analyses, they propose investigations ranging from macro to micro processes which include globalized gendered division of labor, transnational family networks, and reproduction which takes place in and through the bodies and homes of migrant women. The migrant women, the major actors in recent transnational migration, cross various borders: the national boundaries and the public and private divides, in particular. This crossover can unsettle patriarchal gender relations which have been established based on the physical and symbolic division of nation-states and public/private spheres. Blurring these divisions accompanies social construction of various scales. The transnational family networks of migrant women, for example, show the construction of a transnational scale by migrant women as well as globalization from below. This paper points out misunderstandings of scale in the feminist migration literature and attempts to fill the gaps by introducing the meanings and implications of scales developed mostly by feminist geographers. In so doing, it promotes the interdisciplinary communication.

The Gender Inequality of an Asian Woman in The Quiet American (『조용한 미국인』에 표현된 동양 여성의 젠더 불평등)

  • Ryu, Da-Young
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2020
  • Graham Greene's The Quiet American is a war novel set in Vietnam. Thus, although war-related political stories are mainly unfolded, this novel presumes that Westerners are basically superior to the colored Vietnamese. In addition to racial issues, it describes the dual discrimination and inequality that women face. Phung, a Vietnamese woman who wishes to live a rich and comfortable life through marriage to a Western man, is a gender underdog oppressed by the capital and males. She is discriminated against by selfish views created by men, such as being expressed as an ignorant woman who can feel physical pain but not mental pain and being described as a partner to satisfy men's pleasure. Fowler and Pyle, the male lead characters who are gender strong, treat the Asian woman as a low-status person who is qualitatively different from Westerner and use and exploit the woman simply to satisfy their selfish needs. Therefore, it is hard to say that this story involves true love, as it is based on an unequal relationship. Eventually, Pyle's death brings Phung back to Fowler, confirming that Asian women are unable to escape from the gender underdog of Western men.

Comparison of the nutrition quotient by types of eating behavior among male and female university students in Gwangju (광주 지역 남녀 대학생의 섭식 행동 유형별 영양 지수의 비교)

  • Geum-Bi Ryu;Young-Ran Heo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.277-287
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study was conducted to investigate the eating behavior (EB) and nutritional status of university students in Gwangju, and to compare their nutrition quotients (NQs) and problems according to their EB types. Methods: The subjects were 219 (127 female and 92 male) undergraduate students from Gwangju. The Student's t-test was used to compare the EB levels according to gender, and Pearson's χ2 test was used to compare the distribution of EB types by gender. A gender-adjusted analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted to examine the difference in NQs by EB types. Results: First, there were significant differences in the EB scores and the distribution of EB types according to gender. Female students showed higher levels of emotional (Emo) and external (Ext) EBs than the male students, and Emo, Ext, and combined (Com) EB types were more evident among female rather than male students. Second, there was a difference in NQs according to the EB types. The Emo EB type subjects had a lower NQ than those of the restrained (Res) EB type and showed significant differences in diversity and dietary behavior. Specifically, the Emo EB type subjects displayed significantly lower efforts to maintain a healthy diet and subjective health status than the Com EB type and their levels of checking nutrition labels, hand washing, and water intake were significantly lower than that of the Res EB type. The Ext EB type showed significantly lower moderation of Ramyeon and sweetened drink intake than the Res and Com EB types. Conclusion: The level of EBs and the distribution of EB types varied according to gender, and the NQs were different according to EB types. The results of this study are expected to contribute to the establishment of customized strategies for improvement by identifying major nutritional problems by gender and the EB types of university students.

Effects of an extra-high slaughter weight and a low-lysine diet on growth and meat quality of finishing gilts

  • Chul Young Lee;Eun-Yeong Lee;Tae-Whan Park;Yeon-Hae Jeong;Yu-Min Son;Sang-Hyon Oh;Seon-Tea Joo;Jae-Cheol Jang
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.66 no.6
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    • pp.1137-1148
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    • 2024
  • The present study aimed to find out the feasibility of increasing the meat quality of finishing gilts by increasing their slaughter weight (SW) to an extra-high (XH) level and also by using a low-lysine (lys) diet in XH-weight pig production. Twenty-four gilts and eights barrows were divided into four treatments (T) by gender, SW, and diet: T1 (barrow; 116-kg SW; Medium [Med]-lys [0.80%] diet), T2 (gilt; 116-kg SW; Med-lys), T3 (gilt; XH [150 kg] SW; Med-lys), and T4 (gilt; XH SW, Low-lys [0.60%]). Growth performance from 85 kg of body weight to SW was measured only for T3 and T4. All animals were slaughtered at their target SW, followed by physicochemical analyses and sensory evaluation on the Longissimus lumborum muscle (LL). Average daily gain did not differ between T3 and T4. Dressing percentage was greater for T3 vs. T2. Backfat thickness was greater for T1 vs. T2 and T3 vs. T2, not being different between T3 and T4. The LL pH was lower and Warner-Bratzler Shear force value was greater for T3 vs. T2. Other physicochemical measurements including the intramuscular fat content were not different or different narrowly if different at all (p < 0.05) between T3 and T2 or T4, but not between T1 and T2. The percentages of major fatty acids including 16:0, 18:0, 18:1, and 18:2 in LL, which did not differ between T2 and T3, differed between T3 and T4 apparently resulting from a difference in composition of the ingredients of the two diets. The sensory texture score was greater for T3 vs. T2 in fresh LL; in cooked LL, juiciness and umami scores were greater for T3 vs. T2, flavor score being less for T4 vs. T3. The gender effects on physicochemical and sensory pork quality were small, if any. Overall, the meat quality of finishing gilts could be improved by increasing the SW to the XH level, but not by using the Low-lys diet, suggesting that it will be feasible to produce XH-weight market gilts if the increased meat quality can make up for the expected decrease in production efficiency accompanying the increased SW.