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Effectiveness of "Women in Engineering" Course ("여성과 공학" 교과목의 효과성 검증 연구)

  • Youn, Jong-Tae;Han, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.3-8
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    • 2011
  • Women in the predominantly male-oriented college of engineering which is afflicted by the high dropout rate and the low employment rate of coeds in their majoring fields because of the die-hard male dominant culture. In order to resolve the related problems, P University has been actively engaged in a movement called "Women into Engineering" (WIE) to raise the gender cognitive awareness and to train women engineers for highly qualified work force. As part of the movement, a subject called "Women in Engineering" that focuses on the gender cognitive perspective is effective to reduce the dropout rate and to land a job inside their fields by stimulating their interest in their specialty and masting soft/hard skills. The study was conducted a survey of the coeds who have completed the "Women in Engineering" course to evaluate the degree of satisfaction perceived, and a t-test through comparing the group of the coeds and a group of coeds who have not taken the course. The results showed statistically significant responses indicating that both groups of coeds would like to see WIE offer more basic engineering courses like "Women in Engineering". This may lay the foundation to offer other major engineering courses for juniors and seniors that emphasize the gender cognitive approach.

Determinants of Accepting Internet Banking System: A Case Study in Bangladesh

  • RAHAMAN, Md. Atikur;LUNA, Kaniz Fatema;KEJING, Zhang;PING, Zhao Lin;TARU, Rupali Dilip
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.931-937
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    • 2021
  • Since the service organizations have been moving towards digitization across the world, there is a wide range of technological innovations that have been integrated within the service firms, especially in banking services. As such, Internet banking is one of the innovative services that have reshaped the traditional banking activities, particularly in Bangladesh. In line with this, the research is designed to examine the Internet banking adoption based on five variables: perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, trust, social influence, and perceived enjoyment, and the study also explores differences among respondents on these study variables based on gender and academic disciplines. The study has selected university students as study samples as they are the prospective customers to use Internet banking. Sample size in the research is 300, and a well-designed questionnaire was distributed to collect data. SPSS is used for statistical analysis. The research used ANOVA test to capture any difference on variables based on gender and academic disciplines. The findings indicate that male students in business have more intention to adopt Internet banking and preference for ease-of-use than female students, and business students will be more favorably inclined to adopt Internet banking service than students in other academic disciplines.

Study of the Social Wellbeing of Working Mothers of Preschool Children (미취학 자녀를 둔 취업모의 사회적 안녕감에 관한 연구)

  • Choe, Myeong Ae;An, Jeong Shin
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.59 no.3
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    • pp.297-310
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    • 2021
  • This study examined the social wellbeing of working mothers of preschool children with the aim of identifying relationships between social wellbeing and influencing factors, focusing on the individual, relationship, and work environment of the mothers. Data on 390 working mothers were used for this study. The data were analyzed using the SPSS 18.0 program and descriptive statistics. Pearson's correlation analyses and hierarchical regression analyses were performed. The results show that social wellbeing has significantly positive correlations with education, monthly household income, number of children, age of the first child(8 and over), social capital for childcare, division of childcare, maternal role values, spouse's beliefs about paternal parenting involvement, and family-supportive work environment, as well as significantly negative correlations with weekly working hours, sociological ambivalence, spouse's beliefs about father's breadwinner role and gender-role values, job overload, and gender-role attitudes of coworkers. In addition, hierarchical regression revealed that spouse's beliefs about paternal parenting involvement and a family-supportive work environment were significantly positive predictors of working mothers'social wellbeing, whereas working mothers'sociological ambivalence toward their roles, job overload, and gender-role attitudes of coworkers were significantly negative predictors of working mothers'social wellbeing. These results point to ways of changing education and policy to improve the social wellbeing of working mothers.

A Comparative Study on Precarious Labor Market in Korea and Japan: Gender and Occupational Division of Precarious work (한국과 일본의 불안정노동시장 비교연구: 불안정노동의 젠더적·직업계층적 분절)

  • Back, Seung Ho;AN, Juyoung;Lee, Sophia Seung-yoon
    • 한국사회정책
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2017
  • This study compares and analyzes precarious labor market in Korea and Japan in terms of gender and occupational class. Previous studies have analyzed precarious labor limited to the level of employment type such as non-standard workers. This study reconceptualizes precarious labor in terms of the combination of employment relations and income level. In addition. we analyzed whether there are differences in the characteristics of precarious labor between Korea and Japan. In order to analyze the labor market precariousness in Korea. we used data from the 17th Korea Labor Panel Survey (2014) and for Japan. we used the 9th (2012) data from the Keio Household Panel Survey. As a result. we could confirm the feminization of labor market precariousness and horizontal division by occupation in both Korea and Japan. Also. ordered logistic regression analysis showed that the more women. and those in their 60s or older. the less skilled service workers. or the manufacturing workers are likely to face labor market instability in both Korea and Japan. The results of this analysis reflect the fact that Korea and Japan have experienced similar changes in the labor market structure with institutionalized employment protection system based on male workers.

Sexual Behavior and Awareness on STD in the Elderly (노인의 성행동과 성병인지도)

  • Park, Hyojung
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to examine the sexual behavior and awareness of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) among the elderly. Methods: Subjects were 599 elderly living in a metropolitan area who completed a structured questionnaire. Data collection was from September 6, 2011 to January 17, 2012. The data were analyzed by using percentage and χ2-test. Results: Approximately 25% of the subjects reported a sexual life. Age, gender, education, family type, presence and health of spouse, health state of the subject, past occupation, dwelling pattern, and economic state made statistically significant difference in sexual behavior. Fifty five percent of the respondents reported no knowledge of STD. Factors such as age, gender, education, presence of spouse, and past occupation were statistically significant in terms of awareness of STD. Conclusion: Age, education, and presence of spouse should be factored in to understand the sexuality of the elderly as well as to develop sexuality counseling programs that provide adequate information for each individual.

Factors Related to Dropout in Clinical Trials of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (침구 임상시험에서의 중도탈락 관련요인)

  • Kim, Ae-Ran;Lee, Moo-Sik;Hong, Jee-Young
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.128-138
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    • 2011
  • Objective: This study aimed at providing preliminary data useful in reducing participant dropout and improving the quality of clinical trials, by analyzing the factors related to dropout. Methods: The data came from 15 acupuncture and/or moxibustion clinical trials (n=638; August 2005 to December 2009). Logistic regression analysis was used to reveal factors influencing participant dropout. Results: Gender, age, treatment method (intervention), treatment frequency, availability of follow-up, and presence of compensation treatment for the control group were factors influencing participant dropout. Conclusion: Subsequent studies of large-scale acupuncture and moxibustion clinical trials should address dropout factors that consider the character of each clinical trial, or general characters like participants' gender, age, occupation, and diverse diseases.

Change in Time Use for Daily Eating and Household Work Activities in Germany

  • Zander Uta;Uta Meier-Graewe;Moeser Anke
    • International Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.37-49
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    • 2005
  • This paper gives special attention to the changes of time use patterns of the German population for eating and drinking as well as for household work. It especially examines the changes in time use for meals eaten at home and away from home as well as the division of labour for nutrition provision activities between men and women. The presented results originated from two time budget surveys conducted in Germany in 1991/92 and 2001/02. In a secondary analysis time use patterns for eating and drinking and nutrition provision activities were examined on a base of a representative sample of 12600 private households. Surprisingly the amount of time spent on eating and drinking increased over the period. More Germans ate away from home at least once a day, whereas meals at home were still dominant. Moreover comparisons over time revealed that the share in household and food provisioning work has narrowed between men and women, especially in households with both partners being employed. Overall the analysis shows that time use data allow general statements regarding the amount and changes of time spent on daily eating, household work and especially food provision activities. The extent of women's employment has shown to be most decisive for an equal division of household work between gender. To be able to better interpret the results and to understand the consequences for family life, it is necessary to complement time use data with qualitative interviews to gain comprehensive insight into peoples nutrition goals, motives and barriers of action.

The Awareness of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Its Correlates in Patients with Coronary Artery Diseases (관상동맥질환자의 위험요인 인식 및 관련요인)

  • Yang, In-Suk;Choi, Dong-Hoon;Kang, Youn-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.499-508
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Cardiovascular risk factor modification is important for patients with coronary artery disease to prevent poor progression of the disease. Without an understanding and an awareness of risk factors, patients with coronary artery disease are not able to reduce their risk by the lifestyle modification. The aims of this study were to assess patient's awareness of risk factors and to identify predictors of awareness of risk factors. Methods: A descriptive correlational study using a cross-sectional survey method was performed. The sites of the study were three hospitals in Seoul, Korea. The sample consisted of 214 subjects. The awareness of risk factors and other subjects' characteristics were measured by a questionnaire developed for this study. Results: A range of subjects (gender: 72.0%; hyperlipidemia: 51.9%; hypertension: 40.7%; obese: 37.4%; age: 35.5%; smoking: 22.4%; diabetes: 19.2%; family history: 18.2%) were not able to accurately identify the risk factors. Among predictors, gender (β=-.17) and diabetics (β=-.25) had statistically significant influences on awareness of risk factors. Conclusion: Our findings highlight the lack of awareness of risk factors for coronary artery disease. The findings have important implications for nursing practice in terms of guiding educational strategies for the modification of risk factors for coronary heart disease.

Assessment of Time Activity Pattern for Workers (직장인의 시간활동 양상 평가)

  • Lee, Hyun-Soo;Shuai, Jianfei;Woo, Byung-Lyul;Hwang, Moon-Young;Park, Choong-Hee;Yu, Seung-Do;Yang, Won-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.102-110
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    • 2010
  • Personal exposure relies on characteristics of time activity patterns of the population of concern as human activities impact the timing, location, and level of personal exposure. The information about time spent in microenvironments plays a critical role for personal exposure to air pollutants. It is useful to determine the precise times of the day that the subjects are in certain locations or engaging in specific activities because exposure to some air pollutants can depend on temporal trends. This study investigated time activity pattern for workers of Korean population over 19 years old with 8,778 workers in weekday. The residential indoor times were 12 hours. Time activity was different by gender and the mean times stayed at home in weekday were 12.9 hours in female and 11.42 hours in male, respectively. The major factors on residential indoor time and workplace time were age, monthly income, occupation and industry type, work position, education, and gender. Considering shorter than those in other countries, Korean workers spent less time at home after the working hours. Determinants of time activity pattern need to be taken into account in exposure assessment, epidemiological analyses, exposure simulations, as well as in the development of preventive strategies. Since there are substantial difference of Korean worker activity pattern, this information can be critical for exposure assessment in Korea.

Community Health Worker Hepatitis B Education for Cambodian American Men and Women

  • Taylor, Victoria Mary;Burke, Nancy Jean;Sos, Channdara;Do, Huyen Hoai;Liu, Qi;Yasui, Yutaka
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.4705-4709
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    • 2013
  • Background: Cambodian Americans have high rates of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection and liver cancer. There is very limited information about the utility of community health worker (CHW) approaches to cancer education for Asian American men. We have previously reported our positive findings from a trial of CHW education about HBV for Cambodian Americans who had never been tested for HBV. This report describes similarities and differences between the outcomes of our CHW HBV educational intervention among Cambodian American men and women. Methods: The study group for this analysis included 87 individuals (39 men and 48 women) who were randomized to the experimental (HBV education) arm of our trial, participated in the CHW educational intervention, and provided follow-up data six months post-intervention. We examined HBV testing rates at follow-up, changes in HBV-related knowledge between baseline and follow-up, and barriers to HBV testing (that were reported to CHWs) by gender. Results: At follow-up, 15% of men and 31% of women reported they had received a HBV test (p=0.09). HBV-related knowledge levels increased significantly among both men and women. With respect to HBV testing barriers, women were more likely than men to cite knowledge deficits, and men were more likely than women to cite logistic issues. Discussion: Our study findings indicate that CHW interventions can positively impact knowledge among Cambodian American men, as well as women. They also suggest CHW interventions may be less effective in promoting the use of preventive procedures by Cambodian American men than women. Future CHW research initiatives should consider contextual factors that may differ by gender and, therefore, potentially influence the relative effectiveness of CHW interventions for men versus women.