• 제목/요약/키워드: gelatin extraction

검색결과 35건 처리시간 0.02초

Optimization of Gelatin Extracting Condition from Korean Native Black Goat Skin and Quality Comparison with Commercial Gelatin

  • Youn-Kyung Ham;Sin-Woo Noh;Jae-Hyeok Lee;Na-Eun Yang;Yun-Sang Choi;Hyun-Wook Kim
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2023
  • The practical use of Korean native black goat skin as a source of gelatin extraction is limited. The objective of this study was to optimize the extraction temperature and time of gelatin from Korean native black goat skin, and to compare the quality characteristics of goat skin gelatin and other commercial gelatin products. Response surface methodology was applied to optimize the extraction temperature and time of gelatin obtained from native Korean black goat skin. The effects of temperature (50℃-70℃) and time (2-4 h) on extraction yield and gel strength were investigated using a face-centered central composite design with 13 experiments. Gelatin extraction from Korean native black goat skin was prepared through the serial processes of alkali pre-treatment, bleaching, neutralization, hot-water extraction, and freeze-drying. Using the optimization plot of Minitab software, the optimized conditions for extracting temperature and time of goat skin gelatin were 59.49℃ and 3.03 h, and the optimized values of extraction yield and gel strength were 12.52% and 263.37 g, respectively. Based on a quality comparison of goat skin gelatin with commercial gelatin, the pH value of gelatin extracted from Korean native black goat skin was 5.57. The color of gelatin extracted from Korean native black goat skin was darker than that of commercial gelatin (p<0.05). Higher emulsifying properties and gel strength of goat skin gelatin were observed when compared to those of commercial gelatin (p<0.05). Therefore, the results of this study indicate that Korean native black goat skin may be a valuable source for gelatin extraction.


  • 김영석;권경환;차수련;민승기
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • 제27권3호
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    • pp.238-247
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    • 2005
  • The placement of different graft materials and/or the use of occlusive membranes to cover the extraction socket entrance are techniques aimed at reducing alveolar ridge resorption and enhancing bone formation. However, in spite of its clinical advantage, the use of graft materials in fresh extraction socket has been questioned because particles of the grafted material have been found in alveolar sockets with fibrous union. The purposes of this study were to evaluate whether alveolar ridge resorption following tooth extraction could be reduced and bone formation could be enhanced by the application of absorbable gelatin spongy or gelatin spongy soaked with platelet rich plasma(PRP) used as a space filler in clinical and radiographic aspects. Eighty patients who were scheduled for extraction of both third molars were participated and carried out by one experienced surgeon. Following extraction of teeth, one extracted socket were treated with gelatin spongy as an experimental group A and the other were treated with gelatin spongy and PRP as an experimental group B. The routine extracted socket were healed without any treatment as a control group. From the period of extraction to 12 weeks postoperatively, we examined the clinical course and radiographic evaluation on socket at regular interval. Both experimental groups showed faster wound healing process than control clinically. Vertical gingival height of the extraction socket were less changed statistically in both experimental groups than control. The horizontal width change of the extraction socket were not significant statistically in any group. Radiographic changes of the alveolar bone height were less changed in both experimental groups and bone density were showed higher than control. There were a little difference between experimental group A and B. In conclusion, absorbable gelatin sponge and with PRP were considered as having preservation effects of extraction socket and stimulation of bone formation process after extraction.

대구뼈로부터 젤라틴의 추출정제와 특성 (Purification and Characterization of the Gelatin from the Bone of Cod, Gadus macrocephalus)

  • 김세권;전유진;이병조;이창국
    • 생명과학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.14-26
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    • 1996
  • In order to effectively utilize fish(Cod, Gadus macrocephalus) bone obtained as fish waste in fish manufactory, the preparation of the fish bone gelatin were attempted by heat extracting method from collagen protein contained in the fish bone. The methods of two kinds pretreatments (the B-type by alkali pretreatment and the E-type by enzyme pretreatment) for fish bone and the optimal extraction conditions to prepare gelatin from pretreated fish bone were investigated. Physical properties and functionalities of the two type fish bone gelatins obtained were compared with the commercial gelatin and the fish skin gelatin. The optimal extraction conditions of the B-type and the E-type gelatins were 5 folds of added water with material(w/w), pH 5.0, 3 hrs of extraction time and 60$\circ$C of extraction temperature. The yield of the B-type and the E-type gelatins were 32.6% and 28.1 %, respectively. The B-type gelatin was superior to the E-type un all physical properties. Molecular weight of the B-type was larger than that of the E-type due to its pretreatment method. Among the composition of amino acids, the amino acids such as glycine, alanine, glutamic acid and imino acids(proline and hydroxyproline) were responsible for 68$\sim$70% of the total amino acids. Functionalities of the fish bone gelatin were almost similar to commercial gelatin.

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닭발 젤라틴 추출 조건의 최적화 (Optimizing Extraction Conditions for Chicken Feet Gelatin)

  • 임주연;신원선;이현규;김광옥
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제34권5호
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    • pp.824-829
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    • 2002
  • 석회수 침지와 중화과정을 거친 닭발의 젤라틴 추출조건을 확립하기 위하여 추출온도와 시간을 달리하여 닭발에서 젤라틴을 추출하고 수율 및 이화학적 특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 제라틴의 수율은 추출온도 및 시간이 증가함에 따라 증가하였으나 젤라틴 sol의 점도나 gel의 경도는 일정 온도와 시간까지 증가하다가 그 이후에 다시 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 이화학적 특성에 기초하여 결정된 젤라틴의 최적 추출온도 및 시간은 $73^{\circ}C$에서 3시간 40분이었다.

Effects of Soaking pH and Extracting Temperature on the Physicochemical Properties of Chicken Skin Gelatin

  • Kim, Hyun-Wook;Song, Dong-Heon;Choi, Yun-Sang;Kim, Hack-Youn;Hwang, Ko-Eun;Park, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Yong-Jae;Choi, Ji-Hun;Kim, Cheon-Jei
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.316-322
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    • 2012
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of soaking pH and extraction temperature on the physicochemical properties of chicken skin gelatin. In order to extract gelatin from chicken skin, the chicken skin was soaked at various pH ranges (1-13) and was extracted at 75 and $100^{\circ}C$. For the rate of weight increase, the highest value was obtained from two pH ranges (1-2 and 12-13). In addition, the rate of weight increase was affected by soaking time. The alkali treatments had greater crude protein content as well as total extraction yield compared to the acid process (p<0.05), and the increased extraction temperature resulted in a significant (p<0.05) increase of crude protein content and total extraction yield. All treatments showed ${\alpha}1$ and ${\alpha}2$ chains derived from type I collagen on SDS-PAGE. The pH value and color of gelatin gel (6.67%) were affected by soaking pH and extraction temperature. Chicken skin gelatin gel extracted at $75^{\circ}C$ after soaking at a pH of 2 had the highest melting point (p<0.05) and gel strength among all treatments. Although the chicken skin treated with the alkali process had a higher yield, a lower extraction temperature following the acid process would be better for obtaining superior gelatin from chicken skin.

Processing Optimization of Gelatin from Rockfish Skin Based on Yield

  • Kim, Hyung-Jun;Yoon, Min-Seok;Park, Kwon-Hyun;Shin, Joon-Ho;Heu, Min-Soo;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • The study was performed to optimize the processing conditions (alkali concentration, extraction time, and temperature) for rockfish skin gelatin based on yield using response surface methodology and comparison of the physicochemical properties with those of rockfish skin gelatin pretreated and extracted under ordinary conditions (alkali treatment concentration: 1.0 M; extraction time: 2 hr; extraction temperature: $60^{\circ}C$). Predicted maximum gelatin yield of 19.1% and gelatin content of 87.8% were obtained by extraction at $106.6^{\circ}C$ for 69.0 min after pretreatment with 1.1 M calcium hydroxide. Yield of gelatin extracted under high temperature/high pressure (G-HT/HP) was 54% higher than that extracted under ordinary temperature/time (G-OT/T). However, G-HT/HP was inferior in gel strength and gelling point to (G-OT/T), but comparable in transmission. Based on the physicochemical properties, G-HT/HP was unsuitable for use in products requiring higher physical properties, but could be useful for health-functional foods.

가자미피(皮) 젤라틴 제조를 위한 전처리 방법의 검토 (Investigation of Pretreatment Method for Gelatin Preparation from Flounder Skin)

  • 강태중;전유진;김세권;송대진
    • 한국수산과학회지
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 1992
  • In order to reduce long preparating time for alkali pretreated B-type gelatin, enzyme pretreatment was tried on flounder(Limanda aspera) skin for I-type gelatin. The optimal extraction conditions of the B-type gelatin were 9 folds of added water with material(w/w), 3 hrs of extraction time, $60^{\circ}C$ of extraction temperature and pH 5. The maximum amount of I-type gelatin was extracted at $60^{\circ}C$ for 3 hrs using water controlled to pH 6.0(material : water= 1:9, w/w). The yields of the B- and E-type gelatin were $64.2\%\;and\;59.2\%,$ respectively. The B-type was superior to the B-type in physical properties such as jelly strength, viscosity and electric conductivity. Molecular weight of B-type was so far larger than that of the E-type due to different pretreatment method. Hydrolysis ratio of the E-type was higher than that of the B-type because of its molecular weight. Results suggest that B-type product would be better than I-type as fish skin gelatin but E-type was desirable in hydrolyzate preparation.

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생박 및 탕박 돈피에서 생산된 젤라틴 품질비교 (Quality Comparison of Gelatins Manufactured from Raw and Scalded Pigskins)

  • 이무하;김양하;정명섭
    • 한국식품과학회지
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    • 제19권2호
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    • pp.102-106
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    • 1987
  • 젤라틴 생산을 위한 원료로서 알맞은 돈피의 종류를 조사하기 위해 생박 및 탕박한 돈피를 이용하여 생산된 젤라틴의 품질을 비교하였다. 돈피를 1.7% HCl 용액에서 15-18시간동안 팽윤시킨후 수돗물에서 9시간 동안 세척하였다. 세척된 돈피를 $60^{\circ}C$, $70^{\circ}C$$80^{\circ}C$에서 추출하여 젤라틴을 생산하였다. 생박돈피에서 생산된 젤라틴은 추출온도에 상관없이 젤 강도가 탕박돈피로부터 생산된 것보다 우수하였다. 또한 수율도 생박돈피에서 높았다. 추출온도가 증가함에 따라 젤 강도와 점도는 감소하였고 색깔이 짙은 젤라틴이 생산되었다. 전기영동상으로 비교하여보면 추출온도가 증가할수록 고분자물질이 감소하였으며, 돈피젤라틴(type A)이 type B젤라틴에 비해 훨씬 복잡한 분자구조를 보여주었다.

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Effects of Gelatin Hydrolysates Addition on Technological Properties and Lipid Oxidation of Cooked Sausage

  • Ham, Youn-Kyung;Song, Dong-Heon;Noh, Sin-Woo;Gu, Tae-Wan;Lee, Jae-Hyeok;Kim, Tae-Kyung;Choi, Yun-Sang;Kim, Hyun-Wook
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제40권6호
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    • pp.1033-1043
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    • 2020
  • This study investigated the impacts of gelatin hydrolysate addition on the technological properties and lipid oxidation stability of cooked sausage. Gelatin hydrolysate was prepared from pork and duck skin gelatin, through stepwise hydrolysis using collagenase and pepsin. The cooked sausages were formulated without gelatin (control) or with 1% pork skin gelatin, 1% duck skin gelatin, 1% pork skin gelatin hydrolysate, and 1% duck skin gelatin hydrolysate. The pH, color characteristics, protein solubility, cooking loss, and textural properties of cooked sausages were evaluated, and the 2-thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) value was measured weekly to determine lipid oxidation stability during 4 wk of refrigerated storage. Enzymatic hydrolysis of gelatin decreased protein content and CIE L* but increased redness and yellowness (p<0.05). When 1% gelatin or gelatin hydrolysate was incorporated in cooked sausage, however, little to no impacts on pH value, moisture content, protein content, color characteristics, protein solubility, and cooking loss were found (p>0.05). The addition of 1% duck skin gelatin hydrolysate increased the cohesiveness and chewiness of cooked sausages. The inclusion of 1% duck skin gelatin accelerated lipid oxidation of cooked sausages during refrigerated storage (p<0.05), whereas duck skin gelatin hydrolysate caused a lower TBARS value in cooked sausage compared to duck skin gelatin. The results show comparable effects of gelatin and gelatin hydrolysate addition on the technological properties of cooked sausages; however, the oxidative stability of raw materials for gelatin extraction should be evaluated clearly in further studies.

Effects of Various Extraction Methods on Quality Characteristics of Duck Feet Gelatin

  • Park, Jae-Hyun;Choe, Ju-Hui;Kim, Hyun-Wook;Hwang, Ko-Eun;Song, Dong-Heon;Yeo, Eui-Joo;Kim, Hack-Youn;Choi, Yun-Sang;Lee, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Cheon-Jei
    • 한국축산식품학회지
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    • 제33권2호
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    • pp.162-169
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    • 2013
  • We determined the optimum pretreatment conditions such as pH and time for swelling duck feet and investigated the effects of the extracting method, such as water bath (WB), pressure cooker (PC), and microwave oven (MO), on quality characteristics of the duck feet gelatin for improving utilization of duck feet as a novel source of gelatin. The soaking solution of pH 1 among pH 1-14 with unit intervals was selected due to the highest yield. The quality characteristics of the gelatin tested were color, pH, gel strength, viscosity, and melting point. For the extracted gelatin with different methods, the CIE $L^*$, $a^*$ and $b^*$ values were in the following order: MO>PC>WB (p<0.05), WB>PC>MO (p<0.05) and PC>MO>WB (p<0.05), respectively. The gelatin extracted using WB showed the highest pH and that extracted using MO showed the lowest pH (p<0.05). The gel strength, viscosity, and melting point were the highest for MO (p<0.05). The gel strength and melting point were the lowest for PC (p<0.05). No significant difference was found in viscosity between the gelatins extracted using WB and PC (p>0.05). The quality characteristic of duck feet gelatin was affected by extracting methods, and MO extraction can be one of the effective methods for duck feet gelatin.