• Title/Summary/Keyword: gaming

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An Effects of Network Externalities for Knowledge Sharing Intention in Social Networking Sites: Social Capital and Online Identity Perspective (소셜 네트워킹 사이트에서 네트워크 외부성이 지식공유 의도에 미치는 영향: 사회적 자본과 온라인 정체성 관점)

  • Lee, Jungmin;Chung, Namho
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2012
  • Nowadays, many first-time Internet users start off heavily using SNSs (Social Network Sites), such as Cyworld, Facebook, and Twitter. The reason for the growth of SNS use is closely related to the various services of gaming, playing, using entertainment items, sharing knowledge etc., provided by the SNS; technically, the most important of the services provided would be the behavior of sharing knowledge among people connected and networked in the site. In sum, we assume that the users may communicate well with each other and pay attention to building a close social network using the abovementioned activities. However, researchers have just begun to focus on the issues explaining why Internet users rush into SNSs and enjoy their time there. Therefore, we investigated the reasons for posting and sharing knowledge voluntarily on the SNS and how others respond to the posted knowledge and are actually affected by the behavior. We applied social identity theory and social capital theory in this study to find which network externalities in SNSs may affect online identity-based attachment and cause them to produce a knowledge sharing generation. We found that people's online identity in SNSs is closely related to and influences knowledge sharing. This empirical study resulted in the importance of social relations in SNSs, which leads to sharing knowledge.

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A Study on Design Techniques of Gaming Service Architecture with Android-base (안드로이드 기반의 게임서비스 아키텍처 설계기법에 관한 연구)

  • Ryu, Chang-Su;Hur, Chang-Wu
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.2563-2568
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    • 2012
  • The growth speed of the industry of national smart phone game service has become faster and the its economical and cultural effect has increased steadily these days. The DB design for data perpetuation in C/S MMO which has accumulated data a lot and many simultaneous plays like smart phone games is very important. This paper, mindful of the operation and the scalability suitable for android OS, by utilizing RDBMS, enabling very short, many transactions, their complexity, and a large amount of game data process, suggests fully-qualified MMORPG game service architecture design techniques widely available for more than online game industries.

The Method for Estimating the Inverse Demand Curve of Cournot Model in Electricity Market (전력시장 적용을 위한 쿠르노 모델에서의 역수요함수 추정 방법 제안)

  • Kang Dong-Joo;Hur Jin;Kim Tae-Hyun;Moon Young-Hwan;Lee Keun-Dae;Chung Koo-Hyung;Kim Balho H.
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.79-87
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    • 2005
  • At present Cournot model is one of the most commonly used theories to analyze the gaming situation in oligopoly market. But there exist several problems to apply this model to electricity market. The representative one is to obtain the inverse demand curve able to be induced from the relationship between market price and demand response. In Cournot model, each player offers their generation quantity to accomplish maximum profit, which is accomplished by reducing their quantity compared with available total capacity. As stated above, to obtain the probable Cournot equilibrium to reflect real market situation, we have to induce the correct demand function first of all. Usually the correlation between price and demand appears on the long-term basis through the statistical data analysis (for example, regression analysis) or by investigating consumer utility functions of several consumer groups classified as residential, industrial, and commercial. However, the elasticity has a tendency to change continuously according to the total market demand size or the level of market price. Therefore it should be updated as trading period passes by. In this paper we propose a method for inducing and updating this price elasticity of demand function for more realistic market equilibrium.

A Proposal for Inverse Demand Curve Production of Cournot Model for Application to the Electricity Market

  • Kang Dong-Joo;Oh Tae-Kyoo;Chung Koohyung;Kim Balho H.
    • KIEE International Transactions on Power Engineering
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    • v.5A no.4
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    • pp.403-411
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    • 2005
  • At present, the Cournot model is one of the most commonly used theories to analyze the gaming situation in an oligopoly type market. However, several problems exist in the successful application of this model to the electricity market. The representative one is obtaining the inverse demand curve able to be induced from the relationship between market price and demand response. In the Cournot model, each player offers their generation quantity to obtain maximum profit, which is accomplished by reducing their quantity compared with available total capacity. As stated above, to obtain the probable Cournot equilibrium to reflect the real market situation, we have to induce the correct demand function first of all. Usually the correlation between price and demand appears over the long-term through statistical data analysis (for example, regression analysis) or by investigating consumer utility functions of several consumer groups classified as residential, industrial, and commercial. However, the elasticity has a tendency to change continuously according to the total market demand size or the level of market price. Therefore it should be updated as the trading period passes by. In this paper we propose a method for inducing and updating this price elasticity of demand function for more realistic market equilibrium.

A Proposed Method for Estimating Demand function of Cournot Model in Electricity Market (전력시장에서의 쿠르노 수요함수 추정)

  • Kang, Dong-Joo;Hur, Jin;Oh, Tae-Kyoo;Chung, Koo-Hyung;Kim, Bal-Ho H.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2005.11b
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    • pp.168-170
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    • 2005
  • At present Cournot model is one of the most commonly used theories to analyze the gaming situation in oligopoly market. But there exist several problems to apply this model to electricity market. The representative one is to obtain the inverse demand curve able to be induced from the relationship between market price and demand response. In Cournot model, each player offers their generation quantity to accomplish maximum profit, which is accomplished by reducing their quantity compared with available total capacity. As stated above, to obtain the probable Cournot equilibrium to reflect real market situation, we have to induce the correct demand function first of all. Usually the correlation between price and demand appears on the long-term basis through the statistical data analysis (for example, regression analysis) or by investigating consumer utility functions of several consumer groups classified as residential, industrial, and commercial. However, the elasticity has a tendency to change continuously according to the total market demand size or the level of market price. Therefore it should be updated as trading period passes by. In this paper we propose a method for inducing and updating this price elasticity of demand function for more realistic market equilibrium

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A Prediction Model for Internet Game Addiction in Adolescents: Using a Decision Tree Analysis (의사결정나무 분석기법을 이용한 청소년의 인터넷게임 중독 영향 요인 예측 모형 구축)

  • Kim, Ki-Sook;Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.378-388
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: This study was designed to build a theoretical frame to provide practical help to prevent and manage adolescent internet game addiction by developing a prediction model through a comprehensive analysis of related factors. Methods: The participants were 1,318 students studying in elementary, middle, and high schools in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, Korea. Collected data were analyzed using the SPSS program. Decision Tree Analysis using the Clementine program was applied to build an optimum and significant prediction model to predict internet game addiction related to various factors, especially parent related factors. Results: From the data analyses, the prediction model for factors related to internet game addiction presented with 5 pathways. Causative factors included gender, type of school, siblings, economic status, religion, time spent alone, gaming place, payment to Internet cafe$\acute{e}$, frequency, duration, parent's ability to use internet, occupation (mother), trust (father), expectations regarding adolescent's study (mother), supervising (both parents), rearing attitude (both parents). Conclusion: The results suggest preventive and managerial nursing programs for specific groups by path. Use of this predictive model can expand the role of school nurses, not only in counseling addicted adolescents but also, in developing and carrying out programs with parents and approaching adolescents individually through databases and computer programming.

Predictors of Children's and Adolescents' Game Addiction : Impulsivity, Communication with Parents and Expectation about the Internet Games (충동성, 부모와의 의사소통 및 인터넷 게임에 대한 기대가 아동, 청소년의 게임 중독에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi Na-Ya;Han Eu-Gene
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.24 no.2 s.80
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    • pp.209-219
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relative effect of individual-, parents-, and game-related variables on game addiction. Totally, 1065 10 to 18-year-olds participated and completed questionnaires. Male students had more tendency to game addition than female students. No difference in the level of addiction, however, was appeared among elementary, junior-high, and high school groups, which means that many young children are already Same-addicted. More severely addicted children and adolescents showed higher level of impulsivity, more difficulties in communication with their parents, and more expectation of psychological gratification and interpersonal relationship through the internet games. The relative effects of these independent variables to game addiction were different among gender*school groups. Firstly, impulsivity was significant only in boys of elementary group. Secondly, for the junior-high group, communication with father and mother was important to boys and girls, repectively. Lastly, expected gratification from gaming itself mainly predicted high school students' game addiction, irrespective of gender. The findings of this study suggest that earlier intervention to young garners should be carried out. It is also indicated that parents' and teachers' role for guidance of the internet games would be different with children's gender and developmental stages.

A Method for Client-Server Allocation for Maximum Load Balancing and Automatic Frame Rate Adjustment in a Game Streaming Environment (게임 스트리밍 환경에서 최대 부하 균등 및 자동 프레임 레이트 조절을 위한 클라이언트-서버 배정 방법)

  • Kim, Sangchul
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.77-88
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    • 2020
  • Recently, interest in game streaming is high in cloud-based gaming. In game streaming, remote game servers perform graphics rendering and stream the resulting scene images to clients' device on the Internet. We model the client-server allocation (CSA) problem for balancing the GPU load between servers in a game streaming environment as an optimization problem, and propose a simulated annealing-based method. The features of our method are that the method takes into account the constraints on network delay and has the ability to automatically adjust the frame rate of game sessions if necessary.

The Effect of Mobile MMORPG Characteristics on Flow Experience and Performance

  • LEE, Jeonghoon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - This study examines the changes in the mobile MMORPG market in recent years and the factors affecting the performance of mobile games through flow experience according to the characteristics of game content. Research design, data, and methodology - This study focuses on the fact that the cause of game use behavior changes is the flow experience which influences the duration of mobile game continuation. The flow experience and the influencing factors are divided into the relationship between first, second-leading factors, and lagged factors. Results - The user's sense of challenge, skillfulness, concentration, and reality influenced the flow experience as a leading factor influencing the performance of MMORPG games. On the other hand, fun and preference were found to be the outcomes of the flow experience. This is because the game content is experienced not through passive enjoyment but by intentionally enjoying the game content. The flow experience has a positive effect on the intention of continuous use as in the previous study. Conclusions - This study found that the flow experience of game users is necessary for continuous use by organizing relationships of flow experience in mobile MMORPG users' gaming behavior.

An Exploratory Study on Outcome Variable for Educational Serious Game (교육기능성게임의 효과성 측정에 대한 연구)

  • Yoon, Clara;Choi, Hun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.546-552
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    • 2016
  • With the increasing popularity of computer games as a leisure activity, there has been a rise in the interest in the effectiveness of serious games. Many of the earlier researches are focused on evaluation of effects, types, developments of serious games, whereas little is known about the after effects of serious games. The aim of this paper is to examine the previous literatures on serious games in regard to their impacts and outcomes of gaming for the purpose of empirical evidence as impacts and outcomes are needed for exploratory study of variable outcomes of educational serious games. It is worth noting that current review would be used as an outcome indicator for verifying the after effects of both cognitive and educational after the usage of these educational serious games.