• Title/Summary/Keyword: gain-scheduled controller

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The speed regulation and fixed point parking control of urban railway ATO considering unknown running resistance (미지의 주행저항을 고려한 도시철도차량 ATO의 속도추종 및 정밀정차 제어)

  • 변윤섭;한성호;김길동;백광선;한영재
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.280-287
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    • 1999
  • An automatic train operation(ATO) system executes the operation of constant speed travelling and fixed point parking by using microprocessors instead of drivers manual operation. This paper describes the mathematical model for the train considering unknown disturbances which consist of start resistance, travelling resistance, slope resistance, curve resistance, and so on. The speed controller of ATO system is designed by considering the disturbances. The simulation is executed to verify the speed control and fixed point parking performance and to compare its performance with that of a PID-type ATO control system under disturbances. Simulation results show that the control performance of gain scheduled control scheme fur ATO system is better than that of the conventional PID controller.

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Moving Mass Actuated Reentry Vehicle Control Based on Trajectory Linearization

  • Su, Xiao-Long;Yu, Jian-Qiao;Wang, Ya-Fei;Wang, Lin-lin
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 2013
  • The flight control of re-entry vehicles poses a challenge to conventional gain-scheduled flight controllers due to the widely spread aerodynamic coefficients. In addition, a wide range of uncertainties in disturbances must be accommodated by the control system. This paper presents the design of a roll channel controller for a non-axisymmetric reentry vehicle model using the trajectory linearization control (TLC) method. The dynamic equations of a moving mass system and roll control model are established using the Lagrange method. Nonlinear tracking and decoupling control by trajectory linearization can be viewed as the ideal gain-scheduling controller designed at every point along the flight trajectory. It provides robust stability and performance at all stages of the flight without adjusting controller gains. It is this "plug-and-play" feature that is highly preferred for developing, testing and routine operating of the re-entry vehicles. Although the controller is designed only for nominal aerodynamic coefficients, excellent performance is verified by simulation for wind disturbances and variations from -30% to +30% of the aerodynamic coefficients.

Design of LQR Controller for Thermal Management System of 5kW Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (5kW급 고체 산화물 연료전지 열관리 계통 LQR 상태 궤환 제어기 설계)

  • Jeong, Jin Hee;Han, Jae Young;Sung, Yong Wook;Yu, Sang Seok
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.505-511
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    • 2015
  • Solid oxide fuel cell operate at high temperature ($800{\sim}1000^{\circ}C$). High temperature have an advantage of system efficiency, but a weak durability. In this study, linear state space controller is designed to handle the temperature of solid oxide fuel cell system for proper thermal management. System model is developed under simulink environment with Thermolib$^{(R)}$. Since the thermally optimal system integration improves efficiency, very complicated thermal integration approach is selected for system integration. It shows that temperature response of fuel cell stack and catalytic burner are operated at severe non-linearity. To control non-linear temperature response of SOFC system, gain scheduled linear quadratic regulator is designed. Results shows that the temperature response of stack and catalytic burner follows the command over whole ranges of operations.

Design of Individual Pitch Control and Fatigue Analysis of Wind Turbine (풍력발전시스템 개별피치제어설계 및 피로해석에 관한 연구)

  • Jeon, Gyeong Eon;No, Tae Soo;Kim, Guk Sun
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • Structural loading on a wind turbine is due to cyclic loads acting on the blades under turbulence and periodic wind field. The structural loading generates fatigue damage and fatigue failure of the wind turbine. The individual pitch control(IPC) is an efficient control method for reducing structural loading. In this paper, we present an IPC design method using Decentralized LQR(DLQR) and Disturbance accommodating control(DAC). DLQR is used for regulating rotor speed and DAC is used for canceling out disturbances. The performance of the proposed IPC is compared with CPC, which was designed with a gain-scheduled PI controller. We confirm the effect of fatigue load reduction with the use of damage equivalent load(DEL).

A Vertical Line Following Guidance Law Design (수직면 직선추종유도법칙 설계)

  • Whang, Ick-Ho;Cho, Sung-Jin
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.59 no.7
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    • pp.1309-1313
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we propose a novel guidance law for controlling an UAV(Unmanned Air-Vehicle) to follow a reference line in vertical plane. A kinematics model representing the relative motion of the UAV to the reference line is derived. And then LQR(Linear Quadratic Regulator) theory is applied to the model to derive the VLFG(Vertical Line Following Guidance) law. The resultant guidance law forms a gain-scheduling controller scheduled by a simple parameter $\sigma$ which is a function of the UAV's velocity, axial acceleration, gravity, and the slope of the reference line. Also derived is a stability condition for the $\sigma$ variation based on Lyapunov theory. Simulation results show that the proposed guidance law can be applied effectively to UAV guidance algorithm design.

The Study on ATO of Urban Railway Considering Unknown Disturbance (미지의 외란을 고려한 도시철도차량의 ATO를 위한 연구)

  • Byun, Yeun-Sub;Han, Seong-Ho;Kim, Gil-Dong;Lee, Byung-Song;Han, Young-Jae;Baek, Jong-Hyen;Park, Hyun-Jun
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1999.07a
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    • pp.421-423
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    • 1999
  • The function of the automatic train operation(ATO) system is to regulate the train ride comfort during start, acceleration and deceleration and execute operation of constant speed travelling and fixed point parking. The mathematical model for the train is presented by considering unknown disturbances which consist of start resistance, travelling resistance, slope resistance, curve resistance and so on. The speed control of ATO system is designed by considering the disturbances. The simulation is executed to verify the speed control performance and compare its performance with that of a PID-type ATO control system under the disturbances. Simulation results show that the control performance of gain scheduled control for ATO system is better than that of the conventional PID controller.

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Missile Autopilot Design for Agile Turn Control During Boost-Phase

  • Ryu, Sun-Mee;Won, Dae-Yeon;Lee, Chang-Hun;Tahk, Min-Jea
    • International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.365-370
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents the air-to-air missile autopilot design for a $180^{\circ}$ heading reversal maneuver during boost-phase. The missile's dynamics are linearized at a set of operating points for which angle of attack controllers are designed to cover an extended flight envelope. Then, angle of attack controllers are designed for this set of points, utilizing a pole-placement approach. The controllers' gains in the proposed configuration are computed from aerodynamic coefficients and design parameters in order to satisfy designer-chosen criteria. These design parameters are the closed-loop frequency, damping ratio, and time constant; these represent the characteristics of the control system. To cope with highly nonlinear and rapidly time varying dynamics during boost-phase, the global gain-scheduled controller is obtained by interpolating the controllers' gains over variations of the angle of attack, Mach number, and center of gravity. Simulation results show that the proposed autopilot design provides satisfactory performance and possesses good [ed: or "sufficient" or "excellent"] capabilities.