• 제목/요약/키워드: functional group accessibility

검색결과 9건 처리시간 0.02초

Miscibility in Binary Blends of Poly(vinyl phenol) and Poly(n-alkylene 2,6-naphthalates)

  • Lee, Joon-Youl;Han, Ji-Young
    • Macromolecular Research
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.94-99
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    • 2004
  • We have performed Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) studies on blends of poly(vinyl phenol) (PVPh) with poly(n-alkylene 2,6-naphthalates) containing alkylene units of different lengths. The results indicate that each poly(ethylene 2,6-naphthalate) (PEN) and poly(trimethylene 2,6-naphthalate) (PTN) blend with PVPh is immiscible or partially miscible, but blends of poly(butylene 2,6-naphthalate) (PBN) with PVPh are miscible over the whole range of compositions in the amorphous state. FTIR spectroscopic analysis confirmed that significant degree of intermolecular hydrogen bonding occurs between the PBN ester carbonyl groups and the PVPh hydroxyl groups. The large difference in the degree of mixing in these blend systems is described in terms of the effect that chain mobility has on the accessibility of the ester carbonyl functional groups toward the hydroxyl groups of PVPh, which in turn impacts the miscibility of these blends.

실버층 라이프스타일에 따른 건강기능식품 선택속성에 관한 연구 (Study on Relationship between Elderly Group Lifestyle and Selection Attributes in the Health Functional Foods)

  • 이명숙;김숙응
    • 한국임상약학회지
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    • 제25권4호
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    • pp.286-295
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    • 2015
  • Objective: This experiment is to study how elderly group and their various lifestyles interact with health functional foods, according to their selection behavior. Different lifestyles will be observed closely, as well as how different health conditions and consumer involvements will affect critical decision making in selecting health functional foods. Method: Theories and discoveries from original advanced research were compared parallel to the new study. Results: First, cluster analysis and exploratory analysis were performed amongst different elder lifestyles. Lifestyle exploratory analysis was used for healthy, unique, leisure, and economical-style elders. Cluster analysis was used for material trend oriented, health oriented, complacent oriented-style elders. Health Functional Foods' selection trait Exploratory Factor Analysis showed that product's originality (function, uniqueness, specialty, compatibility, distributor, expiration date), quality (amount, daily dose, visual representation, accessibility, portability, natural ingredients), and popularity (product container, brand image, taste and smell, advertised product, domestic or import, well-known function) were the three main causes. Secondly, the amount of benefits for the elderly group health lifestyle were affected by 'Interest in health', 'Notability of the health functional food', and 'Functionality approved mark'. Specifically, the importance of, 'Interest in health', 'Notability of health functional food', and 'Functionality approved mark' were noticeably high within health oriented elders. Lastly, after examining the data from elder lifestyle's relationship with health functional food selection trait, all three different results showed equal importance. If you closely examine material trend oriented elderly group, selection trait showed distinctively high regards in 'Fundamental Attribute', 'Typical Attribute', and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Health oriented elders showed their distinctively high regards in 'Natural Attribute', and less consideration in 'Typical Attribute' and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Complacent oriented-style elderly group showed less focus on 'Fundamental Attribute', and even less in 'Typical Attribute', and 'Cognitive Attribute'. Health oriented elderly group concluded with above data from the fact that they showed most importance and involvement in health beneficial products that are scientifically proven. Material trend oriented elderly group showed balanced traits in their concluded data, showing that they prefer function, safety, as well as the brand image and their reputation. Also, they consider the products' outer elements, such as design and product name, in order to sense inner functions. Conclusion: So, Silver Business corporations must develop products to fulfill the market demands, and strategize marketing plans to better target the correct audience.

Changes in Physicochemical Properties of Soybean Protein due to Acetylation during Incubation with Glucose

  • Kim, Myung-Hee;Kim, Jin-Hee;Kim, Kang-Sung
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.308-313
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    • 2004
  • Native and acetylated soybean protein with acetylation percentage of $25\%$ were incubated with glucose to induce Maillard reaction. Acetylation of ${\varepsilon}$-amino group of lysine residues changed the conformation of soybean protein. The direct uv spectrum of native and acetylated soybean protein showed conformational changes with accessibility of tyrosine and tryptophan residues increased. Acetylation suppressed Maillard reaction between soybean protein and glucose. Acetylated soybean protein showed improved water sorption, fat binding, foam formation, and emulsion activity of the protein, but depressed brown pigment development and trypsin digestion. Thus aceylation prevented deterioration of certain functional characteristics that occurred during storage, besides causing functional characteristics to be improved on its own.

Research On The Relevance Between Mixed-use Complex and User Behaviour Based On Three-dimensional Spatial Analysis

  • Zhendong Wang;Yihan Pan;Yi Lu;Xihui Zhou
    • 국제초고층학회논문집
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    • 제12권1호
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2023
  • Under the dual pressure of population growth and land shortage, threedimensional development is the inevitable choice for cities in China. In such a scenario, a mixed-use complex has considerable potential in its realization and research. Based on space syntax and the three-dimensional visibility graph analysis, this paper describes the spatial and functional layout of the Shanghai Super Brand Mall and studies the relationship between spatial visibility and user behaviour through linear regression analysis and correlation analysis. This paper studies three different types of user behaviour, namely, path selection, staying selection, and store selection, and finds that spatial visibility and accessibility have different effects on user behaviour depending on the type and purpose of the activity. This paper reveals the influence of spatial and functional layout on user behaviour and puts forward the corresponding design strategy under the three-dimensional environment.

Functional Requirements for Research Data Repositories

  • Kim, Suntae
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.25-36
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    • 2018
  • Research data must be testable. Science is all about verification and testing. To make data testable, tools used to produce, collect, and examine data during the research must be available. Quite often, however, these data become inaccessible once the work is over and the results being published. Hence, information and the related context must be provided on how research data are preserved and how they can be reproduced. Open Science is the international movement for making scientific research data properly accessible for research community. One of its major goals is building data repositories to foster wide dissemination of open data. The objectives of this research are to examine the features of research data, common repository platforms, and community requests for the purpose of designing functional requirements for research data repositories. To analyze the features of the research data, we use data curation profiles available from the Data Curation Center of the Purdue University, USA. For common repository platforms we examine Fedora Commons, iRODS, DataONE, Dataverse, Open Science Data Cloud (OSDC), and Figshare. We also analyze the requests from research community. To design a technical solution that would meet public needs for data accessibility and sharing, we take the requirements of RDA Repository Interest Group and the requests for the DataNest Community Platform developed by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI). As a result, we particularize 75 requirement items grouped into 13 categories (metadata; identifiers; authentication and permission management; data access, policy support; publication; submission/ingest/management, data configuration, location; integration, preservation and sustainability, user interface; data and product quality). We hope that functional requirements set down in this study will be of help to organizations that consider deploying or designing data repositories.

국제의료관광 서비스 품질이 지각된 가치에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (The Effects of International Medical Tourism Service Quality on Perceived Value)

  • 이창남;김현주;황일영
    • 통상정보연구
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.3-25
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    • 2013
  • 본 연구에서는 서비스 상품으로 미래 신 성장동력 산업인 의료관광산업의 육성과 개발이 시급한 실정이다. 현실은 관광과 의료가 융 복합 산업의 새로운 경제패러다임의 중추적 역할을 하는 산업으로 성장시키기 위한 실질적 의료관광 마케팅 전략수립의 기초적 근거를 제공하고자 연구의 목적을 두었다. 설문지는 한국의 방한한 의료관광자 중 상위 3개국(일본, 중국, 미국)을 대상으로 조사를 하였습니다. 수집된 자료를 근거하여 의료관광 목적시 각국의 의료 여행자 행동의 관계를 분석하였다 이에 대한 분석결과는 의료관광서비스품질(신뢰성, 유형성, 편리성)은 지각된 가치에 정(+)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 조사되었다. 또한 이들 요인 중(신뢰성, 유형성, 반응성, 편리성)은 감정적 가치에 정의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.

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Inclusive Design in Digital Medical Interface Adaptation for the Elderly

  • Liu Minghua
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • 제16권4호
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    • pp.360-366
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    • 2024
  • Prompted by the challenges posed by an ageing society, this study contemplates design orientations from the perspective of inclusive design. It explores the adaptation of digital medical interfaces for the elderly to enhance design inclusiveness, catering to the senior user group and optimizing interactive experience in the medical system. This study employs the concept of inclusive design and analyzes its characteristics through literature. It distills the elements of the digital medical interface design for the elderly from three aspects: functional purpose, interactive behavior, and emotional expression. Using user research methods such as in-depth interviews and field research, it creates user personas and behavioral analysis diagrams for elderly patients with chronic diseases, organizing and categorizing their pain points. This study proposes principles for service touchpoint improvement based on inclusiveness. We optimize pain points and streamline the design process for age-friendly services, helping the elderly adapt to and integrate with digital life. By infusing inclusive design principles, we enhance the accessibility and inclusiveness of service design, elevating the service experience for the elderly. Our approach to age-friendly service design offers a valuable entry point for research focused on elderly-centered services and provides actionable strategies for developing agefriendly medical service processes.

HACM을 사용한 객체지향 재사용 부품의 분류와 검색 (Classification and Retrieval of Object - Oriented Reuse Components with HACM)

  • 배제민;김상근;이경환
    • 한국정보처리학회논문지
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    • 제4권7호
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    • pp.1733-1748
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    • 1997
  • 재사용을 지원하는 라이브러리 구축을 위해서는 다양한 응용영역에 적용할 수 있는 분류스킴과 검색방법이 필요하다. 본 논문에서는 재사용 단계의 접근성의 핵심을 이루는 분류스킴을 클러스터를 이용한 계층적인 구조를 통해 정의하였다. 또한 검색시스템의 기능과 정확도를 결정하는 라이브러리 구조에 클러스터링 정보를 첨가하여 부품의 표현방법과 클래스들간의 유사관계를 기술, 관리하는 방법을 제안하였다. 이에 따라 개발자에게 소프트웨어 부품의 인덱싱 및 스테밍 등을 통한 분류 및 검색 방법을 제공함으로써 재사용부품에 대한 탐색가능성을 높이고 재사용의 효과를 증진시키려한다. 그 결과로 재사용 라이브러리의 구축과정을 자동화하였고 기존의 문제점인 확장성과 관련된 모두를 고려한 분류스킴을 통하여 재사용라이브러리와 검색시스템을 구축하였으며 관련연구를 클러스터 계층도를 통해 시각화함으로써 탐색가능성에 대한 효과를 높였다. 또한 검색결과는 재사용시스템 CARS 2.1에 통합되었다.

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베이비부머 집단을 위한 보행 운동용 스마트 워킹웨어의 디자인 방향 연구 (A Research on Design Direction for the Smart Walking Wear to Support Walking Exercise for the Baby Boomer Group)

  • 반현성;황수정;김신혜;이주현
    • 감성과학
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.129-140
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구는 고령에 접어들고 있는 베이비부머 집단의 보행 운동용 스마트 스포츠웨어 및 스포츠 애플리케이션에 대한 수용태도를 분석하고 베이비부머 집단의 특성에 맞는 스마트 워킹웨어 및 연동 애플리케이션 개발방향을 제시하는 것이다. 연구 방법은 조사연구로 설문지법을 사용하였으며 측정 도구는 기존 스마트 스포츠웨어와 스포츠 애플리케이션의 디자인, 기능성 사용성에 대한 수용태도를 묻는 문항 등으로 구성되었으며, 조사대상은 50세 이상 65세 미만의 베이비부머 집단을 대상으로 진행됐다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 베이비부머 소비자들은 스마트 스포츠웨어의 기능 및 성능안전성에 대해 긍정적으로 인식하나 관리 및 내구성에 대한 우려가 있어 스마트 스포츠웨어의 내구성 및 편의성 개선방향 및 사후 처리에 대한 고려가 필요하다. 스포츠 애플리케이션의 경우 새로운 정보를 얻을 수 있는 교육적인 기능으로 인식하며, 인지용이성 및 접근성에 대해 젊은 세대에 비하여 어려움을 느끼는 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구 결과를 바탕으로 베이비부머 소비자의 보행운동용 워킹웨어의 디자인 및 기획방향으로는 '일반 스포츠웨어 디자인의 일상적 디자인', '소비자의 선호가 반영된 기능', '관리의 편의성 및 내구성을 높인 디자인' 등을, 보행운동용 애플리케이션의 기획 방향으로는 '쉬운 스포츠 애플리케이션 구성', '교육적 운동 콘텐츠 구성' 등을 제시하였다.