• Title/Summary/Keyword: free rocking mode

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Seismic response of structures with a rocking seismic isolation system at their base under narrow-band earthquake loading

  • Miguel A. Jaimes;Salatiel Trejo;Valentin Juarez;Adrian D. Garcia-Soto
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.269-282
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    • 2023
  • This study investigates a rocking seismic isolation (RSI) system as a seismic protection measure against narrow-band ground-motions generated by earthquakes. Structures supported over RSIs are considered capable of reducing the lateral demands and damage of the main structural system through lifting and rocking. This lifting and rocking during earthquake activity is provided by free-standing columns. A single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system supported on a RSI system is subjected to narrow-band seismic motions and its response is compared to an analog system without RSI. The comparison is then extended to reinforced concrete linear frames with and without RSI; three-bay frames with 11 and 17 storeys are considered. It is found that the RSI systems significantly reduce acceleration and displacement demands in the main structural frames, more noticeably if the first structural mode dominates the response and for ratios of the predominant frequency of the ground motion to the predominant frequency of the main frame near one. It is also found that the RSI system is more effective in reducing lateral accelerations and displacements of the main structure when the aspect ratio, b/h, and size, R, of the free-standing columns decrease, although the rocking stability of the RSI system is also reduced.

Formulation for seismic response of a ship-block system

  • Kuchaksarai, Masoud Moghaddasi;Bargi, Khosrow
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.293-308
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents a complete and consistent formulation to study the seismic response of a free-standing ship supported by an arrangement of n keel blocks which are all located in a dry dock. It is considered that the foundation of the system is subjected to both horizontal and vertical in plane excitation. The motion of the system is classified in eight different modes which are Rest (relative), Sliding of keel blocks, Rocking of keel blocks, Sliding of the ship, Sliding of both keel blocks and the ship, Sliding and rocking of keel blocks, Rocking of keel blocks with sliding of the ship, and finally Sliding and rocking of keel blocks accompanied with sliding of the ship. For each mode of motion the governing equations are derived, and transition conditions between different modes are also defined. This formulation is based on a number of fundamental assumptions which are 2D idealization for motion of the system, considering keel blocks as the rigid ones and the ship as a massive rigid block too, allowing the similar motion for all keel blocks, and supposing frictional nature for transmitted forces between contacted parts. Also, the rocking of the ship is not likely to take place, and the complete ship separation from keel blocks or separation of keel blocks from the base is considered as one of the failure mode in the system. The formulation presented in this paper can be used in its entirety or in part, and they are suitable for investigation of generalized response using suitable analytical, or conducting a time-history sensitivity analysis.

Development of Modified Flexibility Ratio - Racking Ratio Relationship of Box Tunnels Subjected to Earthquake Loading Considering Rocking

  • Duhee Park;Van-Quang Nguyen;Gyuphil Lee;Youngsuk Lee
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.13-24
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    • 2023
  • Tunnels may undergo a larger or a smaller response compared with the free-field soil. In the pseudo-static procedure, the response of the tunnel is most often characterized by a curve that relates the racking ratio (R) with the flexibility ratio (F), where R represents the ratio of the tunnel response with respect to the free-field vibration and F is the relative stiffness of the tunnel and the surrounding soil. A set of analytical and empirical curves that do not account for the depth and the aspect ratio of the tunnel are typically used in practice. In this study, a series of dynamic analyses are conducted to develop a set of F-Rm relations for use in a frame analysis method. Rm is defined as an adjusted R where the rocking mode of deformation is removed and only the racking deformation is extracted. The numerical model is validated against centrifuge test recordings. The influence of aspect ratio, buried depth of tunnel on results is investigated. The results show that Rm increases with the increase of the buried depth and the aspect ratio. The widely used F-R relations are highlighted to be different compared with the obtained results in this study. Therefore, the updated F-Rm relations with proposed equations are recommended to be used in practice design. The rocking response decreases with either the decrease of the difference of stiffness between surrounding soil and tunnel or the larger aspect ratio of the tunnel section.

Epitaxial Growth of $NdF_3:Er^{3+}/CaF_2(111)$ by MBE

  • Ko, J.M.;Fukuda, T.
    • Proceedings of the Korea Association of Crystal Growth Conference
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    • 1998.06a
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    • pp.71-74
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    • 1998
  • $Er^{3+}$ doped $NdF_{3}$ single crystalline thin films with smooth, microcrack-free, and high-crystalline quality were grown on $CaF_{2}(111)$ substrate at $500^{\circ}C$by molecular beem epitaxy(MBE). The relation-ship between subcell and supercell showing the reconstructed $3^{1/2} \times 3^{1/2}$ structure was studied by reflection high-energy electron diffraction(RHEED) investigation. The film surface and the growth mode were examined in studied by RHEED patterns and atomic force microscope(AFM) images ex situ. The crystallinity of film and the lattice mismatch between $NdF_{3}Er}^{3+}(0002)$ film and $CaF_{2}(111)$ substrate depending in the $Er^{3+}$ concentration were investigated by X-ray rocking curve analysis.

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Dynamics of a HDD spindle system due to the change of FDBs (유체베어링의 설계변화에 따른 HDD 스핀들 시스템의 동특성 해석)

  • Park, Ki-Yong;Jang, Gun-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 2008
  • This paper investigates the dynamics of a HDD spindle system due to the change of FDBs. Flying height of the HDD spindle system is determined through the static analysis of the FDBs, and the stiffness and damping coefficients are calculated through the dynamic analysis of the FDBs. Free vibration characteristics and shock response of the HDD spindle system are analyzed by using the finite element method and the mode superposition method. Experimental modal test is also performed to verify the accuracy of the proposed method. This research shows that the stiffness coefficients of journal heating mostly affect the rocking frequencies because their magnitude are within the range of the stiffness of supporting structure. It also shows that the damping coefficients of thrust bearing mostly affect the axial frequency because the stiffness of thrust bearing is much smaller that that of supporting structure.

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