• 제목/요약/키워드: formation of concept

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도시환경 개선을 위한 바람길숲 조성 계획기법 개발 연구 - 대전광역시를 사례로 - (A Study on the Wind Ventilation Forest Planning Techniques for Improving the Urban Environment - A Case Study of Daejeon Metropolitan City -)

  • 한봉호;박석철;박수영
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제51권2호
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    • pp.28-41
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    • 2023
  • 본 연구의 목적은 대전광역시를 사례로 도시환경 개선을 위한 도시 바람길숲 조성 계획기법을 개발하고자 하였다. 미세먼지 및 폭염 공간분석을 통해 상대적으로 심각한 집중지역의 유역권을 공간단위로 도출하였고, 해당 유역권 내 찬공기 유동 잠재성이 있는 지역을 바람길숲 조성 대상권역으로 선정하였다. 미세먼지 극심지역은 대덕구 대전산업단지 재생사업지구, 유성구 대덕테크노밸리 일대가 해당되었다. 폭염 발생 우심지역은 대덕산업단지(목상동), 대전산업단지 재생사업지구(대화동), 오정동 밀집주거지(오정동) 일대가 해당되었다. 대전 지점 자동기상관측장비(AWS) 측정 결과 낮과 밤의 평균 풍속은 0.1-1.7m/s, 밤 시간 바람 유동이 낮보다 저조하였고, 밤에 외곽 산림에서 생성되는 찬공기의 이동을 원활하게 유도하는 바람길숲 계획이 필요하였다. 대전광역시 미세먼지·폭염 집중관리 권역은 대전천 권역, 유등천 권역, 갑천-유등천 권역, 갑천 권역으로 총 4개 권역이었다. 바람길숲 조성계획 사례는 4개 권역 중 대전광역시 구도심이며, 바람길 조성 효과가 높을 것으로 추정되는 갑천-유등천 권역을 대상으로 제시하였다. 갑천-유등천 권역은 계족산 서사면 산림, 우성이산 남사면 산림에서 생성된 찬공기를 갑천, 유등천과 가로숲을 통해 연결하여 도심으로 찬공기 확산될 수 있도록 바람길숲을 계획하였다. 바람길숲 대상 권역 선정 후 해당 권역 내 기후톱지도, 바람형성기능 평가도 작성, 바람장미(밤) 현황 파악, 미세먼지 발생현황, 지표면 온도 분포현황을 상세하게 파악하였다. 이를 통해 바람길숲 계획 구상 및 유형별 세부 대상지를 파악하였다. 그리고 바람길숲 유형별 조성방향 설정과 조성방향에 따른 세부 실행계획을 수립하였다.

신구(新舊) 관념의 교차와 전통 지식 체계의 변용 (The Conceptual Intersection between the Old and the New and the Transformation of the Traditional Knowledge System)

  • 이행훈
    • 한국철학논집
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    • 제32호
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    • pp.215-249
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    • 2011
  • 본고는 서양 근대 문명 수용 초기(1890~1910)에 발생한 신구 관념의 대립과 충돌을 중심으로 전통 지식 체계의 변용을 역사의미론적으로 탐색함으로써 한국의 근대를 성찰하는 데 목적이 있다. 한국에서 신구 관념을 놓고 벌어진 주체 간의 투쟁은 전통개신론자들과 문명개화론자들의 주장에서 첨예하게 드러났다. 서양의 충격에서 비롯된 신구 관념의 대립과 충돌은 우주 자연으로부터 사회 정치체제, 학술?문화 등 모든 부문에서 인식의 전환을 요구하였지만, 전통 지식 체계를 이해하는 시각에는 다소 차이가 있었다. 신구 관념에 따른 전통 지식 체계의 구축과 변용과정에서 문명개화론자들에게 '구(舊)'는 단순히 과거의 '지나간', '오래된' 것이 아니라 파괴하고 제거하지 않으면 새로운 문명 건설을 방해하는 장애물이었다. 그러나 전통개신론자들에게 '구(舊)'는 '온고지신(溫故知新)'의 이념 속에서 다시 '신(新)'으로 거듭날 수 있는 가능성을 내함하고 있는 '개신(改新)'의 대상이었다. 박은식의 "유교구신론(儒敎求新論)"이나 한용운의 "조선불교유신론(朝鮮佛敎維新論)"은 전통 지식 체계를 '신학(新學)'으로 재편하려한 대표적인 시도였다. 보편성과 객관성, 합리성을 추구하는 과학적 방법을 수용함으로써 전통 지식 체계는 근대적인 학문으로 변화할 수 있었다. 그러나 신학(新學)으로 변화하는 과정에서 성학(聖學)으로서의 위상은 탈각되었고, 신앙과 종교적 전통 또한 약화될 수밖에 없었다. 이러한 전통 지식 체계의 변용과 '구학의 신학화' 과정에서 신구 관념의 교차가 발생하였다. 여기서 특히 신구 관념의 교차를 가능하게 한 '실(實)(학(學))' 개념에 주목할 필요가 있다. 20세기 전후 발간된 다종의 근대 매체는 신구 관념의 다층적 전개 양상을 여실히 보여주는데, 전통 지식 체계가 신학(新學)으로 변용될 수 있었던 계기로서 '실학'이라는 개념적 준거틀이 작동하였음을 확인할 수 있다. 물론 이 시기 실학이 지칭하는 대상은 대체로 서양의 학문인 '신학(新學)'을 표상하고 심지어 등치되기도 했지만, 전통개신론자들은 문명개화론자들이 점유하였던 '실학' 개념과 그 의미를 재해석함으로써 전통 지식 체계를 신학으로 바꿀 수 있었다. 이들은 과학 기술에 압도되어 점차로 거세되어가던 전통적 가치를 '신학' 수용의 토대로 인식하고, '실학(實學)'을 개념을 준거로 하여 '신학(新學)'을 재전유(再專有)(re-appropriation)하였다. 일제의 강점이 구체화 되어 전통 지식 체계의 주체적 변용 시도는 일정한 한계에 직면할 수밖에 없었지만 '구학의 신학화'는 '동도서기(東道西器)' 논리가 지닌 모순과 문명개화론의 탈주체성을 넘어서는 것으로 평가할 수 있다. 도덕 원리와 경쟁 원리가 충돌하고 '진화'와 '진보'가 대세인 현실에 대응하려했던 '동도서기(東道西器)' 논리는 이미 분리될 수 없는 도(道)와 기(器)를 분리 가능한 것으로 상정해야만 성립되는 모순을 안고 있었고, 문명개화론은 서양을 내면화하여 자기 비하와 멸시로 주체의 균열을 야기하고 전통 지식 체계로부터 단절됐다는 비판에서 자유로울 수 없기 때문이다.

Use of Multimedia Technologies in Extra-Curricular Works in Order to Improve the Quality of Training of Future Specialists

  • Tverezovska, Nina;Kovbasa, Tetiana;Pryhalinska, Tetiana;Mykhniuk, Serhii;Lopushan, Tetiana;Radionova, Olena;Kuchai, Tetiana
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권9호
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2022
  • The article deals with the role of extra-curricular work by means of multimedia technologies in order to improve the quality of training of future specialists. An important condition for achieving high results in training specialists is the optimal combination of classroom and independent extra-curricular work of students by means of multimedia technologies. Very significant is the development of student independence, the formation of skills of independent search activity, the ability to take responsibility, independently solve a problem, find constructive solutions, a way out of a crisis situation, and so on. Extra-curricular work forms students' ability to master the techniques of analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison; develops flexibility of thinking; opens up opportunities for the development and stabilization of positive learning motives to activate the process of mastering knowledge by means of multimedia technologies as a means of forming the personality of a highly qualified specialist. The concept of multimedia as one of the priority areas of Information Technology, which plays a particularly important role in the process of informatization of education, is revealed, and its advantages in education are shown. The advent of multimedia systems optimizes transformations in education, in many areas of professional activity, science, art, etc. The necessity of distance learning to improve the quality of training of future specialists using multimedia technologies in extra-curricular work is justified. The effectiveness of pedagogical support in the process of distance learning is achieved by the following conditions, which is revealed in the article. Various forms and types of extra-curricular work of students that are used in the modern practice of the educational environment of a higher education institution are described. Scientific and informational activity is considered a key area of information activity. The analysis of scientific and information activities in the field of education allows us to identify its main functions, which emphasize the growing role of scientific information in the education system, in particular, extra-curricular work using multimedia technologies. Operational, complete, accurate, targeted information that meets objective and subjective needs becomes an important link between the field of management, science and practice.

Conceptual Approaches to Training Specialists Using Multimedia Technologies

  • Shchyrbul, Oleksandr;Babalich, Viktoriya;Mishyn, Sergii;Novikova, Viktoriia;Zinchenko, Lina;Haidamashko, Iryna;Kuchai, Oleksandr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권9호
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    • pp.123-130
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    • 2022
  • Modernization of the educational sector requires globalization, democratization, and the transition to an information technology society. The main goal of education at the present stage is to solve the problem of ensuring the priority of the development of education and science. In modern conditions, the quality of training of qualified specialists is becoming particularly relevant. The great role of teacher education is emphasized by its main goal, which is to train specialists who can ensure the versatile and innovative development of a person as a person and the highest value of society, its mental, physical and aesthetic abilities, high moral qualities, and, consequently, the enrichment on this basis of the intellectual, creative and cultural potential of the people. Among the strategic tasks of modernizing higher education is to ensure informatization of the educational process and access to International Information Systems. The essence of the concept of multimedia is clarified. In the context of media education, multimedia lists a number of functions: informational, interpretive, cultural, entertainment, and educational. The need to meet the needs outlined in the article in the conditions of informatization of the educational process requires the teacher to have knowledge and skills in the field of multimedia pedagogical technologies, knowledge of advanced methods and means of modern science. It is considered what relevant concepts of media education have been developed and are being developed in Ukraine and form an important basis for the modernization of education, which will contribute to the construction of an information society in the country and the formation of civil society. Distance learning is considered - the most democratic form of education that allows broad segments of society to get an education. Distance learning methods are used in higher education institutions, in school education, in the system of advanced training of teachers, in the system of training managerial personnel.

Formation of New Approaches to the Use of Information Technology and Search For Innovative Methods of Training Specialists within the Pan-European Educational Space

  • Stratan-Artyshkova, Tetiana;Kozak, Khrystyna;Syrotina, Olena;Lisnevska, Nataliya;Sichkar, Svitlana;Pertsov, Oleksandr;Kuchai, Oleksandr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • 제22권8호
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2022
  • European integration processes have acted as a catalyst for the emergence of a new type of educational environment, which is characterized by competent flexibility of specialists. Therefore, the article focuses on professional training of teachers in the context of European integration processes using information technology and the search for innovative methods of training specialists. One of the educational priorities in Europe is to create a new model of a teacher who has an academic education, knows innovative methods, is able to perform functions and tasks efficiently and professionally, adequately, quickly and correctly respond to changes and innovations. The tasks facing education in the European dimension are formulated. The main trends in the education of teachers in modern Europe are described: the need to deepen and expand subject training programs in pedagogical institutions of Higher Education, which will allow autonomy of activity, awareness of responsibility for independent creative decisions, create favorable conditions for the development of professionalism through the use of Information Technology and the search for innovative methods of training specialists. At the present stage, various models of teacher training are being developed based on the University and practical concept using information technology and searching for innovative methods of training specialists. On this basis, two different theories of perception of teacher education were formed: as preparation of teachers for work throughout their professional career; as preparation for the first years of professional work, which is periodically repeated in the process of continuous professional training and improvement. Among the advantages that the use of Information Technology and the search for innovative methods of training specialists to implement the learning process, it is worth mentioning the following: simultaneous use of several channels of perception of the student or student in the learning process, thanks to which the integration of information processed by different sensory organs is achieved; the ability to simulate complex real experiments; visualization of abstract information by dynamic representation of processes, etc.

A Study on Fashion Design Applied from Color-Field Abstract of Matk Rothko: Focusing on Needle-Punching Felt Technique

  • Park, Kyung-Mi;Lee, Mi-Ryang
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2010
  • Fashion needs to be understood as practicality and creative behavior and various movements of paintings act as inspirations of original design for fashion designers. This study seeks to find sources of fashion designs in the works of Mark Rothko who is in the center of color-field abstract. Color-field of Rothko provides infinite inspirations as colors are identically treated as shapes and lighting and textures are all included on top of it. In this study, the purpose is to create color focused artistic fashion design by exploring the possibility of expression with the colors of Rothko as the main motive. The study method is as follows. First, the concept and significance of color-field abstract are researched through documented data. Works of Rothko is divided into three periods according to their characteristics. The background of the formation of color-field abstract of Rothko is understood by analyzing the trends of the works in each period. Second, twenty representative works from 1949 to 1969 are selected and analyzed in formative components of color, shape and textures in order to more accurately understand shape of colors, brilliance, simplicity that appear in the mature color-field abstract of Rothko. Third, preexisting methods of color-field of paintings developed into motives of clothing are studied focusing on the collections from 1997 to 2006. Examples of applications of color-field images in modern fashion designs are analyzed. Fourth, motives are selected based on general characteristics of color-field abstract of Rothko and the results of the formative analysis. Clothing is produced that expresses the colors of the paintings of Rothko more effectively. As the results of the study, restrained shapes and textures and various forms of color combinations shown in color-field abstract of Rothko provided deep inspirations on material composition and color planning for fashion design focused on colors. Additionally, needle-punching technique using wool for the production technique enabled relief texture expressions of materials by colors and effective applications of soft and warm atmosphere of color-field abstract of Rothko on clothing. Especially, the ideology of color-field abstract of Rothko of shaping of colors could be expressed and the direction of the development of motives could be presented at the same time by specifically applying color combination method using horizontal division of atypical color-field from the formative characteristics of color-field abstract of Rothko.

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"동의수세보원(東醫壽世保元)"의 병증론이 8체질론(體質論)의 형성에 미친 영향에 대한 고찰(考察) (A Study on How the Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases in "Donguisusebowon" Influenced the Formation of the Theory of Eight Constitution)

  • 정용재;박성식
    • 사상체질의학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.445-457
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    • 2011
  • 1. Purpose Lee Je-Ma had continued to revise "Donguisusebowon" by adding the contents of the Symptomatic-pharmacology(病證藥理論) on Soeumin, Soyangin and Taeeumin to it from the first establishment of the old version in 1894 to 1900.(new version). This paper tries to find out the contents and meaning of the Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases(病證論) between the old version and new version and what the Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases affected the Theory of Eight Constitution created in subsequent years. 2. Methods I classified the Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases in "DongYiSuseBowon" into old version and new version and tried to find out the Theory of Eight morbidities(8病證論) which is the predecessor of the Theory of Eight Constitution, before reviewing their relation. 3. Conclusions 1) The Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases in the old version specify that the externally sensed diseases are caused by the deep sediment of nature(性) and that the internally touched diseases are caused by the violent activities of emotion(情). In addition, it said that all diseases are caused by the specific characteristics of patient's smaller internal organs(偏小之臟). But in new version, the diseases were understood through the concept Exterior, Interior, Heat and cold(表裏寒熱). The new version said that the diseases may be caused not only the specific characteristics of patient's smaller organs but also by bigger organs(偏大之臟). 2) The Theory of Eight Constitution was derived from the Theory of Eight morbidities, in which all kinds of human diseases are caused by 8 disease-orgin organ and that the diseases therefore can be classified into 8 morbidities. The Theory of Eight morbidities reorganized the Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases in "DongYiSuseBowon" by classifying them into first morbidity and second morbidity. 3) The Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases in "DongYiSuseBowon" has decisively affected the creation of the Theory of Eight morbidities which is the predecessor of the Theory of Eight Constitution. The Theory of Eight morbidities may be deemed another interpretation of the Discourse on the Constitutional Symptoms and Diseases in "DongYiSuseBowon". As the Theory of Eight morbidities put emphasis on the genetic characteristics, the Theory of Eight Constitution stating that Eight morbidities are caused by different specific constitution was derived.

An Empirical Study on Emotional Intensity and the Influence of Product Involvement in the Context of the Integrative Framework

  • Pradip Hira, Sadarangani;Sanjaya S., Gaur
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제12권
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    • pp.99-119
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    • 2003
  • A model is proposed for the role of emotional intensity of a web site, and the moderating influence of product involvement, in the Integrative Framework of persuasion (Meyers-Levy and Malvaiya 1999). The model also appropriately operationalizes the constructs emotional intensity of a web site and product involvement The three routes to persuasion, Central, Peripheral, and Experiential correspond to high, moderate, and low involvement (Meyers-Levy and Malaviya 1999). The involvement construct is measured from message recipients using the Personal Product Inventory (Pill, which was developed to capture the concept of product involvement (Zaichkowsky 1985). The conceptualization of the Personal Product Inventory is a contextrree measure that also has robust psychometric properties when applied to advertisements (Zaichkowsky 1994). The propositions highlight the expected importance of emotional intensity of a web site. The moderating influence of product involvement is also proposed. Specifically, what this work proposes is that the emotional intensity of a product site has a larger impact on attitude change under low product involvement, as opposed to moderate product involvement. Support for this reasoning can be found in the persuasion literature (Petty et al 1986). The Petty et al (1986) frame work is a dual process descriptive and predictive frame work in the area of altitude formation and change. Recently, Myers Levy and Malaviya (1999) have proposed a tri-process framework. This is in tum based on the dual process model of Petty et al. (1986). The study outlined in this paper aims to deepen the Meyers Levy and Malaviya (1999) and frame work. The propositions outlined in the model are empirically tested using a repeated measures experimental design. The emotional intensity is measured using a scale that is based on experts judgments. Using a paired comparison t-test two sites are determined to be of high and low emotional intensity. The model is tested using a repeated measures experimental design. The first independent variable Emotional Intensity of the site is manipulated. The Second independent variable, Personal Product Inventory is measured. While, the dependent variable, product altitude change will also be measured. Utilizing Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) the data is analyzed using SPSS. The results suggest that besides the rational content of messages their emotional content can also influence attitude change. Specifically, it is proposed that the manipulation of emotional intensity of a product Web site has a greater impact on product altitudes under high and low product involvement conditions, rather than moderate product involvement. However, the results for product involvement as a continuous variable has a p value of 0.09. Further, the results for three levels of product involvement were far from significant. For two levels of product involvement also, the results were insignificant, the p value approached 0.20. This evidence indicates that it is premature to conclude that there are three routes to persuasion. A caveat, however, must be added, in that the manipulations may not have been strong enough to test the proposed hypotheses. Further, undoubtedly, there is unequivocal evidence the emotional intensity of a product Web site, as measured here, has a direct impact on product attitudes.

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대중교통 디자인시스템을 통한 도시이미지 형성에 관한 연구 - 서울시 대중교통 디자인의 아이덴티피케이션 개념적용과 시스템화 방안 - (A Study on Building of City Image through the Design System for Public Transportation - Focus on the Design Case for Seoul Public Transportation -)

  • 양승주;김병진
    • 디자인학연구
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    • 제19권1호
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2006
  • 도시개념의 변화로 현대 도시는 물리적 공간이라는 구조적인 개념에서 탈피하여 이윤창출을 위한 경영의 시각으로 바라보게 되었다. 우리나라의 경우 이미 도시화는 80%수준을 넘어 도시화 사회에 진입하였으며, 세계화 및 개방화에 따라 아이덴티티의 형성이 도시경쟁력을 높이기 위한 수단으로 제시되고 있다. 서울은 기능과 시설의 측면에서는 이미 선진국의 수준에 들어섰지만 문화경쟁력과 도시관광 매력물, 서비스시스템의 부족으로 인하여 도시이미지가 낮게 평가되고 있다. 특히 도시를 간접적으로 상징하는 공공시설로서 대중교통은 이용율과 의존도는 매우 높지만 안내서비스 및 시각시스템에 있어서 운영 관리가 부족하며 차별화 된 이미지와 로열티를 발견하기 어렵다. 2004년 서울시에서는 개편안을 제시했지만 영국의 런던, 프랑스의 파리, 일본의 도쿄 등과 같은 세계의 대표적인 도시들에 비해 일관된 시스템과 디자인 사용환경 규제 및 관리의 부족, 과다한 시각정보 및 연계성 파괴 등이 지적되고 있다. 따라서 이러한 문제점을 해결하기 위해 무질서한 시각물에 개성과 사용규정을 적용하여 아이덴티티를 창출하기 위한 디자인 시스템의 도입이 필요한 시점이다. 이러한 과정은 도시아이덴티티 전략(City Identity CIP)으로 설명될 수 있으며, 본 연구에서는 대중교통 디자인 시스템을 통해 도시이미지를 구체화하고자 한다. 이를 위한 연구방법으로 (1)런던, 파리, 도쿄의 대중교통 디자인 시스템 현황을 조사하여 서울의 현황과 비교 분석하였고, 이를 토대로 (2)현재 사용되고 있는 대중교통수단별 심볼마크의 시스템화, 아이덴티티 형성을 위한 디자인매뉴얼(Guidelines)의 개발, 수단 및 매체별 디자인의 연계와 시스템화 전략을 제안하였다

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Electrical and Chemical Properties of ultra thin RT-MOCVD Deposited Ti-doped $Ta_2O_5$

  • Lee, S. J.;H. F. Luan;A. Mao;T. S. Jeon;Lee, C. h.;Y. Senzaki;D. Roberts;D. L. Kwong
    • JSTS:Journal of Semiconductor Technology and Science
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    • 제1권4호
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    • pp.202-208
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    • 2001
  • In Recent results suggested that doping $Ta_2O_5$ with a small amount of $TiO_2$ using standard ceramic processing techniques can increase the dielectric constant of $Ta_2O_5$ significantly. In this paper, this concept is studied using RTCVD (Rapid Thermal Chemical Vapor Deposition). Ti-doped $Ta_2O_5$ films are deposited using $TaC_{12}H_{30}O_5N$, $C_8H_{24}N_4Ti$, and $O_2$ on both Si and $NH_3$-nitrided Si substrates. An $NH_3$-based interface layer at the Si surface is used to prevent interfacial oxidation during the CVD process and post deposition annealing is performed in $H_2/O_2$ ambient to improve film quality and reduce leakage current. A sputtered TiN layer is used as a diffusion barrier between the Al gate electrode and the $TaTi_xO_y$ dielectric. XPS analyses confirm the formation of a ($Ta_2O_5)_{1-x}(TiO_2)_x$ composite oxide. A high quality $TaTi_xO_y$ gate stack with EOT (Equivalent Oxide Thickness) of $7{\AA}$ and leakage current $Jg=O.5A/textrm{cm}^2$ @ Vg=-1.0V has been achieved. We have also succeeded in forming a $TaTi_x/O_y$ composite oxide by rapid thermal oxidation of the as-deposited CVD TaTi films. The electrical properties and Jg-EOT characteristics of these composite oxides are remarkably similar to that of RTCVD $Ta_2O_5, suggesting that the dielectric constant of $Ta_2O_5$ is not affected by the addition of $TiO_2$.

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