• Title/Summary/Keyword: forest management Planning

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A Study on Land Surface Temperature Changes in Redevelopment Area Using Landsat Satellite Images : Focusing on Godeok-dong and Dunchon-dong in Gangdong-gu, Seoul (Landsat 위성영상을 활용한 재건축 지역의 지표 온도 변화에 관한 연구 : 서울특별시 강동구의 고덕동과 둔촌동을 중심으로)

  • Jihoon HAN;Chul SON
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.42-54
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    • 2023
  • The population is concentrated in the metropolitan areas in Korea, and low-density residential areas are transforming into high density residential areas through redevelopment to meet this demand. However, large-scale redevelopment in a short period of time has a negative impact on the urban climate, such as generating a heat island effect due to the reduction of urban green areas. In this study, the change in surface temperature from 2013 to 2022 in the redevelpment areas of Godeok-dong and Dunchon-dong, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, was analyzed using Landsat 8 satellite images. In the Godeok-dong area, the difference in surface temperature was analyzed for the target redevelopment area, forest area, mixed forest and urban area, and low density residential area. In the Dunchon-dong area, the difference in surface temperature was analyzed for the target redevelopment area, forest area, and low density residential area. The difference in surface temperature was analyzed through multiple regression analysis conducted yearly over the three different stages in redevelopment period. The results from the multiple regression analysis show that in both areas, the land surface temperature of target redevelopment area was higher than that of the forest area and lower than low density residential area. It can be seen that these results occurred because the low-density residential area in Godeok-dong and Dunchon-dong had a lower green area ratio and a higher building-to-land ratio than the target redevelopment area. The results of this study suggest that even if low-density residential areas are transforming into high-density areas, adjusting the management of green areas and building-to-land ratio can contribute to lessen urban heat island effect.

The Design and Implementation of Isotherm and Isohaline Forecast System using Temporal GIS (TGIS 개념을 이용한 등온선 및 등염분선 예측시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kwak, Ho-Young
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.73-86
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    • 2000
  • The Geographic Information System (GIS) is a system that collects, stores, analyzes and processes geographic object data existing in space. The GIS is widely used in application fields related to geography such as city planning, land-register management, forest resources management, etc. The importance and necessity of the GIS have been well demonstrated, and therefore many studies on this system have been carried out. However, most of those studies have just treated geographic information as spatial information, but have not considered or have overlooked changes of spatial data dependent on time. For example, transportation information management and atmospheric phenomena forecast, have not exactly reflected the actual world which changes with the flow of time. In this thesis, a temporal GIS is established to effectively and precisely process information on space objects changing with time and a database is built up in reference to changes in water temperature and salinity. And the isotherm and isohaline forecast system implemented to support graphical tool.

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Selection and Management Strategies for Restoration and Conservation Target Sites of Mankyua chejuense using Species Distribution Models (종 분포 모형을 활용한 제주고사리삼의 복원 및 보전 대상지 선정과 관리방안)

  • Lee, Sang-Wook;Jang, Rae-Ik;Oh, Hong-Shik;Jeon, Seong-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.29-42
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    • 2023
  • As the destruction of habitats due to recent development continues, there is also increasing interest in endangered species. Mankyua chejuense is a vulnerable species that is sensitive to changes in population and habitat, and it has recently been upgraded from Endangered Species II to Endangered Species I, requiring significant management efforts. So in this study, we analyzed the potential habitats of Mankyua chejuense using MaxEnt(Maximum Entropy) modeling. We developed three models: one that considered only environmental characteristics, one that considered artificial factors, and one that reflected the habitat of dominant tree species in the overstory. Based on previous studies, we incorporated environmental and human influence factors for the habitats of Mankyua chejuense into spatial information, and we also used the habitat distribution models of dominant tree species, including Ulmus parvifolia, Maclura tricuspidata, and Ligustrum obtusifolium, that have been previously identified as major overstory species of Mankyua chejuense. Our analysis revealed that rock exposure, elevation, slope, forest type, building density, and soil type were the main factors determining the potential habitat of Mankyua chejuense. Differences among the three models were observed in the edges of the habitats due to human influence factors, and results varied depending on the similarity of the habitats of Mankyua chejuense and the dominant tree species in the overstory. The potential habitats of Mankyua chejuense presented in this study include areas where the species could potentially inhabit in addition to existing habitats. Therefore, these results can be used for the conservation and management planning of Mankyua chejuense.

A Study on the Technical Method for Urban Scenic Quality Map - Focused on Urban District Area - (도시 경관도 작성 기법 연구 - 시가화 지역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Dae-Soo;Joo, Shin-Ha;Oh, Se-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.23-35
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    • 2007
  • Nowadays, as a result of increasing income and spare time, the social demands for better living environment become more increasing. Above all, landscape improvement, the essential part of physical environment, will be a more important subject in urban planning. In these circumstances, classification of urban scenic quality is required for urban landscape development programs. The major purpose of this study is to suggest a technical method of designing urban scenic quality map for urban district area based on the scenery management system of the USDA forest service and literature studies. As a conclusion of this study, four steps are desirable for the technical method for designing a scenic quality map of urban districts areas : 1) Define a landscape unit on the map, 2) Take a photograph of these landscape unit on site, 3) Evaluate the landscape unit by semantic differential scale with landscape adjectives, and 4) Draw the scenic quality map, investigate the landscape characteristics and suggest the landscape scenic development plans.

GIS based Estimation of Carbon Emission for a Local Government Unit (지자체 단위의 GIS기반 탄소발생량 추정)

  • Kim, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2011
  • Low-carbon Green Growth is highlighted as the main issue from in and outof Korea. Recently Korean government and local goverment constructed a master plan and related database. Considering this as a starting point the carbon gross emission has become an important factor in the city planning and management of local goverment unit. This research was focused on the analysis of carbon gross emission and the environment of carbon occurrence using statistics and digital forest map for the Gyeonggi-do. Further research need to analysis the carbon absorption using satellite image for periodic database. These database will be available basic data for the policy making.

Systems Thinking for the Land Use and Landscape Value of Coastal Dune (해안사구의 토지이용과 경관가치에 대한 시스템 사고)

  • Seok, Youngsun;Song, Kihwan;Chon, Jinhyung
    • Korean System Dynamics Review
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.81-104
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to suggest the directions for the landscape protection of Sindu-ri coastal dune based on its ecological system. The study investigated ecological systems of the coastal dune followed by damage causes of coastal dune according to the land use change, and landscape value of coastal dune in the study area. In order to construct causal-effect feedback loop, systems thinking was performed. Result of this study showed that the area of coastal dune and the amount of sand are maintained by the interaction with sand beach while they are affected by wind direction, wind speed, and dune plants. It was also found that the changes of land use pattern, increasing commercial area, and planted windbreak forest damaged to the coastal dune. In addition, size of coastal dune and growing number of dune plants increased landscape value of coastal dune and tourist draw. However increasing tourists have constantly affected land use changes and have damaged to coastal dune area. In sum, planning for land use regulation, rest-year system areas, promotion and education for coastal dune, dune plants protection, and windbreak management should be taken into account for landscape protection in coastal dune.

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Drainage Analysis for the Anyang-cheon Upper-watershed Management Planning (유역관리계획수립(流域管理計劃樹立)에 관(關)한 기초적(基礎的) 연구(硏究))

  • Woo, Bo Myeong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.39-54
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    • 1979
  • Such stream characteristics as the numbers, lengths, orders of stream channels, and drainage density are the essential elements for the analysis of drainages in planning of watershed management in a drainage basin. The drainage net is the pattern of tributaries and master streams in a drainage basin as declineated on a planimetric map. Stream order is a measure of the position of a stream in the hierarchy of tributaries. Density of the drainage is given by the quotient of the cumulative length of stream and the total drainage area. Drainage density then is simply a length per unit of area. In this study, the Anyang-cheon upper-watershed is selected for the survey and analysis of the stream system and drainage density in view point of the useful collection of data for effective watershed management planning. The Anyang-cheon upper-watershed is consisted of about 12,600 hectars of drainage area including the 13 Sub-stream. Total length of the Stream (as described in the Stream Law) in the survey area is measured as much as 71.2km, and that of the Small-stream as descrived in the Saemaul Stream Survey Book (1972) is calculated as 43,010 meters. Besides of this lengths, measured about 43,410 meters of the Small-stream and about 71,900 meters of the Torrential valley through this study. The range of the drainage density among the 13 Sub-streams having sub-watershed is analysed as from 14.79 to 24.10, and average value of drainage density in the entire watershed is calculated as 18.21 in case of including the length of the Torrential valley and 12.50 in case of excluding the same. It is required that the standard classification system in classifing for the characteristics of identification among the Stream, Sub-stream, Small-stream, Torrent, and Torrential valley must be satisfied through joint study of the authorities concerned.

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Analysis on the Effects of Land Cover Types and Topographic Features on Heat Wave Days (토지피복유형과 지형특성이 폭염일수에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • PARK, Kyung-Hun;SONG, Bong-Geun;PARK, Jae-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.76-91
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the effects of spatial characteristics, such as land cover and topography, on heat wave days from the city of Milyang, which has recently drawn attention for its heat wave problems. The number of heat wave days was calculated utilizing RCP-based South Korea climate data from 2000 to 2010. Land cover types were reclassified into urban area, agricultural area, forest area, water, and grassland using 2000, 2005, and 2010 land cover data constructed by the Ministry of Environment. Topographical features were analyzed by topographic position index (TPI) using a digital elevation model (DEM) with 30 m spatial resolution. The results show that the number of heat wave days was 31.4 days in 2000, which was the highest, followed by 26.9 days in 2008, 24.2 days in 2001, and 24.0 days in 2010. The heat wave distribution was relatively higher in agricultural areas, valleys, and rural areas. The topography of Milyang contains more mountainous slope (51.6%) than flat (19.7%), while large-scale valleys (12.2%) are distributed across some of the western region. Correlation analysis between heat wave and spatial characteristics showed that the correlation between forest area land cover and number of heat wave days was negative (-0.109), indicating that heat wave can be mitigated. Topographically, flat areas and heat wave showed a positive correlation (0.305). These results provide important insights for urban planning and environmental management for understanding the impact of land development and topographic change on heat wave.

Combining Bias-correction on Regional Climate Simulations and ENSO Signal for Water Management: Case Study for Tampa Bay, Florida, U.S. (ENSO 패턴에 대한 MM5 강수 모의 결과의 유역단위 성능 평가: 플로리다 템파 지역을 중심으로)

  • Hwang, Syewoon;Hernandez, Jose
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.143-154
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    • 2012
  • As demand of water resources and attentions to changes in climate (e.g., due to ENSO) increase, long/short term prediction of precipitation is getting necessary in water planning. This research evaluated the ability of MM5 to predict precipitation in the Tampa Bay region over 23 year period from 1986 to 2008. Additionally MM5 results were statistically bias-corrected using observation data at 33 stations over the study area using CDF-mapping approach and evaluated comparing to raw results for each ENSO phase (i.e., El Ni$\tilde{n}$o and La Ni$\tilde{n}$a). The bias-corrected model results accurately reproduced the monthly mean point precipitation values. Areal average daily/monthly precipitation predictions estimated using block-kriging algorithm showed fairly high accuracy with mean error of daily precipitation, 0.8 mm and mean error of monthly precipitation, 7.1 mm. The results evaluated according to ENSO phase showed that the accuracy in model output varies with the seasons and ENSO phases. Reasons for low predictions skills and alternatives for simulation improvement are discussed. A comprehensive evaluation including sensitivity to physics schemes, boundary conditions reanalysis products and updating land use maps is suggested to enhance model performance. We believe that the outcome of this research guides to a better implementation of regional climate modeling tools in water management at regional/seasonal scale.

Spatial Anaylsis of Agro-Environment of North Korea Using Remote Sensing I. Landcover Classification from Landsat TM imagery and Topography Analysis in North Korea (위성영상을 이용한 북한의 농업환경 분석 I. Landsat TM 영상을 이용한 북한의 지형과 토지피복분류)

  • Hong, Suk-Young;Rim, Sang-Kyu;Lee, Seung-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Cheol;Kim, Yi-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.120-132
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    • 2008
  • Remotely sensed images from a satellite can be applied for detecting and quantifying spatial and temporal variations in terms of landuse & landcover, crop growth, and disaster for agricultural applications. The purposes of this study were to analyze topography using DEM(digital elevation model) and classify landuse & landcover into 10 classes-paddy field, dry field, forest, bare land, grass & bush, water body, reclaimed land, salt farm, residence & building, and others-using Landsat TM images in North Korea. Elevation was greater than 1,000 meters in the eastern part of North Korea around Ranggang-do where Kaemagowon was located. Pyeongnam and Hwangnam in the western part of North Korea were low in elevation. Topography of North Korea showed typical 'east-high and west-low' landform characteristics. Landcover classification of North Korea using spectral reflectance of multi-temporal Landsat TM images was performed and the statistics of each landcover by administrative district, slope, and agroclimatic zone were calculated in terms of area. Forest areas accounted for 69.6 percent of the whole area while the areas of dry fields and paddy fields were 15.7 percent and 4.2 percent, respectively. Bare land and water body occupied 6.6 percent and 1.6 percent, respectively. Residence & building reached less than 1 percent of the country. Paddy field areas concentrated in the A slope ranged from 0 to 2 percent(greater than 80 percent). The dry field areas were shown in the A slope the most, followed by D, E, C, B, and F slopes. According to the statistics by agroclimatic zone, paddy and dry fields were mainly distributed in the North plain region(N-6) and North western coastal region(N-7). Forest areas were evenly distributed all over the agroclimatic regions. Periodic landcover analysis of North Korea based on remote sensing technique using satellite imagery can produce spatial and temporal statistics information for future landuse management and planning of North Korea.