• Title/Summary/Keyword: forest cover

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Detection of Irrigation Timing and the Mapping of Paddy Cover in Korea Using MODIS Images Data (MODIS 영상자료를 이용한 관개시기 탐지와 논 피복지도 제작)

  • Jeong, Seung-Taek;Jang, Keun-Chang;Hong, Seok-Yeong;Kang, Sin-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2011
  • Rice is one of the world's staple foods. Paddy rice fields have unique biophysical characteristics that the rice is grown on flooded soils unlike other crops. Information on the spatial distribution of paddy fields and the timing of irrigation are of importance to determine hydrological balance and efficiency of water resource management. In this paper, we detected the timing of irrigation and spatial distribution of paddy fields using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) sensor onboard the NASA EOS Aqua satellite. The timing of irrigation was detected by the combined use of MODIS-based vegetation index and Land Surface Water Index (LSWI). The detected timing of irrigation showed good agreement with field observations from two flux sites in Korea and Japan. Based on the irrigation detection, a land cover map of paddy fields was generated with subsidiary information on seasonal patterns of MODIS enhanced vegetation index (EVI). When the MODISbased paddy field map was compared with a land cover map from the Ministry of Environment, Korea, it overestimated the regions with large paddies but underestimated those with small and fragmented paddies. Potential reasons for such spatial discrepancies may be attributed to coarse pixel resolution (500 m) of MODIS images, uncertainty in parameterization of threshold values for discarding forest and water pixels, and the application of LSWI threshold value developed for paddy fields in China. Nevertheless, this study showed that an improved utilization of seasonal patterns of MODIS vegetation and water-related indices could be applied in water resource management and enhanced estimation of evapotranspiration from paddy fields.

Evaluation of Perceived Naturalness of Urban Parks Using Hemeroby Index (헤메로비 등급(Hemeroby Index)을 활용한 도시공원의 인지된 자연성 평가)

  • Kim, Do-Eun;Son, Yong-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2021
  • This study evaluated the degree of interaction between the people and the environment using perceived naturalness measure. The seventh-grade index of Hemeroby was divided into subclasses of land cover according to degrees of human influence. The grade was standardized for each indicator to evaluate the current state of urban parks in Seoul by applying probability density function and weight. User evaluation was conducted on six distinctive parks selected. In the results, three implications were found between spatial evaluation according to the perceived naturalness. First, park users evaluated highly for the spaces such as broad-leaved forest, coniferous forest and mixed forest evaluated highly in the Hemeroby grade index. Park users generally recognized that various types of trees in the area had high naturalness. The density of trees is one of the factors in perceived naturalness. Second, water spaces were highly evaluated for naturalness in the Hemeroby grade index. However, the perceived naturalness of water spaces such as inland wetlands, pond and reservoir evaluated in various ways depending on environmental conditions around the park. Third, perceived naturalness is easily evaluated through vertical landscape elements such as trees rather than horizontal landscapes such as grassland. The perceived naturalness is similar to the naturalness evaluation using land cover. However the study found the perceived naturalness for a specific space was different from the Hemeroby index. Perceived naturalness by the user includes the content that the individual sees, hears, and experiences. Park users are usually structuring naturalness through evaluating the value of urban green spaces based on personal perception. Therefore there is no absolute standard criterion for evaluating the naturalness of urban green spaces. A deeper study is needed that considers user bundles or user groups with conflicting interests on the perceived naturalness in urban parks. These studies will be essential data on the direction of naturalness urban park service should provide.

Suggestions for Multi-Layer Planting Model in Seoul Area Based on a Cluster Analysis and Interspecific Association (식생 군집분석과 종간친화력 분석을 통한 서울형 다층구조 식재모델 제안)

  • Kim, Min-Kyung;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.106-127
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    • 2010
  • Although multi-layer planting methods are more widely used as a method for clustered planting and environmental programs such as plant remediation, difficulties have been faced in applying those to planting design. This study develops a basic planting model that can be applied to multi-layer planting in basis on an analysis of forest structures in the Seoul area. An optimal number of clusters was determined through the ISA (Indicator Species Analysis), and 7 basic clusters were found through a cluster analysis by using PC ORD 4.0 software specifically developed for ecological analysis. The 7 basic clusters include the following communities: the Quercus acutissima Community, Sorbus alnifolia-Quercus mongolica Community, Pinus rigida-Pinus densifiora Community, Rododendron mucronulatum var. mucronulatum-Quercus mongolica Community, Juniperus rigida-Quercus mongolica Community, Rododendron mucronulatum var. mucronulatum-Pinus densiflora Community, and Rododendron sclippenbachii-Quercus mongolica Community. The study also selected 57 species with at least a 10% frequency among the plant species existing in the Seoul area and suggested both a companion species and available similar alternative species by conducting an additional interspecific association analysis. This study may help to enhance usefulness of the model in architectural planting design. In addition, the two results named above were synthesized to develop a multi-layer planting model that can be utilized in landscape planting design by selecting similar alternative species through the interspecific association analysis, which includes 7 clusters of natural plants. The multi-layer planting model can be widely applied to design planting because the model has an average target cover range based on the average value of a transformed likelihood.

Estimation of Danger Zone by Soil Erosion Using RUSLE Model in Gyeongju National Park (RUSLE 모형을 이용한 경주국립공원의 토양침식 위험지역 추정)

  • Choi, Chul-Hyun;You, Ju-Han;Jung, Sung-Gwan
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.614-624
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to offer the raw data for establishing the plan of disaster prevention and the continuous conservation of soil ecosystem by grasping the potential soil loss and the danger of erosion using RUSLE method on whole districts in Gyeongju National Park, Korea. In the results of the average amount of soil erosion for the year, the average of all districts was 5.7 ton/ha in annual, and Namsan district was the highest in 7.6 ton/ha in annual and Seoak district was the lowest in 2.1 ton/ha in annual. The dangerous district due to the soil erosion was analyzed as under 1%, and Gumisan and Hwarange district was not serious. But Namsan district was higher than others, especially, there was intensive in all over Geumohbong. Therefore, to protect the all over Geumohbong, we will establish the valid of restoration and management. The types of land cover in Gyeongju National Park mostly showed forest, and as the average amount of soil erosion in forest was 3.7 ton/ha in annual, there was good condition. In the results of the amount of soil erosion due to landform, the deep canyon showed as 7.3 ton/ha in annual per unit area, secondly, the U-shaped valley was analyzed as 6.1 ton/ha in annual. The plain and high ridge were predicted that there occurred the small amount of soil erosion. In future, if we will analyze the amount of soil erosion in Korean National Parks, we will offer the help to establishing the plan of conservation and restoration on soil ecosystem in whole National Parks.

A Study on the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) of 'Hynobius leechii' in Central Forest Area, Korea (중부 산림지역 내 도롱뇽 서식지 적합성 지수(HSI)에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Kyu Young;Koo, Bon Hak
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.213-223
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to establish a Habitat Suitability index (HSI) based on literature research and field surveys on ecology and habitat of 'Hynobius leechii'. And this study will be used as basic data for qualitative evaluation of habitat environment. The survey sites were divided into natural habitats close to the prototype habitat and artificial restoration areas where Hynobius leechii was monitored. So the types of habitats were diversified. Hynobius leechii is a vulnerable species to climate change because it is affected by the microhabitat and has low mobility. HSI variables of Hynobius leechii were extracted through domestic and overseas literature, and standards were extracted from literature research and field survey. The standards were presented as a value of the physical allowable category in consideration of realization. To verify the study, an in-depth consultation was conducted by amphibians experts. HSI variables of Hynobius leechii were included 9 variables such as Overstory canopy cover(%), Understory cover(%), Water-pH, Soil-pH, Soil relative humidity(%), Leaf litter depth(cm), Rock substrates (%), Type of Coarse woody, Distance from Street or Pollutant(m).

Evaluation of GIS-based Soil Loss Amount in Considering Basin Characteristics (유역특성을 고려한 GIS 기반 토양침식량 평가)

  • Guak Dong-Wook;Cho Gi-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.89-97
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    • 2006
  • Soil erosion has caused serious environmental problems which threaten the foundation of natural resources. In this paper, we chose RUSLE erosion model, which could be connected easily with GSIS and available generally in mid-scale watershed among soil erosion models, and extracted factors entered model by using GSIS spatial analysis method. First, this study used GIS database as soil map, DEM, land cover map and rainfall data of typhoon Memi (2003) to analyze soil loss amount of Dam basin. To analyze the changes of soil loss in considering basin characteristics as up-, mid- and downstream, this study calculated soil erodibility factor (K), topographic factors (LS), and cover management factor (C). As a result of analysis, K and LS factors of upstream showed much higher than those of downstream because of the high ratio of forest. But C factor of downstream showed much higher than that of upstream because of the high ratio of agricultural area. As a result of analysis of soil loss, unit soil loss of upstream is 4.3 times than soil loss of downstream. Therefore, the establishment of countermeasures for upstream is more efficient to reduce soil loss.

Habitat Quality Valuation Using InVEST Model in Jeju Island (InVEST 모델을 이용한 서식처 가치 평가 - 제주도를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Teayeon;Song, Cholho;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Kim, Moonil;Lim, Chul-Hee;Jeon, Seong Woo;Kim, Joonsoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2015
  • Jeju Island is managed intensively in terms of environmental and ecological aspect because of its extraordinary ecosystem types comprising numerous rare, protected flora and fauna. To depict rapid change of habitat status in Jeju Island, the InVEST Habitat Quality model has been operated and compared analytically with the Eco-Natural map. The Habitat Quality map of Jeju Island is turned out to have similar inclination with Eco-Natural map. We compared the average habitat quality value in each Eco-natural map class in Jeju Island and the habitat quality value of first second third grade and non-included area decreased as 0.95 0.76, 0.53 and 0.37 in eco natural map respectively. Compared to biodiversity map based on biological investigation, the result of the InVEST habitat quality model can be simply obtained by land cover map with threat and sensitivity data. Further studies are needed to make explicit coefficients for Jeju Island and Korean peninsula, then the Habitat Quality model could be applied to past and future scenarios to analyze extent of habitat degradation in time series to help decision makers.

Analysis of Temperature Change by Forest Growth for Mitigation of the Urban Heat Island (도시열섬 완화를 위한 녹지증가에 따른 온도변화 분석)

  • Yun, Hee Cheon;Kim, Min Gyu;Jung, Kap Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.143-150
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    • 2013
  • Recently, environmental issues such as climate warming, ozone layer depletion, reduction of tropical forests and desertification are emerging as global environmental problems beyond national problems. And international attention and effort have been carried out in many ways to solve these problems. In this study, the growth of green was calculated quantitatively using the technique of remote sensing and temperature change was figured out through temperature extraction in the city. The land-cover changes and thermal changes for research areas were analyzed using Landsat TM images on May 2002 and May 2009. Surface temperature distribution was calculated using spectral degree of brightness of Band 6 that was Landsat TM thermal infrared sensor to extract the ground surface temperature in the city. As a result of research, the area of urban green belt was increased by $2.87km^2$ and the ground surface temperature decreased by $0.6^{\circ}C{\sim}0.8^{\circ}C$ before and after tree planting projects. Henceforth, if the additional study about temperature of downtown is performed based on remote sensing and measurement data, it will contribute to solve the problems about the urban environment.

Classification of Crop Lands over Northern Mongolia Using Multi-Temporal Landsat TM Data

  • Ganbaatar, Gerelmaa;Lee, Kyu-Sung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.611-619
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    • 2013
  • Although the need of crop production has increased in Mongolia, crop cultivation is very limited because of the harsh climatic and topographic conditions. Crop lands are sparsely distributed with relatively small sizes and, therefore, it is difficult to survey the exact area of crop lands. The study aimed to find an easy and effective way of accurate classification to map crop lands in Mongolia using satellite images. To classify the crop lands over the study area in northern Mongolia, four classifications were carried out by using 1) Thematic Mapper (TM) image August 23, 2) TM image of July 6, 3) combined 12 bands of TM images of July and August, and 4) both TM images of July and August by layered classification. Wheat and potato are the major crop types and they show relatively high variation in crop conditions between July and August. On the other hands, other land cover types (forest, riparian vegetation, grassland, water and bare soil) do not show such difference between July and August. The results of four classifications clearly show that the use of multi-temporal images is essential to accurately classify the crop lands. The layered classification method, in which each class is separated by a subset of TM images, shows the highest classification accuracy (93.7%) of the crop lands. The classification accuracies are lower when we use only a single TM image of either July or August. Because of the different planting practice of potato and the growth condition of wheat, the spectral characteristics of potato and wheat cannot be fully separated from other cover types with TM image of either July or August. Further refinements on the spatial characteristics of existing crop lands may enhance the crop mapping method in Mongolia.

Assessment of Flooding Vulnerability Based on GIS in Urban Area - Focused on Changwon City - (GIS 기반의 도시지역 침수 취약성 평가 - 창원시를 대상으로 -)

  • Song, Bong-Geun;Lee, Taek-Soon;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.129-143
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate flooding vulnerability considering spatial characteristics focused on Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do. Assessment Factors are water cycle area ratio, surface runoff, and precipitation. And construction of assessment factors and vulnerability was analyzed by GIS program. Water cycle ratio and surface runoff were vulnerable in urban area. Precipitation was often distributed in agriculture of the northern region. Results of flooding vulnerability were low in agriculture and forest of the northern region. In contrast, urban area was high because there has covered impervious land cover. Analytical results of flooding vulnerability density using hotspot spatial cluster analysis were high in urban area. And these areas were situated in down stream so flooding were generated. Therefore, flooding vulnerability assessment of this study can help for selecting construction sites of pervious land cover and rainwater management facilities in urban and environmental planning.