• Title/Summary/Keyword: food and nutrition course

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Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency in Human (인체내(人體內)의 필수지방산(必須脂肪酸)의 결핍(缺乏))

  • Yoon, Tai Heon;Jang, You Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 1983
  • The recent work on symptomatology and therapy of essential fatty acid (EFA) deficience has been reviewed. EFA deficiency is due to an absence of dietary linoleic acid which cannot be synthesized endogenously in man. The diagnosis of EFA deficiency is based on clinical features such as the appearance of scaly skin rash, sparse hair growth or failure to thrive, which occur late in the course of EFA deficiency and biochemical features occurring within two weeks of fat-free diet. The amount of linoleic acid required to prevent EFA deficiency varies with age of the patient and route of fat administration.

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Evaluation of the Antimicrobial Activities of 35 Seaweed Extracts against Pathogenic Bacteria and Candida sp. (35종 해조류 추출물의 병원성 세균 및 Candida sp. 진균에 대한 항균 활성 평가)

  • Kim, Mi-Sun;Kwon, Kyung-Jin;Lee, Min-Jin;Ahn, Seon-Mi;Sohn, Ho-Yong
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.144-151
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    • 2012
  • In the course of this study aimed at the development of functional food ingredients from seaweeds, the in vitro antimicrobial activities of methanol extracts prepared from 35 different seaweeds (17 phaeophyta, 11 rhodophyta and 7 chlorophyta) were determined against food-borne diseases and pathogenic microorganisms including multi-drug resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas sp. and Candida sp. Based on disc-diffusion assays at 500 g/disc concentration of the methanol extracts, Ishige okamurai, I. foliacea, Sargassum confusum, and S. yamade exhibited strong antibacterial activities in a broad-spectrum, except against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In addition to the latter four seaweeds, Ecklonia stolonifera, E. cava and Eisenia bicyclis also demonstrated antifungal activity against C. albicans. Among these 8 selected seaweeds, I. okamurai, I. foliacea, and S. yamade exhibited strong hemolytic activity (55-93%) at 500 g/ml against human RBC. Organic solvent sequential fractions using hexane, ethylacetate and butanol, and water residues were prepared from the 8 selected seaweeds and their anti-Candida sp. activities were further determined. The ethylacetate and butanol fraction of I. okamurai, and the hexane fraction of I. foliacea demonstrated antifungal activity against MDR-pathogenic Candida sp. Although the solvent fractions had no activity against MDR-Pseudomonas sp., our results suggest that seaweeds, especially Ishige okamurai, I. foliacea, S. confusum, and S. yamade could be developed as broad-spectrum antimicrobial ingredients.

The Job Satisfaction and Self-assessment of Public Health Nutritionists (보건 영양사의 직무만족도 및 자기진단평가)

  • 박혜련;권지영
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 1999
  • This study was carried out to investigate the general characteristics of public health nutritionists, the current status of nutrition services operation, the recognition about nutrition services of public health center related man power, the job satisfaction and self-assessment and the need for a retraining course of public health nutritionists. The subjects were 58 public health nutritionists who responded to the questionnaire distributed at the annual retraining program in 1998. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1) 46.5% of the nutritionists were 26-30 years old, 62.1% were 4 year university graduates 74.1% were food and nutrition majors and 51.7% were daily workers. 2) Among the public health center-related manpower, the recognition about nutrition services was the highest for the manager of family health section, followed by the head of public health centers, and then the general nurse in public health centers. 3) The ranking of the reasons for job satisfaction of the public health nutritionists was, relationship with colleagues(3.84), inhabitants response after nutrition counselling(3.53), specialized value realization/conviction about duty(3.35), contents of the work(3.10), value achievement(3.08), self achievement/development(3.00), self discretion(2.92), participation in policy decisions(2.90), work load(2.75), chance of retraining and acquisition of new information(2.73), working environment(2.69), supervisio $n^port by superiors(2.67), salary(2.38), supply of necessary education material, technique(2.37), and budget security(2.22). 4) The satisfaction of the inhabitant's responses after nutrition counseling was the highest among the 4 year university graduates(p<0.05), the satisfaction of the specialized value realization/conviction about duty was the highest among the nutritionists 26-30 years old(p<0.05). Food and nutrition majors(p<0.05) and those having worked less than 3-5years at public health centers also showed much satisfaction(p<0.05). Satisfaction with the salary was the lowest among the food and nutrition majors(p<0.01) and daily workers(p<0.001). The satisfaction with the participation in policy decisions was the lowest among the daily workers(p<0.01). 5) The ranking for the level of self-assessment were, nutrition and dietetic practice(2.92), communication(2.80), management(2.77), public health science and practice(2.66)(p<0.01). The general characteristics such as the level of education, major, employment condition, current public health center's tenure, and charge experience of the nutrition guidance work were not significantly related to self-assessment except the management part(p<0.05). The higher the satisfaction of specialized value realization/conviction about the duty, the better the total score on the self-assessment(p<0.05)..

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Monitoring of Restaurant Beef Labeling System (음식점 식육 원산지 표시 모니터링)

  • Hong, Jin;Leem, Dong-Gil;Kim, Mi-Gyeong;Park, Kyoung-Sik;Yoon, Tae-Hyung;No, Ki-Mi;Jeong, Ja-Young
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.162-169
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    • 2010
  • The compulsory beef labelling system has launched from January 1st 2007 by the amended Food Hygiene Law, we were checked the actual conditions of beef origin with a nationwide scale by the Hanwoo differentiation specific test method which was developed by Korea FDA using 90 SNP biomarkers. The test method is useful tool to differentiate the beef origin carrying out the mission of KFDA's annual food safety management guidance. Also we have technically transferred the Hanwoo differentiation specific test method to other institutes as well regional KFDA and established the training program as a regular course in Korea Human Resource Development Institute for Health and Welfare. The beef used in this study were collected according to the 2009 Food safety guidance in roast beef restaurants where business site area greater than 100 $m^2$. Total 216 samples were consisted of 48 samples of the Seoul area and 168 of the region. The monitoring result from restaurants in all the region of Korea showed that 3 of 216 Hanwoo-labelled beefs were found out as a non-Hanwoo (1.3%). This results are gradually deceasing trend compared with 34.0% in 2005, 30.1% in 2006, 3.2% in 2007 and 5.14% in 2008. From these data, the Hanwoo differentiation specific test method on the settlement of the compulsory beef labelling system has an important role. As a outcome of this project, we might be considered the early settlement of the compulsory beef labelling system, technically transferred to other institutes and the establishment of regular training program of the test method.

The Relationship between the Introduction of Vegetables and Fruits into Korea and the Silk Road (한국의 식재료 중 채소, 과일류의 유입과 실크로드)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ok;Shin, Mal-Shick
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2008
  • The author examined the origins, the course and the period of introduction of 94 types of vegetables and fruits mainly used in Korea. Then, based on it, the author looks into the relationship between food culture in Korea and those in the Silk Road. Among the vegetables and fruits, 57 types are not originated from Korea 17 types of stem and leaf vegetables, 9 types of root and fruit vegetables. 7 types of fruits, 6 types of seed, 6 types of pomes, 2 types of berries and grapes, and 1 type of nut. Their origins are spread in Europe, Southwest and South Asia but interestingly, they are located near or along the Silk Road. Therefore, it can be presumed that the vegetables and fruits were introduced into Korea from its neighboring countries by way of the Silk Road even before the Three Koreas Period and they were eaten widely in the Joseon Dynasty. Thus, the Silk Road helped some of the vegetables and fruits used in Korea to be introduced into Korea and eventually, contributed to diversifying Korean food culture. The cultural exchange is not one-way but two-way communication and the cultural exchange through the Silk Road is no exception. It is certain that by way of the Silk Road, foods and recipes were introduced into Korea from other countries but at the same time, Korean foods and recipes were propagated to other countries. In the future, more researches and studies should be conducted to find out how the foods and recipes are exchanged among the countries by the way of the Silk Road.

Changes in Composition during Aging of Traditional Andong Sickhae (전통 안동식혜의 숙성과정중 성분변화)

  • Choi, Cheong;Lim, Seong-Il;Seog, Ho-Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 1991
  • Andong Sickhae is a traditional Korean fermented rice product which is made from glutionous rice, male, radish, ginger and red pepper. The changes in chemical composition, pH, amino nitrogen, amino acid, enzyme activity and free sugar of a traditional Andong Sickhae were monitored during the fermentation and storage at $4^{\circ}C$. The changes in ash, crude fat and moisture the contents during Andong Sickhae fermentation and storage were negligible. The pH of the product tended to decrease in the course of fermentation and storage and it showed the minimum value of 3.90 after 20th day of storage. On the other hand the maltose continued to increase up from 6.35g to 9.85g/100ml by 15th day of storage. The content of amino nitrogen in Andong Sickhae gradualy increase up to 22.40mg% by 3th day of fermentation. Glutamic aicd and aspartic acid were the major amino acid in water and salt soluble protein in Andong Sickhae.

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Dietary Compliance among Men Participating in a Controlled feeding Study of fiber Supplementation

  • Yoon, Hei-Ryeo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.957-964
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    • 1998
  • The study was undertaken to assess the degree to which subjects were compliant with a specific metabolic diet in a controlled outpatient feeding study. The study consisted of a two-week control period in which subjects consumed a control diet consisting of 38-40% fat, 18-20% protein, 40-42% carbohydrate, followed by a three-week experimental period during which each subject consumed the control diet plus one of the four fiber supplements(20g/4ay) assigned on a random basis on the trust day. All meals were prepared and eaten in a metabolic feeding laboratory, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday meals that were packed for take-out. Fifty-seven healthy adult men, aged 18-65 years participated in the study. Dietary compliance index(CI) defined as the percent deviation of actual consumption from the prescribed food's and unconsumed prepared foods. The CI reflected the additional 'non-prescribed foods' and unconsumed 'prescribed foods'. A CI was calculated for all subjects. A CI of 5% or more was defined as poor compliance. Overall, dietary compliance was substantially improved for the entire group over the course of the study. Significant increase in compliance far energy and macronutrient intake occurred between the baseline and experimental periods. Within a non-obese group, dietary compliance fir energy improved from 5.5% to 3.3% by the end of the study(week 1vs week 5, respectively, p<0.05). However, between non-obese and obese group, dietary compliance was not different. (Korean J Nutrition 31(5) : 957-964, 1998)

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A Simulation Model for the protein Deposition of Pigs According to Amino Acid Composition of Feed Proteins (사료의 아미노산 조성에 따른 돼지의 단백질 축적을 나타내는 수치모델)

  • 이옥희;김강성
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.178-190
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to develop a simulation model for the growth dynamics of pigs and to describe quantitatively protein deposition depending on the amino acid composition of feed protein. In the model it is assumed that the essential processes that determine the utilization of feed protein in the whole body are protein synthesis, breakdown of protein, and oxidation of amino acid. Besides, it is also assumed that occurrence of protein deposition depends on genetic potential and amino acid composition of feed protein. The genetic potential for the protein deposition is the maximum capacity of protein synthesis, being dependent on the protein mass of the whole body. To describe the effect of amino acid composition of feed on the protein deposition, a factor, which consist of ten amino acid functions and lie between 0 and 1, is introduced. Accordingly a model was developed, which is described with 15 flux equations and 11 differential equations and is composed of two compartments. The model describes non linear structure of the protein utilization system of an organism, which is in non steady state. The objective function for the simulation was protein deposition(g/day) cal culated according to the empirical model, PAF(product of amino acid functions) of Menke. The mean of relative difference between the simulated protein deposition and PAF calculated values, lied in a range of 11.8%. The simulated protein synthesis and breakdown rates(g/day) in the whole body showed a parallel behavior in the course of growth.

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Chanties in the Chemical Components and Microorganisms in Sogokju-Mash during Brewing (소곡주의 양조과정중 술덧성분과 미생물의 변화)

  • 소명환
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 1992
  • Sogokju, an old Korean rice wine, was brewed in laboratory scale in February, 1978, and the changes in chemical component and microorganisms in wine mash were investigated during brewing. In the course of first-mash brewing, lactic acid bacteria became the most predominant microflora in 3 days of fermentation lowering the pH of mash to 4.2. But at 7 days, the most predominant microorganism was changed from lactic acid bacteria to least, pH reached 3.6, and the saccharogenic activity of mash was reduced from initial 10 to 3.6. During second-mash brewing, remarkable changes did not occurred in pH and acidity, maintaining 3.5∼3.7 of pH and 8.0∼8.8 of acidity. Ethanol fermentation was proceeded vigorously until 20 days of fermentation, but it reached stationary state with 18.5% ethanol after 40 days, leaving reducing sugar unfermented in mash. Even if saccharogenic activity continued all during fermentation, it was thought to be too weak. The final product of Sogokju filterate, fermented for 60 day, contained 18.8% ethanol, 5.0% reducing sugar,0.4:1 total acid, 0.057% volatile acid, 0.206% amino acid and 7.3% extract. In sensory test, Sogokju scored good marks with similar level to commercial Bupju or Chungju. It had pale yellow color, gentle Nuluk-flavor and acid taste just a little strong.

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Teacher's Perception of Children Culinary Education Effectiveness by the Education's Motive and Contents Consideration (유아조리교육의 동기 및 교육내용의 고려사항에 따른 교육효과에 대한 연구: 교사의 인지를 중심으로 하여)

  • Yu, Ji-Eun;Park, Ran-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed to investigate the impacts of children's culinary education motive and contents consideration on teachers perception of education effectiveness. The data was gathered from 226 of preschool teachers providing culinary education programs using the five-Likert scales. The preschools were chosen from three randomly selected districts in Seoul, South Korea. Descriptive analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis were utilized for this study. The result indicate that culinary educators designed the contents of the program considering their convenience when their motive is passive, whereas others focussed on the educational purpose such as children's eating habit formulation, team work, and development of taste sense when their motive is active. The result also confirmed that culinary educators perceived the educational effectiveness (e.g., children's development of body, team work, and creativeness) in the course of designing culinary education contents when focusing on children's education.