We studied the degree of rancidity of linoleic acid for the electrochemical redox reaction in time course and the kinetic parameters. The current of the linoleic acid was increased and the potential was shifted to the positive potential when scan rates were faster. The redox reaction of the linoleic acid was proceeding to totally irreversible and diffusion controlled reaction. From these results, diffusion coefficient(D$\_$o/) of linoleic acid was observed to 2.61$\times$10$\^$-6/ ㎠/s in the 0.1 M TEAP/DMF electrolyte solution. Also, exchange rate constant(K$\^$o/) was observed to 9.79$\times$10$\^$-11/ cm/s. The leaving time in air condition was found to affect the rancidity. We predicted that the product was carbonyl compounds.
Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
Muscular exercise induced by electrical stimulation of femoral nerves in perfused rat hindquarters(5 contractions per sec) in the presence of insulin and glucose effected a rapid increase(c. a. two-fold) in the level of citric acid cycle intermediates. The highest values were found within one minute of stimulation. The tissue concent ratios of lactate, pyruvate and alanine increased rapidly on initiation of exercese. Release of lactate also increased rapidly, whereas that of pyruvate was only moderately elevated. In the course of three minute exercese, the sum of alanine, glutamate and aspartate was only transiently elevated. A fall in creatine-p and ATP in the stimulated muscle was accompanied by increases in tissue level of AMP and release of ammonia into perfusing medium. However, the changes in glutamine were small. It is concluded that the pool of citric acid cycle intermediates is expanded during muscular work due (a) to an elevated level of pyruvate, leading to shifts in the levels of alanine and cycle intermediates vie trans-amination reactions and (b) to stimulation of the purine nucleotide cycle due to elevated AMP, resulting in generation of cycle intermediates and ammonia at the expense of aspartate.
Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of Home Economics learning on the recognition and attitude of middle school boy’s home life and to suggest the basic materials for the development of the Home Economics education through students’opinion of Home Economics. For this purpose, a survey was conducted in Cheong-ju area using questionaire. The subjects were 487 boys who studied Home Economics (HE group)and 480 boys who studied Technique (T group) in middle school. The statistics used for data analysis were t-test and x$^2$-test. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The recognition and attitude to home life on the general characteristics of home life; In urban area, the interests in bealth and the role of the consumers were higher than those of rural areas-on the bases of the standard of life, the middle class students had a higher interest in nutrition and food habits, the students whose father were engaged in special job had a higher interest in health and nutrition. 2. The difference of the recognition and attitude between HE & groups; In the field of food life, HE’s knowledge about the six nutrients and the basic food groups and attitude toward buying food were higher than T’s. In the field of family life and resources, HE and T accepted the importance of family life and the role of home as important, hoped to get psychological relax from home and to take the right sexual education. In the field of clothes life, HE and T had the general tendency to have their clothes in proper manner and to select their clothes for themselves, but HE took a higher interest in clothes mending and the role of clothes. 3. The opinions on Home Economics; HE answered that Home Economics was useful to them (more than 90% of HE) and that 57.1% of HE were interested in Home Economics. The order of interest among three fields were as follows: food life, clothes life, family life and resources. 71.9% of T hoped to take Home Economics course.
Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
(1) 가족계획사업(家族計劃事業)이 10여년간(餘年間) 계속(繼續)되고 있으나 아직도 농촌(農村)에서는 그 성과(成果)가 저조(低調)한 것 같은데, 비단 농촌(農村)뿐만은 아니지만 전국적(全國的)으로 본사업(本事業)에 적극(積極) 주력(注力)하여 인구증가(人口增加)를 억제(抑制)하고 식량(食糧)을 위시(爲始)하여 식염(食鹽)의 소비량(消費量)도 줄이는 데 가일층(加一層) 노력(努力)해야 소득증대(所得增大)에도 이바지할 것으로 여긴다. (2) 도시(都市)가 농촌(農村)보다는 약간 덜 짜게 먹는 형편(形便)이기는 하나 하루 평균(平均) 섭취(攝取)해야 할 식염량(食鹽量)(20g)보다는 도시(都市)와 농촌(農村)이 다 같이 필요이상(必要以上)으로 4배(倍)나 많은 식염(食鹽)을 섭취(攝取)하므로 하루 빨리 소득증대(所得增大)를 모색(摸索)하여 채식위주(菜食爲主)의 식생활(食生活)에서 벗어날 수 있는 식생활(食生活) 개선(改善)이 있어야 하며 많은 식염(食鹽)의 섭취(攝取)에서 유발(誘發)되는 이차적(二次的) 부작용(副作用)을 추구(追究)하여 만일(萬一) 그것이 발견(發見)된다면 그 해결방안(解決方案)을 연구(硏究)해야 할 것이다. 이것에 또한 본연구(本硏究)의 더 큰 의의(意義)가 있다고 하겠다.
Kim, Jae-Hi;Park, Youn-Hee;Park, Sang-Won;Yang, Eun-Kyoung;Lee, Won-Jung
Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
We recently extracted lignans such as matairesinol and 2-hydroxyarctigenin from safflower seeds and found that they exhibit a potent cytotoxic effect on human promyleocytic leukemia HL-60 cells. In this study, we investigated whether mechanisms of the matairesinol-induced cell death are associated with the programmed cell death, apoptosis. Matairesinol dose-dependently reduced viability of HL-60 cells with an IC/sun 50/ value of 60 $\mu$M. Staining of cells with Hoechst 33342 revealed distinct morphological features of apoptosis, such as the nuclei broken into chromatin containing fragments of various sizes in the cells exposed to 100 $\mu$M matairesinol for 24 hr. Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA from the cells treated with matairesinol showed internucleosomal DNA degradation into oligonucleosomal sizes. DNA ladder like patterns were easily detected after treatment with matairesinol concentrations ranging from 10 to 100 $\mu$M after 24 hr. In cells treated with 100 $\mu$M matairesinol for differing time periods, the DNA ladder was detectable from 6 hr onward. A time course histogram of the DNA content analyzed by flow cytometry revealed a rapid increase in subdiploid cells and a concomitant decrease in diploid cells exposed to 100 $\mu$M matairesinol. These results indicate that matairesinol-induced HL-60 cell death was due to the DNA damage and apoptosis.
Oxidative stress to proteins, lipids, or DNA is higher in human autopsy tissue and in rodent models of a number of neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. On the basis of this information, we established a screening system using N18-RE-105 cells to identify therapeutic agents that can protect cells from glutamate toxicity. During the course of our screening program, we recently isolated the active compound 9-hydroxy-$\alpha$-tocopherone ($\alpha$-TP), which prevents glutamate-induced cell death, from Viola mandshurica. The chemical structure of $\alpha$-TP was identified using spectroscopic methods and by comparison with literature values. Antioxidant activity and protective effects of $\alpha$-TP were evaluated by DPPH radical-scavenging assay, morphological assay, MTT reduction assay, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release assay. These results suggest that $\alpha$-TP could be a new potential chemotherapeutic agent against neuronal diseases.
This report includes basic data on nutrition education for Chinese adolescents living in Korea. A total of 183 Chinese adolescents living in Incheon participated in the survey. Body composition was analyzed by the Inbody 4.0., and questionnaires on personal dietary behavior were administrated. When compared with the body measure indices of Korean adolescents, we found that height was similar, but weight greater ($5{\sim}12 kg$) among the participants. Regarding obesity, 30.0% of all students were obese (BMI>25), especially the high school boys (42.0%). But in the case of middle school boys, the rates of obesity and under weight (BMI<18.5) were the same (both of them at 22.9%). The average WHR (Waist Hip Ratio) of the female high school group (0.9) was over the normal range. The average percent body fat for each group was also over the normal range. The percentage of students having breakfast everyday was 52.2%, and the rate of skipping breakfast was 25.0%. In the obesity group, the rate of skipping breakfast was remarkably high (P<0.05). Because lunch service was not available at the schools, a lunch box from home was the most popular pattern (43.1 %), but eating out was also popular at 36.6%. For the male high school students, the eating out rate was 62.8%. Since many have-lived in Korea for a few generations, the students' eating practices were much closer to the Korean pattern. For their ordinary meal pattern, 96.0% of the students included Korean foods. however, for New Years Day, the rate of having Gyo-Ja was 75.2%, and having Wol-Byung at Choo-seok was 78.6%, showing that the Chinese tradition still remains. In the case of food preferences, the percentage having Kimchi everyday was 62.1 %, but those drinking green tea was 13.1 %. For cold drinks, the rate for drinking them more than twice per week was 71.6%. The most preferred cooking method was frying with oil (50.6%). Among the students who had visited China (or Taiwan), the rate for 'bad food familiarity' was 37.0%, and the rate for 'did not know Chinese traditional course menus' was 71.3%. As a result of combining eating practices from both China and Korea, and the absence of lunch service in Chinese schools, students are showing bad dietary behaviors. therefore, it is necessary to provide proper nutrition education and a system for lunch service in Chinese schools.
Jina Son;Ha I Kang;Eun young Jung;Hae won Ryu;Kyung-Ha Lee
Clinical Nutrition Research
Patients with colorectal cancer may experience symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, and anorexia, during surgery and chemotherapy, which can increase the risk of malnutrition. In addition, dietary habits play a key role in the onset of colorectal cancer; therefore, it is necessary to improve dietary habits to prevent recurrence during treatment after diagnosis. In this study, a clinical nutritionist conducted 4 interviews for patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer and scheduled for colectomy: before surgery, after surgery, 1st chemotherapy, and 2nd chemotherapy, and provided nutrition care for each treatment course to determine its effects on nutrition status and disease prognosis. Significant weight loss but no decrease in muscle mass was observed during treatment. Body fat mass, although not statistically significant, showed a decreasing tendency. The percentage of people who responded 'yes' to the below items increased after compared to before receiving nutrition education: 'I eat meat or eggs more than 5 times a week,' 'I eat seafood at least three times a week,' 'I eat vegetables at every meal,' 'I eat fruits every day,' and 'I eat milk or dairy products every day.' These results indicate that the patients changed their dietary habit from a monotonous eating pattern to a pattern of consuming various food groups after receiving nutrition education. These results suggest that continuous nutrition care by clinical dietitians, according to the patient's treatment process, can help improve the patient's nutritional status and establish healthy eating habits.
Eumsik-dimibang is the oldest and first cooking recipe book in Korean language ever published in Korea. It was examined in order to find out food ingredients being used as side dishes and its cooking methods used at that time. As side dishes, there were many foods which used dogs as food ingredients for making Gae Jang Jim and Gae Jang etc. as well as Dong A such as Dong A Nurumi and Dong A sun. Also, there were many foods prepared by Nurumi cooking method for making Gae Jang Guk, Nurumi, eggplant Nurumi etc. From cooking methods for food ingredients for side dishes at that time, following characteristics could be found. First, there was a cooking method of broiling meat on fire after blanching it in water. Second, many cooking methods were used to remove fetid smells and fishy smells (using ginger, pepper, cheoncho etc). Third, there was a method which demanded much attention and devotion in the course of cooking. Fourth, use and cooking method of flour were diversified.
This study was conducted to determine the elements that are required and that need improvement in the contents of dietary life education and the educational environment by analyzing the importance-satisfaction of a dietary life education program for dietary life education trainees. The results of the rank test for the satisfactory elements of dietary life education were in the order of competence of instructors, educational contents, time of education, educational environment and affordability of tuition. The importance-satisfaction analysis of the contents and construction of the dietary life education program showed that "suitable contents for the theme of the class", "contents and construction of practice class", "diversity of practice menu" and "diversity of educational contents" had high importance and satisfaction scores and therefore, could be maintained at their current levels. Meanwhile, "adequacy of class time" and "contents and construction of theory class" showed low importance and satisfaction scores, requiring a little effort. Whereas, "time and construction of group practice", "structure of textbook for class" and "duration of course and number of classes" showed relatively low satisfaction compared to importance, requiring major efforts for improvement. Similarly, analysis of the lecture element from dietary life education showed that "professional lecture by instructors", "lectures suitable for themes" and "lecture applicable in real life" had relatively low satisfaction compared to importance, requiring major efforts for improvement. In addition, analysis of the educational environment from dietary life education showed that "adequacy of lecture room space", "cooking equipment", "diversity of cooking utensils" and "sanitary condition of cooking utensils" also require major efforts for improvement. Therefore, dietary life education should not be executed with a simple delivery of knowledge but with both theory and practice classes to increase its application in real life, and active and specific efforts are required to nurture professional instructors and establish educational strategies.
본 웹사이트에 게시된 이메일 주소가 전자우편 수집 프로그램이나
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이를 위반시 정보통신망법에 의해 형사 처벌됨을 유념하시기 바랍니다.
[게시일 2004년 10월 1일]
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[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.