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Mathematician Taylor's Linear Perspective Theory and Painter Kirby's Handbook (수학자 테일러의 선 원근법과 화가 커비의 해설서)

  • Cho, Eun-Jung
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.7
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    • pp.165-188
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    • 2009
  • In the development of linear perspective, Brook Taylor's theory has achieved a special position. With his method described in Linear Perspective(1715) and New Principles of Linear Perspective(1719), the subject of linear perspective became a generalized and abstract theory rather than a practical method for painters. He is known to be the first who used the term 'vanishing point'. Although a similar concept has been used form the early stage of Renaissance linear perspective, he developed a new method of British perspective technique of measure points based on the concept of 'vanishing points'. In the 15th and 16th century linear perspective, pictorial space is considered as independent space detached from the outer world. Albertian method of linear perspective is to construct a pavement on the picture in accordance with the centric point where the centric ray of the visual pyramid strikes the picture plane. Comparison to this traditional method, Taylor established the concent of a vanishing point (and a vanishing line), namely, the point (and the line) where a line (and a plane) through the eye point parallel to the considered line (and the plane) meets the picture plane. In the traditional situation like in Albertian method, the picture plane was assumed to be vertical and the center of the picture usually corresponded with the vanishing point. On the other hand, Taylor emphasized the role of vanishing points, and as a result, his method entered the domain of projective geometry rather than Euclidean geometry. For Taylor's theory was highly abstract and difficult to apply for the practitioners, there appeared many perspective treatises based on his theory in England since 1740s. Joshua Kirby's Dr. Brook Taylor's Method of Perspective Made Easy, Both in Theory and Practice(1754) was one of the most popular treatises among these posterior writings. As a well-known painter of the 18th century English society and perspective professor of the St. Martin's Lane Academy, Kirby tried to bridge the gap between the practice of the artists and the mathematical theory of Taylor. Trying to ease the common readers into Taylor's method, Kirby somehow abbreviated and even omitted several crucial parts of Taylor's ideas, especially concerning to the inverse problems of perspective projection. Taylor's theory and Kirby's handbook reveal us that the development of linear perspective in European society entered a transitional phase in the 18th century. In the European tradition, linear perspective means a representational system to indicated the three-dimensional nature of space and the image of objects on the two-dimensional surface, using the central projection method. However, Taylor and following scholars converted linear perspective as a complete mathematical and abstract theory. Such a development was also due to concern and interest of contemporary artists toward new visions of infinite space and kaleidoscopic phenomena of visual perception.

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A Study on the factors of Change in the Korean Dress and Personal Adornments (우리나라 여성복식의 변화에 미친 요인 연구 - 1945~1960년을 중심으로 -)

  • 박길순
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.33-68
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    • 1993
  • The purpose of this paper is to survey the influence of the culture change on the dress and personal adornments, and to survey the change of factors from the August 15. 1945 to 1960, in connection with the social and cultural background, applying B. Malinowski′s "Theory of Culture Change" which means an acculturation is the change′s elements of the dress and its ornaments. It is remarkable that the dress and personal adornments of Korean women after August 15, 1945 has great change from the traditional dress of the thousands years. Through the Liveration on August 15, 1945, American military government and the establishment of the Korean government, American democracy has brought many changes on Korean society. Advancement of education, an society with developed economic life, and introduction of scientific skill have influenced on the women′s way of thinking and a style of behavior and the view of value. The acculturation, the supply of mass communication, introduction of new institution and the reorganization of the old institution, the change of the economic situation, the change of the educational system, the change of the point of value, the development of scientific skill have greatly influenced on the dress and personal adornments. Modern dress and personal adornments of Korean women has the following developing procedure. The Liberation from Japan on the 15th, of August, 1945, the stationing of American Soldiers during hte Koran War, returning of the oversea′s brethern, and the mass communication have the direct and indirect contact with western civilization, and bring the occasion of development of the modern dress of Korean women. The increase of mass communication, such as radio, TV, newspaper, magazines and the frequent fashion shows showed fine design and practical western style dress to the women. This was the real beginning of the western style dress in Korea. By the increase of employment and the improvement of the economic situation, the consumption of clothing and the adornments was increased, so that a wide variety of fashions was set, and numerous kind and form of dress came in. As the increase of the number of women students, their practical and free dress life demanded western style dress. After the Liberation from Japan, the open-door policy of sex, public morals and traditional ethics became lax, and in this disordered society, indecent expose of the body was common. By the different kind of technological development, the form, fabrics, colors and patterns in clothes were much influenced and the hair style, make up, shoes and adornments were much influenced too. As shown above, the change of the dress has the same connection with that of society and culture. This shows that the dress and personal adornments represent clearly the cultural phenomenon of the society and cultural change of the society.

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A Study for Princess Line according to Body Type II - Focused on Body Type of H & Y - (체형에 따른 프린세스 라인 연구 II - H 체형과 Y 체형을 중심으로 -)

  • 김숙정;서미아
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.893-907
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    • 2001
  • The main purpose is to study the effects of princess lines on different body types and to disguise any imperfection by using diverse princess lines. We separated testers body shapes into specific body types, H, Y by applying both the direct and the indirect measurements. These designs were evaluated by using the point ranking system method, and then average scores were obtained from these evaluations. Following are the results of the study: 1 These are the resulting illusion effects when the shoulder width of the Princess line was fixed. When the Princess line originated from 1/3 point of the armhole, body types Y appeared to show narrow waist width. A-line silhouette appeared to display the narrowest shoulder width. When the Princess line originated from 2/3 point of the armhole, body types H and Y appeared to exhibit narrowest waist widths, and the A-line silhouette once again displayed the narrowest shoulder width. When the Princess line originated from 1/2 point of the armhole, body type H appeared to exhibit narrow width; and H-line silhouette displayed the narrowest shoulder width 2. When the Princess lines waist w'4th was fixed in order to study illusion effects of waist widths. In this experiment, locations of Princess lines and widths of the skirt were varied. When the waist width was fixed at 6.5 cm, For the H body type, the Princess line location of 1/3 point of the armhole in H-line silhouette design exhibited the narrowest waist width. For the Y body type in A-line silhouette design, the Princess line locations of 1/3 and 1/2 points of the armhole exhibited the narrowest waist width because it displayed the hourglass effect. When the waist width was fixed at 10 cm, H body type did not exhibit any significant differences between designs. For Y body type, A-line silhouette design with the Princess line origination point at 1/3 down the armhole exhibited the narrowest waist width. 3. The illusion effects of the hip were studied by fixating the width of the skirt and varying the locations of Princess line and waist widths. In H-line skirt silhouette designs, all two body types exhibited narrow hips when the Princess line origination points were at 1/3 and 1/2 way down the armhole. For A-line skirt silhouette, H body type exhibited narrow hips when narrow waist design with the Princess line originating from 1/2 point in the shoulder was shown. Y body type exhibited narrow hips when narrow waist design with the Princess line originating from 1/3 point of the armhole and 2/3 point of the shoulder. 4. With both waist and skirt widths fixed, all two body types exhibited taller and slender postures when the Princess line originated from the shoulder compare to the armhole.

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An Retrospective Analysis of 1549 patients under the Cooperative Medical Care consulted to the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in a Korean medical hospital (한방병원 침구과로 협진의뢰된 한양방 협진 환자 1,549명에 대한 후향적 분석)

  • Jo, Hee Jin;Kwon, Min Soo;Kim, Jung Hwan;Jo, Dae Hyun;Choi, Ji Eun;Han, Ji Sun;Lee, Seung Hoon;Kim, Yong Suk;Nam, Sang Soo
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.109-119
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : The aim of this study is to give a statistical basis for the characteristics of patients who received cooperative medical care after being referred from Western medical departments to the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in a Korean medical hospital. Methods : The request records were searched for cooperative medical treatment at the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in a Korean medical hospital between September 1st, 2011 and August 31, 2016, based on the Order Communication system(OCS). The records were reviewed and retrospectively analyzed according to the patient's general characteristics, the chief diagnosis code based on the 7th Korean standard classification of diseases(KCD-7) before and after the cooperative medical care in the Department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion, and the actual treatment measures which patients received as a result of the cooperative medical care. Results : Among the 2702 records, 1549 patients were included in the analysis. The male to female ratio was 1 : 1.17. Sexagenarians formed the highest age group and the number of patients whose age was over 50 was 1176(75.92 %). The surgery department requested the cooperative care from the department of Acupuncture and Moxibustion for the highest number of patients, 1194(77.08 %). When analysing specific medical departments, Neurosurgery, General Surgery, Neurology, Otorhinolaryngology, and Physical medicine and rehabilitation followed. The frequency of chief diagnosis code used before the cooperative medical care was in the order of I, C, G, S, and M code, from highest to lowest. The order of the codes after the cooperative medical care was the same. Acupuncture treatment was the most frequently-used measure after the cooperative medical care. Following were infrared, moxibustion, transfer, herbal acupuncture, cupping, electroacupuncture, and so on. Conclusion : This study provides a statistical basis for the demands placed on the Department of Acupunture and Moxibustion for cooperative medical care with the Western medical department. Based on the present condition of cooperative medical care, more preparation and effort is required for its activation.

A Study on the Inter-Relational Interpretation of Street Plant Issues - Focus on Central Park Road in Incheon Metropolitan City - (가로수관련 문제유형의 관계론적 해석 - 인천광역시 중앙공원길을 중심으로 -)

  • Hong, Youn-Soon;Chung, Doo-Yong;Choi, Kang-Rim
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.80-89
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    • 2008
  • Generally, trees lining the streets are the most easily accessible green areas in the city and constitute the smallest basic unit in the formation of the urban linear green axis. This study attempts to interpret issues related to city trees from a comprehensive and relational viewpoint. The site of this study is Central Park Street in front of Incheon Metropolitan City Hall. This street is representative of those in Incheon City. This study is an inter-relational interpretation of issues by measuring the vitality of these trees. The following are results of this study: First, the vitality of city trees is higher in those trees growing in natural ground than those growing in plant gratings. This observation can lead to budget savings and increased natural areas in the city. Also, if planter and multi-layering planting methods are introduced where damage to trees is predicted, variation to urban landscape can be achieved while linking to reinforced rearing foundation of street-side trees. Second, there is need for a holistic approach to caring for street-side trees regarding the damage caused by drastic pruning and strong street lights. The typical functions of these trees, like supplying freshness in summer, absorbing solar radiation, and controlling the urban micro-climate are closely related to the vitality of the trees. Accordingly, the function and ecology should be understood holistically, not separately. In this aspect, the functional and ecological use of the multi-layering planting method is effective in protecting pedestrians from vehicles as well. Third, the fallen leaves of monotonous rows of trees have different ecological and functional effects. Not only is the index of greenness in the urban setting increased, but there are also aesthetic and symbolic effects. Fourth, in spite of being the street along which Incheon Metropolitan City Hall, major administrative buildings and Central Park are located, this street does not have its own special identity to discriminate it from other streets. It fulfills only functional criteria based on uniformity. If there is no paradigm shift from today's street system based on vehicles, the role of landscape architecture will be very passive in regards to street-side trees, the minimum unit of urban green. Fifth, on this particular street, many trees were planted in December, which reflects a deficiency of short and long-term strategy, like a street-tree master plan. In this aspect, we still lack a mature culture concerning these trees as a basic unit in urban greenery. Furthermore, there needs to be cultural introspection concerning present administrative practices.

A comparative study of the Dunhuang Costume on the Folk Song's words in Dnag's period of the China. (중국.고대 돈황가중의 복식 연구)

  • 김은주
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.22
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    • pp.159-176
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    • 1994
  • This study's purpose is to find the ancient costume of the folk song's words on Dunhuang manuscripts in the background wass-carvings sculptures and several art works. Dunhuang had played the part of major route between ancient China and Europe. It is located on kam-suksong the west of China. 1. In the aspect of costume arrangement hair Styling is represented by Naegagyo, Wangyesa, Kyongburak, Bonkwyun, Pogurak, Chonsonja, Namgaja, Tongson-ga, Ojesa, Chanboja in Dunhuang manuscripts. tugue is sim-ilar to Sabyokkwanja in Naegagyo as of that time these kinds of Kwan-ja was very popular. It was told that emperor's wife concubine and maid of honor would wear kwnaja favorably. And the kinds of Tugeu is PuyongKwyunkye, Aangunkye, Chunkye from Kyuwanjon except Sangunkye, Ounkye in Dunhuangsa. 2. Jangdaegy is guoted from Kyuw-anjon -A series of the chinese history book-tells us about women's make-up . The narmes of make-up are Hongjang Unjan--g, Yiljang chwejang, Tam-ajang Murgjang, Sanagjang, Light-make up are referred in Naegagyo is included as packjang Besides we can find other make-up skills Huphwaro and Rujang from the Kaewonch onbon-wisa which was Yangkwibi's episodes. We can find the a corpus of song's words about cosmetic custom in Kor-ea. Which is 'Haecho' folk song in the souther-en costal regions 'Jinggum' folk song in Kim-hae regions and so on.... It's words is similar to Dunhuangsa in China. 3. Bichun inherited to China with India Bud-dism art in the middle of Dunhuang wall-pain-tings is one of the important Buddist saint. Sometimes it is painted with Giakchun Its arms of fly-dnacing in heaven with colored belt on body has almost the form of play on the musical instrument, We can see seasily the form in the painting of Buddist ser-mon. It was progressed and changed with the background of chinese traditional culture. When Dang's period came the color was chan-ged lighting dark blue has rhythmical and viv-id power of life. 4. Among the corpus of song's words which express the singers' system and rites of their tradition or habits. Dunhuang manuscripts des-cribes on behalf of the folk song's words in tra-ditional costume. This is following: (1) Naegagyo o sabyokwanja o Chyrasam o Rashang (2) Wangyesa o Sokryugun o Costume for fisher man (3) Bungajang of the chanboja o Ajang (4) Pongkwyun o Chongui (5) Tongsongs o Junofore (6) Namgaja o thin-Rasam (7) Yuchungnang o Hongsam o Sokryugun : The color of red costume (8) Kyongburak o Hongrasam o Sokryugun : Costume for charming woman Therefore traditional costume could be extracted according to the Dunhuang folk song's words out of culture such as learning rit-es three-obedience four-virtues and in-struction. As the same time it reflects ancient China's characteristics directly. I would endeavor to development for the history of the costume furher creative design and participat-ed in research activity with concerns forward continuously.

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Hexagonal Boron Nitride Monolayer Growth without Aminoborane Nanoparticles by Chemical Vapor Deposition

  • Han, Jaehyu;Yeo, Jong-Souk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.409-409
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    • 2014
  • Recently hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN), III-V compound of boron and nitrogen with strong covalent $sp^2$ bond, is a 2 dimensional insulating material with a large direct band gap up to 6 eV. Its outstanding properties such as strong mechanical strength, high thermal conductivity, and chemical stability have been reported to be similar or superior to graphene. Because of these excellent properties, h-BN can potentially be used for variety of applications such as dielectric layer, deep UV optoelectronic device, and protective transparent substrate. Ultra flat and charge impurity-free surface of h-BN is also an ideal substrate to maintain electrical properties of 2 dimensional materials such as graphene. To synthesize a single or a few layered h-BN, chemical vapor deposition method (CVD) has been widely used by using an ammonia borane as a precursor. Ammonia borane decomposes into hydrogen (gas), monomeric aminoborane (solid), and borazine (gas) that is used for growing h-BN layer. However, very active monomeric aminoborane forms polymeric aminoborane nanoparticles that are white non-crystalline BN nanoparticles of 50~100 nm in diameter. The presence of these BN nanoparticles following the synthesis has been hampering the implementation of h-BN to various applications. Therefore, it is quite important to grow a clean and high quality h-BN layer free of BN particles without having to introduce complicated process steps. We have demonstrated a synthesis of a high quality h-BN monolayer free of BN nanoparticles in wafer-scale size of $7{\times}7cm^2$ by using CVD method incorporating a simple filter system. The measured results have shown that the filter can effectively remove BN nanoparticles by restricting them from reaching to Cu substrate. Layer thickness of about 0.48 nm measured by AFM, a Raman shift of $1,371{\sim}1,372cm^{-1}$ measured by micro Raman spectroscopy along with optical band gap of 6.06 eV estimated from UV-Vis Spectrophotometer confirm the formation of monolayer h-BN. Quantitative XPS analysis for the ratio of boron and nitrogen and CS-corrected HRTEM image of atomic resolution hexagonal lattices indicate a high quality stoichiometric h-BN. The method presented here provides a promising technique for the synthesis of high quality monolayer h-BN free of BN nanoparticles.

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The Effect of NiO Addition to the PNN-PZT Piezoelectric Ceramics on Piezoelectric Properties (Pb(Ni1/3Nb2/3)O3-PZT 세라믹스 고용체에서 과잉 NiO첨가에 따른 압전특성 변화)

  • Choi Y. G.;Son Y. J.;Kweon J. C.;Cho K. W.;Yoon M. S.;Kim I. H.;Kim Y. M.;Ur S. C.
    • Korean Journal of Materials Research
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.413-418
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    • 2005
  • Perovskite $Pb(Ni_{1/3}Nb_{2/3})O_3-Pb(Zr,Ti)O_3[PNN-PZT]$ ceramics were synthesized by conventional ceramic processing technique. In order to modify piezoelectric properties for sensor application in this system, NiO addition was considered to provide $Ni^{+2}$ as an acceptor, which was known to occupy with B site in the structure. The effect of NiO addition up to $8\;mol\%$ on the following piezoelectric properties as well as sintering properties was investigated. When NiO added more than $1\;mol\%$, average grain size was decreased and second phase was found to form. Moreover, the second phase caused decrease in relative dielectric constant $(\varepsilon_{33}T/\varepsilon0)$, electro-mechanical coupling factor $(k_p)$, and piezoelectric charge constant $(d_{33})$, while increasing mechanical quality factor $(Q_m)$. When $1\;mol\%$ NiO was added, density, dielectric properties and piezoelectric properties were abruptly increased.

Development of Methodology for Evaluation Performance Model of Information Systems (정보시스템 성과 평가 모형 방법론 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Changkyu;Park, Wonhee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.8
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    • pp.527-535
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    • 2016
  • In the information systems literature from Korea, there has not been much research on formative constructs. It is crucial to establish a proper relationship between constructs and indicators. In other words, it is fundamental to specify reflective or formative constructs in evaluating performance as closely as possible to reality, and in testing the appropriateness of a proper causal model. One purpose of this study is that, through a comprehensive literature review, reflective and formative indicators are accurately understood, and a proper specification and development methodology is applied to the information system evaluation field. In addition, this study provides a useful guideline for developing formative indicators for performance evaluation of informatization programs. The following activities were undertaken to achieve the aforementioned purposes. First, the basic theories and preceding study models on successful factors of informatization programs and performance evaluations were reviewed, and a comprehensive interdisciplinary literature review was conducted to better understand the formative constructs. Lastly, we provide a construct for performance evaluation of informatization programs and evaluation indicators, as well as guidelines for specifying them. Therefore, by systematically specifying proper constructs, future domestic researchers can develop better constructs for performance evaluation of informatization programs.

Hybrid Multicast/Broadcast Algorithm for Highly-Demanded Video Services with Low Complexity (Highly-Demanded 비디오 서비스를 위한 낮은 복잡도의 혼합 멀티캐스트/브로드캐스트 알고리즘)

  • Li, Can;Bahk, Sae-Woong
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.36 no.1B
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 2011
  • With the deployment of broadband networking technology, many clients are enabled to receive various Video on Demand (VoD) services. To support many clients, the network should be designed by considering the following factors: viewer's waiting time, buffer requirement at each client, number of channel required for video delivery, and video segmentation complexity. Among the currently available VoD service approaches, the Polyharmonic and Staircase broadcasting approaches show best performance with respect to each viewer's waiting time and buffer requirement, respectively. However, these approaches have the problem of dividing a video into too many segments, which causes very many channels to be managed and used at a time. To overcome this problem, we propose Polyharmonic-Staircase-Staggered (PSS) broadcasting approach that uses the Polyharmonic and Staircase approaches for the head part transmission and the Staggered approach for the tail part transmission. It is simple and bandwidth efficient. The numerical results demonstrate that our approach shows viewer's waiting time is comparable to that in the Harmonic approach with a slight increase in the bandwidth requirement, and saves the buffer requirement by about 60\% compared to the Harmonic broadcasting approach by simply adjusting the video partitioning coefficient factor. More importantly, our approach shows the best performance in terms of the number of segments and the number of channels managed and used simultaneously, which is a critical factor in real operation of VoD services. Lastly, we present how to configure the system adaptively according to the video partitioning coefficient.