Samples of eleven brown midrib (ICSU 96031, ICSU 93046, ICSU 96082, ICSU 96078, ICSU 96075, ICSU 95101, ICSU 96034, ICSU 96063, ICSU 45116, ICSA 93-3 and ICSA 3845 X 3816) and nine white midrib genotypes (ICSU 96050, ICSU 96030, ISU 95082, SSG 59-3, FSHI 93-1, FSHI 2219A X 3211, HC 171, ICSA 93-2 and ICSA 93-1) based on their phenotypic appearance were collected at 50 per cent flowering from the sorghum germplasm grown at Research farm of IGFRI, Jhansi. These genotypes were evaluated with respect to crude protein, fiber composition, in-sacco dry matter, OM, cell wall components disappearance/digestibility besides the fodder yield, total phenolic and availability index values. Brown midrib genotypes were lower (p<0.05) in NDF, ADF, cellulose and acid detergent lignin concentration than white midrib genotypes. Mean NDF, ADF, cellulose and lignin contents were 69.4, 42.1, 35.4 and 5.7% in brown mid rib vis-a vis 75.8, 47.5, 39.6 and 7.3% in white mid rib genotypes. Nonsignificant (p>0.05) differences were observed in dry matter, crude protein and organic matter contents between brown midrib and white midrib genotypes. Phenolic contents were significantly (p<0.05) lower in browm mid rib (0.2) than white mid rib (0.3%) sorghum. Brown midrib genotypes exhibited significantly (p<0.05) higher in-sacco DM, OM and CP disappearance than normal (white midrib) genotypes. The mean degradability of DM, OM and CP was 64.1, 62.6 and 79.6% in brown mid rib and 53.1, 54.0 and 76.6% in white mid rib genotypes, respectively. There were no significant (p>0.05) differences between genotypes in extent of fiber fraction degradability though in-sacco NDF and ADF degradability was more by 5 and 4 units, respectively in brown midrib genotypes vis-a-vis white midrib genotypes. Average fodder yield (green and dry g/plant) and availability index (%) values were significantly (p<0.05) higher for brown midrib (474.2, 129.8 and 80.4) genotypes than white midrib (375.0, 104.8 and 69.2) genotypes. Lignin contents had significant negative correlation with DM, OM, NDF and ADF degradability. The results of the study revealed that brown midrib genotypes are superior not only with regard to chemical entities and disappearance of DM and fiber fractions but also better in respect of fodder yield and availability index values. Thus, brown midrib sorghum strains may be useful in increasing digestibility, intake, feed efficiency and animal performance.